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  2. Your welcome..not very good ones…I heard she likes to stay out of the spot light. If you look on the web the only pics you will find is the first one you posted and recent one of her with her arm around Jordan’s. To be honest with you, I didn’t even know he was married or had kids until a yr ago…I just don’t think he’s very proud to be married..he never wears his wedding ring and doesn’t talk about his wife and kids like Joey does. Jordan has always been my favorite too. I just think its weird.

    Can anyone tell me how you get to meet the boys backstage or for picture takings?

  3. He does look very removed form her, this is an odd couple. Donnie paraded his wife he was truly proud of her, Joe the same way. Jordan says he is a private person though. He mentioned her in the Block album saying the best day on earth was the day she was born or the world became a better palce the day she was born something like that. Who knows, I know they break up quite a bit. Oh well who are we to judge?

  4. Here is a link from youtube where I think I found him and his wife on a plane ride from an interview from back in April 2008. She is the one standing a little behind Jordan. If you can’t get to it with the link, then in your search look for New Kids on the Plane to Boston. Hope you all see it.

  5. I don’t think that is her…its their private airplane stuartist. I read she doesn’t travel with them on tour, she stays home with their kids, and she likes to stay out of the spot light. Plus his wife is Latino, this girl looks asian.

  6. If that’s Evelyn behind Jordan and Joe,, she isn’t bad at all.. LOL she’s ok… that other picture that was posted maybe wasn’t really the best pic of her. So…..

  7. I think that is her, she has alot of make up on and reminds me of Priscilla Presley. I think she is pretty though. She had a warm smile on her face and seemed to be very proud of all this…I read somewhere that her and jordan were listening to some of the music that was going to be on the album. He told her that he would be gone about six months and she said” Babe with this stuff you will gone for MORE that six months” Basically complementing the work. I think that is awesome. Way to go evelyn. Since seeing the new pics I believe the first was justa bad one , he didnt even look good in it. I think she is a very pretty girl and I wish her strength, She will need it with all of these rude ass fans out here. Look on you tube type in Joe and Robbo defend Jonathon. You wouldnt believe how rude these guys where with Jonathon. They insulted him then askedfor his autograph.

  8. Hey all, That is NOT Jordan’s wife on the plane, its the airline stuartist to their private jet. I found out through a friend, she said it was a rumor that it was his wife, when it really not. And that most of the time their wifes don’t travel with them on tour , radio and interviews.

  9. i too found it very odd that he did not accept his marriage publically for a while, and seeing that way Donnie and Joe handled the media regarding their love relationships made me wonder even more. I know they know each for years but It seems that their relationship has always been a struggle. I’ve always heard many bad things about their relationship and rarely any good things, heck not even atleast one loving proud picture of them together exists. I hate to say this but sometimes i wonder if it wasn’t for their first child nine years ago, i wonder if they really would of ended up together. I know they have a second child now and I’m sure that’s helped the marriage..atleast it seems like Jordan is happy now, but there is no denying and probably many whitnesses out there that can say Jordan did not seem happily in love for the longgest time.
    I don’t know if that girl is his wife or not but she seems a little young to me. I wouldn’t be surprised if it were,..of course she wants to be seen now..he’s “famous” again.

  10. I don’t think that the flight attendant would be included in the video like that, if that isn’t her then this girl who in this pic sure looks like the same girl from the video. If you can’t see the pic or get the link look at myspace page for chad Zimmerman (He worked with him on 2004 tour) and look through his photos, there are many of Jordan (candid) and one with him and wife. You can all judge for yourself.

  11. Some people like to stay private. She might be a little shy you never know. Maybe she was to keep things somewhat normal for the kids so when she is out with them they dont have to deal with the fans. You never know. I have read some stories about her being aggressive with fans, I would like more details though. Maybe that is why he keeps her out of the limelight maybe she cant handle the attention. I am not sure on all this. These are betterpictues and I wouldnt say she is ugly. The shock of my life was the Donnie and Kim divorce……maybe there will be another. It is very hard for a celebrity to maintain a marriage. Hell its hard for anyone now a days. People view people as disposable. If it were just like when our grandparents were married people actually put forth the effort to keep it going.

  12. Ok, I have to put my 2 cents in. I think its sad that everyone has to expeculate what goes on in Jordan’s personal life. I’d hate to be famous and have everyone expeculating what goes on in my life, what I did, with who, what and where. This kind of stuff happens in some marriages, the only bad thing about his, is that he is famous and so all his personal business is out there in the open and everyone is talking and gossiping about it. To be honest with you, its non of our business what goes on behind closed doors. People need to draw a line between being a fan, and being a nosy one. What happens in his personal life is his business. Being a fan, is not being involved in what goes on behind closed doors, being a fan, is supporting his work, and his music, that what a fan is..not gossiping about him or exposing his dirty laundry. What goes on between him and his wife is his business not ours. I feel bad that everyone is trashing her on her looks. She is pretty to me, its sad that she has to be bashed like that. Just because she’s not a model, or a skinny mini. Give her some slack. I’m still a huge fan of Jordan’s and The NKOTB. Going with my sister in law to their LA show, got my tickets and I’m ready to have a Mom’s night out..woohoo!

  13. Sorry, I seem to have repeated myself in the last post LOL. Also I meant to say cut her some slack, not give her slack LOL.

    On a positive note, anyone going to see them in concert? Like I said in my last post me and my sister in law have tickets for their concert in LA…Can’t wait! it will be my first time seeing them…and at the OLD age of 41…am I too old for that? LMAO.

  14. No you not too old at ll, I am 34. They havent announced a date for my area yet but when they do My daughter and I will be there. I also agree with your post. It really isnt anyf our business. If he wasnt happy he wouldnt be married. Point blank. They think because he is so off to himself lately that it has to be Marital problems. They forget that he has anxiety issues and I am sure it is hard for him to balnce the tour and family since they dont travel with him.

  15. houstonsocialbutterfly, LOL that sounds like a lot of fun. I was going to get VIP 4 star tickets but OMG They were like $375.00, I felt funny asking my hubby if I could go meet and greet with them being the old fart that I am haha! 😉 Plus asking for $375.00 is a lot of $$ Whoa. I live in LA and I’m sure they will be there to do some radio interviews and maybe we can catch them there.

    My sister in law and I are going to see them like I said the 26th of Nov, we got our tickets and our seats are in the orchestra level, not sure if there good seats, but they’ll have to do. We could also see about hanging out after the concert and see what happens. I feel silly being 41 and hanging out to see the boys LOL. You know, since they came out with their new CD, I feel like I’m 20 again, that’s when I first got their Album…they didn’t even have CD’s back then…so I got all the album’s on cassette tapes…do you all remember that? It was either record albums or cassette tapes.

    Kelly, thanks…I guess I don’t feel too bad, I know that Danny and Donnie are 39, and Jon will be 40 in November so I don’t feel too bad..LOL How old is your daughter?

    Hey do you any of you have a myspace page? the boys have one out and they check it most of the time…
    My teenage son told me, and I like to go in and listen to their music and leave comments on their pics..my teenagers even love their new CD.

    here is Danny’s

    MySpace URL:







  16. http://www.myspace.com/sunshine193755

    ALO- this is my myspace and yes the guys have a lot of pages… My daughter is six years old and is in love with Donnie. She also likes Joe…the other day she said I could have Jordan…I was so grateful for her permission. LOL.

    I will say I am envious of Evelyn in a way but I wouldn’t trade lives with her. I am a very private person and could not handle people around my home day in and day out. I wish her the best. Look on You tube type in ROBO AND JOE DEFEND JONATHON. You would not believe how rude these guys were at Jonathon. This is what they and their families have to deal with. ALOT. And to be honest I couldn’t do it because if I were there when these guys were messing with Jon I definitely would have said something without a care or any fear in the world, because that is just me. 5’3 all of 120lbs and a feisty attitude. LOL. People don’t respect personal space or boundaries. I do. I would love to meet them but would never camp outside their home to do so.

    I know how you feel about feeling young again. When they first appeared on the today show I cried. Literally. the old exciting feeling came back . You are never too old to enjoy the New kids. Have fun at your concert stay after and try to meet them. Let me know how it goes.:-)

  17. LMAO @ spreading false rumors!!!!
    1- read closely and you will see I wasn’t the one who wrote about the “rumor” in the first place.
    2- The States is not the only country “blessed” with the likes of Perez Hilton and TMZ. People TALK, spelling bee lady! Especially when a foreign celebrity is involved.
    I only said I heard about the story….I don’t know if it’s a rumor or not….and neither do you.

    JonathOn? HUNNY? Eewww!!!

  18. I think you just need to get a life, as defensive as you are. You take something someone has said and you turn it into something totally different. You have made the claims about Jordans supposed drinking problem and how he flirts with his fans. You have also made accusations of him not wearing a wedding ring. Just because a man doesnt wear his wedding ring doesnt necessarily mean he is unfaithful. OH WOW!!! I spelled Jonathans name wrong, burn me at stake!!!! Do yourself a favor and GROW UP A LITTLE BIT!!!

  19. i was at some of the his solo shows in 2005. I saw him flirting with my own eyes. I would say cheating more than flirting. There was this one girl who i would see at several of his shows and she would always be taken backstage. I do remember he would never say that he was married and that confused the hell out of me cause later on someone told me he married in 04′. So yeah i didn’t see sleeping with this girl, but to me that is cheating. I’m sure there are a few other who know what i’m talking about but to me it’s never seemed like he’s been in love with his wife and people talk crap about her cause he’s never given her the respect he should of. You don’t hear ANYONE saying one bad thing of joey’s wife.. and look at the way he is about her. He’s is truly in love with her obviously and he wants to world to know.

    • I totally agree with you. Joey is always talking about his wife and son plus the baby on the way. He loves Barrett and Griffen with all his heart. The guys are amazing but why stay with someone you aren’t in lovewith. Ths kids are not a good enough reason. At least not to me.

  20. I agree, Miss Knight! It is widely known among fans that Jordan has said several times during shows he was not married (after his wedding in ’04 and before the reunion). It is also known that he flirts….a lot!
    No rumors here, just facts……in case some aggressive, bitter ladies out there need more explanation. LOL

    I have only heard wonderful things about Joe’s wife (Donnie’s ex is known to be delightful as well). In fact, my friend (whose fave NK has always been Joe) went to Donnie’s birthday party in Vegas and she got to talk to Barrett a little bit. The next day, she called and said “I’m moving on to Donnie! Barrett’s sooo nice…” LOL
    Women relate to women. When the wives/gf’s are sweet and pleasant, fans will generally respect that. I wish Jordan showed Evelyn the respect she deserves as his wife. It would make things easier for her and for him. He would still have adoring fans, but they would respect their space more…..

    I have said before that my opinion of Jordan has declined over the years from hearing/ reading all these flirting stories and everything. I wish he treated Evelyn more like a wife, so fans would too.
    Now, she does look better in the myspace picture. She looks attractive! ;o) I can’t believe I just said that but it’s true LOL

  21. then maybe we should keep our remarks to ourselves, about her instead of bashing, complimnt her on he fact that she must b a strong woman to tolerate all this. She may love him so much and just want to keep her family together. Maybe she grew up without a dad and dont want that for her kids, I have a few friends who put up with alot of crap just for that reason. Seriously if she divorced him she could get ALOT in childsupport and spousal support she surely wouldnt go hungry.

  22. I’ve been reading all these posts and I think it is unfair to paint Jordan as some kind of monster. If he doesn’t live up to the fantasy you created in your mind that’s really not his fault.

    He’s a human being with problems, issues and flaws. Just like me, just like you, just like everyone you know. So he’s not an angel-big deal-I also don’t think he’s the devil or at the end of the day a bad guy.

    And all this talk about poor little Evelyn. If we know he’s been cheating on her for 14 years she also has to know. If she chose to marry him and she chooses to stay with him I don’t consider her a victim in this.

    Instead of talking about Jordan needing to respect his wife more maybe Evelyn should learn to respect herself.

  23. You Know what KP I wish we really could end this war. I am not defensive nor bitter. If my post before offended you I am truly sorry. I did not mean for it to be prejudiced at all. All my male friends have been to Brazil and have stated about the bikinis. Do I think it is gross NOPE, not at all, if you got it flaunt it. If your comfortable in your skin go for it because in the states it is not that acceptable. Which I feel is riduculous. I have apologized and that is all I can do.

    One question is if everyone knows for a fact that Jordan is this way, because honestly I have seen it too, he hardly mentions her, then why do we adore him? If he is this rude to his wife, and I am just speculating here from I have read on this forum then why give him the time of day. Donnie seems more worthy.

  24. You all have a point. But I came across this youtube video and they were on the view, look at Jordan and see what you think when he is asked about his personal life, she asked the boys about their family and kids. I don’t think he’s very proud either. Joey is so proud is this video. You all be the judges.

  25. I just watched the video and he does seem nonchalant when discussing his family but in another way he seems real shy. Merc, you hit the nail on the head but one thing I would like to say is some women stay in situations because they are in love. I am just speculating here, but if he has been a cheater and like you said if we know about it surely she does, especially if the article in the Boston globe is factual. I mean the article seems too tabloidy to be in a newspaper. But if it was, surely she read it too.Some women when they say ‘I do’ they are in it for better or for worse and by god she seems like she will stand by him no matter what. You have got to give her credit and some respect for that. I really feel she loves him dearly to stay with him if all these stories of cheating are true. Lord knows it is not for monetary purposes because she will never hurt in that area. I am sure her lifetyle may change a little but compared to the average women she definitely wouldn’t hurt. I am the type where seeing is believing and try not to believe everything I read on the internet. So until I actually witness Jordan behaving the way he has been described to have behaved I will have a hard time believing it. I am not calling anyone liars I am just that way.

  26. You’re right, Kelly. My apologies if I offended you as well.

    Just because I write about Jordan’s cheating etc., that doesn’t mean he is a monster or an awful man. I analyse people for a living so I can’t help it. I do not think he is a monster, a dog, an a**. I *think* this is what he grew up with, what he knows and how he’ll act. JMO
    As for Evelyn, that is low self-esteem. She may love him a lot but if she knows he cheats and stays around, that is low self-esteem. Children don’t keep marriages together (healthy marriages, I mean). It is unfair to put that burden on kids. And if the marriage is bad, the relationship is cold, children are sensitive enough to realize it. They’d rather be from a broken family than in one.
    OK, whatever…I’m rambling…
    Why do we love Jordan so much? Because we love the idea of Jordan. The handsome, suave young man we grew up admiring from afar. We knew nothing about his personality, just what we could gather from magazines and interviews. The Jordan of my dreams can do no wrong, ladies!!! LOL now the real Jordan, the guy we don’t know, the guy we hear is cheating is still unknown to us….sort of. I am scared as hell to be disappointed, I’m serious! My sister and I are going to the concert and the meet and greet and we’re both preparing ourselves……maybe one of them won’t be having a good day, maybe one will be cranky…I want to keep that childhood dream intact…..

  27. When I originally saw the bottom picture I had thought that was Kim Wahlberg. Now that I look closely I see that it is her. Now she is beautiful. I have albums on my myspace because I am too old to hang posters LOL anyway I have albums dedicated to Jordan and Donnie. I have a few pics of her and Donnie and she is really pretty and I think it is awesome that even though they are divorcing they are remaining close friends. I have also heard from people and read on thoseWahlbergmen.com that she is very pleasant to all the fans. Maybe Evelyn is just shy. Maybe Big crowds make her nervous. Maybe she had a bad incident once with a fan that gave her a complex. I am not sure. She may be one of the sweetest people on earth. We will never know unless we meet her.

  28. Or maybe she is just sick and tired of people putting there noses in her business. Maybe she is sick and tired of people bashing her looks and attitude, just because they’re jealous of her. Maybe that is why they choose to keep they’re private life private. Who are we to judge, really?
    I think Jordan is talented and sexy.. beyond that all I know is what people choose to say or write about him… I don’t really know him.. how could I? Why do so many people speculate about his marriage??? Does it really matter to anyone else, why he does what he does, or what his wife looks like or if he is happily married, or if he cheats??? What friggen difference does it make to anyone but him and his family??
    I do agree if he we’re more open about it people would probably be more supportive and speculate less, but again that is his decision and obviously one that they feel stongly about.
    About the only thing I can say about Evelyn, is that she must be one strong, confident woman to put up with all this… Thousands of women who would stop at nothing to get with your husband?? Constantly having people outside your home and everywhere you try to go? Bashing you at your every move?? I don’t know how she does it.. don’t think I could handle it nearly as well as she seems to be.

  29. Hi everyone, I am new here and have been reading the post everyone has written. I just wanted to see if anyone else have seen Jordan on TV about 8 or 7 years ago when his son was born? He was on some talk show and he was just smiling ear to ear! I don’t remember him talking much about his wife but he was jst beaming about his son. Just wanted to see if anyone else has seen that.

    • You are right, he was on the Queen Latifah show talking about changing diapers and being up all night with his son. He really did look and sound like the proud father. No mention of his wife that I can recall

  30. I accept your apology and again I am sorry. I am not a prejudiced person and by no means do I want to come across that way.

    I understand what you mean about keeping your childhood dream intact. That’s why sometimes I dont like watching movies about the lives of certain entertainers because it changes your perception of that person. You find out their deep dark secrets, secrets that we may view as morally wrong. But we do have to realize that these people are human also. I think you are right about him growing up this way because, now I am not completely sure but didnt his father walk out on his whole family for another woman? You would think that he would remember the heartache it caused his mother and would not want to do that to someone himself.

    I agree with the whole self esteem point you made. I for one wouldn’t put up with it. With all the diseases out there…NO wouldn’t put up with it. I have self respect and I wont be used, cheated or walked on by anyone not even Jordan Knight. My parents had an unhealthy marriage and only stayed together for the sake of my brother and myself. Trust me it was no day at the beach.

    I hope your meet and great goes well and you are not disappointed.

    Everyone says how Jordan has changed and he seems so introverted. Do you think they are comparing him now to who he was when he was younger? Because some people change as they get older. I know I have I am not the person I was 20 yrs ago. I have two children now so things I did 20 yrs ago I probably would not do now because it is just not feasible. Maybe that is what Jordan’s thing is. He is a parent now and grown up a lot. I am rambling now….

  31. i totally admirer Jordan for what he is a wonderful singer, I never came on here to talk bad about him as far as him cheating on her. Even though I’ve seen things in relation to that, i still have the same admiration for jordan. I just feel for him, if he hasn’t been in truly loving relationship with her. if you ask my opinion i don’t think a man that truly loves a woman or is deeply in lovve with will cheat.
    maybe it is for the kids?!

  32. I would hope not…but they say men tend to think from the brain that is located between their legs. I am not sure. I know I dont cheat and could never bring myself. I feel if you get to the point where you have that temptation then you need to end the realtionship you are in because it is obviously over if cheating crosses your mind.

  33. Yea Cindy I saw it too. In fact ….wasnt you that screamed from the residents room for me to hurry up Jordan K was on tv. You were doing your BM charting. LOLOL for anyone who may not know BM stands for Bowel Movement in the nursing field. Yes he was grinning from ear to ear…and no he did not mention anything about Evelyn…. I believe he was on the view promoting his new album. I may be wrong but wasnt he asked if “wedding bells were in the near future” and he responded with a quick NO. That was when Dante was born….

  34. i remember that. There is an article online somewhere. He mentioned the mother of the child was his financee and they asked him three times when he was going to marry and he kept trying not to talk about it. Then he said he didn’t know. That was in 1999. Gosh and he ended up marrying in late 2004? i know in 99, 2000 he was promoting an album but what took them so long.. and then when he married he denied it? that’s just plain strange to me.

  35. I do remember that View when Jordan showed a pic of Dante. He was very happy. I’m sure he loves his boys very much but when it comes to their mom….I ain’t feelin the love LOL But people have weird ways of loving and showing love. We can speculate (which is a good thing because the msg boards won’t allow it LOL!!!) but I think we won’t ever know unless he wants to talk about it.
    I have read several times that Jordan was the most introverted one this time; even Jon was interacting more! It could be because he is not the same teenager from back then…..you can change some personality traits as you mature (shy to extroverted etc). Or he may be dealing with a problem. That would be more like it IMO because fans were saying he was simply not smiling, he was quiet and kind of ignoring people. But it could be anything…..by “problem” I meant something like a heartburn to something more serious – God forbid!
    I just hope he is a little more upbeat as the tour progresses because I know many, many women would love to get a smile from him…..including me!!!!!

  36. LOL yes Kelly I remembered today that it was you when
    I seen that. That patient thought we were nuts and just laughed at us. He was a sweet old man! I am going to look that interveiw up and see what it was on. an’t beleive you put BM charting on here LMFAO!

  37. Jordan is 20+ years old in those pictures.

    They are not new pictures at all.

    That said….I feel his devotion and love to his wife is so sexy.
    It’s hot he loves his wife. It comes out in his soulful voice and his lyrics and when he plays the piano.

    His thank you to Evelyn inside the Block CD cover; so sincere.

    Leave them be.

  38. Cenela- we are not picking on him…like KP said we are speculating and just having a discussion. To be honest I do hope very much that they are happily married. I would also like to say I was a little saddened to hear Donnie was getting a divorce. They looked so happy together. I believe I read somewhere Donnie intentionally waited til he was 30 to get married. I think, I could be wrong, he wanted to get that wild flare out of him before he tied the knot. He also stated he wanted his marriage to last forever and he felt 30 was the mature age to get married. Something along that line. That could have been the case with Jordan. I know people who have had kids, bought homes, THEN got married. Jordan may be a little overwhelmed by this tour. I will say when they came out to announce it on the Today show they themselves looked very surprised at the outcome of fans. He has had anxiety issues along with Jon. It could be the being away from the family thing I know it bothers alot of parents to be away for long periods of time. I know when my company sent me to Cali for two weeks, the first week was relaxing but the second killed me. I think I spent every minute I was not at work on the phone with the kids. Maybe he just has a bellyache or he could be tired. Heck I dont know. But what I do know is and I know this for a fact and I am sure EVERYONE WILL AGREE WITH ME is he is still Jordan and he is still going to rock our world through his music and this whole reunion thing.

  39. Jordan couldn’t have written anything different from what he did, obviously! Why start rumors when he is at the top of the world again? I’d write whatever to look good for fans and everyone else. The fact he wrote she knew the world was better when she was born is low self esteem disguised in arrogance – on her side. If she thinks that much of herself, then she’s in for a big surprise LOL I just don’t respect pretentious people and neither does Jordan, apparently!

  40. it’s funny you mention that about his lyrics, because back when he took out the love songs album one of my gal pal’s made an interesting point. she was curious about this one song he sung on QVC from that album, the ONLY song he wrote himself. “iwish” As far as I remember there were a few songs he wrote in 1999 album that were for his wife? well my friend told me to listen to the lyrics to this song and when i did, it reallly made me wonder if it was for someone else other than his wife. also because of what i’ve seen at his solo shows.

  41. Maybe in 99 he wasn’t ready to get married. I think, he’s just shy…I posted that interview of him, and I have been seeing a lot of interviews of him on youtube, I agree now with Kelly, I think he was just shy.

    Those pics I gave to Lory, are old…the last one I wasn’t sure of, but, I got those pics from a group I’m a part of and she posted that last one saying it was Jordan’s wife…for all I know, it could be Donnie’s ex wife.

    I think people give Evelyn a hard time and talk about her is maybe because some ppl are jealous, some wish they could have been in her shoes.. so she isn’t a model, who cares what the h*ll she looks like.. so they bash her looks. I think she is pretty. As for the 1st pic that was posted, who knows she could have just had Dante, after I had 3 kids, it isn’t easy getting back to where you were before you had your little toots. As for his personal life, We only believe what we hear on the internet, news etc… and a lot of it can be true or untrue, but we don’t know their private lives or what goes behind closed doors. I think he loves his wife, if he didn’t, he wouldn’t have married her.

  42. Hi everyone. I think Jordans wife is pretty. i want to go to the concert in Frankfurt Germany and i need VIP tickets!!! How do i get those? Can u help me please!!!

  43. You have to wonder why anyone would choose to be star when every single bit of their life is inspected with a fine toothed comb and they can’t even go out without being constantly photographed. Jordan, and all of the New Kids must have amazing strength to deal with all of that. No one, except Jordan and his wife, have any right to even attempt to judge them. For all you know, maybe his wife didn’t want to be discussed publicly, and who can blame her? Reguardless, it’s their life and it’s none of our (the fans) buisness. Let them be. Love Jordan and the New Kids for their music, or, don’t, but if you truly love Jordan then just let him live his life in peace and don’t judge him based on things you have no way of knowing all the facts about.

  44. Since he doesn’t talk about his marriage or kids, I think it is very possible that he is very unhappy married. I skeptic that he could be gay because look at his picture back in 1990, and he looks SO GAY!!! But, I love him and he looks so cute. If he comes out of the closest and admit that he is gay, I will ALWAY be his big fan no matter what.

  45. Why don’t we show our support to Jordan? I think he has been waiting for long, long time to reveal himself. Remember he mentioned that he was so proud of Lance Bass that he admits that he is gay, right? Jordan says, “one of us, KNOTB is gay” and said that it would be so cool to add more gay audience. I didn’t have problem with that. Of course, I am straight and I will always love KNOTB whatever if they are straight or gay, but we need to show our support for them. Deal???

  46. wow this blew my mind….that second picture was thepicture i took when i met jordan and evelyn back in 1994 by the pru….dont know how in the world it got on the web….crazyyyyyyy….

  47. sorry but there wouldn’t be so much commotion over his love life if he would’ve just acted differently towards her and their relationship. that’s the bottom line.
    Honestly, if the story were “Jordan marrys the love of his life and the mother of his kids, he accepts it with pride from the get-go and had not been whitnessed to have a drinking problem at solo shows RIGHT after marrying her in 2004-05, heck going on a small show tour immediately after marrying.. or actually been seen “cheating” by fans…and I include myself as one of those whitnesses…THEN I really doubt anybody would be saying anything wrong about him or their relationship.
    Yes being famous must be very hard…especially when you are with someone who doesn’t want to be seen or could be he don’t want to show her. But that sure must be very stressful, especially now that they are back together, i doubt he will be leaving the stages soon and it seems his stress has always come from having to live two lives because of that..having a child early and touring at the same time and possibly not having the true support he’s needed from her. I’m sorry but it is obvious when a man is in love and truly happy and I really feel for him if he’s not.

  48. Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh serious?!?!?! Jordan said “one of us is gaaaayy”?? SHIZ that breaks my heart!!!
    Nothing against gays because I have several friends who are BUT you’re supposed to have crushes on the NKs and not get your gay friend to do so!
    All in all, when I heard about the rumor, it kind of dimmed the SPARK…….

  49. Hey Guys-Just wanted to comment on a couple of things.

    First, I agree with KP about the “thank yous” he did for The Block album. I remember reading it for the first time and when I got done all I could think about was how pretentious it made his wife sound. Not flattering at all! I thought maybe I was just reading too much into it but I would not be happy if that was the best he could come up with for me!

    Also, I feel like I also read that article with him commenting on Lance Bass coming out and I don’t remember him saying that one of the NKOTB was gay. Maybe I missed it but I honestly don’t remember it. Not to say that one of them couldn’t be gay but I just feel like it’s not Jordan. I mean if he were gay than he could do obvious things to cover it up and try to really show us he’s straight. But if you watch him, he often does subtle things towards women that make me think he’s not. If you saw them over the weekend on VH1 Top 20 countdown you see this moment where you can tell that he has a little thing for the host that’s interviewing them. It’s just this shy kind of way that he looks at her. I would think if he’s trying to prove a point that he would be more obvious about it.

  50. Here’s the quote from Jordan Knight regarding Lance Bass’ coming out:

    “I think it’s pretty cool,” Knight, 36, told Lowdown Tuesday after singing some 1980s hits at the Cutting Room, complete with NKOTB’s patented choreography. “I’m looking forward to a boy band that comes out, and right off the box they say one of them is gay. I think that would be the best thing. They’ll get all the girls and all the gay guys, know what I mean? It’ll be perfect!”

    This is from back in 2006.

  51. ALO- Dont feel alone…I gained 95lbs with my son . Went from a size 3 to a 14. It took me 7 yrs to lose all that weight and get back into a 3 again. So I feel for Evelyn but she looks good now and since you are on my myspace friends list and I know what you look like You look good now also…Your kids are adorable too. 🙂
    Anyways Jordan is not gay…I dont believe it for a minute I would still love him though…also KP- I got the same impression from his acknowledgements from the album. At first when I was reading what he said ” the world became a better place the day you were born’ I thought oh how sweet then ” But of course you already know that” I was like HUH? It ruined the moment….but I am wondering if he was just being facetious. Razzing her a little bit. If she is that high on herself then WOW!! I don’t care much for people like that. There are no loving pics of her and Jordan Lots of Donnie and Kim, Lots of Joe and Barrett ,None of Danny and his ex wife and I mean none at all.

  52. “If he didn’t love her, he wouldn’t have married her” – are you serious? My husband married his first wife because he wasted too much time on that on again off again relationship and he thought it was the “right thing to do”….smart uh? He was stuck for years with an aggressive, immature and unfortunately looking woman because he dated her through college since she would throw herself at him at every opportunity.

    No, people don’t always marry for money!!!

    Now, about tha Bass dude article, after the poster posted here, there is absolutely NO hint Jordan said “one of the NKOTB is gay”….unless the whole thing was not posted.

  53. I agree with KP. And if that was the case, then why did he deny it the next month he married her? Why was he seen drinking alot, as if he was something was not right? Someone also said that if he didn’t love her why did he get back with her.. well maybe for his kid at that time. Didn’t he not grow up with a father..? I honestly wish him the best…but something just has never seemed right with that relationship.
    YOu guys should seriously listen to that song, on QVC.. my friend also said that she knows someone who saw Jordan with a girl outside one of the venues he performed at back in 05′ , she said they were talking for a while and hugged several times, before they said bye. i think she even has pics, cause she was sitting in the car watching the whole thing. and apparently it wasn’t the first time she saw her at several shows. I’m not starting rumours.. i think this girl has a myspace too because the girl emailed her telling her that someone knows.. :-[

  54. Whats QVC?……. The song is called I wish?…I live in a small town and when his album love songs came out i couldnt find it anywhere….I need to see where I can order it online……. I would just hate to know that someone was in a loveless marriage. I have seen it with some couples and wonder why? My daughters father’s wife only married him to piss me off or so she thought the funny thing was she didnt. The look on her face was classic when I gave her a basket with a candle and a picture frame and wished her the best….She repeatedly cheated on him I knew the marrige was a joke it only lasted a year…and If I wanted him I could have had him back a long time ago…

    As for Jordan and Evelyn, I am not sure I read these posts and I am sceptical because like I said before I live in a small town where it is very common to make up lies…My daughters former step mom if you ask her about me she would tell you I am the biggest druggie, whore and unfit mom. I dont do drugs, despise them to be honest. I am almost 35 yrs old and have been with very few men 2 of which are the fathers of my kids…Everything I do is with my kids unless I am on the computer or at Bingo with a friend …yes I play bingo you have two choices of enetertainment in this town Bingo or a bar I chose Bingo…If you ever run into me I am with one if not both of my kids as far as being unfit..ok whatever my kids never do without….You see the girl for some odd reason was Jealous of me so to make herself feel about herself she made these false rumors.

    This is why I am so skeptical about the the posts. i dont know if these stories are true or not. I do know they have ahd an on and off again relationship. I have had one of those and we didnt work. He is married now to an adorable woman and very happy and I am happy for him and wish him well.

    The way I see it Jordan can ahve any woman he wants and he knows this. I mean its obviuous. So if he doesnt love her why is he with her? He can still be an avid part of his childrens lives. My daughter and her father have a wonderful relationship and they see each every week. He can afford the support he wont be poor after paying it, so then whats the deal? The Deal most likely is he does love her and he wants to be with her.

    KP- you say you analyze people for a living, what do you see? Why do you think he is there. I am not being sarcastic I am being for real here.

  55. look up “jordan knight I wish” on youtube..there is a performance he did on QVC which is a product selling channel on TV. there is also a part where he talks about the song and he even seems nervous talking about it, he says the song is dear to his heart.. and explains it by saying “you know how sometimes you just see someone and you want to talk to them but you can’t.. this same song is the only song from his love song’s album on his myspace also. FYI i made a post on jordanknight and wife blog too..
    KP i see what you’re saying about he could leave her if he didn’t love her..but i’m sure you’ve met couples that are in a marriage without true love.. and one who comes from a broken home i’m sure would not want that for his kids. Lots of couples i know, and it pisses me off.,marry to settle and because they feel they won’t find anyone and be alone.. and then their are those who find the love of their lifes and know they want to marry them immediately. no if’s or buts.

  56. Miss Knight, yes I agree. A lot of people marry just to settle down, have a family etc without thinking that in the long run everything is going to get messed up.

    Kelly, I hear ya on the step family thing…my husband’s ex wife used to call our house and leave messages on the answering machine calling me a dumb blonde, bimbo etc…whatevahhhh I’m not even a real blonde ROFLOL I’m a psychologist and work as a criminal profiler. I’ve seen some nut jobs…better, I ONLY see nut jobs in my field and I’m only getting started LOL

    I don’t think Jordan is wacko, BTW ladies 🙂 I think he stays for the same reason my husband stayed married for 9 years….he values the “idea” of marriage too much, more than the marriage itself. “For as long as we both shall live” sort of thing; plus he has 2 little boys involved and when you get kids involved it’s much more difficult to just say “screw it”, you know? The person gets comfortable in the situation and it’s “too much of a hassle” to just end it all. Men usually (and unconsciously) want to play the martyr and get a pat on the back for being “so strong, so brave” even if the relationship sucks.
    Guys, I have no idea if that’s Jordan’s case….he may just be a guy who wants the attention, wants to have a good time, wants other women to prove something to himself. Maybe to prove that even though he is married, he still is sexy and wanted?

    On a lighter note, I saw some videos on YouTube from the concerts and I teared up when the guys sang If You Go Away. Jordan sounds amazing….I LOVE that man LOLOL I just told my sister to bring some Kleenex because I’ll need it!!!

  57. I forgot to add: I’m not saying he doesn’t LIKE Evelyn….it’s the love part that we’re all questioning 😀

  58. Yea but Jordan is not in the position to marry to settle. He can have any woman he wants. Really from what I speculate this is the one woman that loved him for him. The real him and not Jordan Knight the rich singing sensation.

    It was probably hard for anyone of the guys to find a woman that would love them and not what comes with them…. I am sure it is hard for a celebrity to find true love thats why so many date and marry within their circle.

    Even if Jordan wasnt Jordan Knight from NKOTB I would still think he was hot…because he was totally my type when I was teen. Dark Hair and Dark eyes. I love it!!! Still do… say we were classmates I would have crushed on him big time he is what I am attracted to, physical appearance wise. But both my exes who are the father of my kids are blonde haired and blue eyed…go figure!!!

    Give me a man that lookes like Jordan and his personality is like Donnie (Who is hot also and who lalely I have been droolin over LOL..dont tell my daughter!!) and that would be my ideal man… WOW HOT!!!

  59. Yea KP, the new and ex wives can be a handful and you certainly dont sound like a dumb blonde. My exes married two winners let me tell you. I think your theory is why they stayed as long as they did. They both ended up divorced. What is sad is they meet these really good girls who I think are really decent and have never given me a problem are real good to my daughter and my son and they cant seem to keep them. But they keep the whack jobs.

    As far as Jordan goes I hope for his sake this is not the case. I hope he is very happily married as well as Evelyn.

    I think we just want him single again we would feel better about crushing on him and having naughty thoughts LOL. But as his fans we owe it to him to be respectful towards his wife. No matter how bad we wanted to be”his favorite girl” he would be “loving forever” when we were kids and she ended up being that girl. Oh well such as life.

    As for the song I wish, I dont think he is dwelling on an old flame he cant be with, as it does state in the song . “We have never met or spoke” So therefore who is he dwelling on. The song is about a person who has a crush on a person but never had the guts to pursue it.

  60. Cindy and I would like to thank any of you that has posted any of the footage you have of the concerts on youtube, at the rate it is going due to the fact they haven’t scheduled any dates in our area (Indiana/Kentucky) your footages are the closest we are getting to seeing our boys. Thank you all
    Lots of love fellow blockheads.

  61. when i saw pictures of him and that fat pig all i could think was… WHY JORDAN!!!
    ive seen you in the spot light before i would think you would choose a more attractive women to share your life with.but seriously it just doesnt make scents. oh well iguess my brother was right about you.

  62. Ok, I whats this about Jordan being gay? OMG Another rumor? who heard he was gay? I’ve been hearing a lot that Jonis gay on the internet, but like said, until I hear it from their mouths and they come out like Lance Bass, I won’t believe it!

    Kelly, I’m sorry I haven’t been on myspace much, I am moving the last weekend in October and I have so much going on.

    I have to sell my NKOTB tickets for the LA show, I’m so upset about it. Me and my sister in law were suppose to go, but now we can’t and I paid $198.00 for 2 floor tickets. Long story. We were suppose to move back home to LA, But now that the economy is so bad, and is expected to get worse before better we can’t move now. We have to wait another yr..so if any of you are going to be in LA or live in LA and want to see NKOTB, let me know.

  63. Oh forgot to say, we sold our home to move back home to LA, Now we had to get an apartment here in Florida…

    Has anyone here seen the NKOTB tour this yr?

  64. I dont see an ounce of fat on her at all Blanca…I detect real animosity towards Evelyn. Yes we pictured Jordan with a model type high maintenance women and it surprised us that he went for the down to earth soccer mom type. She is pretty and she is not fat. I am sorry you feel the way you do…..

  65. I’m glad I’m not married to anyone famous. I would hate my life being under a microscope and have everyone talking about how fat, ugly, and unattractive I was. GOD Please leave this poor wife of Jordan’s alone. OMG! How old are we here?

  66. Bless Evelyns heart..to have to put up with us cutting her down, making speculations regarding her marriage, and discussing her life…. She is probably the sweetest girl in the world. We will never know until we meet her, if we do. I wish her the best.

    I agree ALO, I have the nosiest neighbors, in fact the whole town is a bunch of Bussy Bodies. They have to know everything about you. It drives me crazy, If I were a celeb or married to one I couldnt handle it one bit. I would be in the nut house for sure.

  67. ALO I am so sorry to hear about your misfortune…The economy is so bad right now and I dont see it getting better. The guys picked a fine time to schedule a tour when everyone is fighting to make ends meet. I hear ya though, I want to quit my job and find a new one. I work in a group home, I was out for a month due to an injury from being attacked by a resident. I returned to work last wednesday and tonight he told me he was going to hurt me before the nights over. I wanted so bad to just leave but of course jobs are slim and I am stuck. Thankfully he did nothing but its coming I can feel it… I do hope things get better for you. There is no way you can fly out LA for a mini Vaca and still see the show?

  68. Jordan’s wife is a fat wildabeast. She has an ugly attitude that matches well with her ugly face. It is true that she told Marlene first that she was pregnant with Dante before telling Jordan. She also told Sharon before telling Jordan as well. After all of the women in Jordan’s family knew, only then did she tell Jordan, while his mother was in close proximity I might add.

  69. Kelly.. i didn’t say he was dwelling on an old flame. The song came out in 06′, He wrote it at that time, same time I heard rumours of of him liking this girl at his solo shows.

    The only way I see Jordan walking out of an unhappy marriage, if that’s the case and lots of things point to that. is him falling in love with someone else. But i do think he puts his kids first so who knows. He is a very kind man.

  70. I have a question….where is Evelyn from? does anyone know her family’s country of origin? “all knowing” seems to know quite a bit about Evelyn.

  71. And How would you know this ALL KNOWING?Have you met her? Do you know her personally? Please stae facts and not fiction out of jealousy. Rumor spreading is the worst trait anyone can have. I know there are women that trap me intentionally. I know of three women that have flatout told me they did. One of the men being my older half brother. But how do you seriously know this? I really doubt anyone close to the two would post on the internet.

  72. And ALL KNOWING you would know this how? Were you there? Do you know them? hum soumds like someone never grew up and doesn’t know how to be an adult. Just had to say it because that is really ugly things you have posted on here. wow it never seems to amaze me how mean some so- called -fans can be!

  73. Kelly, Alo – I’m sorry you guys are going through tough times. I’m watching the debate and I get disappointed by the minute.

    I’ll try not to say anything bad about Evelyn anymore because truth is, we don’t know her. All I know came from friends and fans here in USA and Brazil. I haven’t had one interaction with her so I can’t say for a fact how she is, only what I picked up on from what people who have met/seen her say.
    I’m hoping to meet Joe’s wife and take a picture with her at the after party at LAX nightclub (Las Vegas, Saturday). I will keep you all posted and if Jordan’s at LAX and flirting, you will all know LOL!!!!!

  74. On the Surreal Life 3 I remember him trying to get with Ryann Starr or he was really flirting with her. That would of been the time that he married his wife. Did anyone else pick up on that??

  75. I will be going to their show at the Staples Center today too. SO EXCITED!!! Anyone else catch any shows??

  76. I don’t agree with calling her names.. that’s just not necessary and very disrespectful. I am on this blog because it’s a discussion of something we’ve all always been curious about, due to so much secrecy from Jordan. I don’t see anything wrong with be curious..it’s when fans cross the line and become disrespectful that it becomes wrong.
    But as they say where there rocks a river flows. I can’t see so many people having not the greatest opinion on her if at some point, somehow they hadn’t whitnessed something or heard something.
    I’ve know women who have gotten pregnant to tie a man down and who knows but that sorta explains why she might tell everyone else but him first.
    i just can’t help but compare two men coming from similar lifestyles with similar talent and love for music, joe and jordan. but both very different when it comes to who they care for.
    I just saw a picture on a myspace album where a fan took two pics of Joe’s wife with their baby infant. She was all smiles and so was the baby. This was i think at the Ohio show recently. I’ve heard wonderful things about her always and she’s not the most beautiful girl, but it seems she makes joe happy and that is what matter and the true fans see and feel that, and you see it clearly on Joe’s face. not the case with jordan.

  77. KP- yes let us know. I have been hearing he is not being very friendly from some of my myspace friends who have attended meet and greets. I hear it is all Donnie that is going out of the way for fans…..I dont think you are being too foul toward Evelyn..you haven’t called her a Wilda-beast yet. LOL What I am saying there are people who know facts but then there are people that make up lies because they are jealous. Be Careful about the information you get. Ask questions about them. It could be a former groupie that thought they were the one and he dumped and married Evelyn. So out of bitterness they will slander Jordan til the day they die. Especially now that the NKs have returned.

    We all know they were not angels back in the day. They were in their late teens early 20’s with their testosterone level sky high. I am sure they got around. I highly doubt they went back to the hotel to eat captain crunch and drink orange juice. All I am saying though is some of these posts are down right cruel. Wilda-beast!! OMG. How shallow are you? Fat pig!! WTF! come on ladies. We all pretty much in our 30’s lets act it. I can see coming on here and discussing things we have seen or heard, questioning the fact that she is kept secret whereas Joe’s wife has not been and neither had Donnie’s ex but the name calling is too much.

    I unfortunately did not see the surreal life with him on it. I was told that he hit on a female on the show and she called him a “has been” or something of the sort.

    IN -I read in a book a long time ago that Jordan liked Puerto Rican women. So I am assuming she is of that ethnic background. I do know she is Hispanic.

    If she did tell all the women in Jordan’s family of her pregnancy first,then him. Yes to me it does look like she was building a support system and back up. It doesn’t necessarily mean that she was attempting to trap him. It sounds to me like she knew he didnt want a baby at that time and she didnt want to have an abortion. They did break up afterwards, but got back together later.

    I really dont want to speculate too much because I dont know. All the info I get is off this board. From what I see he doesn’t mention her much. On the View when asked what he had been up to in the past 14 yrs he was very nonchalant. ” Recorded some songs, made a couple of albums, made a couple kids.” He wasnt as outgoing as usual. I got the impression that he is shy and overwhelmed by all this. But now I watch it and he seems like he isn’t happy, a little down to be honest. Whenever the family is mentioned he seems to get real guarded. That is just my perception on all this.

  78. I think it’s unfair to keep saying that Jordan is being “unfriendly” and not warm with the fans. This constant comparison to Donnie is silly! Donnie and Jordan are 2 different people. If Donnie wants to be loud and outgoing and crazy that’s his choice but Jordan doesn’t have to have that same personality. He’s told us a 1000 times that off stage he is shy and uncomfortable around lots of people. I’m sure that is all it is. I can’t imagine he doesn’t care about his fans or would purposely treat them bad. I mean, the guy’s been struggling to have a career for the last 14 years. There’s been autograph signings where 4 people show up and concerts where 20 people show up. I’m sure he’s not being disrespectful to the fans and he’s relishing every moment of this. It’s just his personality and I think we should stop saying he needs to be more like Donnie.

    P.S. I’m not saying anyone on this board has necessarily made that comparison but I hear it a lot and I just think it’s unfair.

  79. I read somewhere that Evelyn told Jordan’s mother first that she was pregnant because she didnt want to be pressured by Jordan to get an abortion.
    But i don’ think its true.

  80. Merc said this:

    First, I agree with KP about the “thank yous” he did for The Block album. I remember reading it for the first time and when I got done all I could think about was how pretentious it made his wife sound. Not flattering at all! I thought maybe I was just reading too much into it but I would not be happy if that was the best he could come up with for me!


    I totally agree with you. I read those “thank yous” by the first time today and the same thought crossed my mind. I thought it sounded really really weird…I mean, when I read Joe’s words for her wife it was so different…love and devotion was all around, although the “thank you” I liked the most was Danny’s…he is so spiritual and tender…I really believe he is one of the best at heart and his words for his late mom were so touching…made my eyes water…He totally adores his children…He even had some nice words for her ex wife and had some beautiful words for a certain G.G…..who the hell is that??? Grrrrr ;P

  81. Thanks KP and kelly. I’m glad we found a place..we are moving the weekend of Halloween.

    Ok, it really amazes me how nasty people are treating Jordan’s wife..OMG calling her a fat wildabeast..That is just uncalled for and rude! I agree with Cindy and Kelly. Fan’s shouldn’t be putting down their spouses ..in fact being a fan of theirs has NOTHING to do with with their personal life..JMO. We need to act like adults and be respectful to other peoples loved ones. What the hell did she do to make people talk so badly about her? I think maybe some are just jealous. Again JMO. What do her looks have to do with who she is married to? I feel so bad for her. Who knows she could find this board and read all this bad stuff said about her. Just rude and VERY immature. Like Kelly said she is probably really nice and sweet, or if she isn’t, I don’t blame her..LMAO.

  82. When I was driving to work yesterday I was listening to the radio. The DJ was talking about the NKs being back on stage. This women who was at the concert was saying how they were giving out wrist bands for the meet and greet. She said the guys came out and the room went wild (ofcourse). She was bascially making fun of it and so was the DJ. It was very negative. She then she said this 40 yr old women took her bra and underwear off and threw them at Jordan Knight. She was laughing and making cracks. the DJ asked what jordans response was and she said that the underwear landed on his shoulder and he yanked them off and threw them in disgust.

    Can you really blame the guy? I mean he doesnt know where they were last. I am sorry but I do find behavior like that Tacky and unclassy. We are suppose to be adults. Parents. If they schedule a concert close to my area I am taking my little girl (this week she loves jordan next week it will be Joe or Donnie) and hopefully getting VIP so we can meet them. I wouldnt want her to see this kind of behavior.
    People need to realize when you act this way you are only telling these guys that you are a easy, trashy and Im sorry a whore. If we want them to be respectful to us then respect ourselves and them. This behavior was not only disrespectful to Jordan but to his wife as well. I were Evelyn I wouldnt have been to happy by this action of a “FAN”

  83. Well said Merc.

    Some people need to grow up a Little bit. THEY ARE 5 DIFFERENT GUYS. For some is more important the face to face thing that their performance on stage.

  84. That Boston Globe article just makes me laugh. If the article is true and IF he actually acted this way, so what. He got drunk off his ass and made a fool of himself. Back in the day when I did the clubbing thing with my friends I am sure I made an ass out of myself . One time we went to place in downtown Chicago. It was called Excaliber. It was a big night club and alot of the Chicago Bulls Players frequented there. Well it was my birthday and the first time I ever went. I was drunk and having fun with my girlfriends. I came out of the bathroom with one of them and looked to my right. There at the table sat Dennis Rodman. I said ” Look a Dennis Rodman look a like” My friend was like OMG!! She said ” Kelly that is Dennis Rodman.” I said ” Oh Bullshit!! If that is Dennis Rodman then I am Madonna!!. the whole table laughed. Well he sent our whole table over drinks but sent me a coke. I started to sober up a little and realized that he was in fact Dennis Rodman. I was humiliated. As we were leaving he was getting in the vehicle to leave and he yelled in our direction. ” Hey Madonna have a good night!!!” He was smiling the whole time but I just wanted to die. I also gave up drinking.

    My point is Jordan is human. He got a little tipsy and made a fool of himself and it is no different than my little incident with ol Dennis. Who was my favorite player for the Bulls along with Pippen. He probably woke up the next morning and was like WTF!! The sad thing is the girl who published this had absolutely no respect. It was all about a story and she got one. If I were her I would have called him after a few days and said ” Lets re-do this interview and this time lets meet in a park or a coffee shop.”

  85. I think some people have to realize that Jordan, Donnie, Danny, Joe, and Jonathan lead two lives. One is professional that includes us. The other being personal that does not include us. When we try to include ourselves in their personal lives we are overstepping our boundaries. We need to understand our boundaries and respect their personal space, understand there is a line and we shall not cross it. I really dont think I would want any of them nosying around in my personal life. I would tell them to mind their f@$#ing business. Now at meet & greets and concerts they are all ours, but when they or not they are off limits. They are with their family. Leave them be!

  86. I have a question, who’s this girl that has a myspace that jordan supposely likes so much? you guys said she was seen at several shows in 05, 06? can someone at least give me the initial? Because I know of someone who apparently “dated” him back then lol and they saw each other quite a few times!!! how can a married man date someone?lol 😉

  87. OK, here it goes!!!! My experience with NKOTB in Vegas….. Concert was out-of-this-world awesome, btw!!!!

    During the meet n greet, Donnie kept my sister and I talking for freakin ever because we were brazilians. Danny was VERY nice too. Then Joe McIntyre comes out of nowhere and says Jordan would marry me if I was single. WTF? Maybe my wedding band gave it away….time to take it off LOL I took it off for the show and the after party at LAX. A guy from the band came up to my sister and I to introduce himself before the concert started “because he noticed us in the M&G room” LOL I had a VIP table and some of my friends joined along with some girls I met in line for the meet and greet.. We drank a lot…. A LOT! It takes me forever to get tipsy but this time I was successful…which was good because it helped me overcome my shyness and the whole “I’m married” thing LOLOL
    My VIP table was separated from the New Kids tables by an iron guardrail (is that the word and how you spell it??). Jordan passed by and I just freaked out. My friend said “enough! I’m calling him” which she did at some point when he passed by us again. She then said “My friend really loves you, you gotta talk to her!”. He looked at me and stupid me said ” I love you, Jordan! I’ve loved you since I was 9!!!!!!!” He gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and squeezed my hand. OK, this is the part I’m supposed to just have a heart attack and die, right!? No, because Jordan then turned his back on us and that same friend and I grabbed his BUTT!!! Hhahahahahahahahahaha he looked back and we pretended we were looking somewhere else and this other chick on our table was looking straigh at him LOL I guess she was “busted”!!!!!
    At one point, Donnie who was hooking up with a very unfortunately looking 21 year old, looked at me and said “why don’t you come here (to the New Kids area)?” I was dancing by the guardrail…his chick was like NO NO NO….WTF bitch? Get the hell outta there LOL Well, it didn’t work, I didn’t hook up with any of them but Danny Wood said he loved my hair “very sexy” and Donnie was great, he struck my cheek and loved the fact we were brazilians LOL
    NOW, ARE YOU READY FOR THE BOMB????? Jonathan Knight was KISSING another MAN!!!!!! I saw with my own eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How heartbreaking!!!! He’s so sweet, he wasn’t supposed to like men LOL Now, I have no voice left from screaming!!
    I’m so giddy I got to tell Jordan I loved him LOL he must hear the same crap every day but now he knows there is a brazilian girl in the fab, sexy dress who loves him! LOL and now I’ll sleep happy!!!I told my husband everything and he laughed his ass off! I guess even he was sorry I didn’t get much time with the guys LOL whatever! Jordan is gorgeous and he hugged me!!!!!!!!! That’s all that matters!!!!

  88. thanks for sharing that story!! I LOVED IT! especially the jon part, I had to laugh at that lol
    I’m really surprised Jordan didn’t hit on you or something… was he with someone? I guess he’s being pretty careful these days and doesn’t want to get caught lol

  89. Wow!! Sounds like you had a fun night. Too bad you didnt get to actually sit with the guys. There has been speculation that Jonathan was gay. But who cares he is still our Jonathan. You remember this experience for the rest of your life.

  90. Jordan didn’t hit on me per se but every time he passed me by, the dude would grab my hand and sqeeze it. WTF is up with that? Maybe I should have given him my number ROFLOL…..NOT!!!!

  91. OMG KP I love your story!! It’s the best one yet!! I wish I could’ve been there, I’m sure I would’ve had like 10 heart attacks! Lol That is great you got lots of hand squeezes from Mr. Hot Stuff Himself- JK!! So glad you had a great time, I’m sure it was awesome. Thank you for sharing your story with us! :-)))

  92. LOL well you know that’s what he does… most of the times he will be waiting for girls to go up to him first! you should have definetely done that 😉 lol because clearly he was asking for it! 😉

  93. I was confused when I read he was married. I went to the boys of summer tour and he very obviously had someone there to see him. It was a girl in her 20’s who was there with a male and female friend. She would wave to Jordan from the side room and for a time went back stage with him then came out. It was almost as if they were newly dating and she was there to see him perform for the first time. They were sitting in the balcony of the house of blues. We sat diagnol from her.

  94. uhmmm so the rumors were true about Jon 😦

    lucky KP getting attention from the guys! yeah brazilian girls have pretty good fame of being sexy-hot and guys usually think on them with little bikinis/tangas at the beach haha…dirty minds..

    I saw them in LA and since then I can’t concentrate at home/work/husband… sh$#%t he he… and still thinking of Joe 🙂

  95. amanda – what have you heard about that? im curious to know if it’s the same person. I went to some of his solo shows and saw her . I’m from Baltimore. I attended a few other shows in this area, so i’m assuming she’s from Baltimore or Va.
    I don’t think a married man can date, but to fall for someone else while you’re married is definetly possible, especially if you weren’t truly in love with the one you choose to marry.
    So they were egaged in 1999, but didn’t marry til four years later, very odd.
    I also heard a rumor that he kept changing the wedding date, for some reason two or three times. This coming from someone who was actually invited to the wedding. ;-/ hmm

  96. KP, Your so dang lucky. I loved your story. My Hubby laughs at me and tells me since they came back I act like a teenybopper again.

    Oh by the way I sold my tickets to their LA show 😦 OMG that was so hard to do, I about cried. Now that we can’t go back to LA. To see them in concert here in FL I would have to drive 5 hrs Hubby is not willing to do that and I have no friends here…:(

    KP, Hearing your story cheered me up, you lucky dog you LOL

  97. Miss Knight, what shows did you attend? and what does she look like? the girl I’m referring to is from Va and she’s hispanic.
    She also has a myspace page so when you mentioned that and the thing about the shows I thought of her. what did you see them doing?
    I just heard they “dated” and he even went to her house! I don’t know if more than once but she had pix of him with her siblings (at the house lol) at some point on her site! pretty damn wrong if you ask me, because hello he should be more careful than that… but whatever lol I don’t know if we are talking about the same girl but it could be considering the locations.
    and of course the “date” thing came from a friend of hers because we all know that for jordan it would probably be just plain sex lol but sometimes some women don’t get it I guess 🙂 lol or maybe they just want the same, sex with a “famous guy”…..

  98. ALO- I am sorry to hear you had to sell the tickets. The closest concerts to me are like 6 hours from me. So I hear ya. You know my son told me the other day I was acting like a 15 yr old when I was watching something on youtube. Oh the Covergirl video from NJ on youtube. Donnie jutted those hips I just squealed!! I got my daughter all into them we cant go anywhere without the CD. I have downloaded it to my computer and its always in my car.

    These guys have totally brought our youth back I think. I think they look better than ever to be honest. Has anyone seen the VH1 behind the music? I just watched it all on youtube. I feel for Donnie, to lose his father and his marriage all in one year. My heart goes out to him. Seeing him talk about it and the pain written all over his face just kills me. I hope to God Jordan and Evelyn are happily married. Because I hate to see another one of our boys go through this.

    KP- sounds like you had a blast!! I am happy for you. Surprised a little about Jonathan but like I said he is still our Jonathan and I support him all the way.

  99. Oh nooo! I’m so sorry, Alo 😦
    I also have no friends willing to roadtrip for another 5* M&G….

    I don’t think I’d go up to Jordan…..I’m not like that; I’m shy and apparently so is he! I wish I had had a few more drinks to work up the courage though LMAAAOO and now I won’t ever have this chance again!
    Jordan actually looked very bored most of the time….staring at nowhere….

    My professional experience says Jordan gives a crap aout his wife’s feelings because he will cheat and always get away with it. Evelyn is not a strong woman. She has very low self-esteem. She is rather trying to control what she can’t because she is afraid of losing him….and she knows she may eventually (hence the “attitude” with fans).

  100. Hi Everyone…this is my first time on here..I was searching for pics of Jordan’s wife 😦 and I came across this website. Is this a NKOTB fansite? Can someone please explain. I’ve been reading your guy’s stories and I love it! 🙂 I’d love to chit chat if it’s about the New Kids…that is, if it’s a New Kids fan site! 😉


  101. miss knight, if you want we can exchange emails and talk about that because maybe we can’t do it here. My last comment isn’t showing at all 😦 write me if you want and I’ll tell you what I posted earlier in case it doesn’t show up here lol

  102. what was wrong with my last comment replying to miss knight? I guess we can’t talk about that stuff here…? it’s all good though… I understand! 🙂
    miss knight, write to my email and we will talk!!! 🙂

  103. Joe is very devoted husband and father and I already saw it in my own eyes. He is so in love with his wife because he brings her and her son with him to the tour. That is really nice for him to do that. So, I believe he is very happily married. About Jordan, I am wrong about him because I met him and He is NOT gay. so, I apologize for making wrong assumptions about Jordan. He is just straight, and he is very COOL and funny too.

  104. KP And Kelly, thanks. It was so hard for me being a huge fan of theirs back in the late 80’s and 90’s….this was going to be my 1st NKOTB EVER! See back then my Dad was a Minister and he wouldn’t allow us to go to concerts UNLESS the were CHRISTIAN concerts, so I grew up only going to Amy Grants concerts, don’t get me wrong, I was a huge fan of hers but it would have been nice for me to go to others that had nothing to do with religion. I also was a huge fan of New Edition back in HS. Didn’t get a chance to see them either. Oh well, Hopefully in the near future I can find a friend to go with me to see NKOTB someday. I had good seats too.

    Ok, I’m beginning now to wonder myself, I’ve been hearing a lot on Jordan and his marriage I’m starting now to have my doubts too. Hearing all these stories and also reading other things about him on the internet. I still feel bad for Evelyn, but at the same time, she has to know he cheats…with my 1st marriage, I knew my Hubby was cheating on me. And I didn’t put up with that shit, I left his ass. Who wants to be married to a F*cking cheater. My Husband now is a doll, he would never cheat on me, I trust him 100%. My ex was a minor baseball player, and when he would go on road trips with the team, they always had girls waiting after the games to get laid. So, I kind of know what its like to be married to someone famous and to tell you the truth, I would NEVER want that kind of life. NOT EVEN if the $$ is good.

  105. We’re tryin to find out if they are goin out after the concert and where they are staying…ahahah!! Old school groupies!! When my cousin and I were little we staked them out at their hotel and ended up meeting their opening act (The covergirls) instead…it was still cool!! 😉

  106. Alo, unfortunately I don’t. I’m thinking about making one soon and then I’ll add you, OK? I want to add Jordan too LOL do you think he is the one managing his myspace page?

  107. KP…I’m sure pretty sure he is. He took forever to add me, I’m guessing its from them being on tour and being real busy.

    OH COOL. Thanks for the info on the Summer 09 tour, I’ll be watching out for that..and hopefully I can find a friend to go with. 🙂

  108. yes and then come back and give us dirty details!! 🙂
    btw any of you guys can write to my email if you want to gossip too! 🙂

  109. How on earth did you find these wedding photos? And are you sure that is Jordan?

    Looking forward to seeing their concert in November. It would be such a dream to meet him!

  110. Amanda – Damn girl, where did you get all that inside scoop? lol WOOW. how do you know all that is true? I didn’t know they were dating. All i base this is on is from I saw and what I was told. I never saw him kissing her or anything, and I’ve seen Jk flirting with girls before.. it was more the way he acted when he would see her. When i went to the show in Baltimore, he got off the stage to give her a hug, in the middle of performing! we were like WTF? who is she? lol I believe this is the same girl cause of the description, I was told about at the VA show where he was talking to her outside the venue and a girl told me she watched the whole thing from the car. she said fans even went up to him as he talked to her and it seemed like he didn’t care if anyone noticed. I think she was even backstage when he did the M&G, she is petite, dark curly hair., what’s on her myspace? damn i’m curious? does she have any pics with Jordan???

    KP- You’ve made a good point. If Jordan looked more like Joe. I would have no doubt he was in love and happy. And I may not know Joe, but I am almost 100% sure he would never cheat on his wife., cause he seems truly in love with her and when there is love there is respect. It’s just the way it is.
    I don’t know J’s wife, but maybe you’re right. It seems she may know deep down she doesn’t have Jordan’s heart and doesn’t want to give him up easily. Maybe he’s doing it for the kids. He has a bigg heart for them if that’s the case, but whatever the case , i hope he has true love in his life, cause one day those kids will grow up and you the adult are left alone and unfullfilled.

  111. When clicking on the link for his wedding pic, the pic does not come up right away.

    Count three boxes down and the middle of the last row is a picture of them dancing. This has to be him. IF you read under the ABOUT section of the photographer, she clearly indicates she had them as a client.

    The show in San Jose was great. I got to touch them all. Jordan Knight is so hot……especially when he does a solo singing “Baby I Believe in You”. Just like how he preformed it back in the days. His shirt open and looking hot!!!

  112. I dont think that is Jordan.

    Alo- if had the money I would fly to Fla and take you to the concert, I am serious. I feel so bad that you have to miss your very first concert. I went to three and here I am complaining that they are not coming to my area I am so selfish…

    KP you need to get a Myspace. It is fun. I think Jordan is the one that handles his own myspace page. I once read that he is a night owl. He stated that when talking about his new baby and that being a night owl would help because he could do the nightly feedings while his wife slept. Well I noticed before the tour he was online at like 3am-4am. So I do believe he manages it. Jonathan has one also. They all do infact. Danny does manage his own.

    As for Jordans marriage, I not sure what to speculate I am not good at reading people. I will say I havent yet met a Taurus Man with the exception of my BFF husband that is faithful.I am not saying they all are unfaithful but I havent met one yet.

    ALO- What ahve you read on the internet about Jordan?

  113. I looked, that is not Jordan, I am sorry but it is not and I couldnt find the ABOUT section. All it says is “interior” But I know that is not Jordan. Why would he allow his wedding pic to be used as an advertisement? I really dont think being as private as he is he would do that. I am sorry. Plus I am not sure if this true but I heard they eloped it was a quickie wedding. That is what I heard as far as it being true I am not sure.

  114. well… probably he really likes her… he doesn’t give a shit if ppl see what he’s doing with fans! that’s why I think either evelyn knows or she doesn’t give a shit either as long as she has the wife “title” lol to me they are a fucked up couple….
    About this girl I was talking about I remember back when it happened I used to check her myspace after someone told me they had something going on lol and a friend of hers sent a comment saying wow I can’t believe you went out with jordan knight! and the next day the comment was gone haha plus it was pretty obvious because she dissapear from the site and fan world and you know when that happens is cuz they already fucked the singer!! lol 🙂
    But then after a while she posted pictures of jordan in her house with her little sister and her brother! (clearly if he went to her house it wasn’t to play cards… lol) After a while they were gone!
    she does have pix with him on myspace but they are backstage pix!
    its definetely the same girl you’re talking about… her name is Marisol! and it wouldn’t surprise me if they still keep in touch, you know how Jordan is… he needs his girlfriends all over the country to get his booty calls whenever he’s in the city or near!
    and wow I can’t believe he would stop the performance to go hug her! he must have been really horny! lol 😉

  115. I am still high in the clouds after last night’s show!! The Boys from Beantown are better and finer than ever!! What an amazing show they put on and if you have the opportunity to go see them, please do! You will not be disappointed. I love them soooo much and hope to see them again. This has been a dream come true for me. I’m even a bit depressed that the concert has passed :-(( I hope they come back to Houston soon, they made lots of Grown Women wants some “Grown Man”. These Men are HOT, HOT, HOT!!

  116. Here it is again the website for the wedding pics:


    It clearly states:” Louise has photographed many notable occasions, including the nuptials of Caterina Bandini (Channel 7, Boston, news anchor) and Daniel Schwinn (founder/president of Avidyne) in 2005, Evelyn Melendez and Jordan Knight (musician, New Kids on the Block) in 2004.”

    Then on the very bottom of the web page click on portfolio and then interiors. At the very bottom, the middle box its Jordan Knight with his wife.

    • Yeah, it does say she was their wedding photographer on her bio, but sorry that pic is quite obviously not of them. It doesn’t look anything like either one of them and I doubt seriously they would give her permission to post their photo on her site, given how private they are about everything else. Not them.

  117. Just wanted to say that I’m loving this board….I’m a huge Jordan fan (saw the San Jose concert last week) and love reading through everyone’s posts about Jordan gossip. Keep it comin!

  118. Hello all! I thought I would join in on the fun! The Houston show was AMAZING!! I had such a beautiful time. Just wanted to share the love!

  119. Hi everyone,
    I’ve really enjoyed reading all your comments. It seems like everyone is scared to say anything about Jordan’s personal life. I understand that he wants privacy, but I think it’s almost making the fans want MORE info.
    Barrett seems lovely. I hope to meet her if she comes on tour with them in January. I was able to meet them in September when they did an instore signing in London.
    Donnie, Jon, and Danny were very chatty. (esp. Danny. He is lovely and very down to earth. I could have chatted with him forever) Joe and Jordan were being very to themselves and not talking to fans. But then other fans had differnt stories. I’m sure jet lag didn’t help. Later in the week I had a better encounter with Joe. But Jordan will always be my first great love!!! And when they come here in January I hope to get a hug at my meet and greet.

    oh KP the only thing I did say to Jordan was I love you and then my time was up and the body guard pushed me along. It’s just the effect he has!

  120. Damn, he does like latin women!! Marisol is a nice name, IMO. I’m brazilian but my parents are of czech and russian descent so I’ll never have any luck!! I look as latin as Lauren Conrad (or any Holywood blondie) LOL
    OK, my husband is really handsome and treats me like a queen but I want to be Marisol for a day!!! LOL what does she look like??

  121. omg. how do you know this pics were at her house? if they were gonna do anything, why would they go to her house with her siblings there? lol gross. wow, this is wild. yea it surprises me that he would not care if his fans were watching him with her, afterall this is the same man who is never “seen” with his wife. soo bizarre. yep, he just got off and ran to give her a hug, again with fans watching.
    i think it sounds like the same girll and it really does seem he was into her.
    oh, just made another observation about his love song album, apparently he personally wrote another song too, NO more tears. check out the lyrics on that one too. ;-/ this one is even deeper than than the other one hmmmmmmm

  122. OMG!!!! No More Tears is my absolute favorite Jordan song! It’s very deep, that’s for sure!! And I never thought it was about his wife…..Hmmmm

  123. LMFAO… I won’t say if that’s her or not :X hahaha but apparenlty other ppl also knew about her 😉 are they still doing it? lol
    The pix on her site were clearly taken after the show, but she used to have pix of jordan with her brother and her sister IN HER HOUSE! lol he doesn’t give a shit… He just wants to get laid! so he probably went to her house to do her! I don’t know why in hell she has to take him home like he’s some serious bf, thats really fucked up that ppl can’t see reality for what it is…! just a booty call! some fans need to wake up, even if he tells them he loves them it doesn’t mean it’s true! lol

  124. Well this Marisol is beautiful, and if she is the “other women” she will have to live with that. I noticed she is a performer also. they could very well just be friends. It really isnt any of our business.

  125. that link someone posted, i think that is her. She looks like the girl i’ve seen at his concerts. wow. and i’m not surprise other people know cause like i said there were lots of fans who saw what i saw.
    i still find it odd that that they would go to her house, or that he would be ok with going to her house and if she took the pics off it seems thats the smart thing to do. DAMN i wish i could have seen them.lol her page is nice, and can’t deny it she is very pretty. so she’s sings too? there is a slide show on there okk i need to read the page!
    KP- you do see what i’m saying about the lyrics? i usually don’t pay much attention to details but i know he hasn’t written a song in a while until this album and he only wrote two.

  126. kelly for real… this is the only place I’ve seen so far where fans can gossip about him or whatever, what’s wrong with that? lol it’s only to have fun!!
    when Jordan likes someone he ends up hooking up with the girl eventually! and not like she didn’t like him because back then she was all over the mb proclaming her love for him… so we are not 10 anymore, they can not be just friends! lol
    Miss Knight, I have the pic of jordan and her sister somewhere so if I find it I’ll send it your way so you can see it for yourself!! 🙂

  127. OMGG, go on Jordan’s myspace page. look at the comments, this girl Marisol left a comment back in April and the comment is still there! nineth from the top alsssooo on her page, did you u read the poetry she wrote? that’s some deep shit and damn it sorta relates to our hypothesis lol
    i don’t think it’s bad we gossip about this, aslong as we don’t say anything disprespectful. that being said we don’t know this girl and who knows what exactly happened between them but maybe she isn’t a groupie type per-say.
    after looking at her page.. i get the impression she’s pretty nice,. very family oriented, hence the pics with jordan and her siblings at some point..lol Amanda- let me know if you find the pic.

  128. lol well you know all the famous guys she meets for some reason go to her house, did you see the pic of that portis player there also? lol maybe she’s not a groupie but….. lol just a really really nice girl 🙂 with LOTS AND LOTS OF famous guys as friends?! LOL
    you’re right we don’t know her, I don’t think we are being disrespectful by stating what we saw/heard. 🙂
    Jordan is charming and sweet when he wants to be SO it wouldn’t surprise me if she thought he cared about her as a bf but hello HE’S MARRIED! lol
    anyway, I found something for you miss knight! :)write me!

  129. “:) I met the one person I’ve always dreamt of meeting.. and it was truly special. Dreams do come true… “

  130. okkkkkk did you guys see her nkotb photo album.. she went to the DC show! check out those pics! there is one of Jordan smiling at her i think.
    also did you guys see her comment on his myspace?? i’m having fun…this is like a mystery.
    one more biggie. that song i was talking about i wish. is on her page, the video of his performance! i wonder why? lol
    yea i don’t see why we can’t talk abou this, but saying she slept with him without knowing doesn’t seem right. ? she does seem like a pretty cool girl. i checked out some new videos she uploaded in the video section and she’s kinda funny 🙂
    yeah i saw that pic of the NFL redskin player with her parents. wonder why she don’t have one with him? that’s cool though. he’s tight and kicking some ass on the field
    dude i wanna be friends with her so i can meet mr knight and portis lol i don’t a myspace though. haha..
    ok amanda sadeyedgirl21@yahoo.com..send send send!

  131. Precious ” put a link to her myspace page, you have to scroll up #160. If you look at her pics there are many albums and there is one of the NKOTB concert in Dc you can also find her page on Jordan’s myspace , she left a comment in april.
    Precious where is that quote from?

  132. Oooohh…I love this gossip and the mystery with M. I check this page daily to get the juice. Keep it coming….=)

  133. I saw the pic of J and her brother.. It’s definetly taken in her house cause she has other pics in the same room with her family with the same wall color. you have to look at her albums. and the NKOTB Album!


    Remember what we had because it’s gone,
    and i could never be complete now,
    “My heart decieved..”
    “YOu said we shared one song..”
    still you didn’t hesistate to let me go
    We were meant to be, baby how could you give up on me..

    Whereever you are,,baby no need to worry, cause i won’t ask for nothing.. baby i was blind
    Wherever you are..baby no need to worry, i won’t ask for nothing,, cause i have no more tears to cry..

    I think about your eyes, they always shine..
    and my life was overtaken by your smile..
    You felt we were right,
    “My emotions were sacrificed,”
    I don’t want to be over you..
    “but it’s something that i’ve got to do.”

    I wish we could have worked things out,
    “It was different with you and I..”
    and I can’t help but remember the time..
    when everything was right..
    but now baby , everything is falling apart.

    –some deep shit people.. and he wrote it. lol

  134. Clearly, you ladies have a lot of time on your hands. Why is it so important that Mari is his friend??

    Let me clear something up…Marisol M. is a local performer/singer within the Latino community here in the DC area. Back when she met him, she had just started her singing career. She had connections with producers and got a chance to meet him. She had always admired his talent and his music. They hung out and he gave her professional advice and guidance because she had just launched her singing career. They are friends. Ladies, the fact that she has pics with him and her siblings at her house doesn’t mean he went to her house just to “do” her. Latinos are very family oriented. He was welcomed into her home by her and her family so he took the opportunity to get to know them. They just hung out. Why read into it more than what it really is? Its crazy how drama and gossip gets spread kinda like a wildfire.

    Its sad how people tear up this guy. He is in the public eye and when he meets fans he HAS to be nice to them. That doesn’t mean that he flirts or wants to get with a fan simply because he looks at them a certain way or if he holds their hand. He is just being nice. You know if he wasn’t nice to the fans he would get talked about. I guess either way, he can’t win.

    Joey Mac shows his love for his wife in a different way. His marriage is fairly new and he just had a baby with her. Jordan has been in his relationship with his wife for almost 10 years. Its different when a relationship goes thru hell and back in 10 years. You can’t compare the marriages nor the guys because its like comparing day and night.

    Jordan is married and as far as I’m concerned he remains married for some reason or another. He has money and fame and i seriously doubt that he stays married because of the kids. Every MARRIED couple has issues and drama. The fact that he keeps his personal life out of the public eye shows that he respects his family. People will always talk whether its good or bad and I know for a fact that MISERY loves company. Lets be nice and wish him well 🙂

  135. how nice that marisol or her friends found this blog… let’s get the fun started lmao…
    for someone who doesn’t have time to get into someone’s life you sure wrote a long speech!!
    amazing how ridiculous it all sounds… who gives a damn if he fucked her or keeps doing it… not like it’s more than that.. and please anyone who went and check out her site knows that she wasn’t about to launch her career at that time, so clearly he wasn’t giving her musical advice, he surely gave her more than that hahahahaha!
    if she didn’t want people to know about it then she should have kept her mouth shut, and not post pix and made comments about it….
    at least you did admit he went to her house, I agree with you on one thing… he went there not just to do her. I just think it’s pretty pathetic he has to sit there, meet the whole family and pretend to be the bf he will never be just to get laid…(considering he has no reason to try so hard, but anyone who knows him also will know that’s how he is… enough said about that) that’s why fans need to open their eyes and see reality for what it is!

  136. Hey KP…I have a quick question for you. What did the girl who Donnie was hooking up with look like? Hair color, etc? Did she look anything like his ex-wife (definitely not saying it was b/c we all know it wasn’t) but just trying to clear up something from another message board. Thanks!

  137. another thing I was forgetting….. if you knew jordan you’d know also that he doesn’t look or talk to all the fans the same way, hes way NICER to the pretty ones or the ones he likes… that’s what he does!!! and you will say, well after all he’s a guy, and yes I can understand that completely… but then it’s not like he’s nice to ALL his fans!
    but we are not even discussing that… we were talking about what happened after the show and not in the show! what it’s true is that he doesn’t care at all if fans see him flirting or even making out with women, that’s a fact! so don’t try to deny it, because I KNOW IT’S TRUE MYSELF!

  138. like I said earlier…MISERY loves company…why so bitter amanda? I’m not fighting…I was just expressing myself just like you do…Cheers 🙂

  139. First off I am going to give a link from an interview that Jordan and the rest of the guys did when there were at HMV:


    He mentions how much he misses and loves his WIFE.

    Second of all just because Jordan does not always talk about his marriage does not mean he is unhappy. Not everyone wheres their wedding ring and lately Joe hasn’t been wearing his onstage either.

    Yes they most likely did have a rocky relationship in the past, but I don’t think they would still be making babies together ( they have TWO children) if the relationship was bad. This is all just too much speculation and when you dig this far into their lives, it would make them not want to be approachable anymore.

  140. I think Jordan is a hard one to read. (I used to see him clubbing in Boston, not that that would tell me much lol). I hope he’s happy now that he’s made his relationship more permanent (I didn’t know he got married). He sure had a lot of chances to meet decent women (not that she isn’t), so she must be “the one.”

  141. Now I know why I got bad vibes from him. I’m not “hot” and I probably stared at him too much. lol It seems like in his eyes you’re either a potential one-night stand or a stalker. Nothing in between (like, people who are normal lol). I don’t know the man so who knows. I always wanted to go up to him but guessed I was in the stalker category. He just never made me feel comfortable. Some people I knew that had met him at the clubs thought he was cool though.

  142. all this talk about Marisol she was simply a chick he messed around with around 05 06 cuz she kept showing up at shows, yes he and i messed around all the way up to 05 06 he wasnt excited about marriage or getting married to her at all, chads wife was at alot of shows back then and id have to play like i was a friend so it didnt get back to Evelyn, he even said we should get married, did i ever take him serious NO! I have dated him flown to see him to see him when he was single spent lots of ime with him 03 , had all of his cell #’s etc got with the first time 99 have many picutures would never post on HIS or my myspace his myspace EVER she is childly obsessed i think i keep in touch via email only with jk he is very faithful now and wouldnt cheat i know cuz i just saw him at two shows had aftershow passes tickets he was really nice we talked, i have pics this just happened this month she is not a girl he loved or did love i even asked him if he knew her cuz i saw this site prior to going, he was like who? anyway he had his assistant find me to give me passes to say hi clearly did not happen to her!we took a few pictures hanging just us, would his wife like it i have no clue, i really think its cuz donnie was interested in me, i know his deal am not making an idiot of myself on myspace. But if the divorce ever happens you will know who i am! he knows i told him. so with her its no bigger deal than a hook up jk is quick to hook up and keep it moving NO LOVE im saying cuz i know, i even let her know with her auto graph that says luv ya babe, jordan i have LOTS Of those i sent her a pic mine said luv ya girl luv ya baby i had him sign to be funny, cuz i was like ha ha he did that with me! if he reads this its not a big deal he knows i will never show any photos and serves him right! I just wanted curious minds to be settled did he cheat after marriage yes did he deny it with me that he was married yes i asked him point blank on the phone in person it was always no , until he said it in public, I dont care if he finds out what i let you all know its not a mystery of his ways i do care for him, YES jon is gay he told me peronally, yes im latina, similar to marisol but not as chubby and broke down looking ( with all do respect girl) which wasnt an issue when he hooked it up with her and others. there are more im not in denial we just dont put it all on blast like she did! um kay. that’s real talk. and if you think he wrote songs about her or she is “the other woman” palease, one of including me.

  143. Sarilau – I agree with you in that we shouldn’t get deeper than what we see or hear. Just cause he went to her house doesn’t mean she is a slut or that he wanted to sleep with her.
    I’m not sure if you know jordan or marisol and it’s nice your defending her, i personally think she seems like a sweet girl. BUT i don’t think you are being completely honest in what you’ve stated about how they met. I don’t think anyone really knows the story behind it.
    If you google Marisol Mazo it pulls up a site and in the bio it states that she started pursuing a singing career wayyy before they supposely met, i think she started when she was 17, 18. and she release one album in 1999! i Dont even think she is singing anymore, cause her pic album on myspace says ‘singing days’ and those are older pics.
    There is also a video of her singing on youtube that comes up in google. She looks alot younger there and her little sister even leaves her a comment saying that she pursued fashion design and that now she carries music in her heart .?! I know you’ve trying to end these rumours by saying all that stuff, but the facts don’t back up what you said. JOe and jordan are two different people and they are in two different relationships so we shouldn’t try to compare them, but i dont remember jordan ever showing any great joy with the relationship he’s been in. I’ve never seen anyone famous hide their wife as much as he has. Heck not even mention her or get that uncomfortable when asked about her. That just seems very unhealthy for him and the relationship. Especially cause who he is and what he loves to do intakes being in the public eye. Nobody is saying to broadcast his life and family outloud, but when 10 years have passed and you only have ONE picture out there with your wife in public, that seems VERRY ODD. especially when he has those types of pics with M and her family. Just that fact that he was ok with taking those pics knowing they might be seen. I’m not sure if you guys have seen his piccs with her on her myspace but they don’t look like ‘just friends’ in those pics. and read what someone in the picture comments.
    also after reading the poetry on her page.. hmm i almost think she was heartbroken and they don’t talk anymore.

  144. Hello all-
    I just found this blog this morning while bored at work. =) So I went to the concert last night in MN and it was amazing! anyone else go? I tried desperately to get passes beforehand for meet and greet. And then I stayed after the show trying to get downstairs to their tunnel and actually wound up finding the crew buses which I thought were the boy’s buses. We waited outside in the freezing rain for an hour for nothing! =( I am thinking about going to the show in chicago at the end of this week, but only if I can find tickets with meet and greets attached. Do you gals have any advice for getting backstage passes? I talked to lots of the security guards at the concert and they said the boys hire this guy to walk around the floor during the show and hand out passes to “select girls.” I even saw that guy and thought, “what the hell is he doing?” but we were way in the center of the aisle and if he had looked our way, I def. would have tried my best. What have you girls done in the past to meet Jordan etc.?

  145. wow secretlover, you have a lot of balls to come on here and PUT HIM ON BLAST. you you probably havnt done it on myspace but you sure are doing it here! If you truly cared for him, like you say you do. you wouldn’t have sold him out like you just did. man , you could have just come on here and stated that was just a girl he messed around with and that’s it. Nobody needed to know your story. Maybe you are a little jealous that nobody is talking about you ? that’s just wrong. and to say he wanted to marry you? you are very full of yourself. maybe he was just using you for sex? men say alot of things to get it you know. and to say that if the divorce happens we will know about you? Damn if that happened and we hope it doesn’t, i highly doubt he would want to marry someone who obviously so full of her self and disrespectful And if JOn told you what he told you, to come on here and say that. I’m sorry but that’s just soOOO wrong. If he gave you passes maybe its cause he felt bad and was the least he could do., and to try to get on your good side, you wouldn’t say anything ever.. but obviously it didn’t go that way.
    You don’t know what happened if anything happend with that girl, nobody knows. . and do you think Jordan would really tell you? omg
    if your story is true, then it’s obvioulsy clear Jordan hasn’t had respect and love for his wife. I can’t believe that woman is putting up with all this crap. Of course he’s trying to make the marriage work especially after having another baby. He would do anythihng for his family i think but one thing is obvious he doesn’t love her.

  146. I came upon this site, yes…trying to find pics of Evelyn. Curiosity did get the best of me. But man, did I get more than I bargained for… This SH&* is deep!
    People do have a right to their opinions and to speculate, but let us remember that Jordan and Evelyn have been together off and on since they were kids. In one interview he said he used to go to her house for dinner. He knows that she was there before the stardome and all of the fame. I would speculate that he knows that she loves him for him and not the Jordan Knight that people idolize. I would speculate that they have never really been able to have a “normal” relationship due to fans and obligations to touring etc. Lets face it some people would do anything to become the other person, or the first person to announce it. It all goes hand in hand with being good looking and famous. If Jordan and his wife like to stay private, I see nothing wrong with that. Unfortunately it leads to situations and speculations like these because we are so curious 🙂

    I have seen some of the sites that people have been talking about and I would say that M is trying to elude to details that would suggest that they had a relationship and she wants people to know.
    Anyone who would post stuff like that does want to announce it whether you are anonymous or not…it is obvious you want people to know.
    I think this is a perfect example as to why stars try to keep so private, look at all the crap that hits the fan!

    I really do not care whether he cheats or not, lets face it most men will…I still love New Kids and truly believe that they are all talented and sexy!

  147. Wow! me, that is some amazing story if it’s true. I guess it’s what I always thought. Call me old fashion but I thought it was strange that it took them so long to get married.

    I love Jordan on stage. but I think that’s where it ends.

    I think it’s sad that girl didn’t see it for what it was. Cuz her blogs certainly sounds like she’s heartbroken over SOMETHING.

    (wishes she were thin and latino!)

  148. Back in 05 or 06 I was at one of Jordan’s solo shows and was basically asked by a couple of guys (I had no idea at the time who they were) if I wanted to “hang” with jk after the show. I’m not that kind of girl and knew exactly what they were getting at and kindly declined. Later on my group and I saw the same two guys talking to jk and pointing at us and jk wasn’t that pleased that he was turned down. He didn’t throw a fit or anything, but it was obvious he was disappointed. I got several “looks” during the show. He definitely has a way about him. You can tell if he’s being polite or if he’s “after something else”. It was an ego boost I suppose! lol

    One weird thing (after reading all of these posts) is I guess I’m not even his typical “type” (latina). I’m blonde with blue eyes! I guess he just likes what he likes no matter what. lol

    Just my 2 cents.

  149. I want to know how “sarilau” knows this info she has stated, because obviously you don’t know that girl M cause you have wrong info. So do you know Jordan?
    As far as this girl. We should really stop assuming that she slept with him or that they still talk or that she was heartbroken. I don’t think see where you guys see that she is trying to hint details?? what sites are you talking about? This is that first time I’m hearing about this girl and it wouldn’t surprise me if they had something going…after hearing so many stories of how J was at his shows with girls, after being married. that doesn’t surprise me one bit. I feel for him though cause at that time , i am sure he never imagined that his life would be magnified again years later with the Reunion and he did what he did not thinking one day things might come out.
    I like jordan for the singer he is and always will. But if all this is true, it was very wrong of him to lead girls on like that, if that’s what he did. Some fans are dumb for doing whatever a man says no matter who he is, but I think He takes most of the blame. He had no business trying to get girls to fall for him and messing around with ANYBODDY! and right after he married?? how screwed up is that. and as far as the “keeping his life private” crap, he should’ve tried just as hard to keep his little friend in his pants PRIVATE too. – You only hide what you are not proud of. As far as him showing pictures of his kids. i remember in 1999 on the view he said it was up to his kid/s mom to show pictures of them. ?!
    A man who is not in a relationship for love, but more just accustomed to being with someone, can easily find love somewhere else. Cause when there is love in a relationship, you don’t look for it anywhere else.

  150. secretlover you know you’ve told one big lie except that one thing about Jon!!!!!you’re just jealous…..

  151. Secret lover, i truly envy you! JK has been my fantasy since i was like 12 years old! now i am 30 so i’ve been loving him since forever.

    Please share more details with us, like what is he like in a relationship, is he what we all expect him to be??

  152. This blog is killing me, i swear I love the shit I read today hahahahahaha secret lover for real…! your story could be true or not, but it’s freaking funny… jordan and almost any other guy would say anything to get laid!!! but if you really knew him you’d know he still cheats, even if he’s being a little careful about it….! 🙂
    to jaymee, I totally agree with you and feel the same way about everything you said!! that’s how he is and what he does…
    to sarilu… I’m not bitter, I’m only stating the truth and clearly I’m not the only one who knows it! check your facts or be a better liar! 🙂
    let’s keep having fun lolol 😉

  153. damn is the truth is hard to digest, believe me i know, so i will never post on here or read anything else for obvious reasons, i have 2 things

    1,clearing one thing up, Jordan told me about jon, not jon, i have never met jon, jon openly kisses men in public, many know.

    2,the one thing i will agree with that was said in response to my post is this by “cover girl”

    “he’s trying to make the marriage work especially after having another baby. He would do anything for his family i think but one thing is obvious he doesn’t love her.”

    except that I know he dose have love and extreme loyality for her and is trying to do right, bottom line.

    that’s it, sorry for getting everybody up in a tizzy believe what you want, whatever makes you sleep better at nite ciao!

  154. miss knight, no one is assuming it happened, some people know it actually happened lol it really doesn’t matter though because like someone else said she’s not the first, or the last one either! 🙂 it’s not like it matters that he sleeps or slept or will sleep around, we are just talking… not saying he’s good or bad for doing it, everybody does whatever they can do with their lives and to be happy! that’s just the way it is…!

  155. hmmm…very interesting blog. i’m new here. still havent met the guys but, i wil.

    i really dont know what to think on this jordan/evelyn relationship… they only know what’s between them. maybe we’ll never know maybe there’s a codepency problem, he’s loyal because they know each other forever and maybe she loves him soo much that even if he cheats, she accepts his behavior.

    or i’m saying nonsense and they are just perfectly fine… that maybe they had problems in the past but they are ok now.

    a looong time ago i met a girl that knew the kids, and she told me that jordan loved girls with dark, long hair, and now that i hear he really likes latinas. hmmmm im fitting on his type.. yeah lol. i dont wanna sound conceited but i look wayyyy better than evelyn. so im hoping for my chance!!! hahaha

  156. I came upon this site a while back and just wanted to comment that someday I hope to meet Jordan and get to the bottom of what is truth and what is not. He has always seemed like a great guy, a HUGE flirt, but a great guy. Amanda, hope you don’t mind but I’m gonna email you girl. 😉

  157. Amanda, it is good to know I’m not the only one with that perspective. Can’t say I don’t empathize with him a little bit though, afterall, every woman that approaches him IS either a fan or wants to sleep with him (or both LOL). He’s shy and guarded so he may never go after what he really wants anyway (if he wants something else). He’s never surrounded by normalcy (at least until he is at home with his wife and kids I’m pretty sure, which is why he goes home to her I would think).
    I’ve probably analyzed that man to death (based on what I’ve seen and heard over the years) and have gotten nowhere. lol Its just not worth trying to figure him out. He is going to do what he wants to do and it will make no sense (just like every other guy lol).

  158. just checked out that girl’s myspace. interesting i tell you, especially her pics with Jordan and the comments made.
    there are pictures of when she went to the the dc show.
    and secretlover if you read this, i don’t know what you are talking about, she’s gorgeous.
    There is nothing to digest as you say. Just facts that apparently many know about, cause they’ve seen. It just kills me how you act like you now so much about Jordan. Even if he told you that about Jon, what right do you have to say what was probably confidential. I actually believe your story happened, and if so then like i said before, something’s been missing for him in that relationship.
    amanda- what else do you know about that other girl?

  159. Amanda i emailed you – did you see her nkotb album? and the video on her page? write me on my email or here.

  160. OMG I’ve been away for too long!!! Family drama, it sucks!

    Merc – Donnie’s girl has dark, straight hair, dark eyes, medium height, good body but not what I’d call pretty. She was holding on to him like a lifesaver and he danced with her for a while and kissed her once, that I saw. I heard from another fan who ran into them at a restaurant the day after and she got so pissed the young girl would make out w/ him in front of her when she asked for an autograph, she said “HI KIM!!!” The girl stormed out of there and Donnie, half laughing said “ssshhh, that’s not Kim” LOL obviously not because Kim is pretty haha!!

    Jon IS gay. When they were performing at LAX, I saw his bf blow a kiss at him AND I saw them kissing kind of behind some people but since I saw them getting too cozy, I decided to stare LOLOL

    Jordan does talk to the pretty ones more than the average looking girl…I’ve seen it. LOL damn, then I must be pretty because when I declared my love for him, he gave me a big hug and kiss and kept squeezing my hands. He’s sweet and shy…shyer than me, I believe!
    I’m not sure if I believe secret lover…at least the fact where she says J has deep love for Evelyn. Pigs don’t fly…it’s not POSSIBLE to love someone so much and cheat on this someone. I had a classmate in college who would tell whoever wanted to listen how happy she was….and she was miserable! Catty, mean, disrespectful….J can go on radio stations and even Anderson Cooper to proclaim his love for Evy…I just don’t buy it!!
    Would I kiss J for a night, text with him, email with him? YES. Would I have sex with him? NO. Ugh nasty! LOL I keep imagining how many girls….at least he seems like he brushes his teeth…hopefully follows with stingy mouthwash! And I have a great husband at home…I don’t need sex with Jordan LOL

    Amanda, I’m LMAO reading your posts! That’s my kind of girl! LOL This is fun….if Jordan won’t talk about his wife, then we will need to speculate!

  161. Ah!! I forgot! My sources sent me pics of Dante when he was younger (too cute), Jordan and Eric, J at his wedding day (no Evy-this picture is the most sought after today!!), Kim Fey, Donnie and Elijah, Donnie, Kim and Xavier, Griffin….if you wish to see any, I can ask houston social butterfly to post here….

  162. This site has CRACKED. ME. UP.

    In digging around I found Marisol’s blog. And she is pretty but I wouldn’t call her gorgeous. Being Latina myself, you see girls like this all the time.


    And if the guys have someone trolling the crowd to find “suitable” chicks to hang out with after the show, it’s sad. Really, really sad. Does anyone know if Joe still gets drunk like he used to? And at least he chose someone suitable, Barret is a Princeton Alumni.

  163. Just thought I’d give all an update…Jordan has removed some of the posts from his Myspace page, including Marisol’s….

  164. seymour – I hope not LOLLOL

    Ha ha – that´s very Selena…hmmmm I won´t say anything at all!!!! LOL
    VERY impressed with Barrett!!! I didn´t know she had gone to Princeton. She´s got the brains and the serenity to get on this wild ride.

    And the verdict is……………………….Jordan still definitely cheats!

  165. Does anyone have Dante or Eric pics they can send to me? Thanks!

    Also, Jon gay? I find that hard to believe after his past relationships with females. I guess one of them left a sour taste in his mouth and now he’s switched teams.

  166. she had a post yesterday from a friend asking her what is up with her and Jordan Knight, its deleted now 😛 ?

  167. New here, this s*** is funny, I happened to this sight also trying to find pics of him and his wife, found out more then I wanted to. I have a bit of a 6th sense of about people and I get the feeling that he is sad. I feel sorry for him that he is in a loveless relationship but that does not give him the right to mess around on his wife, just think of what that is doing to his children, he has 2 boys and they will do the same to there wives when they get older. don’t get me wrong I still love him, KP I am so envious!!!!

  168. the fact he removed it, if its him, kind of gives it away don’t you guys think. lol so he definetly has heard of this blog, and doesn’t want people bothering her, is what it looks like to me.

    i checked out that fashionmari blog, she comes across as nice, did you guys read her music page on there? she definetly started singing before 1999. i wonder who that girl that posted was and why she made that story up. it only makes it more obvious as if someone is trying to cover something up. Did you guys see she was in a car accident recently?

  169. OMFG, This shit is great! I have a lot to catch up on. Its not hard to believe to Hear that Jon is gay, I’ve been hearing that rumor all over the internet.

    Also, wow! all this shit about Jordan cheating, I’m beginning to believe it now, I still feel so sorry for his wife and all who is this girl Marisol did she have some kind of fling with him?..Love hearing all these stories. And love hearing all these stories about Jordan. Seems like there are a lot of Latinos in here including me. 😉

  170. I think Jordan’s wife is cute by the way. Maybe she just isn’t photogenic…that does happen you know. And whether or not he has a great relationship with her is nobody’s business but their own. I think that most celebrities keep their private lives private because then everyone is up in your face. If we get answers, there are always more questions…when does it end. I think they are smart for keeping things low. Have you ever thought that they are protecting their children and want to try and lead a normal life for them. If they start appearing together, especially now, who knows the paparazzi is so terrible these days, they might start following them all the time. I for one would not want pictures of my children floating around in the public either. Jordan is already known but he does do a pretty good job at remaining out of the tabloids because he is a private man. We should just respect that.

  171. Wow, cc, do you think someone told him what was being talked about here?
    It doesn’t suprise me that Jordan was a bit of a ho a few years ago when he didn’t have much of a career…but for her to stick around through all that???? I don’t get it.

    KP, I would love to see those pics.

    This site is so addictive.

  172. M’s myspace says she’s back in Va… i don’t think she is going to that concert, but who knows maybe they saw each other on Sun when she was supposely there.

    i don’t know if you guys saw at the videos on her page of the DC show, but they’re pretty interesting if you observe them. and it is obvious wherre she was sitting.
    i also found what on YOUTUBE what looks to be Marisol and her sisters! its at the end of the show and you see jordan go hold her hand!! look up nkotb dc finale.

  173. This site is indeed addictive. I know a lot of you have said that we have no business speculating what goes in their private lives. Well, they want to be stars and make big bucks – this is what comes with it, a public life.

    In the concert in MN, when the close-ups on Jordan’s face were done you could tell he WAS NOT enjoying doing the show. Hell, he looked like me on a Monday morning when I don’t want to come to work! Maybe because Marisol wasn’t in the crowd? Or was it because it was too quick of a stop for any booty from the fans?

    And maybe Evelyn is sticking around for the money at this point. She stuck with him long enough, she might as well reap the benefits. Who knows….Maybe she has a “special” friend too when Jordan goes on tours…….LOL.

  174. ha ha – you definetly have to check out the dc performances on m’s myspace… aafter seeing other performances after the Dc show i can see they are not anything like the way he sang in DC. in fact he’s been messing up bigtime, i’ve found many of him messing of the words in what song’s he’s sung forever. THe dc show he definetly seems into it, singing his heart out. and what do you know, that girl Marisol is the audience. I just saw the dc finale on youtube, that looks like her in the red. looked like he really wanted to hold her hand.

  175. OMG, I’m new to this site and can’t get enough! I, like many others, was just looking for a photo of Evelyn and can’t believe what I’ve stumbled upon! Please tell me more!! LOL You guys are great detectives!

    I’m so confused though. All of Marisol’s poems and myspace page seem to indicate that she’s heartbroken. I wonder if that means he isn’t calling her for booty anymore or if she’s just depressed that he isn’t leaving his wife for her. Hmm… But just when I start to feel sorry for her, I remind myself that she MAY be crossing the line with a married man! I must say that the fact that he’s deleting posts from his myspace page sounds pretty suspect but maybe it’s just a coincidence. 😉

  176. lol@all of this… I love this blog!!
    of course he knows and he’s “covering” his ass and hers… whatever! lol
    I heard evelyn is in NY these days so probably that’s why M wasn’t staying for the concert… lol
    But of course he still cheats, and I’m sure that girl (Marisol) thinks he’s in love with her when in fact even if he’s trying to “protect” her somehow (so he won’t lose her ass lol), she’s nothing more than a booty call…. Jordan has women all over….. and his behaviour is the same with all of them! and not like he’s in love with all of them lol
    can someone post the links to all those dc videos where he holds her hand? I didn’t see them… 🙂 thx!

  177. me too….I came across it in September and I visit it on a daily basis! KP – Where are the pics….I hope she allows them to be posted here!

  178. he didn’t hold her hand!…all he did was touch it just like the other girls who were holding out there hands for the guys to touch. i guess she had something with all theree guys then because they did the same thing. i thought i was going to see “hand holding” but it was nothing at all that would indicate something was or had been going on. i guess people see what they want to see..ugh!

  179. here is the youtube link where he holds M’s hand:

    look closely at the very end, at the 1:35 mark, he grabs her hand first (she’s in red) than a few others. and it’s def her. if you visit her mysapce, check out the NKOTB concert album, she is wearing a red tank and if you look at one of the photos when she is in her seat before the show starts, she is clearly in the same area of the stage.

    i was at this concert and i have to agree that they gave a great show, esp JK.

    and if she has been intimate with JK, then i’m jealous and i wish it were me, married or not! lol.

  180. Ok, so I just wish this Marisol chick would “give up the ghost”. I just can’t believe that she is just flaunting her…well..affair??? I have some respect for those that JK has on the sly that don’t put it out there in the open. Yes he is famous, but still, I don’t think this girl has any respect for his family or herself to brag about what has happened with him…point blank. The more I see of this girl the more she irritates me…..jealously…maybe, but doubtful. Honestly she is just someone he may have hooked up with who has now turned stalker on him and of course he lets it happen cause if she “gives it up”…and if he gets away with it once….he’ll do it again…..no other way to look at it….she knows she’s not the only one…so give it up Mari….move on….get over yourself hun….
    To his wife Evelyn….I know you are private and so is JK….I’m sorry that all this is coming out….I hope you are able to get to the bottom of what is fact vs. what is fiction….and soon!

  181. Yeah, I can’t find the DC video where he holds her hand either. But her photos on myspace from that DC concert show her wearing a red shirt that night. Also, she has one photo of Donnie pointing in her direction AND another of Jordan pointing in her direction. They obviously know her somehow… If something is really going on there, she isn’t being very discreet! BTW, I wonder if she’s noticed an increase in her myspace page views lately??? lol

  182. if this doesn’t work..look up “Nkotb, DC finale” and it’s towards the end of the video. she is third from the far left.

    I still think whatever the case may be Jordan definetly knew he was married, maybe she didn’t. didn’t he not admit it publically for a while? her poems are very deep and I do feel bad for her after reading them. she seems like a pretty decent girl. i also get the impression that maybe he did fall for her. If something is missing in a marriage, it’s easy to happen. just looking at their pics together and the dc videos. the way he’s singing ‘if you go away’ you can see him almost trying to hold back emotions. and in the “summertime” i found another video where you clearly see him pointing to her and walking towards her when he’s singing..”hey girl don’t you know i miss it.” its almost as he rushes over to sing it on that side. my opinion is that they are not in touch, and if that’s the case, kudos to her for walking away from a married man.
    If that one chick who said she dating jordan, is telling the truth when she says he never was excited about marrying Ev, sadly maybe he married her for the wrong reasons he must be in a difficult situation.

  183. hey girls,
    thank you so much for the link! 🙂
    I kinda think he touched her hand like he did with the rest. It doesn’t mean they didn’t have something in the past or maybe still do.
    I agree with most of you about the fact that she looks pretty decent but in a way she shows off what probably happened between them because otherwise she wouldn’t have posted the pictures of him with her family! she also changed the tags under the concert pictures so she knows fans know, and that just makes it more obvious…
    I do not think Jordan loves her, maybe he likes her, like he likes the rest of his girlfriends lol but he does not lover her!
    didn’t you all hear about that incident in chicago where this girl flashed jordan and danny so as a result she ended up backstage where the guys (jordan and danny) “would take care” of her according to the nkotb security guard. disgusting really lol but well, that’s how many girlfriends he has lol and that’s how much he cares about his wife and marisol….she’s not special, she’s just one more!!

  184. well this is definetly something to think about. i’m surprise they still have this blog running. I don’t think we’ll ever accept in our minds seeing jordan with ‘anyone’. Jeaously will always exist cause we all have crushes on him. the whole thing on this girl is pretty interesting. the fact that so many fans knew about it and how everything on this blog seems to tie together and relate. I have been trying to get a friend request accepted on jordan’s myspace for several months and i know very well he hesn’t done any changes to his page in MONTHS and for him to all of a sudden delete comments including hers, is not a coincidence if you ask me.
    I personally hope to see jordan happy and for the longest time i’ve always thought he wasn’t.
    i don’t see this girl flaunting anything, its more how things relate and seem to indicate interest from his part. in those pics and videos, he is the one showing her the attention, for whatever reason. i’m sure if that happened to anyone at a show, you would post pics up like crazy.
    so i’m curious to know about the solo shows he had? that probably could be a bigger indication of anything.

  185. Some of her comments are still on his page, just earier ones when he first started the page. If you look at the higher number pages, they are still there.

  186. You’re right, Curious girl. There are still comments from M on his myspace. I don’t have time to look through all those pages of comments but I did notice several comments here and there when he first started his page. So, if someone does have the time to go through them all…do let us know if there’s anything interesting M had to say.

    houstonsocialbutterfly – Thanx for letting this page happen. It def gets me through the day when I need my Jordan fix. =)

  187. I can’t wait to see these pictures. Back in 99 when Dante was born I was like he still hasn’t married her, she needs to wake up….guess she’s still asleep. I don’t get it. It’s not the marriage for me.

  188. i am so addicted to this page, i hop on daily and get excited when i see more comments. keep em coming, more details please!

    if there are any fans out there that care to share their JK experiences (at his solo shows), i’m all ears! i wonder if he’s as great as we all think he is… i’d love to hear about some real interactions that he has had with fans, aside from the typical hug, pix, and autograph thingy.

    and i agree with a previous comment that it does not appear that he is currently in contact with M. they definitely had an intimate relationship in the past, but to what extent i dont know. it could have merely been an emotional affair and not a physical one becuase they both JK and M appear to be religous, but then again this is all speculation. but she does appear to be a nice girl and she is very pretty. has anyone considered messaging her on myspace and just asking her?

    regardless, JK is HOT!

  189. Hey guys!
    Houston may have the pics you´re asking by now. I don´t know how ‘safe’ it is to leave those up for a long time since they are super careful when it comes to protecting their kids..it´s just to satisfy everyone´s curiosity. If someone had it and sent me, they were probably somewhere out there because this person is not close to any of the NK at all!

    I´m loving this blog more and more! Last I heard from a friend with inside connections is that JK and Evy have sort of an open marriage arrangement. If that´s true or not, I have no idea…but it does make sense!
    I also saw pictures of the woman JK supposedly hooked up with for years in Brazil, the “pop” singer….BARF people!!! B-A-R-F!!! From what I heard the other day, this woman is just a fan trying to make more of it than it is….and not the big affair story fans, including me, were led to believe existed.
    I´ll try to learn more about Marisol and if there`s something going on between them…or the affair ever existed.
    As soon as I learn anything new from my sources, I´ll post here 😉

    I´m sorry, concerned fan. I totally understand where you are coming from. But we are fans, we are curious and since there´s no msg board allowing people to speculate, this blog is a gift!!! LOL

  190. OK _ gotta be at the airport in 4 h and I still haven´t had any sleep LOL but I just wanted to say I did go to Marisol´s page and she seems interesting and nice…and so damn heartbroken! I got sad reading her poems…it reminds me of when my loser ex (I´m NOT comparing JK nor am I calling him a loser!!) left me for another girl (who would support him financially BTW) LOL
    I felt bad for her….I hope she´s doing better…. 😦

    What did Jordan write on her page…did anyone catch that?

  191. lol he WROTE on her page? when? hahaha classic!
    anyway… why my other post isn’t showing up? grrrr
    if you can’t post the pictures here can you email them to me too, my email is somewhere here lol thx!!

  192. I’m sending it again because I’m assuming it got lost… lol but I have to thank for the links so here it is 🙂

    hey girls,
    thank you so much for the link!
    I kinda think he touched her hand like he did with the rest. It doesn’t mean they didn’t have something in the past or maybe still do.
    I agree with most of you about the fact that she looks pretty decent but in a way she shows off what probably happened between them because otherwise she wouldn’t have posted the pictures of him with her family! she also changed the tags under the concert pictures so she knows fans know, and that just makes it more obvious…
    I do not think Jordan loves her, maybe he likes her, like he likes the rest of his girlfriends lol but he does not lover her!
    didn’t you all hear about that incident in chicago where this girl flashed jordan and danny so as a result she ended up backstage where the guys (jordan and danny) “would take care” of her according to the nkotb security guard. disgusting really lol but well, that’s how many girlfriends he has lol and that’s how much he cares about his wife and marisol….she’s not special, she’s just one more!!
    and in case you can’t post the pix pls send them to me too! amandawatson1980@yahoo.com thanks!! 🙂

  193. Hey Everyone,
    Long time reader, first time writer…

    So I don’t understand why, if Marisol apparently knows about what is being written her (as is speculated) why she continues to have her MySpace page on public view. In my opinion this girl is flaunting her “relationship” that she had with him, although, again in my opinion, if she really cared about him, the last thing she would do is post all that she has on her MySpace.
    I think it is completly a different situation if you happen upon JK, get your photo w/him, maybe an autograph. However, to have photos with him, all over the country, in private situations, write “heart-broken” poetry thats another thing altogether..
    I think Marisol may infact be more of a woman scorned..

  194. i sure hope she don’t make her page private lol i wanna be able to see it. what pictures are you talking about her family with him? she don’t have it up there now so i don’t see how she is flaunting. That is her page, so the poetry is not her flaunting either, its just her poetry on her page. maybe she shouldn’t have jk fans as her friends.. I”m really starting to think this girl is very sweet, i almost thihnk that whatever happned with him was not physical. i went on that fashionmari28.wordpress page., she does seem extremely spiritual. if j’ liked her,, i can definetly see why he would and she also is pretty, nice smile. Her pictures with him , especially the one where he is in red seems so sweet, he’s definelty really leaning towards her.

  195. Someone, please help me out here. Why are so many women still drawn to this man? I mean he’s just a singer, right? What is the attraction?? I swear I was sane until I went to a recent concert. I stopped following NKOTB for years. Now I’m busy with this blog. LOL Is there a shrink out there? :::Paging Dr. Drew:::

  196. I cannot get enough of this blog!!

    I agree that Marisol seems like a sweet girl and probably someone I would be friends with. However, the whole reason we even began talking about her was because several people recalled seeing her at MULTIPLE JK solo shows and always getting pulled backstage. So that fact, on top of her personal photos with him (some of which have since been removed from her myspace page), reading her poetry and seeing her DC show photos of both Donnie & Jordan pointing to her really makes it hard for me to believe that she’s just a fan. No way of knowing if there was definitely something physical between them but, based on what I’ve heard about J, it’s highly likely! She met a hot guy who paid her lots of attention so I can see how she would fall for it. However, she should have been more discreet…unless she WANTED everyone to know about it. I think SO was onto something with her “woman scorned” theory. I’m still a ginormous Jordan fan – always will be – but I really feel bad for Evelyn!

  197. We already know she’s more than a fan. I just don’t see why some of you almost overlook Jordan’s overall attitude. it clearly looks and sounds to me like he’s done more to imply anything interest towards her. I didn’t know she was let in backstage at his shows.. but there you go, who’s taking the initiative there? If he was married, he knew what he was doing, and if he cared and loved his “wife” then why act like that towards another woman?
    her poems are sad but it seems that she wrote it a while back. she also has a blog on love, so you can very well say she’s in love or was.
    from what i’ve read here and observed from pics and videos i definetly see interest from not only from her part but his. That summertime video clip someone posted, is VERY obvious. He is pointing at her. He knows fans are watching. It’s all him. She’s just sitting in her seat.
    Marriage is a document, a verbal agreement. For some people marriage is not equal to love. I’ve always wondered about his attitude with his wife. Doesn’t seem healthy to me, from either part. Even if you want to be out of the private eye, You would think she would be there supporting him publically at some point in all those years, and a pictured would be captured, or that he would be so in love with her that he would just the world to see and hear about it.
    I’ve read thru some of the comments m wrote on his page from before. I cant find anything obvious, but it seems that she was there before he set up his myspace. she just says things like she’s happy that the page is looking great. She wishes him good luck in the studio. says he’s the best.
    also have you guys noticed that jordan or whoever is running the page logs on daily but never makes changes on the page.?

  198. You guys are gonna get me fired! HA! I am so addicted to this forum now. What am I thinking…?? It’s interesting to read all of this stuff. I had a chance to meet JK back in 1990 when I was a regular dancer on Dance Party USA. He seemed really cool. I didn’t actually sit there and talk to him…it was more like..Hi How are you? …that was it! Would love to meet all the guys now! I went to the show here in Auburn Hills, MI on Saturday night and it was AWESOME!!! I tried to win meet and greet passes, but wasn’t lucky enough I guess. Oh well! Maybe next time!

    Please send me pics of the guys…..jackeetm@hotmail.com

  199. yep those pics she has with him on her site are questionable. they’re cuddly. especially jordan. hell my pics with my hubby don’t come out that romantic. did you guys see the comment someone made on that one pic, it says “you two really do make a gorgeous couple, he looks so happy!” :-O

  200. KP: Would you please e-mail me those photos, as well? I’m not sure if they’ll be posted somewhere but I’m curious to see them. Thanks! specialk_53598@yahoo.com

    I wish I wasn’t at work right now so I could watch these youtube videos I keep hearing about!

  201. does anyone know anything about his wife? like basic facts such as age, did she go to school, occupation. on the other houston site, someone said she’s older than him, but we (or at least me) know nothing about her.

  202. jaymee – you mean after watching that clip ? lol
    oh did you guys see that video on nkotb.com there is one where they play a joke , but the other one where they talk about the poster on the wall – ummm jordan looks a little drunk to me. he’s slurring bigtime. check it out guys and this was filmed like at 1 in afternoon. ? mmn

  203. Can you tell I’m getting no work done today? lol
    I didn’t see the clip Who Knows. I was basing my comment on all of the lovey dovey crap I read up. The poetry, the hand touching, the gazes into each other’s eyes etc. lol. Its like Romeo and Juliet or something lol. A saga. A romantic tragedy. Lovers torn apart by a WIFE. lol Yeesh.

  204. Um ladies I don’t know how to tell you this, but we’re not children or teenager’s anymore. We’re adults. You sound like a bunch of teeny boppers. I honestly don’t care about what’s going on in their personal lives or what’s going on in their spouces lives, it is none of my business and it’s not yours either. Just because Jordan doesn’t talk about their relationship in public doesn’t mean they are having problems or he doesn’t enjoy being married. If they are having problems I think that we shouldn’t judge either him or his wife. We don’t know who is at fault or what the situation is. Good couples have problems and get divorced too unfortunately. I know lots of guy’s who don’t wear their wedding rings and they would never cheat on their wives. Just because he doesn’t talk about his wife or even if he was unhappy in his relationship it doesn’t mean that he is gay, that is just a stupid thing to say really. I also think it is really stupid to call her names like fat Wildabeast. Seroiusly people it’s time to grow up. Let’s talk about the important things about NKOTB like the memories and the music, and the fact that they all look amazing and are still extremely talented after all of the years. Those are the things I care about most. I will say this they are all hotter now than they were 15 years ago, they are aging very well, and their music rocks!!!


    ps This is probably the only time I will be posting here its not that I’m not a huge fan of theirs and I always will be, its just that I feel too old to be gossiping about stuff like this.

  205. evelyn is one year younger than Jordan! they were from the same neighborhood and were friends since kids…
    About M, I agree with KR in everything she said… maybe shes not bragging about the whole thing now but she sure did when she had pix of Jordan with her family up on her myspace!! Plus if jordan removed the messages most likely he knows about this whole talk, and if he knows, she knows… so then why she keeps the profile public…! that’s the last thing I’d do if I had something going on with him unless I’d be loving the attention…. hmmmm!
    now we should gossip about something else because I don’t think she is that important to him for us to keep talking about it lol

  206. After watching the dc summertime video, it looks like he may have been singing to her. Did he break out of the dance steps to go on that side to sing to her? Plus, when I saw him in SJ (3rd row!), he barely even went to the right side of the stage by himself….that was mainly Jon’s side. Hmmmm…..very interesting.

  207. lol@romantic stuff… you guys need to realize that Jordan will do that stuff to get laid!!! he’s like any other guy, it doesn’t mean he loves her!! lol he does it to any other woman he wants…!

  208. When I was reading the posts from today I was thinking of that expression, “Sh*t or get off the pot.” So that is pretty much what I was alluding to. I just don’t always explain everything I’m saying. Sorry. lol

  209. OMG, i’m starting to feel like a stalker, but i’M reading through the comments on his myspace page and here are some of her comments. i thought you would all be curious to read as well. i started on the last page (178) and moved back… i got bored after 20 pages, so if anyone wants to pick up where i left off…

    Jan 8, 2006 8:21 AM
    That’s all I gotta say.. lol.


    Jan 8, 2006 8:32 AM
    one more thing.. great selection chosen for the songs on here…very good…now it’s easier for people to hear what JK is all about. 🙂

    I’m so happy..I’m sure Jordan will be getting new fans from myspace very soon! 🙂

    hey. I heard you were a little sick…hope you feel better soon. 🙂
    Your page is looking great! 😛


    Mar 6, 2006 7:13 PM
    🙂 just stopping by to say hi…and I hope you’re doing alright.

    big hug.

    Jun 10, 2006 4:05 AM
    I love the page update & the new song. You are incredible.

    Best Wishes Always



  210. I just watched all those clips lmao… it makes sense why she says her little sister is recording because that means jordan is looking at her (M)… PLS SO DUMB!!! Jordan will get tired of shit like that eventually… if they still have something going on of course!!

  211. I just watched all those clips lmao… it makes sense why she says her little sister is recording because that means jordan is looking at her (M)… PLS SO DUMB!!! Jordan will get tired of shit like that eventually… if they still have something going on of course!!

  212. Marison and Jordan were good friends. He was going to help her in the Music field. Actually Marison was with a black performer for the longest time. She always liked Jordan because he is a good character. Especially when he is drunk. Jordan loves his wife. Especially after their second child. He doesn’t fool his wife. There is a difference. My husband and Jordan are very close friends. He is actually on tour with them now. I will be joining them after the first of the year. I have seen a lot of things backstage and nothing I would enjoy mentioning. Well maybe a couple of things. ;P But I know Jordan loves his wife. He does so many amazing things for her. BUT I also know Jordan enjoys the attention he gets from females. Don’t mistake, they aren’t stupid. They know their groupies Vs. their fans. I heard a long speech about the difference one night from Jordan and Joe! They know what they can get from the groupies. I have seen several dumb asses doing dumb things for their attention.

  213. The DC show??? He points to the crowd!!! How do we know Marisol was there??
    For the Ft Lauderdale show and Tampa show, they are staying in Palm Beach.

    Donnie’s divorce was caused by his cheating – that’s all I can say to protect the identity of the girlfriend AND the “new”girlfriend….jeezzzz what a mess it was!!!

  214. Hey Shiloh….

    This may sound dumb but I’m curious! What did the guys say was the difference between the groupies and the fans? What are the groupies doing to get to them? I’ve always wondered what exactly the groupie girls do to initially get their attention. Can you shed some light on it???

  215. KK i totally see that in that summertime video. that is very obvious. I’ve seen some of the other performance from other shows and he does Not really leave the middle of the stage during that song. Shiloh did you see that? i don’t know what to think anymore.

  216. Shiloh, so you are saying they WERE good friends? why arn’t they friends anymore then? what are you talking about here:
    “Marison and Jordan were good friends. He was going to help her in the Music field. Actually Marison was with a black performer for the longest time. She always liked Jordan because he is a good character. Especially when he is drunk. ” – ??????? she’s not black and we all know he had nothing to do with her music cause she wasnt singing anymore when they met. Shiloh i don’t know who you are but stop trying to make up stuff like that other girl, we’ve done the research and we know the facts. and some of us have even seen with our OWN EYES.

  217. Hi all, well done Shiloh it’s good to hear from someone who knows them a bit. I hope you have a great time when you join New Kids and your hubby in the new year.
    I am relieved to hear that Jordan does amazing things for the ones he loves.
    My theory is that fans put a lot onto the New Kids, for me I have depression and don’t have a very full life. My life has been on standstill since my mum passed away. As I think Kelly said before, the reunion has come at a time when I really needed them. Growing up it was hard being around my dad and the New Kids kind of saved me back then and I feel they are helping me now (and the fans too, even if that sounds corny).
    It’s been an awful year, trying to be strong for my dad and brother when inside I am dying. However, I met the New Kids briefly in September and gave Jordan a kiss on the cheek so it was one dream come true and made the year a tiny bit better. I will go and see them in January when they play in London and this will be a kind of gift of making it through a year since mums passing.
    I know that NKOTB are just normal guys who do good and bad stuff (like really smelly farts), but to me Jordan is my superhero. When it’s hard to sleep at night I think of him and it makes things ok, so thank you Jordan for my dreams xxxxxx

  218. Hey KP…do you know the guys? How do you know what went on in Donnie’s divorce?

    Also, I totally respect you respecting their privacy so I won’t ask you to name any names but could you at least tell us if she is someone we would know, is she famous?

    And is Donnie still with the girl he cheated on his wife with? Was she the girl people saw him with in Vegas?

    Does he really have a “girlfriend” right now—he seems to be enjoying the company of a lot of girls and is insisting he is single!!

    Thanks for any info you have!

  219. Hey there, I was just wondering, has anyone had any recent sightings? hotels, malls, clubs, after party’s? Are they talking to fans while out in public?

    BTW…thanx for this site, it’s so awesome!!

  220. hoping for good things. – i hope the same, but as you will see earlier in this blog someone tried sayin the same thing to say he helped her with her music. that is a big lie because its on her page. so i’m not really believing this shiloh chick is legit, and it just makes it seem like a cover up.

  221. just found something interesting, (private eye and kk..)
    i went through all the comments that people left on marisol’s page. I found several comments from this one under g1 productions. it seems that it is someone who knows jordan and there are comments where they tell marisol about him and that he went to the studio etc. there is this one which is a little suspect. the person leaves a comment saying that jordan and her husband wrote a song together and that she wishes she could let her hear, but she can’t. why would she tell her that ? could this be that song someone mentioned before… i thought that was interesting to find.

  222. YUCK! ok so Donnie has a girlfriend?? and he is kissing/making out with fans and DJs???????

    Gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t know what else to say *confused*

  223. who knows: that is interesting, maybe they have mutual friends in teh music industry?

    it’s possible that they were friends in the past, but from the looks of it they dont keep in contact anymore… afterall, she didnt appear to receive any special treatment at NKOTB concert in DC.

    from her blogs and post, she seems like a nice girl who is heartbroken and infatuated (with JK?). there are comments on her page (from a friend or relative) asking if she was going to the concert. i think she is just a fan who was lucky to get to know JK better than most. i still think someone should just ask M point blank… i wonder if she’d even deny it. i still think she is just a fan.

    and i feel bad for his wife. personally i think those are bad pictures and that she is an attractive woman. and i am sure he loves her… to what capacity, i dont know. but whatever the case, i dont see him leaving her ever, they have known each other their entire lives. JK appears to be a decent man who is loyal to his family and obligations. if he does cheat, i’m sure she knows about it and doesnt mind as long as he’s discrete… so, i’m sure she hates this site for putting their business out there. if JK is a great as he seems, and he seems pretty “normal,” level-headed, and down to earth for a celebrity, then i trust his choices. and if he decided to marry her, i’m sure she has many great qualities that make her worthy of his love. we should leave the poor woman alone!!!

    does anyone know anymore details about the long standing affair he had with the brazilan? is it 100% true or was it a rumor?

  224. who knows – that’s very interesting. Makes me wonder how many people actually know about those two. From the sounds of these comments, no one is trying to hide anything. But then, why would some past comments be deleted? She’s obviously flaunting that she knows JK but any indication of actual substance gets deleted. This is too much!!! I’m dying to know the truth!!!

    KP – I’m not sure if houston will be posting those pics any time soon. Will you please email them to me. Here’s my email again: kaykay716@hotmail.com

  225. J does seem down-to-earth, one of the best things about him. Private Eye, I love your name.
    I don’t see us clicking at all (I would get really weirded out if anyone ever sang to me in public lol), but I think people get so into his business because they hear rumors about his situation and it gives them hope. LOL

  226. found this from the DC show. you clearly see jordan pointing at her side, while he’s on the platform. he continues singing but then EVEN goes back to look and point at her again. he looks a little surprised if you asked me, so maybe he didn’t know she was there.

    private eye – well did you see her response to her cousin. she says something like she doesn’t know if she wants to go cause she doesn’t want to give herself a heart attack –
    the one person who might know would probably be Chad, the guy who was on the road with jordan from his solo shows. he was always there too. i’m sure he knows about her. His wife also, i forgot her name. but i remember at that time she was there and i would see her talking to her too. maybe someone who has myspace can ask? does anyone have chad on their firends?

  227. Miss Knight – I don’t know Chad Zimmerman but you raised a good point. If I recall correctly, Chad visited Jordan while he was at the Surreal Life house and in the extra footage episode, Jordan specifically says that Chad encouraged him to hit on Ryan Starr for, what he called, more publicity. Makes me wonder if maybe Chad does know some stuff… Although, I believe Evelyn’s brother Miguel was also there during that visit but that was before they got married.

    Do you guys ever wonder how certain people found this page? Obviously fans would stumble upon it, but friends and neighbors of Jordan? For example, how did Bill from Milton, MA, stumble upon the other Houston page and verify the photo of Evelyn is actually her – stating that he’s her neighbor. Or Shiloh – what made her decide to Google “Jordan Knight Evelyn Melendez” if she already knows them? Hmm, I’m curious.

  228. to the person who KNOWS jordan and will go on tour with them haha if you knew him you’d know what he does and how many whores he has on tour… he’s just trying to be discreet… that’s a weird way of loving his wife…
    That’s all I gotta say, I had a long day at work and I’m tired so I ain’t saying much about M today lol you girls should stop giving her so much attention because that’s what she wants… its impossible she doesn’t know about this and yet she keeps her profile ppublic… even jordan deleted his msgs lol if you don’t wanna believe there was something going on between them in the past that’s good because it doesn’t make a difference but then why she deleted the comment of someone asking what was going on between jordan and her, and also some old comment from a friend telling her she was happy she (M) went out with jordan….lol

  229. some ask Chad, i am soooo curious to know what he would respond.
    I remember miquel was on the road with Jordan in mid 04′ and i also remember he pretty much fired him or didn’t want to work with him anymore , cause all of a sudden thats how Chad ended up being the road manager. wonder what happened there.
    KR – yep i’m curiouse to know who these people really are, cause even after we respond to them or ask them, they have NOTHING to say. i keep on thinking it’s someone who knows them and is trying to cover up something by making up info. they look really stupid though.
    Amanda – girl you haven’t written me lol
    so about the comments on jordans page, how convinient for whoever is trying to view her page that all you have to do is click on the last page and her comments are there . lol again, either jordan or whoever logs on every day now, but makes no changes ???

  230. miss knight: thanks for the link, he does seem to look surprised to see her. and this was at the beginning of the concert. now it makes sense why he kept returning to that side of the stage. i keep wondering during the concert (i was there) why he never came over to my side! now i know, lol. but yes, he does seem to linger for quite a while at the end of the song, and i cant tell bc the camera moved, but it appears that he does a double take. it did appear that he saw her in the crowd and was surprised. and you have been to his solo shows? tell me more about them, more specifically about him… is he as good looking up close? lol. and no, i didnt see her response to her cuz… i tried to but it’s now private.

    and i agree with whoever said that she is loving the attention… who wouldn’t?

    and i have to ask (no matter how embarassing), has anyone had any sexual encounters with JK????? how was his “performance”??? lol. its so wrong, but i am so curious… wouldnt it be a shame if JK was bad in bed!

  231. First off, I came across this page because I was searching for things to scrap book for their tour, for my husband. Second. I’m not making anything up. I don’t need to. There is a lot that you guys don’t know regarding Marisol. I don’t want to be mean or hurt anyones feelings. No Marisol is not black. She used to date a black performer. A very well known black performer. Marisol and J were friends. They were very close friends. They are no longer friends. Will leave it there. Marisol and J never had an intimate relationship. The last time he even or we even saw her was when she showed up to a meet and greet. Thats all I will say without hurting anyone.

    Jordan does a lot for his wife. He loves her. He doesn’t kid or make her believe anything that is not true. Eve hates the spotlight. That is one thing he loves about her. She has no need to feel like she has to be famous or flaunt a famous husband. They are very down to earth. Live in a beautiful home drive a modest car. She never flaunts her money, very humble. They have also been in love for over 20 years. He is one of the most spiritual people I know. Not just religious but spiritual! Sometimes he rants about it and we all have to go WTF??? But he is an awesome person. And I am grateful to call him a friend. You guys don’t know him or her. So all this speculation is just that, speculation. J is a big big big flirt. A lot of girls will take that the wrong way. He can make a girl blush by just smiling at her.

    Eve doesn’t fool herself. Maybe one day she won’t tolerate this life, but thats not today.

  232. http://talk.livedaily.com/archive/index.php/t-483267.html

    Evelyn was EVIL to Jordan’s fans. Jordan knew that…he knew Dante hadn’t done it (sorry, Dante JOrdan, as he insists on being called according to his very proud grandma). Jordan went OFF on her…

    Whatever happend to it and whatever happened to the conventions I havent heard about either in a while. This is the last question I promise lol, someone mentioned earlier in this thread that Jordan wasn’t with Evelyn(Dante’s mom) anymore, do you know why? I don’t really like to get into their personal business but I’ve heard some stuff about their relationship so I’m not surprised they aren’t together anymore I was just curious as to why exactly. Yeah I’m nosey LOL

    Jordan and Evelyn broke up a VERY long time ago…before 2002 when I went to Boston. Why, I’m not quite sure. I do know the summer before she blamed Dante for throwing rocks over the fencing at their house (six foot tall fencing, 2 year old little boy) and hitting a fan in the head with it.

  233. I have been very lucky to befriends with people who are close to the guys….totally dream come true for a girl who used to cry for JK at 9 years old. I had NO idea these people were close to the guys until the friendship evolved. I was told the guys DO read the official msg board and they do read stuff out there. I have to protect my identity because my friends will fry my liver if they find out I’m giving out info….but like I said, we are fans and we are curious! I was very much into learning everything about them when I started here so please guys, let’s keep here only.
    Donnie didn’t pay any attention to his gf of 6 years at a private party (beautiful woman, I should say) to be with the Vegas brat. It was not pretty. The guys have girlfriends in every city but some are more serious than others.

    If I ever kiss Jordan, I won’t be able to go around and say Ï kissed JK and I liked it….”LOLOL they KNOW, they READ…..

    Warning to people who know them (neighbors etc): They know who’s talking about them!!!!!

  234. I’ve met Jordan (briefly) and is even more amazing in person than he is in pictures. It’s surreal how beautiful he is.

    I’m not giving the bitch anymore attention. She’s got a nasty face. And her writing is HORRID.

    As far as Donnie and girlfriends. He had an English one when he was here for the week.

  235. I just wanted to say I’m loving the gossip. I wish there were more photos of Jordan and a better photo of Evelyn.

    I have to say she is on the homely side, but IF he’s happy that’s all that counts.

  236. All I care about is that Jordan said his wife didn’t care of he was SINGLE on tour so if he flirts, I’d flirt back! He’s a rock star and although he is married, he is clearly still not ready to “settle down”.

  237. I will have to disagree with Shiloh (is this name for real? LOL). Jordan does not love Evy because he has no respect for her. With love, true love, comes respect and when he flirts….and I’ve seen it!….he is not respecting her!
    I have a PhD in clinical psychology and I work as a profiler…..If I was wrong, I would have burned my diplomas already….please!!!!! You cannot be that naïve!!!
    I’m not saying he doesn’t like her or he’s unhappy…NO! I actually think he does like her and somehow this dysfuncional relationship works well for them but LOVE is soooo much more, people! Love doesn’t flirt, love doesn’t text flirtatious messages to fans….love DOES NOT EXPOSE YOUR SPOUSE the way J does to her….everyone knows he cheats and that is the ultimate humiliation…..
    I gotta laugh now…excuse me…

  238. Sandra I agree with you, no more attention for her!! 🙂
    and yes, they have girlfriends everywhere… I don’t think some are more serious than others because it’s just a matter of sex, not love or anything!!but I guess I can see your point considering they think some of them are better in the sack lol so they will go for them more often probably lol
    About knowing jordan (to shiloh), if you KNEW him you’d know what he does…you’d know he’s not only a flirt… and that’s all I’m gonna say about it….

  239. SHiloh – I could care less whether he did or did not like this girl, but it obvious there are some things you don’t know, and when you come on here and try to back up your theory with false information its like you think we’re dumb.
    -i’m not buying that scrapbook stuff, and you are lying when you said she dated a black performer. According to info i got from someone on the previous jk.com messageboard, she supposely dated that NFL player, who was black. that explains the pic she has of him on her myspace. —–also you may want to check out those clips..they really do say alot.

    (we know she is sitting on that side cause of her myspace pictures) and if you look at other shows, her never goes on that side during this song.

    so i’m curious how you know so much about marisol? why are they not friends anymore? if they were such good friends as you say they were something big must of happened from them not to talk anymore.

  240. i think i found another pic of her, Eve. If you use gettyimages and search jordan knight 2005, it pulls up some pics from the billboards. there is a pic of j holoding a camera with a lady in the background. she resembles this eve alot but loooks quite differernt too. Can anyone verify if that is her? houston can you possibly post it ? shiloh can you verify it’s her since you know her..?

  241. I know this is a Jordan board so this is the last I will ask about Donnie but are you saying that Donnie who was married to his wife for 8 years had a girlfriend for 6 of them?

    How serious are they if he spent 2 days in Vegas with someone else, is rumored to have a stripper pole on his tour bus, was rumored to have hooked up with Aubrey O’Day and likes to flaunt a hat that reads, “Single”?

    When we say “girlfriend” do we really mean “girlfriend” like in the real world (you know, faithful, serious, monogamous) or do we mean “girlfriend” in the celebrity world (girl he hooks up with when in town).

    And, does he currently have a girlfriend (one he’s in a serious relationship with)?

  242. KP, why is he such a d*** to her (Ev) if she’s willing to deal with him, his issues and all of the fan madness? Does anyone know? I don’t get it…

  243. I reread your post KP, so I wanted to comment back again. Why do you think he doesn’t have respect for her?
    I wonder if he’d straighten himself out if they broke up for good but oh, wait, they used to break up all the time and ended up married lol. My head is really starting to hurt.
    I can’t think about this anymore. lol

  244. YES I did come on here for scrapbooking,I am making a gift for my hubby, it’s obvious why you came on. It’s crystal clear.
    It seems like some of you would much rather believe in lies than the truth. I was really trying to keep this nice so I wouldn’t hurt anyones feelings but here it is. All of Marisol’s photos on her myspace were taken at events where she, like many fans, lined up to meet him. She gave him a CD and he really believed that he could have helped her spark up another music career. She also dropped her boyfriends name, who was a black performer. And is a black performer but no longer her boyfriend. If she dated some football player I can’t tell you yes or no. I don’t know. All I can tell you is what I know regarding J. He called her one time to say he sent her CD to a friend of his. His friend called her and said he had a group going on tour and thought she would be a good back up singer and if she wanted to go to NYC and try out. All she could talk about was J. All she cared about was J. She even sent him a letter to his management company. When J was approached by her group backstage she kept trying to remind him of who she was and all he kept saying was “oh yeah okay, how are you?” And there is video of them leaving and him making this confused face, they are taping backstage clips for a DVD.

    thats it. Nothing more. What ever else you guys make up is because you want to. Whydid she delete a posting that said what happened between you and jordan? Well because NOTHING happened. And her friends and family know she is a fan of his. Wouldn’t you delete that too? Versus looking like a crazy person? Wouldn’t friends and family ask what the hell are they talking about? Move on.

    If you guys want to make up info to spice up your discussions I urge you to get on to his myspace and go through some of their pages… you’ll think he is sleeping with all of them!!!

    She was nothing but a fan. is NOTHING but a fan.

    J loves Eve. I last saw them together at her birthday party- he made the cake, did all this stuff, sang to her. It was very nice. I am sure there are problems. My husband and I are having issues and he is just in their crew, I don’t have to deal with girls. Well he did tell me a crazy story of these girls trying to get backstage. But I’d kill him!

    Conclusion is that you guys are going to believe what you want to believe. I just ask that you don’t give this girl anymore time. She was only a fan. that’s it!

    And if you want to continue to believe in lies and speculation because it seems to be much more juicier than the truth then go ahead.

    Just keep the soap opera to yourself.

  245. MK-

    That video is so adorable, thanks for sharing 🙂 and KP I tend to agree with you about all of this, not only because you are clearly educated, but body language and actions speak a lot louder than words!

  246. It has to be pretty rough being Mrs. Knight. She not only has to deal with having an extraordinary life but she also has to deal with the rumors about her husband’s infidelity. She must be a pretty strong woman. Dating someone in the spotlight is not easy. Soon, you find that everything you do is in the spotlight and every move you make is talked about in public forums. You start to hear the “why is he with her” comments and the “she’s not attractive” comments. You don’t want this attention but you get it along with your man. The worst is hoping and praying you don’t read this crap on blogs like these. Trust me, it does something to you no matter how strong and faithful your relationship is. So if this Marisol trick is for real, shame on her and him. In the meantime, don’t hate the Mrs. for the life she has been blessed with! Stay strong Evelyn!!!

  247. I stubbled upon some crazy shit on this page! So I have seen the pic on Chads page is that Evelyn with Jordan for real? She is very pretty. I love and respect them and their wives. I can’t lie, I like to hear the rumors, though I feel bad for the people involved in them. NKOTB for life. i’m NKOTB ARMY on myspace add me up, oh and please send me the pics of Jordans kids and any other pics too! LOVING NKOTB FOR LIFE 🙂

  248. yo! this is some crazy shit. I really just wanted to see a pic of the ever-elusive evelyn and I stumble upon all the dirty laundry ever. thanks everyone for being the PI’s for me! I have been wondering about this stuff for the longest time.

    anyways, a couple of comments:
    1) jordan is from a broken home. I assume (even tho I know we shouldn’t) that perhaps, he doesn’t know how to make a relationship, let alone, a functional marriage work? come on, dude has been on the road FOREVER. i wouldn’t be surprised.

    2) he’s got women throwing themselves at him left and right, he’s been brought up to “shake hands and kiss babies” .. so why wouldn’t he flirt with the ladies? makes him more appealing = increase record sales.

    3) some folks are attracted to whats comfortable or what’s “home” to them. seeing as though she’d been around since childhood, makes all the sense in the world. but we can go into the whole “childhood imprinting” theory, but im not going to go there. im sure he’s conflicted.

    4) i was at one of the meet and greets (thanks to an industry friend) and a fan said to him “hey jordan, we were supposed to get married .. but my husband beat you to it.” jordan laughed and said, “hey, we both can get divorced and do the whole vegas thing.” .. it was all fun and jokes. so yes, he does proclaim his marriage. kudos to him.

    5) i have a picture of jordan, laying on the floor with a drum/bongo in his hand, cigarette in his mouth, and beer cans strewn about. can we say, drinking problem? maybe, but who cares. he’s a rock star — that shit comes with the territory. try being in a studio all hours of the day trying to meet record company deadlines .. no fun. you gotta have a little bit of inspiration. oh by the way, at the meet and greet — he appeared a little “spacey” .. if ya catch my drift.

    6) yes, bodyguards, entourages of the groups .. do scan the crowds for girls to “hang” .. i was one of them back in the day. .. did i do anything? hell no. I was 13!!! but im sure they still do it.

    7) is it just me or does this marisol girl kind of resemble evelyn back in the 90s??? SCARY.

    8) I love how the fans always protect the “kids” .. but you know what, they are just normal people .. with issues. I wouldn’t put shit passed them.

    9) I’ve seen Donnie kiss random people – on the lips. That’s a little foul.

    10) Danny is pretty blunt, honest, straight forward .. comes across as cocky.

    11) Joe seems like a pretty humble dude … who finally got calmed down by miss barette. I’m sure he still gets shitfaced every now and again, but kudos to her for taming his ass.

    time for sleep. and thanks for the info!!

  249. Just came to say hi to all! Love this blog. LMAO, because everyone wants to be up in J and Eve’s bus. KP, just wondering if anyone knows about the days before Eve. Ha Ha!
    Love to all. Stay strong girls and keep it coming!

  250. Hi Shiloh,

    Can you shed any light on the Donnie rumors since you seem to have the inside scoop?

    Did he really have a gf for 6 of the 8 years he was married? And is he still with said girlfriend even though his behavior (both what he is saying and doing) out on tour doesn’t exactly make it seem like he is involved in a relationship?


  251. Shiloh, I believe what your saying is true. I’m jealous as shit that you know him tho..lol.
    I think its so sad that people find it easier to concentrate on the negative and to create lies and rumours, than to just be positive and happy for others… One of the major problems in the world today imo.
    If your a fan, be happy there back,enjoy the ride.
    Honestly, I feel bad for Evelyn. Not because shes married to Jordan.. I believe he is good to her and loves her, but because of all the attention that comes along with that. Just try for one second to put yourself in her position.. if I were her and came on here and read these posts I would be crushed. Not because I believe he is cheating, but because of the horrible hurtful things said about her, by jealous people that really no nothing about them. No matter how strong or confident you are eventually those things start to get to you.
    I honestly think that she is just trying to keep things real for her family and her boys and thats why she choses to stay private. I think most of us can probably relate to how tough it is to be a Mom with young kids in a “normal” situation, but to be in her shoes. That has to be hard. Also remember if she wanted she could easily leave the kids at home with a Nanny and tour with him. She chooses to stay home and be a Mom first.. I think that says something about her right there.
    Anyway.. i just think we should take a look at ourselves and the energy we’re wasting being negative… Put it to use somewhere else and if your a fan just be happy you get to stare at Jordan for a few hours when they stop by your town. I saw the show in Toronto.. and they rocked it. All these men are like a fine wine.. just getting better with age.

  252. wow!!!! Jordan is soooo nice for making a cake for his wife considering HE WAS ON TOUR AND NOT EVEN HOME FOR HER B-DAY!!! HAHA you live in a a fantasy world girl… even if he made a cake that doesn’t mean shit cuz when she’s out of the picture he will go and cheat…!
    About Marisol, you keep lying and lying… you should try asking him about her and see what he has to say! 🙂 he has a really good memory when it comes to his whores!! you should know by now, you’re his friend lol
    no more attention for M, that’s what she wants….

  253. Shiloh, you have to understand that it is some of M’s family and friends and their comments that have made it appear that they had a relationship. Check out her page and see for yourself where her friends have commented on pics and said…I don’t know why JK would let that go (underneath a pic of M), or you guys are a cute couple (underneath a pic of both of them). Someone must have given them the insinuation that they were more than friends. Also she posted the comments for people to see. It really does appear to be more to the story if you look at her myspace and see all the pics, videos and the poetry, coupled with the comments she has made on his myspace.

  254. Here is what her friend said under one of M’s pics with her friends…it won’t let me post the link

    May 10, 2006 4:12 AM
    look at you thinkin u all sexy? jk…u dork why did u put this one up..it is funny though!!

  255. Here is another comment, one of her friends made…

    May 16, 2006 3:07 AM
    the hair … the eyes… yup! Marisol found her long lost brothers. 😛 jk

  256. curious – where did you read ” i don’t know why jk would let that go, i’ve gone thru the pics and i can’t find it?
    maybe someone should message the people that made comments on her pics. from what i see it just seems they were stating their opinion on her pics. just by looking at those pics without anything being said, i can see their closeness. like they say a picture is worth a thousand words.

  257. lol curious those arn’t message from Jordan. Jk means “just kidding” lol i feel bad for us knowing…i think this mystery is driving us insane.

  258. this is the one that make you wonder and maybe someone should ask this girl why why put that. i don’t think it’s a friend of her cause she has made no other comments ever on her page.

    “Aww, another great picture of you and Jordan! You two really do make a gorgeous couple!!! He looks so happy! ”

    -he does look happy. i’ve seen many other fan pics and they don’t like nothing like that.

  259. I agree, covergirl, there seemed to be a closeness. I want to believe Shiloh and that M was just an overzealous fan but the photos and videos seem to prove otherwise. Not to mention that some of her photos with him do not look like a meet & greet situation. I’ve met Jordan backstage the fan way and there certainly isn’t any one-on-one time without having a hundred other people around…unless something else is going on. Again, not saying he’s cheating on his wife – and for Evy’s sake, I genuinely hope he’s not – I just question some of these explanations. And if Jordan barely knew M, then why was Donnie pointing excitedly in her direction in one of those DC photos? I suppose Donnie was helping with her singer career too??? I’m just a little skeptical. What’s the explanation for the reporter writing that Jordan asked her to come home with him? And Jordan hitting on Ryan Starr on The Surreal Life? And the numerous other rumored flings since he’s been married? I’d love to believe he’s faithful to preserve that fantasy but, as was said before, he’s on the road A LOT and his wife doesn’t seem to join him much. Men have needs! LOL

  260. This is what was commented word for word

    May 10, 2006 4:12 AM
    look at you thinkin u all sexy? jk…u dork why did u put this one up..it is funny though!!

    Means the same thing though, right?

    It was under a pic of her and some of her friends.
    It was in her family album, 2nd page….first pic, it says MUaahh under it.

  261. You guys are sad. I was sent this link, from many who found it very amusing. That is the only reason I read it. Leave the woman alone. She is pretty. Jealousy is whats unattractive. And for those of you who think “Hey maybe Evelyn will read this and believe it when I say” ‘Oh I really think Jordan is cheating becuase Donnie pointed and Jordan was excited and they were standing differently than the others…’ Yeah, evelyn will read this, and probably leave Jordan. (Sarcasm here!!) Some of you guys are just pathetic. It is not 1990 anymore. You can like NKOTB without sounding like a moron, despite what these posts lead one to believe. Jeez.

  262. oh my god, i can believe what i am reading, u guys are so pathetic to speculate on people’s live, u must be SO boring. Whatever is going in their life they are still together and blessed with children
    Don’t hurt people just for the sake of spreading rumors, i hope that you have been raised better than that.

  263. All I can say is that there is only 1 person who can put rumors and truth to rest and that is Jordan himself. He knows what he has or has not done….unfortunately, he will never just post a blog and tell us cause well….why would he? He can do as he pleases….I just think it is interesting that there are a few stories about women, like Mari, who may just be fans, or may have been more, but they will not confirm it. I think they need to…if nothing more than just for clarification. If people are thinking the wrong thing then these women need to STEP UP and set the record straight. If there is more to the story then they are entitled to their privacy…but point is…I think Mari is one that needs to step up…she’s put it out there..

  264. Cheri A.- Thanks so much for pointing out that’s it’s no longer 1990, I didn’t realize………….so since you feel some of us are “pathetic” I’m asuuming we won’t have to hear from you anymore??

    I love the gossip, please keep it coming. BTW I only became curious about NKOTB (Jordan) just recently when I found out their reunion tour was doing well. I never liked them back then! LOL!

    So you’ll have to excuse me if I ask “silly” questions.

  265. i am sure that M knows about this page… if you read the orginal post (with the first pic of J and E), check comment #106, its from someone named Marisol. coincidence? possibly… just something to think about. and i’m sure she is loving the attention.

    wow – well said and i agree completely with everything you said.

    no matter what he does, cheater or not, i still think JK is hot and i wouldnt mind having a piece, lol. and poor E, i feel for her. she apears to handle all this negatively with grace, so i give her props for that, because i am certain she is reading this! and E, if you are, i think you are beautiful and deserving of our beloved JK.

  266. Cheri A & Kadie – Yes, I agree with Sassy…if you think we’re pathetic then we won’t hear from you anymore. If you think it’s “pathetic” or “sad” to write all these comments, then why waste your energy to talk shyt as well?! So, to all you who have a problem with all this talk….just close your browser and don’t return.

    As to this blog….Keep the gossip coming! Don’t get me wrong…I adore JK but he is a celebrity and being famous has it’s price…it comes with the territory.

  267. It’s just sad, that chick is just a fan! Thats it! Enough with her. I swear its exhausting. I had a talk with him one night at his home, one of his all time favorite things is to make these smores and there was a party, but anyway we were out there and my husband made a joke like NOW ON CNN JORDAN KNIGHT BURNS HIS MARSHMALLOWS! and we all laughed and he went into this sad story about how people are going to make up things and believe what they want to believe and it doesn’t matter what you say or don’t say either way its what they choose to believe. This didn’t really hit me till I came on this thread. I’m not even famous and some of you are choosing to believe what you want to believe regarding me. I can understand it because you don’t know me personally but you also don’t know J or Eve. I do. And I will only say, again, Marisol was just a fan. I promise. My friend comes on my page and refers to my husband as her “baby daddy” its an inside joke but it doesn’t mean he is. You have to step back and look and I am telling you that she was nothing but a fan. Is nothing but a fan. Will never be anything but a fan. Thats it. Anything more is what you are choosing to believe.

    Donnie was very much in love with his wife. They had a wonderful relationship and what happened between them is not of public issue. Donnie is a fantastic man and a wonderful daddy. He is either doing something regarding his business or doing something as a dad. He is terrific and I have never heard of Donnie having a girlfriend of 6 years. I have never seen anything to point to that and I refuse to believe that unless Donnie tells me otherwise. He was like a puppy around his wife. He was devoted to her. Sometimes she would have to tell him to go out or force him to go do things with the boys. She was in the hospital for a couple of days due to a health scare and I have never seen a man so on edge and emotional and the health problem was minute. He and Jordan are closer to my husband than the others. They do a lot of stuff together. Actually their season passes are side by side. I’m not saying he didn’t cheat or had cheated but there was no way that there was a steady 6 year girlfriend. I’m sorry.

    Why is it so hard for some of you to believe J is in love with Eve, his WIFE? No one is holding him to her and no one is forcing them to be this way. I know lives change and people change but they have really had their relationship tested several times. Do you guys know she almost died giving birth? You guys have no idea what J has been through with her and that will always tie them together. Before that they had split and J has had his own apartment for a while and yet they always end up face to face in love. Don’t misunderstand J’s need for females affection as a sign of his sexuality towards woman. J is a big flirt and stating he has had “whores” well that is pushing it. I know that when he and Eve split he did have a girlfriend in Houston, TX. They were together for just a couple of weeks though, he met her after him and Eve split. He met her in NYC at a restaurant, he was staying in New York for business. I was supposed to meet her one evening in Miami with him but they didn’t make it past 4 weeks (I didn’t think they would she was very young) and several days later he was back with is Wife. He told me himself that they drive each other crazy but he couldn’t live without her.

    Not sure about Joe or Danny but Donnie and J don’t read stuff off the website unless it has been brought to their attention. Even then they don’t give it any time unless its threatening in nature or could possibly affect family.

  268. Hi! The picture of his wedding mentioned before its real, I know someone who was in the wedding and he described Evelyn’s dress just as it appears on the photo. The same year he got married he was in Spain giving a concert and he had sex with one the girls in the meet & greet, this is real.

  269. It hurts me a little bit to read some posts about Jordan, honestly… girls we really don´t know him. I´m so happy to see the guys together and happy (I think) , what they do it´s not our bussiness and yes they are famous but come on some respect, they are humans. Of course, everbody is free to post whatever you want, and at some point I understand that deep inside all of us love gossiping, but there are limits reading some stuff hurts a little bit. For me the most important thing is to see J on stage happy and having a good time, because he is a very talented guy, and I love when he sings and dances.

    On the other hand…Shiloh I don´t know if you really know JOrdan or the guys, but anyway, May I ask you a couple of questions?… Jordan is happy to come back with the guys? I see him enjoying now more than in the beginning of the reunion…and the last one now that you mentioned Donnie, I must admit that J and Donnie these two are my fav, I love their chemistry, apparently they are so different but I am not sure if deep inside they are really that different…well my question is .. Are they still close as I think they were in the past? …… Probably you will tell me yes like all five…. lol lol

    Thank you.

    and Long live to THE BLOCK

    (Sorry for my english by the way)

  270. Thanks so much for the information Shiloh. I appreciate you responding!

    Does Donnie currently have a girlfriend or is he just out on the road having a good time???

  271. Shiloh thank you for the information! I do believe that J loves Eve but we all know that he is a flirt ( he did with me). Please people leave the woman alone they have been together for over 20 years! that is a long time. About Marisol I really think she is just a fan who is probably following him around at shows THATS all!!! please…..and Dana I don’t believe you that is full BS! and if you guys are JK fans that you claim to be stop this nonsense he reads this and YOU are hurting him.

    I think he is just a flirt and THATS IT! nothing more.

    Leave Eve alone I think she is pretty and remember they been together since they were kids sooooo beauty is deeper….esp since they have 2 boys together 🙂

  272. Shiloh, just curious, why did you say at first that Marisol and J were “good friends” and now you say she’s just a fan? Also do you presume that even if you know the couple, that you know everything that has gone on between them privately? I mean, lots of people cheat and even their closest family and friends don’t know about it – if he was unfaithful, i doubt he would advertise it, especially to people who are also friends with his wife. That would be pretty stupid. Also there is some evidence out there that he has made some improper overtures in the past, but I always thought that it might have been connected to the problem with drinking he seemed to have for awhile. Everyone does stupid things when they’re drunk…. It is good to hear some things firsthand from you, if you really do know them. I was surprised about Donnie and Kim as they always looked so happy. That’s crazy about Evelyn – did she really almost die – what happened? Anyway, I know it’s not really our business, but one of the breaks of being famous is that people are interested in things about celebrities that aren’t really their business. Look at it as a trade-off for all the money – no one has to be famous if they don’t want to be.

  273. Dana, that’s true.. and then he had sex with the same girl the next year in England! if you see pictures of the concert in Spain you will see him singing baby I believe in you to a blondie, that’s the girl…. 🙂
    shiloh, nice book you’re writing there, I couldn’t get pass the first two sentences lol

  274. GG – good catch. I was thinking the same thing. You can tell she is making some stuff up. if you want my opinion, she may have some knowledge cause she just very well be ” secretlover” undercover.

    Dana – about the wedding pic. That does NOT look like him. I remember that on his previous jk.com site, someone from his staff had posted a picture of him at his wedding with other guys. No Eve.(odd..not even on his wedding day did a pic with her come out!) but Jordan was alot chubbier back then, i the chubbiest he’s ever been. You could see that in the pic and If i’m not mistaken he had a light blue vest under his coat. it is NOT him in that picture.

  275. also IF lets say, she was just a fan…she went to shows..”hunted” him down as was stated, then can someone please explain the VIDEOS?! why does he appear to be singing to her? and why was he so emotional at that show. someone also commented earlier that he did sing incredibly that night. i don’t know if those who comment have seem them yet. KK and private eye comments after seeing them.
    scroll up and you’ll see the links.

  276. I as so into this!!
    Shiloh…I may be wrong but you seem as if you’re trying really hard to make Jordan and Evelyn’s marriage seem ideal. Why? No one ever said they didn’t love each other.

    You keep mentioning they’ve been in love 20 years, as if they’ve been skipping through the meadow holding hands all this time.

    He was always touring then so they probably would’ve seen very little of each other. Also he was a FINE-ASS, GORGEOUS young man in his sexual prime….so I don’t think he sat in his hotel room playing Go Fish with a body guard with the others got laid because he was in love with Evelyn.

    I’m not saying they don’t love each other but love and sex are 2 different things.
    If I’m wrong sorry.

  277. Wow, this is a crazy blog going on over here. I dont think I will ever be able to catch up to all these posts but from what I have read it seems like we really need to respect J’s private life. The Jordan of NKOTB we know is very different than the Jordan husband/father/friend etc.

    I, like many of you, have adored Jordan since the very beginning and have followed his solo career after New kids dispanded. I remember going to a show in NYC and meeting a bunch of “groupies” saying how they follow him around in the hopes of hanging out with him. One also told me that he is the biggest cheater and that she saw it first hand. Honestly I didnt believe her. Some of these girls will see him sing to someone or hug etc and say OMG he is a pig! But I think at the end of the day they just want to feel like they know him in some way, even if its the bad stuff.

    I hope that JK and his wife are very happy. I cant even begin to imagine what she goes through knowing he is out on tour for so long. How would you feel if your husband had a girl through a bra at him? Or the fact that he has to hug and talk to them? I am not saying he does these things because he doesnt want to but why do you have to take it to the level that he is a cheater? I am sure he is a flirter but I guess it’s pretty hard not to be when you have millions of females adoring you 🙂

  278. Long time reader first time writer. First off I LOVE this website. I remember reading this when there were only like 3 blogs. WOW how far we’ve come. Anyway, I had to report that the NY Times today said that NKOTB has installed a stripper pole in their tour bus. UUhhhh….. .Type nypost .com type new kids on the block in the search button. They tried to make it sound cute… as if!!!

  279. Who knows what Jordan does. But what I do know is that he isn’t all that attractive with a mouth full of cold sores. And never have I seen a pic of Jordan with coldsores until now. Herpes simplex A or is it B? or has it been a Type B that turned into a type A? If u know what i mean 😉

  280. Hey guys I’m not planning on being on this site that long so I am going to try to answer some of your questions.

    I stated that she was just a friend because I honestly didn’t want to hurt anyones feelings. I have a feeling that she or her friends may be behind this whole Marisol fiasco so I didn’t want to rain on her little shindig but maybe by me saying who I am she would just bow out graciously.

    Donnie is not seeing anyone serious at the moment but he does have a female friend.

    Have you guys gone to more than one concert? I’ve been to seven so far and I urge you to youtube– or google video what ever you choose– other concerts. He stands on the left half of the group and always moves to that side. He sings fantastic every night. And he always has a specific area where he will point and flirt and wink to. they call it before shows so not more than one performer is at one area neglecting another. It’s their thing.

    The reunion wasn’t as smooth as it appears now. The few that jumped on in the beginning knew that they couldn’t do it without all five. They really enjoy it and enjoy each others company. Their biggest fear was failure. They love performing and appreciate what fans do fo

  281. Thanks Amanda, you are right that Spanish girl was with him again in London that very same year, and right, she is blonde and appears on the photos. This is true and all the fans that were know know it for sure.
    Obviously we don’t know the relationship he has with Evelyn but it is at least, strange!

  282. Hey guys sorry for my typos I just saw them this morning. I was using a voice typer and and it keeps last “chat” and dang! So I apologize. I’m going to actually type my words now.

  283. Jordan needs to tell her (marisol mazo) to stop being so obvious… but of course he can’t even think about it when it comes to his dick… he removed a whole page of comments just to cover up her ass….and she removed videos too, even from her youtube page… now you tell me if she doesn’t know about this site… how freaking funny!!! he should worry about his poor wife finding out instead of covering this homewreck ass!!!!!

  284. and to the idiots that come here insulting people, go back to your fantasy world….!
    She’s not just a fan, and she wasn’t the one “stalking” him, otherwise he wouldn’t have ended up going to her house and staying there like he was her freaking boyfriend (when he was already married lol) haha
    But the fact that she’s not just a fan doesn’t mean she’s the only one… Jordan has women all over and he has the same behaviour with all of them. So she needs to stop thinking he’s in love with her just because he tells her to, because HELLO when a guy wants to get laid he will say mostly anything, even that… and it’s just pathetic of him! she needs to stop thinking he cares just because he got her tickets for her whole family to go to the show…! :)he did it to make sure he can keep “doing” her in the future!

  285. I have very close seats to the RI show & I’ll play DETECTIVE for you all!! I’ll take pics & watch their every move. I’ll ck for Marisol & even make a play for the boyz. Donnie & Danny might be easiest-now that they have a stripper pole in their bus, but my heart resides with Jordan. I hope for a flirt & perhaps some scandelous behavior!! LOL

  286. nurse 4 change – you know it is interesting that you bring that up about the RI show. You may be right. I read a comment from a cousin on her page, about meeting her in NY.
    She is from RI. apparently she has family in Providence. !! keep your eye open girl!

    shiloh- you should read back on some of the things you said before and you’ll see you change things at times. Honestly.., what part of your NKOTB scrapbook would need to include information of “jordan knight evelyn..” the personal life category ? i don’t think alot of people reading here can rely on your info. do you realize the only reason we ever brought up that girl M is cause other people knew about her aswell?
    about the videos, your in denial if you don’t want to see what other have observed.

  287. OKkk. Since i’m entirely fed up all this speculation. plus there are some people on here who have come to confuse the whole thing even more.. i have decided to message one of M’s freinds. I was to the point and asked this person exactly what happened, if anything with them. I also told her about the blog ,so if M doesn’t know about it she surely may find out now. i hope you guys are happy lol ugh now i just have to wait to see if the person responds.! i’ll keep ya guys updated.

  288. Amanda – How do you know he got her family tickets?? How do you know all the info you know?? You seem to know alot and seem angry at JK. Are you a woman scorned??

    Shiloh – Will the guys be touring in the summer???

    Nurse – I’ll be at a show this month too and want to join your detective team. 😉

    One tidbit of info for you all to chew on…I was recently on a “gutter board” that has info specifically relating to NKOTB and their “exploits”… anyway…all information with regard to Jordan is locked. Lots of juicy stuff about Donnie and even some about Joe (back in the day NOT NOW) and Jon…just thought it odd that info on Jordan like that is not accessible…maybe because he is doing stuff as of late and does not want to get caught cheating???? Just thought I’d share.

  289. Hmmm…
    Maybe Jordan started that other board to get people to talk about the other guys, that way everyone over here would get off his ass. lol

  290. I see there is another Kelly on here as well now…I have been gone a while and WOW this message board is unreal. I wont be back though because to to be honest the remarks made me sick and I have more important things to do than to sit around and speculate about Jordan and Evy and now this Marisol chick. Amanda grow up a little and your foul language is not appealing at all.

    Shiloh thanks for coming on here and defending Jordan and clearing the air…IF YOU ARE FOR REAL THAT IS….What goes on behind close doors is not our business. And for the people that get on here to spread false rumors and speculations “all in fun” Get a life!! It is pretty sad that this is how you get your fun…

    I love Donnie and Jordan and as far as I am concerned I know my place and it is not to spread false stories and nosy in to their lives, nor is it to badmouth their families.

    You all need to take a good look at yourselves and your actins before you call yourselves fans. We are to support them not badmuth or gossip about them

  291. “the one” do you have a link for that “gutter site”.. I love reading all this gossip, and if you have a link to more.. please share!!


  292. kelly… who needs you?!! you need to grow up and stop worshipping people! no one is badmouthing evelyn or the couple, we just started stating facts we know…! and please who will believe that you won’t come back, you will be here reading everything 200 times a day… get a life!
    to whoever asked me HOW I know, I just do and you can believe it or not! and no I have no reason to be angry at him!
    This blog used to be fun before all the ass kissers got in the picture so now it will be dying slowly…
    lol@the girl pming her friend… I’m sure M knows already though 🙂 but way to go lol
    this whole thing isn’t even about her… I know how things are and she’s just one more…. But some of you can’t really accept the fact that Jordan cheats… not that it’s good or bad… whatever floats his boat!

  293. I agree with Miss Knight about the fact that we all started talking about this because many people knew… so why hide it.
    to “the one” sorry if I sounded rude, I didn’t mean it that way… I took it on you because I’m sick of people always ruining the fun for others (not you of course, the ass kissers lol)
    And no I’m not angry at him! He can do whatever he wants with his life, after all it’s his… but it doesn’t mean we can’t talk about it 😀

  294. Not to be annoyingly “pc” (I tend to be that way, its in my nature, can’t help it lol) – I think its cool that people want to defend Jordan and I understand how you might feel protective of him (I do too, but I know I have a f*cked up way of showing it lol I just came here for personal reasons that I don’t intend to elaborate on and I started to feel bad for what I was saying so yeah now maybe I am kissing his ass lol). Anyway, with all due respect, if you want to show your adoration for him, go to the NKOTB site and post about it there. Most of the fans feel the same way you do and don’t want to hear the trash talking. In fact, he will probably read it. He might even comment on it. Who the hell knows. I just think that people take this stuff way too seriously. Its just gossip, just talk…

  295. This is old but I found an online article at JK-UK, Ireland. I think it’s an official website.

    It’s an old interiview with something called Sky Magazine dated Feb.2000

    They asked him what he’d been doing the last 5 years since NKOTB broke up and he said nothing important had happened.
    THEN he “remembered” that he was engaged and had baby…..That’s just so strange to me. It’s almost something different than being shy.

    He also said she was like a little sister to him , then he came home from a tour and noticed that she’d grown up.

  296. You guys are really making a mountain out of nothing. I didn’t want to hurt the girls feelings, but whatever. She is just a fan. But I get it, that’s not fun or interesting to talk about. I don’t care what the girls friends say. I don’t believe that she would ever say yes I was with him because that would jeopardize her with the band and he can sue the shit out of her for libel. It would be a fat lie. I urge you guys to speak the truth and stop this madness. Its really getting out of hand. And I am so saddened to see people who claim to be fans behave this way.

    On the other hand I know J and I know this wouldn’t even concern him. So in the famouse words of J: just chill!!!! LOL

  297. SHiloh, i thought you said you wouldnt be on this blog from long? what are u still doing posting. lol are you serious about jordan sueing? lol omgg well…do you really think there arn’t any other girls who have slept with him and could say something? looks like you spend so much time not defending jordan , but trying to make yourself believe what you have no clue about. You obviously seem to have easy access to the concerts or Jordan, (if its true) Have you asked him?

    KD- why did you post this???


  298. hi shiloh,

    thanks for insights into j and eve. i think they look like a nice couple together and i hope they are happy together. sounds like they have been through a lot together.
    please share any funny j stories that fans would enjoy. things we might not know about him but things that are not too private to share.
    also, if you are allowed to share any more information about eve. maybe you could ask j and eve if it’s ok to share a more recent photo of them together? i think eve is pretty, would like to see a recent photo of her if it’s ok with them.
    do you know if dante is interested in music/singing?
    is j thinking about doing any tv or movies in future?

  299. I love all this gossip! (despite some of the drama) I’m wondering if anybody has a story to share about a “meeting” with Jordan? I met Jordan and Joe back in 99′ and am curious to see if our stories are similiar about what went down, how they acted, etc..Please tell! 🙂

  300. look what i found!…

    “Jan 20, 2006 12:46 PM
    hey there! 🙂 just stopping to say hi and I hope everything is going good for you guys.. take care.

    Ps. Jk has a page now! lol


    ANDDD Jordan left a message for him too.!

    “Feb 8, 2006 1:50 PM
    What’s up!”

    …sooo obviously they all know each other…umm

  301. look what i found!…

    “Jan 20, 2006 12:46 PM
    hey there! 🙂 just stopping to say hi and I hope everything is going good for you guys.. take care.

    Ps. Jk has a page now! lol


    ANDDD Jordan left a message for him too.!

    “Feb 8, 2006 1:50 PM
    What’s up!”

    …sooo obviously they all know each other…umm

  302. i while back someone said that they found messages from GW1 productions on her myspace, and i went on that person’s page and looked through it and found both a post from M and jordan.
    if you go to her comments on her myspace, early ones you will see comments from GW1 productions. click on that and then scroll thru the later comments left for that person. you clearly see jordan posted, just saying whats up and he left a picture but you can’t see it.

  303. So….I should be working but I’m addicted to this site. I noticed that each comment has a symbol below the time stamp and each person has the same symbol (I assume from the email address).
    So, I was wondering how come Shiloh’s first comment’s grammer sounded all messed up compared to all her other recent comments. It definately sounded like two different people. Then I noticed this….
    When you read back to her first comment (279) you’ll notice the symbol below the time stamp as a light bluish color. Her next comment (302) and comments after that…the symbol is a different one and it’s a greenish color. Does this mean that it’s two different people posing as Shiloh?
    Plus, she mistyped Mirisol in her first comment and apologized b/c her finger slipped. Then later she said she’s using a voice recorder and excuse her typos. Also, like someone said earlier, M was a friend at first and now, just a fan. Something def does not add up.

    I think….Shiloh, you’ve been caught slippin’!

  304. Guys, let’s get real!!! If Shiloh really knew the Knight family like she claims, would she be here posting about their personal shiz? Saying Evy almost died giving birth? NEVERRRRRR!
    Shiloh is a fraud and shame on who believes her crap!
    Anyone – ANYONE – can make up a story and throw in some “details” to make it appear real……

  305. KK- i answered you before but my commnet was not posted..
    go under M’s comments,,,you’ll see comments from “Gw1productions” something like that, click on it and go thru their comments..you will see a comment from M and one from Jordan.

  306. Good catch KK.

    Is the girl on Zimmermans myspace page Evelyn (photo with him, Jordan, another guy and a girl at a photo shoot)?
    If it is she isn’t wearing a wedding ring either so maybe they both don’t wear a band or ring?

  307. Guys, let’s get real!!! If Shiloh really knew the Knight family like she claims, would she be here posting about their personal shiz? Saying Evy almost died giving birth? NEVERRRRRR!Shiloh is a fraud and shame on who believes her crap!Anyone – ANYONE – can make up a story and throw in some “details” to make it appear real……I’M BRINGING COMMON SENSE BACK!!!! LOL

  308. If that pic is of her, I’m sorry, but she’s totally adorable. I love how she looks like a different person in EVERY single photo that has come out. Maybe he uses doubles when he’s in public so he can trick people. He’s the type that would totally be the mastermind behind something like that lol.

  309. Hi people.

    Check out some interviews…i apologize if these have previously been posted but there are so many comments on here already.

    Here he talks about the strength of his wife…

    His wife’s reaction to the new music…also how he wouldnt sign a breast because of his wife…

    His wife inspires all his songs

  310. Wow. Well I see I have to explain to some of you. I find it funny some are so interested in my typing or device I use to communicate. I use a voice typer and I use an iphone. If you have an iphone you know at times it changes your words, replaces them. If you don’t have one then ask someone who does. Its very annoying. I usually don’t proof read, I just send.

    Now that I have cleared that up, please go back to talking about make believe relationships and how Jordan doesn’t care about his wife and kids.

    I see for some of you gossip is more of interest. BTW I hear an alien just gave birth to a 299 pound baby. I saw it on the internet so I’m sure some of you will find it to be true. That seems to be your choice of where you find your information.

    For the others, believe me when I say. If J could thank you

  311. J said I can talk about my experience with them. Because they are my experiences. There is a lot that I can’t and won’t talk about. I love J and Eve and I appreciate their friendship with my family.

  312. okkk. guuyss She responded!
    this is what she said: ( for those of you who don’t know, i message M’s friend/relative)

    “What?!? What exactly are they saying about her on that blog? Could you please give me that blog name.. Something similar happened on the previous JK messageboard. It’s not fair to her,. and believe me its not at all what people think. She did not look for him.

    & please let me know the blog name..

    —-wellll. there’s a start! Shiloh is a liar i think and why is she even posting anymore! one more thing, we did not get our information from the internet, we got it from people who were there.

  313. Shiloh, I don’t know whether you’re really friends with J & E or not, but if you are, you don’t seem to have much respect for them or their boundaries. You might think you’re doing the right thing by defending them with what you know, but if you cared about them at all, you wouldn’t be posting about really personal info on a public web site, (dedicated to gossip no less). Why did you have to go there (with the info about the pregnancy) just to seem authentic? This is why J gets so f*cked up. “His friends” keep selling him out. It never ends. I know this is a really delayed response but I felt I had to say something. I just don’t think a “real” friend would talk about something like with people they don’t even know. Speculating about girls he has fooled around with is one thing, but you’re taking it to another level and I think there’s something kind of sick about it.

  314. Shiloh is a liar and I don’t think we should pay anymore attention to her. I agree with Jaymee that real friends won’t say half of the things that she has said

    covergirl – what exactly did you message her friend? What does she mean, “she did not look for him”
    BTW…thanks for messaging her to get the inside scoup! 🙂

  315. BTW, the first link I posted from People magazine, coincides with Shiloh’s story about Eve’s labor.

    I believe Shiloh…for my own sanity. Why tarnish our views of J with all this speculation? I for one, missed the giddy feelings I would always get whenever NKOTB was mentioned. Now that they are back, I’m loving the rebirth of those nostalgic moments. I live in DC but couldn’t go to that concert because I go to grad school in the evening, but I drove 3 hours to see them in Philly this past Wednesday. It was quite possibly the greatest night of my life, lol. Maybe J isn’t the best person or husband…or maybe he IS. Who cares? Let’s leave it be and go on with our own fantasies of what kind of person he is.

    Oh and Shiloh, I commend you for coming on here and defending J. Although people are saying that you should not be commenting on his personal life for the sake of your friendship, I think that any friend’s natural inclination would be to defend him. Especially, if all this slander is hurtful and untrue.

    I anticipate that others will say I’m living in a world of rainbows, stickers, and butterflies, but I could care less. It’s a nice place to be.

  316. I just don’t get it? why not leave it alone? Jordan is happy with Evelyn, can some not be happy for him? We are adults now, we no childeren anymore. If Jordan is a private person (when it comes to Evelyn and his kids) than respect that. If you really love/like him so much, than respect his choices.

  317. Shiloh, you’re no fun, you are a liar and honestly nobody is interested in your “EXPERIENCES”.
    Common sense, guys!!! Let’s stick with that!
    It’s a shame I’m working as a profiler now or I could help Shiloh with her lying problem LOL it’s easy to treat….ha!

    I would LOVE to get a link for the gutter boards!!! THAT I would like to see!!

  318. kk- i asked her if anything more other than a fan meeting a celebrity happen between them? I told her that people started talking about it on this blog and that it was getting out of control and that i just needed to get an answer.
    i just messaged her back asking her what she means by “she did not look for him” and if she could clear some rumours being said on the blog.
    – i’ll keep you guys updated.

    (laughing at those articles posted.. i read those before. he wouldn’t sign a breast,, yet he’s said he’s single when he’s on tour? )

  319. funny… “she did not look for him”…! haha she’s only implying he looked for her…! so what, it’s the same…
    if something similar happened already then there’s gotta be a reason…hmmm! 🙂
    thank you for the info girl! 🙂

  320. I wanted to add lol when Jordan went to hang out with her to HER PLACE… she did not invite him over? lol but I guess she did not look for him hahaha 🙂
    we all should move on and start gossiping about something else because it’s getting boring … any new groupies around?haha
    and yes I agree with KP in everything she said… I also would like to check out those links!

  321. I know I post too much (sorry). People magazine and all of that other PC PR stuff doesn’t tell me anything about the “real” Jordan. Whether the gossip is true or not, it is the only way some of us get to learn about him. It has nothing to do with love (or lust lol), some of us just want to know what he is like, who he likes, the things he does on his off time, etc…because we find him interesting (for whatever reason).
    You might say, well what right do you have to know about his personal life? Well maybe we don’t, but not all of us live in Boston, or know his friends, or the people he works with, so we won’t know any other way. This is part of being a fan (at least for me), this is the only way we find out about that person that wrote the songs we like, the guy we see performing or whatever. Not all of us are going to get “face time” (even if we did, thats hardly going to give anything away). If we don’t hear him say what we want to hear in interviews, we’re going to seek it out elsewhere. Thats just what people do, esp. us women lol And AGAIN, if you don’t want to hear other sides to Jordan, don’t be looking up his personal life on the internet lol. I mean how the hell else did you get here? If you google “Jordan Knight”, this is not the first site that is going to come up.
    So maybe I’m totally contradicting myself as well lol but I guess its all in the approach. Its one thing if info is coming from his “friends” and its another when its coming from fans (or people who aren’t really saying who they are). Anyway, I’m probably boring you all now. See ya in the “gutter.” LOL

  322. Sorry, didn’t mean to get all preachy. I think I might have killed the mood. lol Anyway, I haven’t heard anything either. My “New Kids Network” connection must be down. lol
    Is anyone here from Boston?

  323. There are not any “real” gutter boards out there anymore. They have all been inactive for a long time. Someone needs to start a new gutter!

  324. oh boy, it’s like christmas everyday in here! still waiting on some gutterboard action. someone post some links! lol! and yes jaymee, you hit the nail on the head. we’re just fans that want to be in ‘the know.’ this board is no diff than tmz. anyways, it’s not as if we’re doing anything to maliciously harm him or his fam. the truth is what it is, and we just want to know all about it.

  325. I find all this extremely fascinating and am staying up waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay past my bedtime. I saw JK 3 years ago when he did a show in Indiana (I used a vist with my in laws as an excuse to drive from upstate NY to Indy to see him-lol),,,,he touched my hand and I almost died (my hubby just laughed at my teeny bopper reaction)…I dont know what to say about all of this…I mean, for men, temptation is everywhere and when you top it with incredible good looks (omg, have you seen him in that tight black long sleeve during “twisted” on youtube?), a great voice, and great dancing…I am sure its worse. I feel sorry for Evy most definately and I in my heart believe that men can separate love from sex whereas women cannot. Do I think it is right? No. Am I shocked? No. Would I put him on my list of “men my husband would permit me to sleep with i.e. “celebrity sex list”? Hell yeah! Would I want anyone to find out and break up their relationship? Not in a million years! This Marisol is the typical woman who was unable to distinguish sex from love…we cannot blame her for that even if she was wrong. In a way you have to feel sorry for her because she really seems to care and he broke her heart (although she was as wrong as he was). Also, men are TERRIBLE about covering their tracks…
    On a lighter note….I am sooooooo glad they are back together and from what I have read and seen JK seems to be having the ultimate time….this is truly his calling and what he was meant to do with his life. I am happy he has been blessed again because you can see the pure joy on his face while he is performing. On a purely naughty note…I would DIE to hear some more juicy details….if he is not good in bed then there is something wrong!!!! I digress…lol

  326. this is probably super old, but whatever. should we put another on blast?

    Old Kid on the Block is in divorce court


    In Miami-Dade divorce court: Daniel W. Wood, one-time member of the teen pop group New Kids on the Block, and Patricia Alfaro. He filed. Married for nearly eight years, they have two daughters — Chance, 7, whom they adopted from Russia, and Vega, 6.

    Wood says Alfaro has a ”bad temper” and that he was “subjected to two acts of violence.”

    False allegations, she says — ”to cover up his own misdeeds.” His “extramarital affairs have caused the breakup.”

    Wood, 36, and Alfaro, 34, are each fighting to become primary residential parent.

    ”The husband exhibits stability, a close relationship with the children and is actively involved in their day to day activities,” says his petition, filed by attorney Andrew Leinoff. “The wife has not devoted herself to the child rearing and has delegated the majority of the responsibilities to the husband . . . Her lifestyle is not very stable; she is unable to properly care for the children.”

    Not so, says she. Wood ”does not have the stability or a greater ability to care for the children,” says her counterpetition, filed by attorney Carmen M. Morales. Alfaro insists she is the “more fit and proper parent.”

    Circuit Judge Gerald Hubbart appointed attorney Christy Hertz guardian ad litem for the children. Hertz will represent their interests in court and make recommendations on custody and visitation issues.

    Wood now works as a private investor. Alfaro is a musician and songwriter.

    Both have sons from prior relationships. Wood has custody of Daniel Wood Jr., 12. She has custody of Anthony, 13.

    NKOTB was huge in the late ’80s and early ’90s.

  327. Lisa # 404 – OHMYGOD! Could we ever be more naïve? Unless you’re 7 years old, wake up and smell the coffee woman!!!! Shiloh should go back to the Brangelina fan board and stop making up absurd lies about JK and Evy!!!!
    She did say she was going to go away…but. So far she hasn’t……and we’re waiting!
    *waving goodbye to Shiloh* and Please take your BS somewhere else!!!

  328. Hey there, i read somewhere in this blog when someone asked to share their meeting experiences. I met Jordan at one of his shows in California a few years ago. My sisters and I were invited backstage. There were about 50 girls in line, and we were the last ones in line, so by the time we got to him, he looked a bit tired and ready to go. I had a few drinks, so i cracked “NKOTB Song” joke… “Well, I guess they saved the best for last”… and my sisters looked at me like, you dork!! Jordan smiled and asked our names and we took pictures and I got a glossy picture of him to sign, i asked him if i could have a kiss, and he said sure!!! so he kissed my cheek, We took a picture of him kissing my cheek and then we hugged. It was all in a matter of a few minutes, but he was really, really sweet, very charming but kind of spacey!! OMG…freakin gorgeous in person!!!!! Anyone else had meeting experience?

  329. Seriously, lets move on. The bottom line is Jordan is manwhore, married or not. I want to know who he’s hooking up with now. Anyone know about the girl he had at the Today Show? I’m talking about the one in September. There was a girl in a pink shirt up near the stage. It was so obvious to me and everyone else that he f*cked her. Anyone know anything? Is he hooking up on tour?

  330. KP…you’re very angry. Is this what I have to look forward to when I’m your age? A life of cynicism and negativity?

  331. 419: OMG, yes! I remember seeing that girl and wondering what was up with her. She looked like she was totally there for a piece of a**! I wasn’t sure if she was actually getting it from one of the guys or willing to do a few “favors” for the crew to get to the guys. She was gorgeous, but seemed so fake. You could tell she wasn’t a genuine fan. Maybe THAT’s what the guys mean when talking about the difference between fans and groupies!

  332. I been gone for awhile and everytime I come back I read really really slow cuz I just want it to last.

    KP – I am joining your common sense revolution!!!

    the one – I’ve sent my email bring on the gutter board. Let’s Get This

    Shiloh, Shiloh, Shiloh……if your husband has season passes next to them and you are dumb enough to post that on a public board than you want everyone to know who you are and you want attention as much as this Selena wanna-be girl.

    to whoever said it earlier…just because Shiloh’s story coincides with the People mag cover doesn’t mean anything except that she/he read the people mag cover as well.

    curious – I think that comment was jk as in just kidding not jk as in Jordan Knight

    to everyone else….I don’t come on here for rainbows and stickers I come on here because I want first hand accounts. I want information in order to make an informed decision for the UK tour….to cheat or not to cheat. So if you don’t like it, don’t be the headmistress just leave. Go to NKOTBfans and write fan fic….

    Common Sense it’s making a comeback

  333. Thanks to those of you who shared your stories!
    I’m with the one who suggested we find our own gutter board.
    I’ve been looking online and found nothing.
    I did come across an old Perez Hilton post about Donnie’s b-day last year. One girl said she had Donnie in his tour bus when she was 16 in 1990 and he was great. The other girl said she’d been with Jordan “more than once” and that he like BJ’s, but what man doesn’t!

    Thanks for the article about Danny. I read his divorce was “amicable”… now we know better. BTW I found old photos of him and HALLE BERRY, I had no idea they went out!!

  334. That chick was just a fan. He really wanted to help her out. Thats it. Move on. It doesn’t matter what a friend says. That friend could have been lied to. No one wants to say they were rejected by someone they ‘love’ or have had a crush on for so long. Please just move on to something else. J loves his wife and no matter how many times you guys post that he is a whore or she is unattractive it doesn’t change the fact that he loves her. I can’t tell you what will happen in the future.

    I just pray that you guys get past this. I’m sure some of you are in your 30s or 40s. It’s so childish. It’s spiraled out of control. I mean a girl by a stage so obvious he F#@@#cked her? WTF? Are you serious? And you can tell this from a TV show? It’s just nonsense.

    I really pray you guys can just be his fans. He doesn’t need marriage counseling or life mentorship from anyone.

    I wish you all the best of luck.

  335. You mean the one who had very big, messy hair, guidette style? Very slutty looking who was wearing a skirt the size of a bandaid? I think she was just a slut TRYING to get some…she was dancing in a very sexy but vulgar way when Ne-yo came on too.

  336. LOVE IT !!! ok seriously I noticed this before and now that I keep reading your blogs, I think its true. As much as I love J, I think he might be, well, an Airhead. There, I said it, I think he’s kinda dumb. I do realize that he might be drunk alot, like in the video on nktv on the website, where he’s pointing at Michael Jackson, he slurs. Then later he points at someone else , you could hear him laugh and tell Joey, “I’m drunk.” So either he’s tipsy or just really kind of an airhead. What do ya think?

  337. You all need to STFU …. leave Jordans personal life alone let him be who he wants to be … get over it .. you will never be with him or have a chance!

  338. I’m from Boston (Post #412) – ask ANY questions. Like did you
    know his old house is now a SALVATION army rescue for Dorchester, MA? I met Danny before in his home while he was eating Cheerios in his underwear…and once at the beach/Nantasket-Joey asked me out. I used to run into them all the time & now I can’t stop the madness once again. I meet everyone who REALLY knows them. I met Jordans manager in Boston, Donnies brother, & Dannys best friend in Providence. They are really nice guys-although the stripper pole in the baby-baby-baby daddy bus it a bit suspicious!!

    RE: Providence, RI – I had front row seats & great visuals of the boyz. Jordan NEVER made eye contact with anyone-even on the B stage, but did give lots of hand to my friends! Donnie did still is the most outgoing one & is fun loving. Jordan played around with the boys-no real fan contact. During his solo, I even threw my underwear at him & didn’t get a glance. They were clean (of course & HOT PINK lacy ones). The next song Donnie sang cover girl & picked them up & made a sexy face with them…haha! I’ll post it to you tube soon.

    The boys left immediately after the concert. No afterparty even though fans were instructed to goto one-the NK never showed. There was NO after meeting either. Interesting.

    Good news! JK had injured his ankle at MSG in NYC, but made a quick recovery-he was jumping around alot & having a blast dancing.

    I hear over & over how solid Danny is…he takes his friends on tour with him & takes care of them. If the boyz had stayed, I wouldve met Danny for sure.

    SO, in regards to Jordans infidelity?? I wish!! Keep the posts coming…Perhaps in a few yrs when he’s doing solo shows I’ll really get a chance for a hello-or I’ll just drive by his house again like a lunatic!! haha!

  339. Oh & regards to his chronic ‘spaciness’ – he’s either tuning everyone out as a defense mechanism or perhaps he’s on
    medication for anxiety which is making him this way.

    Forgot to tell you..in a radio interview in Providence, RI Jordans GUILTY PLEASURE is online PORN!! He IS a sexual man ladies…his lyrics on his solo albums state it loud & CLEAR!
    Heard he likes dirty sex from some boards…

  340. on another note, anyone who knows them or knows people who know them, or heard stuff, know how the guys relationships with each other? Who gets along with who, which guys are most likely to fight or irritate each other about what kind of stuff? Why Donnie and Jon didn’t talk for 14 years until the reunion, etc, etc? I heard a girl who talked to Danny once before the reunion and said that she brought up Jordan’s drinking problem and Danny said that it had really been a problem sometimes in the studio. Along with their love lives, I also think it’s pretty interesting to hear the inside story on how they are with each other.

  341. I don’t know if my last post came through so I’m sending it again. I’ve created a message board for gossip so we all can post and hear some gossip too!


  342. This is totally not necessary but I’m posting it anyway. I’m starting to get bored with Jordan’s sex life lol. I’m glad I found a site like this because it gave me a chance to say things that I’ve always wanted to say. It has been a nice reality check too (which I so needed LOL). So thanks to the owner of this site for allowing EVERYONE to share their opinions and their stories (whether we agreed with them or not). I hope that continues. I got the closure I was looking for. Now I’m off to start my NKOTB cleanse. AGAIN. LOL

  343. I did read on nkotb.com, back before it became moderated, that a couple of the guys have been in rehab. Wonder if one of those was Jordan…Hmmm

  344. Precious, I listened to the video, but what does J say, “But you know I aint Joe?” Did I hear that right. Also, Nurse4change, did you know his wife or whatever, did they live close to each other?
    One more thing, I noticed that we are sharing our Jordan experiences, well I was at a concert in Chicago, sat in the front row and yelled at all the guys and waved. They all made eye contact with me and smiled. Finally I got Jordan to look… and hello… he kept looking back! He sang Summertime to me just alittle ,then winked. Also Hangin tough. Then these girls I didn’t know gave me dirty looks and asked if I was at the meet and greet earlier. I WISH!!! So I went home and thought I was losing it. But my sister-in-law was like wtf!!! Why did he keep looking. I was around all blondies, but I have long very dark brown hair well it looks black, and I look Latina. So I guess he does like that. Also I saw on youtube that he was looking down almost the whole time during hangin tough!!! AHHH

  345. In response to the disgusting comments about the girl in the pink from the Today Show….

    I was in NYC for that and my sister and I met and talked to her and her friends. They are friends of the guys… FRIENDS. Why do you guys assume that she was a slut… and hooking up with the guys or the crew??? That is just hateful and pathetic.

    She was there to show support to the guys. Just because she was dressed cute and wearing trendy SHORTS instead of a Xtra Large NKOTB tshirt doesnt make her a slut.

    If you guys are “fans” I would stop bashing the guy’s friends and their wives. I am sorry this made me so irritated… but like I said I met this girl and she was so sweet. I have talked to her a few times on myspace… and it made her sad people were saying such hateful and untrue things.

  346. I hope after this…you guys stop talking about her.
    Mari is my husband’s cousin. Someone asked me about her on myspace and they informed me of this blog. I can’t believe some of the things that are being said. I hesitated to say anything on here, because I know she would probably get very upset if she found out I said what I’m going to say, but I think it’s necessary. The only reason I’m going to say something on here is because it upsets me to know people are saying certain lies about her, it is very unfair. She does not know about this blog, the LAST thing she would think of doing is looking up anything related to Jordan’s personal life. First off, She NEVER dated any well known black performer?!!? She never contacted anyone about Jordan or him helping her with her music, because she stopped performing in 2002. She loves music with a passion, but is not real fame hungry. That is part of why she stopped. Everything this Shiloh has said about Marisol is a LIE.
    The first time she met Jordan was in 2004, me and my husband went with her to this show. She wanted to meet him and she did buy VIP tickets that night, believe me she was shy about the whole thing and I even had to persuade her to actually go down by the stage, because she wanted to stay in the balcony area. She met him that night, just like other fans. We left and that was that. About a year later, HE contacted her, for whatever reason, I do not really know. I’m not going into details on how but this is the truth. She obviously went to his shows after that, especially because they were all in the area. A friendship definitely developed and I know they got along extremely well but she NEVER slept with him and he never disrespected her in that sense. It seemed he had immense respect for her and I hold extreme respect for him for that. Back then nobody knew for sure if he was married but she found out in an extraordinary way. Her college roommate ends up being cousins with Jordan’s neighbor in Boston. She told him she could not stay in touch with him after that. They do not talk anymore and the last time she had seen him was in Jan. 2006 at a solo show, which was again local.
    – The DC show, he did NOT give her tickets or those seats. I don’t think it’s even possible to get specific seats?!

    Jordan is an incredibly humble, kind hearted guy and he really deserves more respect than some give him. I was lucky to get to meet him myself. I know Marisol only wishes him the best. She is extremely spiritual and is one of the most respectable women I’ve ever met. Please don’t talk about her anymore,. She has been through a lot in the past two years, health wise and loosing both of her Grandmothers and Grandfather….I hope you guys try to understand. I have been completely honest and have spoken with the truth. Nothing anyone has said is true.
    Thank you.

  347. Angel Eyes- I know what you mean I was in 3 row just enjoying myself not looking at him not pointing or waving at him. There was this girl that was trying to get his attention (she had a white Jordan shirt) and he wasn’t even looking at her…lol and he was just staring at me multiple times….just starrring and singing to me lol. I am a brunette and she was a blonde. He likes BRUNETTES! 🙂

  348. Thank you Tina!!! I keep thinking if only I …. or I should have been at the meet and greet… or whatever. Haha. Does anyone else have any concert staring moments? Its just that when he looks in your eyes just for that second on stage, it melts you and it makes you feel like you are the only one on that concert floor. I know I sound CRAZY but really… he does have that effect.

  349. Also Nurse4Change, Did you drive by the house he lives in now, or the one thats a Salvation army rescue. Cuz I liked to know if he lives in a huge mansion or whatever. I heard somewhere he cuts the grass too. LOl

  350. i read about Evelyn at official nkotb’s forum:

    “His wife comes into the resteraunt that my friend works at. I’ve meet her a couple times but didn’t know it was her until like 2 weeks ago when she payed with a debit card. She always comes in with the two boys. We just assumed she was married to a rich guy because her ring is huge. Jordan has never come in with them. She is really nice and really pretty. The boys are really cute and well behaved, (the little one dosen’t really talk yet, he just yells lol). Thier older son is really cute and so polite. They are very private, and the pics that have been posted of her are just bad photos. She is super nice and she always jokes around with us. I meet my friend there at the end of her shift sometimes, and she always jokes and laughs with us. She’s a lucky lady.”

  351. Thanks for posting that kam. Um…maybe she’s just not photogenic?

    Tina and Angel Eyes are making me jealous.

    Has anyone found any “gutter” boards?

  352. I’ve posted this like two times and it didn’t show up. I’ve created this mb for gossip, so you guys can go and check it out… we all can keep coming back here, and go there also, so pls can you post this msg lol


  353. Ok, I will share a bit of my “experience” with him cuz I can’t help smiling when I tell it but it’s an old story! Still love it though! I met him after a show once and hung out with him in Robo’s hotel room. To make a looong story short, we made out and then he comes out and says how he couldn’t have sex with me…I’m like “ok, that’s fine I guess..” I really didn’t know what to say, then I had to ask “well, why not??” He replies with some long crazy sentence that I could get pregnant, condoms are only 99.99 percent effective, we could catch std’s ,etc…Wow, I wasn’t expecting all of that but whatever. I was happy with what I had gotten to do so far. Well it got even better! One thing led to another and next thing you know, I am..well giving (or trying to anyway!) him a BJ! I saying “trying” to because he actually was telling me what and how to do it! So embarrassing!! I have to admit I was 21 and not too experienced!LOL. And let me tell you he is very well ENDOWED! OMG. Now I have this smile on my face that won’t go away…:)

  354. Oh! One more thing, I guess it’s kinda true how everyone was saying that Jordan likes bj’s (more than sex). That’s what it seemed like to me now that I look back on it. Didn’t know why at the time though..I thought back then it was more of a not wanting me to get pregnant type thing. Afterall, this was June of 99’…I think he had just had his son like a few months before..??

  355. Jessica, playing devil’s advocate, weren’t you worried about catching something from him? Also curious, and not to judge but don’t you feel the least bit like a dirty whore? What could you possibly have gotten out of it? Not a story I would be proud to tell and I think the world of the man. I have to believe that if this story is true and he does all this shiznit, I wouldn’t want any part of his garbage d***. I started out loving this board but I can’t get down with the destruction of the lives of Jordan, Mrs. Knight, this Marisol chic, and their families. Peace.

  356. people you need to grow up, clearly we all want to hear some gossip so if you don’t want to read it, don’t come back!!! and what’s so terrible about the guy getting a blow job!!

  357. Fantasy and being interested does not hurt anything or anyone. Jordan would most likely be a bit flattered that we are interested as long as we don’t stalk him. I think for alot of us its about reliving our youth and having a bit of a crush. Let’s face it, any man in his position would most likely take advantage of it…that does not necessarily make him evil…just human. I daresay that most everyone on here would make a play for him if we thought we would not get caught and no one would be hurt.

  358. I read on an old “gutter board” from some women claiming to have been with him that Jordan was indeed very well endowed and knows how to use it. They also said he does enjoy giving as well as receiving oral……so Jessica’s story doesn’t seem too far fetched! This was an old board though like 99-2001.

  359. Poop — you need to just go do that and STFU yourself. Buh bye!

    Yikes — I seriously doubt you will ever be my age again since I’m sure I’m considerably younger than you. Strike 1. I’m REALISTIC, not angry. Strike 2
    Maybe you should not open your mouth and vomit bullshit. Strike 3.

  360. omgg i cant believe she posted here.. i was just gettin ready to share her reponse. omggg. im amazed..i dont even know what to say! thats freaky that she knew someone who was related to his neighbor?? that kinda stuff only happens in movies.. shitt..
    Shiloh – you are ridiculous., i’m so freaking glad she posted..
    i feel bad now.. andd i don’t know what to make out of the real story,. i have so many questions all of a sudden.

  361. Sorry but I had to come in here for myself and read how pathetic some of you grown women really are. You should be embarrassed, but I guess when you can go into a website where nobody knows who you are its easy to have no shame. How do you bash any of the guys? I dont understand that. Do you call yourselves fans? Sadly, the guys knew this would happen and that is why they had to redo the board and straight out say this website is not intended for you to talk about the guys personal life, relationships and families. Some of you just have no respect! Why dont you just enjoy the damn tour and find something better to do.

    On top of that you start talking crap about people who you dont even know. I happen to know this girl who you are talking about on the today show and sorry to ruin your fantasy of her being this horrible person but…your wrong. Sorry but she is a really sweet girl, your talking crap about her why? Is it because she is Hot? Dresses great? Skinny? What? Its JEALOUSY! Its a little demon and it brings out the monster in women! Sorry girls but we come in all shapes and sizes. Some girls are going to get more attention from the guys than others, that is just reality. Deal with it and grow up! I dont remember seeing anything run across the bottom of my TV screen saying ATTENTION JORDAN IS FUCKING THE GIRL TO THE SIDE OF THE STAGE. If I somehow missed that announcement, my sincere apologies.

  362. Jessica, tell us more! What was he like? Was he instructing you in a mean/irritable/controlling way, or was he being nice about it and did he return the favour? That’s an awesome story anyway. Glad to hear he’s well-endowed;) I wonder if that’s his way of being “faithful” to his wife (well girlfriend at the time), I know that’s how some people justify their indiscretions against their significant others in their own minds – the “everything but” crowd. his baby was born in august, so he’d already gotten someone knocked up that year… maybe he was just trying to be careful. Also I heard back in the day, I think some of the guys, J included, caught crabs from some groupie, I think that’s where he got his nickname ‘Crab’ from the guys, so maybe that’s why he’s a bit more careful now…. I recently saw an interview where someone asked them the craziest thing they ever got from a fan and donnie goes “Crabs!” and looks at Jordan and laughs. The guys were laughing and then Danny goes, “Back in the day. That ended up getting all around the bus.” Ha ha – such slutty boys….

  363. jessica – pls tell us MORE! i dont think i’m the onlly one who wants to hear all teh dirty details.

    gg – can you post the link to that interview? sounds funny, i would like to watch it.


  364. Honestly, I’m pretty shocked by the “grown” women on this board who are feeding off of these stories like leaches. It’s disgusting! How can you call yourself a lady? Grow up and live your own lives. How can anyone be proud to say they whored themselves out for a night just to say they got a piece from a celebrity (like many others apparently so that makes you less “special”). IF Jordan really does/did these things I feel terrible for Evelyn and their children. That is not a man who respects and treasures what he has. IF these stories are true, I’ve lost respect for the man. Also, keep showing your insecurites by bashing and bad mouthing people you don’t even know. It’ll come back to bite you!

    Jealousy is an ugly thing “ladies”.

  365. One more thing, if you think you’re special in any way because you were “picked” to “hang” with Jordan or any of the other guys. Get a clue. They have it down to a science what they can get and from who. They’re not new to the block and have figured it out. It’s not difficult to pin point the “easy chick”.

  366. wow. that M story is crazy. I’m with you Covergirl, i’m curious to know how he contacted her. Im not saying anything bad about her, just wondering. anyway thanks to this person who cleared up things.

    on another note, you girls are crazy, talking about jordan and BJ’s. clearly this girl that posted has her information wrong. I really don’t know if i can believe it.

  367. I agree it is not nice to bash any girl and yes, it is all about insecurity when women do this…I fully admit that I have done it in in my lifetime..everyone has. It is wrong and is a jealous thing for sure. Women are alot harder on themselves and other women then men are I think. We see all our flaws whereas men probably only see a few of them. I would never bash the guys but it is hard to not be interested in what is going on with them. If I had “super powers” it would definately to be a fly on a wall and hear and see things…like some of these scenarios that we are hearing about! lol If these things don’t appeal to some reading this blog then I guess it is best that they don’t read it and get all worked up. Anyone agree?

  368. I was asked about how Jordan knows Evy. Heard two stories. Heard she grew up with him & that he used to have dinner at her house regularly. He came from a broken home/parents divorced when he was young. She was a friend of the group & that when he came back touring, he realized she was ‘all grown up’. The other story is she is a cousin of NKOTB’s former assistant manager who met them thru parties. The first is the more frequent story. Jordans house used to be an old mansion -its on a main street in a BAD part of Boston. They sold it & now use it as a rescue house. You can google it -10 Melville Ave, Dorchester, Ma. They often have benefits you can attend & goto Jordans & Jons old bedrooms. There is a myspace page for the foundation & all the NK’s are fans of the page & regular donors. VERY COOL of the NKs. I haven’t been to J’s new house-I will be doing a driveby soon-I know there are 6ft tall fences around it which his son was ‘accused’ of throwing rocks over at fans before (which was Evy). Donnies house isn’t what you’d expect either. As soon as they took off in 88-89, Donnie moved to the suburbs. He stays there with his mom when he’s in the area. Turns out he’s taping a new series for TNT called ‘Bunker Hill’ which will be taping in Boston after the tour. In fact, the house photos are on youtube when NKOTB was initially recording ‘The Block’…I can post the link if you want. I know Jon lives in a farm in Essex close to his mom (which is a VERY nice & $$$ area). J’s house is also in an expensive area.

    So, just to follow up with my recent concert in Providence, RI…I was in Boston on 9/30 & then 11/6-both CLOSE to Boston. Their families and friends were ALL there. It is understandable WHY they weren’t goofing off as much or flirting…ummm. the MRS is there! I know Donnies family was there as well as Dannys. WHY would be surprised if the MRS J was there, too! Its funny living here…we all know people who know people who are close to the NKOTB. ALso heard about the crabs/BJ faciniation & Latina fixation. On the gutterboards-all the NK hit on Latinas in the 5*. If you’re in the area, Donnies brother has a restaurant which is fabulous & he and Mark are regulars at when in town.

    Keep the sexual encounters coming…wish I was involved in one.. 🙂

    • Nurse4change, what’s the name of the restaurant that Donnie’s bro has & which bro is it? I’ve been to Boston many times & would like to visit another NKOTB-related landmark! 🙂

  369. I totally agree Lori.
    What annoys me is that the women who are “digusted” and think it’s “sad” and “pathetic” are still reading along SILENTLY. 😉

  370. I slept with Jordan Knight and it was soooooooooo good!



    Geez Ladies you really believe all this stuff, people can say anything behind a keyboard!

  371. This is just the same as sitting around w/ your girlfriends talking, imagining, guessing about how the life of Jordan is. Since many of us never met him personally, all we can do is imagine or “speculate”. There is no harm in that, as long as we do maintain some respect. Whomever does not agree w/ it, does not have to be here reading it (and if you are, then you are no less of what you call those who’ve written things whether true or false).
    Instead of bashing – just sit back, relax and just do like most of us, and imagine yourself in some of these lucky ladies stories…. Long live NKOTB!!! Ladies – how friggin good does Jordan look while singing BIBIY??!! – pushing 40 and has some hot abs & pecs!! Have mercy!!!!!!

  372. Hey ladies- sorry I haven’t been able to log on for a couple days but reading all of your posts who are interested and those who asked questions…I will tell some more. I just didn’t want to overwhelm anyone with a crazy story and especially since there a lot of people out there that probably wouldn’t believe it anyways. But to those of you who want to hear it..here it goes 🙂

    NKOTB Gossip- Yes, Robo was with Jordan AND Joe at a summer fest here in my town …they were both promoting their new single albums.

    GG- He was very sweet and “instructing” me in a sort of jokingly way. (although I’m sure he was serious! 🙂 Me, being somewhat insecure about how I was doing it, asked if he liked it and he said “well, I don’t think I”m gonna cum,”! Then he goes on with if you want to try to make me cum, you have to (and these are his exact words) 1. Go deeper 2. Move your tongue around more 3. Loosen your lips a little. Oh my freaking god, and although I tried and listened to his comments, he didn’t cum!! I suck! 😉

  373. Guys, I was alerted about “Merenda” by someone close to the NKs. She is a barracuda and a liar so whatever she posts, comes from her twisted, but not realistic mind.
    The girl on the Today Show may be the sweetest, nicest girl who does charity and kisses her teddy bears goodnight but if you dress like a slut, chances are you are trying to get something. That is NOT dressing cute. Showing too much denotes insecurity and a huge attempt to attract (bad) attention. If you want to look cute, you definitely don’t dress like a girl who goes to the Jersey shores, if you know what I mean.
    Just my professional opinion….

  374. Their US tour is almost over…wondering if they will have the New yrs eve Boston concert thats been ALL the rumor around here. Either that or they’ll be at the Kiss108 Jingle Ball–considering Ne-yo & Natasha Beddingfield & Lady Gaga will all be there. They are VERY close with local Kiss 108 radio & recently attended their summer concert. Id love to see them once more, but my hubby wouldnt allow me to fly anywhere to see them. Im losing my money & my mind with their recent climb to fame!! TOO hot ladies- they are TOO HOT!

  375. GG- Unfortunaltey, no he did not return the favor. All that was done was some making out and the bj.

    FTM- I actually took pictures earlier at the show and backstage where the trailers were (until I got thrown out!).
    It’s really funny, I had actually paid some kid that worked for the radio station $60 bucks to wear his necklace so I could get back there. But when I got back there, Jordan or Joe were nowhere to be found. Just the other performers. A while later out comes Jordan and an entourage of about 8 people (including Miguel) and I run up to him and start taking pictures like crazy. Then some security comes up to me and literally yanks the necklace off me and throws me out. Way later when I got to the room, first thing Jordan says to me is “you’re the girl that was going crazy with your camera”!lol. Then I ask him to take a picture of him when he sat on the bed and he tells me something like come on now, we’re in a hotel room..how do you think that would look. I begged him, please just let me take one and he was very persistent on NO.

    Sassy-Yes I am mexican, however not a brunette. My hair is blondish/brown. One thing that Robo told me was that when he told Jordan he had someone for him, Jordan asked “what flavor”, Robo then of course told him “latina”.
    Then there was a knock on the door, seriously like 5 minutes later.

  376. Jena- First of all, let me start off by saying that neither back then, nor now have I ever felt like a dirty whore from this experience. That was a dream I had for 10 years to just get to touch this man. NEVER thought it would happen and it did….even better than I could have ever imagined. I suppose had things gone differently (like they did with Joe), then yes there is a possibility that I would feel slutty. I feel it depends on how the person your with is treating you. To be honest, I felt that way with Joe. Joe pretty much crushed any picture I had of one day meeting any of the guys. Our “meeting” in his hotel room lasted maybe 20 minutes, half of which I was crying. HE made me feel like a whore….Jordan, absolutely not. I think I would have done what most girls who were hard core fans since they were 12 would do if they had the chance to 10 years later. Remember, I said MOST, not ALL. If you see what I did as whorish, then oh well but I will never regret it, it was the best memory I will cherish forever!

  377. damnnnnnnn. i almost missed that comment from “………” I was too distracted with all this BJ talk lol
    this is freakin crazy.. private eye???!! did you read that?
    props to you COvergirl. so funny how shiloh is not saying anything. lol

  378. Stunned by..- Let me tell you that no I did not think I was special in any way because I was not “picked” to hang out with the guys. It was pure luck/chance. My friend was actually approached by Robo when we were backstage and had asked her if she wanted to watch Joe’s show from the “sidelines” backstage. He really was into her and invited her to go hang with him (and to meet Joe) after the show at their hotel. So I went along, not having any clue that Jordan was staying there also. Trust me, I’m not stupid to think that I was the chosen one and this only happened to me…just sharing my story for the FIRST time to real New Kids fans who can appreciate it. I know I would love to hear more stories like mine. I’ve told my story to plenty of my friends who don’t really care because their not fans. Sure, they knew who they were but could really care less about me giving them bj’s and whatnot.

  379. Now to all others who would like to hear some little juicy details…I’m just going to ramble on and throw out stuff that I remember.
    Jordan and I talked about little chit chat stuff. Nothing to serious but I did ask him if he was engaged ( I remember that was a rumor going around at the time) to Evelyn and he said No, not even as girlfriend. We laid on the bed and I had my head on his chest, under the white tee he was wearing. I was rubbing his chest and stomach…he had little bumps all over! I remember it kind of felt like a heat rash or something. At our first kiss, I remember tasting alcohol on his breath and I asked him what he had been drinking. He said Heiniken. Oh, just in case you’re wondering he was wearing a white tee shirt, navy blue track pants (I think Adidas) and bare foot! So cute! Hmm…what else…Oh! At some point, he asks me if my boobs are fake and tries to touch them (I’m average but I was nursing!). I got so embarassed because I had a 6 month daughter who I was nursing quite frequently and I had not nursed her since I left for the concert so I was EXTREMELY engorged and in pain! I was also leaking everywhere, not literally, but my nursing pads were soaked! So I tell him like an idiot that my boobs were real but that I was nursing. He then replies “you’re pregnant!?”. LOL, he obviously wasn’t too knowledgable on that kind of stuff. I told him no and that I had a 6 month old at home. To be honest I think it kind of grossed him out or turned him off because at first he seemed very much into wanting to touch my boobs and take off my strap until after I told him I was nursing. My top nor bra ever came off.

  380. One other last tidbit…he did ask me for my number as he was leaving and trust me, I gave him my home,work, cell and pager number! (yeh, I still had a pager, lol) Ya think I wanted him to be able to get a hold of me!?? Haha. He had told me that he was coming back to CA in l think he said October (this was in June). You can bet I answered every single phone call and it was never him. I actually had a couple of numbers from some area codes I didn’t know call that got my hopes up but it was the wrong number! 😦

  381. This is getting so good. I love it. To everyone who has negative things to say…..well don’t come on this board. We want to dress slutty, get hand picked, and give a BJ. I’m not insecure or embarrassed. Get over yourself if you feel that way.

    Jessica thank you for sharing your story. I hope more people do. I really hope I get my chance during thier UK tour, I am burnette!!!!

  382. Hmmm…I can verify what Jessica M is saying. I was a “chosen one” after one of JK’s ’04 shows, and he did drink Heiniken and he also asked me, “Are ya boobs real?” The simillarities are remarkable. btw- I am blonde and blue-eyed, and Jordan told me he liked blondes. So, maybe he just likes ALL kinds of women. 🙂

  383. cc- thanks for the interview link… i wish i could read it now, but’s i’m at work and it’s blocked 😦

    miss knight – OMG, i did read read comment #239, thanks for the heads kk. and all i can say is WOW! i’m not sure what to beleive at this point… call me naive but it does have a ring of truth to it. and i have always bleieved that the relationship btw JK and M was not sexual. what are your thoughts?

    jessica m – maybe this is lewd, but i want to hear MORE MORE MORE! i cant get enough of your story, spare no detail. tell us more about joe too! ahhhhhh, i envy you and will play out my JK fantasy vacariously thru your experience.

    and to all the haters… LEAVE! ;P it’s a free country and if you dont like the discussion, you may be excused.

  384. wow Jessica M….

    The nursing thing probably did freak him out a little bit…lol bgut I think I missed the part about Joe. How did he make you feel like a whore? Was he mean to you, or just didn’t say anything at all?

  385. Private eye – I believe the story 100%. I was the one to message her in the first place, i had no idea she was going to come on here. I just can’t over the fact that her roommate ended up being related to J’s neighbor. That almost gives me chills. The fact that there was no sexual encounter, to me has great significance. It’s like he didn’t see her as just another girl he could sleep with, and he was the one to contact her? i wonder how ? And the fact that she told him she could not stay in touch anymore?…wow being who it was, jordan knight. very respectable. So everything definetly seems to come together as far as the facts. the dc video where it seemed like he saw her and looked surprised.. it’s cause he hadn’t seen her. …oh and the summertime dc video where he goes up to the side stage and points towards her as he sings “he girl don’t you know i miss it”. it definetly all clicks for me.
    wow..i wanna almost say that maybe the fact that she stopped talking to him, was almost hurtful. maybe they did fall in love? it kinda looks like that to me… i mean nobody can control feelings, not even a signed marriage agreement. wow..i’m truly in amazement about this..

  386. F.Y.I., Donnie lives in Simi Valley, which is located in Ventura county right outside of L.A. county. I live here and have yet to see him, but my dad has seen him many times shopping in his store!

  387. BTW…did anyone hook up with him in San Antonio? We’re all pretty much latinas in this city. I bet he would have been like a kid in a candy store.

  388. To all the ladies who have had my back..THANK YOU! (SandraUK, Private Eye, Bree, etc.) I’m so glad that you guys can at least look at it from a fans dream come true perspective othen than I must be a whore perspective! One of the reasons I didn’t want to post my experience was due to the fact that I knew I would have a lot of so called haters who think I am a slut or that I was making this all up just to get attention? Whatever..but I appreciate those of you who show an interest in my story and don’t judge me for it!:)
    Anyhow, I did also have a BJ experience with Joe right before Jordan and it was AWFUL. Which is partially the reason why I didn’t want to post it…that and because THIS incident did make me feel somewhat slutty…due to the fact he was treating me like one. Or at least I felt that way.

    Basically, Robo and my friend were pounding on Joe’s door for like five minutes to wake him up. I suppose that could have been a reason why he wasn’t in the best mood. So eventually he opens the door and Robo literally shoves me in there and closes the door. A very sleepy Joe walks back to his bed in his boxers and lays in but sitting up. I was sitting at his feet. I was trying to just talk with normal conversation about how excited I was, this was a dream come true, etc, etc. He replied very “so whatish” if he replied at all. He whispered everything that came out of his mouth and when I asked why (maybe a stupid question but at the time it didn’t even cross my mind) he gave me the look of “are you freakin serious” and said “to conserve my voice”. Wow, I felt really stupid. Anyways I scoot a little closer to him, in kissing distance, and he begins to lean forward as to kiss me. I lean in and just as we’re about to kiss he puts his hand on my lower mouth area…kind of romantic..NOT! He starts wiping and smearing my lipstick all over my face! I don’t mean just to take it off, I mean like in a rude way where I had it on my cheeks and I looked like a mess! I back up a little and ask “what are you doing!”, he replies that he didn’t want to kiss me with lipstick on so I told him that all he had to do was ask me to take it off and I would have. So we’re already starting off on the wrong foot here. Next he grabs my hand and puts it on his stuff… which is def hard so now I’m intrigued to touch it! He lays down in the bed and busts it out and WOW!! I must say to this date, he has the biggest dick I’ve ever seen…even bigger than Jordan’s and Jordan is and will always be my fave but I can’t lie, Joe is huge! So I bend over and, well you know, and Joe starts to put his hand on my head and is pushing it down further, I start choking and gagging-no joke, then he grabs my hair and is flopping it and swinging it everywhere. I have long curly coarse hair so it was a mess! Overall the way I felt he was treating me was trashy, so I started to cry. He asks me what’s my problem and I straight out said ” I have waited 10 years to meet you and this is what I get?” He replied, ‘what did you expect? I don’t understand” . He then gets out of bed and picks up the phone to call Robo’s room…no joke his exact words were “I’m done with her” and proceeded to ask Robo to come get me. What an ass..I couldn’t believe my ears so then I tell him “don’t worry, I can let myself out” (did he really think that I wouldn’t want to leave??please) so I walked out the door (still bawling) and go back to Robo’s room where my friend was with him. Robo is trying to console me because I wanted to leave and he and my friend were still gettin busy in the bathroom…that’s when he says the magic words..”do you want Jordan?”…..

  389. Wow…this site is getting good!!

    Jessica M – thanks so much for your story. Any more details of your experience…do share! I also would like to hear about your Joe encounter.

    miss knight, cover girl, private eye – so, M’s cousin’s wife has confirmed that JK contacted her for whatever reason and that they were close and “got along extremely well.” I don’t believe that nothing more came out of this besides a great friendship. Why else would M stop talking to him when she found out about the wife. Yes, M sounds nice and she asked us to stop talking about her but I can’t resist. ;p

  390. To all the ladies who have had my back..THANK YOU! (SandraUK, Private Eye, Bree, etc.) I’m so glad that you guys can at least look at it from a fans dream come true perspective othen than I must be a whore perspective! One of the reasons I didn’t want to post my experience was due to the fact that I knew I would have a lot of so called haters who think I am a slut or that I was making this all up just to get attention? Whatever..but I appreciate those of you who show an interest in my story and don’t judge me for it!:)
    Anyhow, I did also have a BJ experience with Joe right before Jordan and it was AWFUL. Which is partially the reason why I didn’t want to post it…that and because THIS incident did make me feel somewhat slutty…due to the fact he was treating me like one. Or at least I felt that way.

    Basically, Robo and my friend were pounding on Joe’s door for like five minutes to wake him up. I suppose that could have been a reason why he wasn’t in the best mood. So eventually he opens the door and Robo literally shoves me in there and closes the door. A very sleepy Joe walks back to his bed in his boxers and lays in but sitting up. I was sitting at his feet. I was trying to just talk with normal conversation about how excited I was, this was a dream come true, etc, etc. He replied very “so whatish” if he replied at all. He whispered everything that came out of his mouth and when I asked why (maybe a stupid question but at the time it didn’t even cross my mind) he gave me the look of “are you freakin serious” and said “to conserve my voice”. Wow, I felt really stupid. Anyways I scoot a little closer to him, in kissing distance, and he begins to lean forward as to kiss me. I lean in and just as we’re about to kiss he puts his hand on my lower mouth area…kind of romantic..NOT! He starts wiping and smearing my lipstick all over my face! I don’t mean just to take it off, I mean like in a rude way where I had it on my cheeks and I looked like a mess! I back up a little and ask “what are you doing!”, he replies that he didn’t want to kiss me with lipstick on so I told him that all he had to do was ask me to take it off and I would have. So we’re already starting off on the wrong foot here. Next he grabs my hand and puts it on his stuff… which is def hard so now I’m intrigued to touch it! He lays down in the bed and busts it out and WOW!! I must say to this date, he has the biggest dick I’ve ever seen…even bigger than Jordan’s and Jordan is and will always be my fave but I can’t lie, Joe is huge! So I bend over and, well you know, and Joe starts to put his hand on my head and is pushing it down further, I start choking and gagging-no joke, then he grabs my hair and is flopping it and swinging it everywhere. I have long curly coarse hair so it was a mess! Overall the way I felt he was treating me was trashy, so I started to cry. He asks me what’s my problem and I straight out said ” I have waited 10 years to meet you and this is what I get?” He replied, ‘what did you expect? I don’t understand” . He then gets out of bed and picks up the phone to call Robo’s room…no joke his exact words were “I’m done with her” and proceeded to ask Robo to come get me. What an ass..I couldn’t believe my ears so then I tell him “don’t worry, I can let myself out” (did he really think that I wouldn’t want to leave??please) so I walked out the door (still bawling) and go back to Robo’s room where my friend was with him. Robo is trying to console me because I wanted to leave and he and my friend were still gettin busy in the bathroom…that’s when he says the magic words..”do you want Jordan?”…..that’s where my Jordan experience starts.

  391. Jessica M,

    OMG! More details, please. Questions: 1) is he a good kisser?; 2) is he well groomed (everywhere)?; 3) how is his chest?; 4) does he appear intelligent or not so much? Some have said he is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Your thoughts?

    Keep it coming – loving this….

  392. Overall, Joe tarnished the childhood dream that I had of ever meeting New Kids. On stage, interviews, etc. Joe is probably one of the most outgoing, fun people you would think to be at least. However, not in my situation…I look at him now and I don’t have any bad feelings at all but I don’t think I will ever look at him the same. If I had the chance to meet him again…Sure, I’d love to, just not in his hotel room.

    On the other hand, Jordan sure made up for it and was completely respectful and a sweetie. I guess you can’t get that lucky twice in a row…;)

  393. I just read the …. comment lol I hadn’t seen it before… anyway… if she wasn’t sleeping with him why she decided to stop talking to him when she found out he was married? kinda odd… and I guess they were such good friends since he went to her place, whatever… I don’t give a shit if they did it, she’s not the only one but at least if you’re gonna come here to defend her and I don’t even see why, you should try to make some sense… if they don’t have anything and didn’t have anything more than a friendship why coudln’t she keep talking to a MARRIED man…..
    Now, I will catch up with the rest cuz this is certainly OLD STUFF lol

  394. Jessica…fabulous story..keep going, you have me completely hooked…did I miss something? You hooked up with Joe and he was mean to you? You seem like such a sweetie…but on to the nasty my dear…this is great!

  395. Jessica M – OMG!! You mean you got to give “head” to 2 New Kids on the same night!!! You lucky girl! I’m glad JK made your night better after Joe treated you the way he did.

    NKOTB girl – would you like to share your experience? I’m just so curious and interested b/c I can’t imagine what I would do if my childhood dream ever came true!!

  396. Jessica M,

    My questions were about Jordan – not into Joe much – prefer dark hair and dark eyes.

    Looking forward to your response…..

  397. whoops I inadvertantly skipped some posts….so you dont have any pics of Jordan from that night? If you do let us know! We’ve got your back girl!!! 🙂

  398. kk I agree with you on the M issue…
    my words exactly…
    To jessica, how come jordan didn’t cum lol what did you do after that? you jerked him off? haha too funny!!!

  399. jordan tells the blondes he likes blondes and he tells the brunettes he likes brunettes… he’s a big time player… he knows all the right words!! lol

  400. POST # 439………Thank you for coming and telling what you know.

    Jessica M- Thanks to you as well..um…but you need to come on down with the Joey story! You should try to meet Jordan again and tell him you’ve been practicing, maybe you’ll get another chance!

    Sandra UK- you should be practicing as well, when is the concert and is it in London?

    This place is getting than the “gutter boards”!

  401. Tracy2468- Are you talking about Jordan or Joe? Well, I would much rather talk about Jordan (plus my recollection with Joe isn’t that great, we were also in the dark, no lights or tv) so let’s see…One thing I would love to say is that Jordan was the best awesome kisser ever but…I can’t. Not that he was bad at all but he mentioned to me a couple of times that he doesn’t like to kiss on the lips. Now I don’t know if I believe him or if he just didn’t want to kiss me! 😦 So to be honest, we mostly pecked and I think one time right before I gave him the bj did we actually kiss with tongue and it was only for a few quick seconds. He was cute & funny about it though…when I would ask him for a kiss (like the 2nd time) he said “ok but only for a little bit cuz you know I don’t like to..” and he wasn’t lying…just as I’d be gettin into it, he would stop and say “ok, that was enough”..LOL, but not at all in a rude or asshole way. I thought it was really cute.
    As for being well groomed…hmm, well he was somewhat shaven down there, not completely. I would say he was groomed kind of good but I did have to spit out hair a couple of times! OMG, that was embarrassing. Also, I feel kind of bad saying this cuz I love my Jordan but he wasn’t “fresh” down there if you know what I mean. I smelt a tinge of unfreshlyness…obviously he hadn’t showered or washed up knowing he was coming over to “meet” with a girl. Joe smelt clean and fresh, not a tinge of odor from him down there. I could tell he had showered. Oh well, I didn’t care. Also, Jordan hadn’t brushed his teeth because I could smell and taste the beer but it wasn’t a bad smell.

    His chest was somewhat hairy, not a lot but there def was hair on his chest and belly, and of course down along the love trail 😉 From what it looks like now though, from what I’ve seen at the show when he sings Baby I believe in you, it doesn’t look like he has any hair but then again I didn’t get a super close look.

  402. hahahaaa, i am offically addicted! we need more stories like jessica m.

    jessica m – sorry to hear about your bad joe experience, but to be honest, i am not surprised. i was always a joe girl growing up, then i loved jon next. JK was actually last on my list… i was the anti-jordon! but since they reunited and i saw JK in concert, i have completely converted! but i digress, joe seems like an a-hole to me. i have watched many of teh NKOTB interviews and he’s always got something nasty to say. i mean it’s funny, and he’s obviously sharp and witting, but his words have a bit of an edge to them. am i the only one who sees this? and i’d hate to be explicit, but can you be more specific about how “well-endowed” JK is??? lol. i mean, break it down for us… in inches! and while you are at it, more on joe too! and how where you “chosen”? im trying to figure out how to get some JK loving myself. and oh no, i dont beleive you are a slut, you are my hero, lol. hahaha. but really, what’s your secret? and yes, tell us about his kissing technique? soft and sensual i would imagine. and his hands, what did he do with them…. i always imagine him to be a pretty decent guy and nice… i don wonder about his intelligence tho… i think he is fairly intelligent (for someone who is not educated), when you watch his interviews, his vocabulary is good and he is always articulate. keep the juice cumming…. lol. sorry ladies, all this sex talk has got my mind in the gutter.

    speaking of which, can one you you lovely ladies please share the link the the gutter boards?…… thx in advance 🙂
    covergirl – thanks for the scoop. good job going (almost) directly to the source. any other details to share? it’s crazy, we need to open up our own p.i. agency. i agree with most of what you said, but i dont think it was “love” at least not on his part. i think around that time (2004) he was chubbier, which is usually a physical symptom of depression. add that to his rumored alcoholism = a very unhappy man. he was probably in alow place and needed a friend, someone to adore him and make it feel good. i do think they shared a connection tho, to what extent we can only speculate. just curious.. who is the friend you messaged? and how did you know to message this particular friend? i have been to M’s myspace a few times and have played with the idea of doing the very same thing but didnt since i live in northern va as well.

    ok, ehough with my novella. but ladies, i love this. gives me something fun to read during work… and please keep sharing!

    houstonbutterfly- A BIG THANK YOU for doing what you do!!! Uniting horny JK fans!!!! hahaha.

  403. and to …. I think it’s possible to get good seats if you’re fucking the singer… BELIEVE ME!
    I don’t think you talked about the time he went to M’s house… but right, just friends haha sorry I forgot to mention that!!
    to the nkotb girl, bring it on girl I wanna hear it too!! 🙂

  404. yeah this blog is getting even better…. who cares if it’s made up or not it’s entertaining to read hahaha!
    any stories from this tour?! 🙂

  405. Jessica M. – Your story should be told on the big screen at their concerts (preferably with pictures)! I’m sure the “wifeys” would love it! 🙂

  406. Jessica M – Thank-you for sharing your story. I don’t think you are a slut. Heck, I know I would have done it back then. Although I dont think I would give Joe a BJ.. maybe Donnie or Jon (if he likes girls). Not sure if I missed whether you posted this or not but did you get the chance to see a concert this tour? I have 2 shows coming up.

  407. Jessica M,

    You rock – really, you do! I love your Jordan feedback. I was asking about Jordan – not Joe – so thanks, you got it right! Does he come across as confident or insecure? I know this is a long time ago but I’m grasping for anything to go along with the youtube clip I keep playing over and over and over….

    He is absolute perfection now – his body is just crazy. Honestly, I want to give God a high five everytime I see the clip (God, well done!!!!!!!).

    Really graphic question alert: Is he “clothed” or “unclothed”?…..if you know what I mean.

    BTW, do you live in Southern or Northern CA – I’m in Northern CA.

    Hanging on to your every word. 🙂

  408. Jessica M, your my idol! lol I’m hoping to get some of that kind of face time i’m getting the hookup from zach in a few weeks i’m not picky i’ll take Donnie or Jordan. I’ve met the guys a few times and Joey does seem like a dick in this one video I saw on youtube he was out taking pics with fans they were on a golf cart and one girl sat there too long and he shoved her off and said something like “let someone else have a turn” but he literally pushed her off the cart. Any one have any Donnie stories I heard he’s kinky and is a huge giver :-p Also Jessica M what happened after the bj, did he end up cuming by jacking off? and how did you leave was it like ” ok thanks” “see ya”? kinda of thing? c’mon girls keep the juicy stories comin!

  409. i don’t know why you guys won’t post gutterboards here. come on we’re all adults, and this isn’t moderated by the disney moderators at the official website or anything. anyway i can’t imagine there’s anything over there much worse over on those sites. i mean, this is a really fun blog.
    Jessica M. – thanks so much for all the details. he doesn’t like kissing!!! Shit! Well, I think he was with his girl then, even if he said he wasn’t, so maybe that was another way of avoiding intimacy and keeping it faithful. don’t listen to the few who are raggin’ on you – they’re just jealous. we would all have loved to be in your position if we had the opportunity and the courage. i’m pretty sure i’d chicken out, but that’s why it’s so fun to hear the stories of you brave ones…. i’m glad to hear he was sweet – i always thought he was and then sometimes people say he’s arrogant and i’m pretty sure he’s just shy. did he seem at all shy to you? tell us anything and everything you can remember, even if you think it’s insignificant. this is sooo fun and so interesting. if anyone else has a story about the guys, please tell it, you are among friends. 99.99% won’t judge you, and who cares about the few that do. they don’t have to be here, right.

  410. This is better than any episode of “Grey’s”! I second the motion to hear more juicy, nasty stories. Remember ladies, women hit their peak around the 30’s! Like a fine wine, we get better and more experienced with age. I think Jordan deserves a “kitchen pass” – bring it on! 🙂

  411. You girls rock…lol…my questions for Jessica…

    1) did he do any moaning…was he enjoying himself?
    2) how long did u stay with him in the hotel?
    3) if you tell me he sang I will drop dead right now
    4) did he take all his clothes off?
    5) how sexy was his voice?

    OMG this is too much…I keep watching the twisted youtube video over and over again…I mean, he is absolute perfection!

    If anyone could email me the “gutterboard” my email is luvtakiss6@yahoo.com…keep it coming girls!

  412. Ok KP ..and Cronies!!! Did I touch a nerve? Do you think you will have a chance with Jordan ???? Do you too think he is gonna stop the bus and say HI?? LMAO!!! Please you need to grow up and get out of your fantasy Land!!! So.. ALERT…ALERT.!!!!

    Who cares what Jordan does in his private life, who cares who he is married to and who cares who he screws! So on that note .. once again STFU!!!!!!


  413. These were the links that were emailed to me. I couldn’t find much dirt. There’s an old one about Donnie & JK liking BJ’s but not much detail. You have to search around on the site to find anything meaningful. I didn’t have quite the luck.




    This site here is better than any gutter board!! You gals are BAD ASS!! Keep it coming!! I’m glad there’s many others like me that are addicted as well 🙂

  414. omg! this site gets interesting everytime lol….
    just wanna say about Marisol, i believe that nothing further passed between her and J…lets be real not ALL the fans they meet are gonna be F##@$$ by them!!!

    jessica m…i gotta admit that anyone could write whatever, but im giving the benefit of the doubt because definitely the guys are no angels…so i believe you and not in any way i think you are a slut. if any fan say that has never dream of the guys in a sexual way or dream of kissing their fave its the biggest liar. some fans have realized that fantasy and we are not the ones to judge because if we do that means theres jealousy. im glad im not a joe fan cus he seemed an ass. jordan doesnt like to kiss? hmmm….maybe that way he thinks he respects evy….sure…ohwell……..lol i love him but not interested in kissing him….i want Donnie!!!!lol.. does anyone has DW stories???i think he kisses better that jordan lol hope i could get my chance and by the way im latina, think i got better chance????lol
    and please the ones that judge other girls by the way they dresses that means they cant wear that lol everyone dresses like whatever they feel to!!!

  415. Jessica M-

    I Definitely believe your story because it sounds like the other stories I read on a gutter board from a while back (2001) about the guys. There was a woman on there that knows girls who have slept with the guys and people close to them. She listed in order how “big” they were…lol it went:

    1. Jon – Nobody claimed to have slept with Jon, but she said the guys even said themselves that Jon had the biggest dick, so… nice treat for any Jon Girls on the board, lol.

    2. Joe – Jessica M. just re-verified that he is very big

    3. Jordan

    4. Danny/Donnie – I don’t know if it was a tie but she said that Danny was okay and Donnie’s wasn’t the biggest, but it was fatter…

    Jessica M. – I’m really sorry that your experience with Joe wasn’t everything you wanted it to be. Maybe he was just having a really bad day? I am a Jordan girl, but I have always had a soft spot for Joey too. If he weren’t married with a child, I’d tell you to try to get back at him and see if you could make a different memory! But he seems clearly devoted to his wife and that’s great 🙂 I hear she is very nice too so good for him!

  416. hey jessica, just wanted to say you shouldn’t feel stupid for not knowing why joe was whispering – i don’t know why he was being such a prick – how would you know he had to conserve his voice? jordan wasn’t whispering was he?

  417. Private eye – FYI.. If I’m not mistaken from my understanding it wasn’t 2004 when they started talking. She said a year later he contacted her. That’s where i’m lost. But i do remember in 2004 J was chubbier and he totally did look depressed. and that was interestingly enough pretty much after he married.
    I do have to agree that the fact that she didn’t want to not talk to him after knowing he was married, implies it could have been more than a friendship. I mean if you only care for someone like a friend, you stay friends, especially if it was a great friendship. Again, yea maybe they didn’t sleep together, but who knows what she or he felt. But the fact he contacted her, obviously shows some type of interest from his part…and if you put together the videos, the pictures of them together.. looks mutual to me. oh yea, the fact he also went to her house. I dont think he would have done that if he didn’t want to, especially being married. i cant help but talk about this,, i won’t say anything disrespectful about anyone though.

  418. Ladies, this IS the gutter board as far as I’m concerned!!! This gets better by the hour!!
    As soon as I hook up with J (hooking up with celebrities is not cheating LOL what a bad example I am!) I will let you know!! Can’t say much about it not to ruin it but I’ll be back with a good story sometime in the next month or so……
    My friend is one of Donnie’s girls, let’s see what happens…..

  419. and yes, this is a gutter board already YAY!! and the haters aren’t even posting! so cool! but you know they are reading lol
    I’m sure the word will spread and more and more people will drop by and tell their stories… 😀

  420. Hook, line & sinker!!! This is so addicting… Jessica M – you lucky lucky girl! Given the opportunity you had – any of us would have jumped at the chance to be w/ Jordan! Anyone else wanna share some juicy stories??
    This is better than one of those eroctic novels I used to read. Love it!!!!

  421. I guess I’m in the minority here. I’m sure I’ll receive a lot of backlash from this, but bring it on. I’ve obviously got morals, unlike many here. I was told about this site from a friend and we’re both schocked by how many women here are all about the “juicy” stories that could quite possibly be destroying a woman, children and a marriage (Evelyn). I, for one, hope she never finds this site. I’m sure she is aware of Jordan’s infidelity and escapades and she has to deal with that on a daily basis. There are people here that are making that worse. There are those that would still whore themsleves out, knowing he is married, just to satisfy some childhood dream?! Perhaps it’s time to grow up and get back with reality. How would you feel if you were in her shoes? Would you appreciate people talking this way about your private lives? Would you appreciate random women willing to whore themselves out like a prostitute (that’s basically what you become except you don’t get paid! lol) to your husband because it’s a “childhood dream”? Yes, you appear slutty. You wonder why they don’t show you much respect if any at all? If you present yourself with no obvious signs of respect for yourself (allowing yourself to be the girl that sucks them off, etc) then why the hell should they respect you?

    A friend of mine and myself were invited to “meet” the guys. Joe and Jordan. We were under the impression that this was just going to be a quick meet and greet. We met them, talked a bit and then turned down their advances because we aren’t “those girls”. They were shocked that they were turned down, but mentioned they had respect for that and didn’t think we would, but wanted to “test the waters”. Oh and Jordan referrred to some of his overweight lady fans as “linebackers”. I’m a small woman and I thought that was rather offensive.

    Morally of the story…have some respect. They are just people like you and me.

  422. I want to post mine, but the hubby gets REALLY jealous. We can’t even talk about it even though it happened before us. FYI-mine is more PG-13, but interesting since it was a dream come true for me. I have to say Jordan’s image is a little tarnished in my mind now. HEll, he is still my favorite New Kid.I don’t know—maybe I can sneak away in a bit and write some details.

  423. Renee, why is it the other women’s responsibility to keep men faithful to their wives. His wife is a total stranger to most of these women; HE’S the one that made vows to her. You can’t expect complete strangers that he hits on or hooks up with to have more respect and loyalty for her than her own husband, who’s supposed to love her, does. I get sick of people blaming women for men’s infidelities. I don’t think that’s moral; I think that’s sexist. Plus it seems like he lies to a lot of girls to get what he wants, says he’s not married when he is, not even his girlfriend when she was pregnant with his kid and seemed to be his girl at the time etc etc. Either that or they broke up and made up a lot, which is also possible. Either way, none of these girls promised Evelyn they’d stand by her and respect her etc. HE did that. And if he breaks those vows, then that’s his business. And hers. Nobody else’s. So stop blaming other people.

  424. Ok, oK…off topic for sure, but has anyone ever seen a picture of Jordan’s dad? I don’t think I have. Just wonderingabout everyone else.

  425. Renee, if you want rainbows and lollypop stories about the guys then go back to the official board. this is a place where fans yes fans just because we know how the guys really are off stage and accept their behavior and hope to be a participant doesn’t mean we’re not fans. But seriously this is a place where we can finally talk about it and not worry about getting kicked off so just leave us gutter girls alone. And as far as his poor wife getting all hurt, she knew who she was marrying when she married him, it’s not new news that he’s a cheater and she married him anyway, and the last I heard they had an open marriage so we’re not breaking up any happy homes. stepping off my soap box now…ok ladies back to the gutter!

  426. NKOTB girl, I haven’t seen his dad either. only his mom, i’m real curious what he looks like, we asked about it on the boards but of course it got deleted. anyone have any pics of him?

  427. In no way did I say that it was up to other women to keep Jordan faithful. What I was trying to say is what does it say about the women that go along with the cheating?

    I have been asked out many times by men that I knew were taken. What would I be if I accepted their offers knowing they were cheating?

    Having a fantasy and acting on that fantasy are two completely different things especially when it becomes a moral issue. That’s just my opinion. Everyone else is entitled to their own.

    Have a nice day.

  428. private eye – i noticed several picture comments on her myspace from this one person, she has a child’s pic as her default and she is also in her top friends, so i figured i’d try this person. i didn’t realized she was that close to her, but i actualy messaged her thanking her for coming on here and also asked about him going to her house and also why she stopped talking to him, since we’re wondering. oh and how he contacted her.. i still think, atleast it’s obvious to me..it wasn’t just a friendship.

    Renee? when we you and your friend approached, was it this tour? cause that would suckkkk. lol Damn, they sure do have all these tempations…it’s probably hard for them to “be good”.
    I can just see by some interviews, Jordan is definetly breaking out of his shell and almost seems like he’s pushing the line a bit when it comes to not doing anything to upset his wife. There is a video where someone asks him and donnie of how the fans are different now. normally i would see jordan stay away from such comments, but here he talking about woman phermones…saying they’re yummilious…ummmm lol

  429. CalGirl, I’m not a member of any of the guys boards and I do not live in a land of rainbows and lollipops. haha I also never said anything about anyone here not being a Jordan or NKOTB fan. I am thourghouly aware that Evelyn knew who she was marrying. I’m just saying why add to the already exisiting problems that he has with keeping it in his pants?

  430. Renee, he’s going to cheat regardless, so why not talk about it and the story that we heard from Jessica, he wasn’t even married yet. If it’s something you wouldn’t do then fine to each is own but don’t sit here and judge us for talking about it. If you found this page it’s because you were looking for info on Jordan and his wife as well, if you don’t agree with our talk then simply click away and let us be.

  431. CalGirl, since I have a different opinion than yours I have to leave? The world would be a very boring place if everyone thought the same. lol If you read my first post you would see how I came about this page. Boards like this are always interesting. If your viewpoint is different than someone elses, you get chastised for it. lmao

    Have a nice day CalGirl.

  432. Haha you girls crack my ass up! LOL..it’s good to know that there are other Jordan fans out there just as CRAZY as me!!
    Amanda-No, he never cummed and I didn’t jack him off. We just stopped, I don’t remember if it was him or me that stopped it but I think it was just a combination of the two of us knowing that it wasn’t going to go anywhere!:( We just laid back on the bed and watched tv.
    GG-Yeh you’re right…at the time I felt really dumb though. No, Jordan wasn’t whispering at all.
    Lori-LMAO!! You are so funny and I love it! You ask the kind of questions I’d want to know!:) 1. Very little moaning sounds like sst, (that’s the only way I can think to describe it) and I honestly don’t think he enjoyed it too much if he stopped and told me how to do it! :0
    2. We were there for a couple of hours, I’d say I from 12:30 ish to 2:30-3 ish, then he said he had to catch a plane at 7 so he had to leave.
    3.LOL! I Wish!! He didn’t sing and now that you say that, stupid me didn’t even think to ask him to sing! dam it!
    4. No clothes on either of us came off. The only thing he did was stand up (while I gave him the bj) and lowered his pants to whip it out 🙂
    5. He spoke kind of soft, very cute and he did seem kind of shy. I am shy myself (well with people & surroundings that I don’t know…give me time to get to know you and I will def come out of my shell!) He wasn’t aggresive (like Joe) at all.

  433. Sassy- Funny you say that cuz I did message him like a month ago on my space saying that I knew what I was doing this time!! LOL! I also told him that it took 10 years for my dream (from 89 to 99) to come true and that it’s going on another 10 years so time to make it happen again! lol . of course…no response I don’t even know if he checks it himself…it’d be kind of embarassing if someone else checks it cuz I was giving details about our “meeting” just in case if he happened to remember it. Honestly, he’s probably had hundreds and can’t remember one bj from the next…especially when mine sucked! lol 🙂

  434. Hi Ladies,






  435. Renee, no one likes drama and it’s vary obvious what the discussion is about and if you don’t agree with why would want to stay read about it? You’re welcome to stay but if you’re going to rag on the girls that post on here then what is the point sticking around, that’s all I was trying to say. and believe me I know about being chastised for having a different view thats how most of us ended up here in the first place, on the message boards if you even bring up the guys cheating or jon’s love life they all jump on you about it and you end up getting banned so this is a place to discuss it without judgment 🙂

  436. I can’t believe that pic of J’s wedding.. KEEP the STORIES coming ladies…including this tour… Haven’t heard of any-either Donnie, Danny or Jordan -except that Donnie has the class to bring his girlfriends to breakfast the next day. Donnie will be in Boston the next 2 wks & I assure you J will be as well. I plan for drivebys, clubbing & seeing what happens..

    MORE STORIES–I BEG–I wish I had one.. I tried though. I had a ‘hows your pole- we’d like to know’ sign that got taken at the Prov concert…BOO! Buy Donnie took my underwear. I feel better..LOL

  437. NKOTB Girl- Have you been to one of their shows yet? If not, in the beginning of when they sing “If you go away” they are showing pics of celebs that have passed away. Well, his dad must have recently passed away cuz they have a pic of his mom with a man (at first I wasn’t sure if it was his step dad or what) in black n white and then it says “Alan Knight”…how sad 😦 Try looking on you tube for some of the videos and maybe somebody caught the beginning. From what I remember, pretty good looking guy for an older man and his mom, I thought, has always been pretty….it’s no wonder how they created the most beautiful man to exist.:)

  438. Jessica – of course I have your back! I love your story. I am sad that you were treated that way by joe, but you didn’t do anything that I wouldn’t have done. or any of us on here really. If people say negative things about you they’re jealous that they weren’t in that situation.

    Sassy – I’m now in training for the January tour. I’m going to ALL of thier England dates. 7 concerts in all.

    KP – since you’re the profiler, how do I profile myself up as an excellent BJ’er. haha.

    Look this board is gettting great. and we aren’t saying anything HORRIBLE about E not anymore anyway. What happens in their relationshipis a series of choices. If Jordan or any of them chooses to get naughty with fans it’s THEIR choice. And if we want to talk about it it’s OUR choice. If you don’t like it go somewhere else. I’d like to point out that unlike NKOTB or NKOTBfans we don’t fight amoung ourselves. Everyone here for the most part is very polite to each other. and MATURE. The only rude ones are those who come in to be school teacher and then leave.

    I’m going to leave that M girl alone. Whatever did or didn’t happen between her and Jordan is boring to me now. I want actual stories, first hand encounters, not moral highground.

  439. BREE thanks for the info of the list, LOL!!! this blog is getting dirrrrty with full srevice details, lol!!!

    too much info….but good to know haha.

  440. Dark Halo – BTW great screen name!

    I second the motion to hear some Donnie stories! I have watched and listened to several of his interviews and he just oozes SEX! I think we should take a vote to see who we would guess is the BEST LOVER. My vote is Donnie! I bet that boy knows how to use his tongue. 🙂

  441. If you haven’t already done so today, you MUST check out the two new videos posted on NKTV! Donnie’s driving one of the tour buses! LOL 🙂

  442. Curious One… Thanks for that pic. I wish there were more of his wife out there then just 3. I’d love to see a recent one. Did anybody see their families at the Boston concert? I wonder if they were in some special room watching or whatever.

    Nkotb girl… doesn’t your husband have somewhere to go? Spill it girl!!!! lol

  443. Also Jessica M… thank you again for sharing your story. Its amazing to hear how these guys REALLY are. Thats the whole point of all this… right. LOVE IT!!!!!

  444. Renee–we are indeed entitiled to have and express our opinions, but your first post did seem judgemental.

    I like that you came back and posted instead of reading along silently…so….since you’re down here in the gutter with us….why don’t you tell more of your story.

    Someone asked if it was recent or back in the day.
    How were you approached?

    Curious One–thanks for the picture! I wonder if there are any more out there!!

    NKOTB Girl–I want to hear your story!

  445. My “meeting” with Jordan was a bit different than what some girls have posted on here. I mean different in some ways but nonetheless very good. I am a bit shy about sharing all details because I read all the posts and well, I am not sure that I want to be chastised for my behavior. But, also I have only shared it with only one person, my former college roommate and since she is not into NKOTB I don’t think she really cared which kind of disappointed me. It was BY FAR the most exciting and erotic experience that I have ever had. Most people are disappointed when they finally get to live out their fantasies, but not me. I don’t regret anything about it except for the fact that it did not continue. I think I developed a puppy dog crush and while I tried by hardest to not think of it emotionally, I suffered a bit. I was not a teenager but felt like one. The same emotions, the same pain, but I worked through it and saw it for what it was. I am a strong person so that made it alot easy. Jordan is a great guy, even though I know in my heart that it was wrong. This tour brought all these memories floating back.

  446. Jessica M: Thank you so much for sharing your story with us! I love reading all about it – I’m living vicariously through you. I’ve been infatuated with Jordan since I was 8 and would be lying if I said I hadn’t wondered what it would be like to hookup with him. Tell me more! You mentioned that your friend was hooking up with Robo that same night. Was she actually into him, or just occupying him while you were having alone time with the real hotties? If so, that’s a good friend because I don’t think I’d be willing to hookup with Robo for ANYTHING – even if he did have all his teeth back then! lol

    NKOTB girl: Most of us would love to hear your story too – however PG-rated it may be.

    I don’t understand why people think it’s slutty or whore-ish to have casual sex. It’s 2008 not 1928! It would be pathetic if a grown woman thought that by giving Jordan a bj, he was going to fall in love with her but that doesn’t seem to be the case here so what’s the big deal?! It seems that in most of these cases, HE’s seeking it out…but I still heart him. 🙂

  447. Off topic but do you guys think Jon is gay. I do and that’s totally cool BUT not cool if he’s got women all getting hot for him and he’s gay, that’s not cool. Gay guys shouldn’t play like that. Your gay you should just be honest about it and OWN it and not flirt or make women believe you are attainable because if your gay you are clearly not looking to have women falling all over you.

  448. wowsers. love the gutta!!

    so whose gonna post links to the other gutterboards??! LOL! I want to hear juice about Donnie D!

  449. I too had the “experience” with J. He smoked marlboro lights, drank like a fish. Heinken.Was chubbier not groomed, like the Bj, had sex but it wasn’t good. Not big on kissing and like to take medications. I am just a white girl with light brown hair average weight and people say I am pretty but I am in no way a stunner. I was brought to him by Chad. I didn’t think his thing was big nothing amazing. It was a couple of times during the solo tour in the midwest. He said he did “love” evelyn but it didn’t stop him at all. I felt he was quiet but sweet. Do i LOVE him..no. I loved the posters of him and who I thought he was. It tarnished it a bit, but now he looks good and when I go the shows he is awesome to me with passes. We only exchange conversations now. But it’s cool we are cool still. that’s my story nothing outrageous just being honest and real. i love nkotb. I just need to get me some Donnie grown man and i’d be happy 🙂 Thank the lord he is single and hits on me! Not bedding me, yet…..I can only prayer he will ..lol.oh in my dreams Donnie would. But I dont want to pass it around to the group..that is not me. Jordan was dream, I prayed I’d have sex with him,I did. So, I guess my luck ran out. Oh well. Hope you enjoyed my little blog. And hell yeah Danny and J love the latinas! But i am not one and still had sex with J.

  450. Hello, I have your back too JessicaM, thanks for the details – I LMAO at “tinge of unfreshlyness”!!! Hahaha (I hoped it would smell/taste of honeydrops 🙂

    I will admit that as a grown woman I have fantasized about Jordan and it would be a dream come true to spend a night with him. Just dreaming as I am in the UK and not his type – I am very definately a redhead and have not heard any encounters of Jordan with my kind. (Pleassseee Jordan say you love redhead’s!! 🙂

    I love the countdown 1-5 of ‘manhood size’ hahahaha that’s brilliant, but JessicaM you say Joey is huge so what does that make Jon?!!!! 🙂 Wowwowweewarr.

    This is naughty to ask but JessicaM do you have anymore details like Lori’s questions or Tracey’s funny ‘clothed’ or ‘unclothed’ question? LMAO LOL!!!! Wide/tall/both? This is really crude, but quite frankly have spent most of my 28 years hearing men being rude and I think I can ask just this once 🙂 Off course you don’t have to answer and I respect that xxx

    I did read a story some years back about someone wanting for some ‘special time’ with one of the Double D’s, the bouncer took this person to Jordan’s room first, I think she visited another NewKid after this and finally got to the DW the next morning but he wasn’t very interested….

    Jessica, I wonder if Jordan didn’t want to kiss if he knew about what had happened with you and Joe? Just a thought, just wish that Jordan loved kissing as much as I do!

    I also heard some negative stuff about Joe through a friend who worked with him so it didn’t come as a surprise to hear about how he treated Jessica, but I feel bad for you all the same, that was so unkind.

    Anyways, enough gossip from me 🙂

  451. Hi ladies,

    Just want to start off by saying, no one is slut here, it is a celebrity thing, unless you do this all the time, then maybe a slut, but all I have read here…..not at all. Anyone would have done the same given the opportunity! And all the haters, just chill out!

    Ok, I saw the guys this past weekend on tour, and have to say Joe was very very sweet and flirty. I think he may have been a little drunk because he invited me and my friends to an afterparty. He was very clingy but in a very cute sort of way….But I could not keep my eyes off of Jordan as I watched him check me out up and down……so I approached Jordan…..

    When I introduced myself, he kissed and hugged me like crazy, but would not look into my eyes at all? I was so confused, I mean he stared me down with his eyes, but then when I went up close to him, it is like he went back into a shell……I am a very attractive girl, pettite, dark hair, curvy,…….I asked him if he was happy in his life, he did not answer….he just looked away……it was a weird meeting, I felt like he wanted to run away from everything…….so shy? or miserable and torn??? I know they left the afterparty and went right to the tourbus and onto the next city….was this why he did now give any girl the time of day?? I don’t know?

    After I finally met him after all this time, I thought to myself we really do not know this person…..there is something he was kind of hiding……..not sure what it was……..I gave him a goodbye hug when I left and that was the end.

  452. ok that pic of J’s wedding i’ve seen before. First off isn’t that her brother Miguel? wearing jeans to her wedding? lol and Chad aswell? I honestly would expect atleast “one” wedding pic of them out. If i were her, I wouldn’t put up with it. He says he keeps his life private but could that just be a coverup for something he’s not entirely proud of? I don’t buy it. I know if i were married to someone well known, I would feel humilated if my husband did not show me off at some point. I’m not saying he should take me everywhere and blasts pictures on magazines etc…i’m just saying atleast a show a spark of “i’m so in love with my wife…and so proud to be seen with her” kinda thing. Like Joe. Nobody wonders about them cause without intending to publically , they elude love and respect for each other wheter they try to or not. Bottom line.

    About the If you go aways pictures…isn’t it after the song when it comes on. ALso the picture you’re talking about, i thought said ……Putnam. That is the mom’s last name. I thought it was maybe a brother of hers.

  453. To the girl who said Jordan didn’t look in his eyes….
    well apparently he wasnt interested in that way… and why would you ask him if he is happy in his life?? haha… that right there made him run away … don’t ask that!!!..

    It’s really funny how you all don’t really get JK….
    He is someone who is total opposite of the DW’s….
    JK has his days but he has always been this way….
    Nothing has changed as far as his personality… He is still the same….so it’s not his marriage !! The only difference now is he is not a heavy drinker so that x’s out the cheating… he is now mostly sober…..

    The one thing that comes to my mind in his actions also is that he is trying to be good and not give any ammo to the public and the cougars… cameras are around everywhere.. and we all know how the knights feel about youtube… so yea ….

    Also………..He does have a child who could possibly view
    any mistakes he makes via… the information super highway!!!!! So there are many factors… but one big one this time around is his Old Ball and Chain….


  454. Maria – We’ve got your back! Please tell us your story! I think the other ladies have made it quite clear that all the HATERS can kiss our asses!

  455. Sunshine…what do you mean he likes to take medications? was he popping pills in front of you? Aren’t you going to give us any details? HMmmmm

  456. Sassy,

    I only have few moments since I am swamped at work.

    My friend and I were at a show (yes this tour) and had to go to the bathroom. We of course used the buddy system and on our way out…I should go back a bit and tell you that we noticed the same guy kind of following us around and talking into a walky talky type thing before the show. Well when we came out of the restroom he was outside waiting for us and we immediately thought we did something wrong lol. That is when he explained who he was (don’t remember his name) and asked if we wanted to meet them after the show. He gave us different passes and told us where to go (to meet him so he could bring us through). That’s it! It took them forever to finally meet us (just Joe and Jordan could make it). Must have had a different “real” meet and greet to do or something.

    Sorry if I came off as judgemental. Not my intention. I am however still not understanding the facination with “being” with them in that way and I’ve stated my reasons above.

    Back to the grind. Have a great weekend everyone. : )

  457. Wow Jasmine, I wish I had been in your shoes that night! How cool for you xxx I got a similar vibe from him when I met him briefly in September, he definately didn’t fancy me but was staring and after I spoke to him he just looked at me and rocked on his chair, I felt as though he wanted to reply but was holding back somehow.
    I hope dearly that he is happy.

    I would love to meet them when they come to the UK, but I just don’t think I have enough for the meet and greet. It would cost £370/$450 because I would need to travel further as London is sold out.

    It’s funny they came back this year when my mum died and I needed something to pick me up. Maybe I will regret not meeting them again? (Just wish I was a gorgeous brunette then I would be there in a second!!)

    Happy weekend xxx

  458. I thought about it overnite and read todays posts and thought that this being mostly people who want to hear stories that I would tell a bit what happened. I am very excited and scared writing this because I dont know, I just am. It was 2006 at a meet and greet.

    I was supposed to go with my sister but she bailed on me at the last minute, friends had plans and since I had been waiting so long for the chance I decided to just go by myself. This made me so nervous I kept running to the bathroom before I had to leave. So I get there late and it being only 2 hours anyway and with so many people there, I started to feel petrified. I am in this sea of crazy women pushing and I can hardly see him across the room. At this point I start to feel very anxious and figured if I went outside for a cig that I would calm down a bit. I go outside and some guy is out there too.

    Bare with me, I am not the best story teller and tend to ramble,

    Ok, so I am outside and this guy starts talking to me, asking me if I had met Jordan and I told him I hadn’t and that there were so many people there, ect. He then kind of leaned in and said that he was a friend of his and that Jordan would probably want to hang out. I started laughing and told the guy that he must think I was an idiot. He said “ya wanna bet?”, grabbed my hand and walked me back into the place. I was so stunned I could not even talk and as we got closer my head was spinning and my heart was pounding. He tapped some guy on the shoulder and proceeded to tell him my name and that I had been trying to say hi. Jordan smiled really shy and said “you want a hug?” I just nodded as he hugged me and he whispered in my ear to give his friend my cell phone number. So I did and kind of left dejectedly because I spent like 10 seconds with him and pretty much thought he asked everyone for their number. So his friend, which to this day I think was Rory (?) grabbed my hand, walked me back through the crowd outside. He lit my cig and said what is your cell? I told him that he could have it but I was not expecting a call. His friend just laughed and said you will see and left. By this time its about 7:30 so I decide to run to the store up the street.

    I was there for about 20 minutes and my cell rang. I figured it was my sister cuz she said she would call me so I just picked it up and said “thanks for not coming with me bitch”. OMG was I wrong cuz all I heard was some giggling on the other end and what? I asked who it was and then I KNEW! OMG!! I freaked out! He told me to guess and then said how was the hug? I said Rory? That made him laugh and he said if I wanted to talk to him he would hand over the phone? LOL My heart was really pounding and he spoke kinda soft and asked if I wanted to have a drink with his friend and his friend’s gf. He told me the name of the hotel, told me to go to the front desk and say who I was.

    I get out of the store and sit in my car for like 15 minutes, smoking, and almost copping out altogether. So I go to the hotel and am directed by some concierge person to some small conference room that had a bar and some tables-kind of like a miniature version of a bar. There is a bartender and his friend, the gf and Jordan. His friend starts chatting alot and you could tell they were starting to get buzzed. The gf was a bit ditzy but nice and trotted me up to the bar for a drink. I went to pay and the bartender laughed and said it was taken care of. Jordan was really shy around me and did not say too much to me. He laughed along was his friends and I did too because after I few drinks I was no longer nervous and had finally relaxed. All of a sudden Jordan kind of glanced at me and said he wanted to go up and relax and watch a movie. I got really disappointed and said that it was nice to have met him. He looked confused and said that he thought I could come up and he whispered “to smoke some weed” and watch a funny movie! I recall I found that really funny how he said it and said ok.

    So we smoked, watched a movie and had pizza delivered. By this time, Jordan was very buzzed and finally started talking to me halfway through the movie. Well most laughing and hitting my knee when something funny happened. I was enjoying myself but every couple minutes I was thinking how incredibly odd this was in a way. I actually began to think that he was not very interested and saw me as a buddy. But when I thought of him thinking about me as something else I felt turned on and scared all at the same time. After the movie, his friends seemed seriously like they were about to pass out, said g’nite and headed to their room-which was not in the suite. I started to seriously sober up at this point and said that maybe I should get going. He said he would be right back and came back in a few minutes looking so so cute. I will never forget, he had on these blue comfy pants and a red t-shirt. He was kind of grinning and asked if I was tired and is that why I wanted to go because he said he was not tired and wanted to watch a movie in bed. I said I would stay and he smiled and walked into the bedroom.

    When I got there he just started kind of nervously laughing and said he had a question for me. He asked me if I had natural tits and I saw yes. He said that I looked uncomfortable in the jeans I had on sitting in bed and said he would get me a t-shirt and some comfy pants if I would not wear a bra. So I said ok and he said “really???” like I was kidding. So he brought me the clothes and I went in the bathroom and changed. At that point I wanted to kiss him so bad it hurt. He was laying propped up on a pillow with one hand behind his head and he seemed to be kind of rubbing his stomach with his shirt kind of pulled up. I mean he had a little more weight on but even then he looked so good to me.

    Ok, I need to finish something up here at work so I will try get back to this later. I hope im not boring anyone.

  459. Jasmine- what do you mean when you say “there is something he was kinda hiding.”. and what makes you think he’s miserable? its’ interesting you say that cause i’ve gotten that impression from him sorta, before.
    Someone mentioned that in 2004 he had a drinking problem and he always looked depressed. well i can say I also saw this. I remember a show in oct 04, i went backstage for the vip and he looked bad, his eyes were red and he was really out of it. he barely talked to the fans, just signed and posed for the pictures. I also saw with my own eyes about two or three full shot glasses near the stair ramp. the meet and greet was at a stairwell. I’ve heard of a rumor about that night, ..that a girl overheard the body guard say something about jordan being upset cause he had gotten in a phone argument with “E”. I think a fan was trying to talk to jordan and the body guard said it wasn’t a good time right now, or something like that.

  460. thanks LA!!! yeah more DW! so houstonsocialbutterfly can you start a DW blog??? lol

    i haven’t seen all of DW videos and interviews but, the ones i have he’s very funny and definitely sexual, he knows what fans wants so give it to us that’s why he got most of us crazy for him…he & jordan have been my faves.

    i bet he’s the best kisser… if he kisses me he will remember me, for sure lol!!!!!!!!!

  461. JASMINE – was that @ Mixx afterparty in Atlantic City?
    What was the stare/blankness like? Was he drinking & smoking or do you think it was pills? Did he say anything specific about you, his wife -or was it like he was being tortured NOT to cheat. You said he was kissing you-was it on the lips, cheeks, etc? PLEASE clarify! Its funny, I’ve only seen 1 pic of him smoking EVER & its in the studio when the NK were just reunited. Funny how he hides it well to clean up his image.

    Maria-where r u? MORE details please? Noone here is judging you except yourself.

    JessicaM-Thanks for being so candid. Its VERY Cool of you.

    NKOTB girl-we’re waiting for stories!

    And ladies..you’re all great for sharing. This is totally an anonymous board-so spill it out! For future hookups, remember that giving BJ’s to more than 1 NK isn’t cool – or at least carry a toothbrush/listerine with U!

    I’ll be on the Donnie hunt next week..come home to Boston boys..we’re waiting.

  462. Maria–

    You are killing me with your story! :-)) I can’t wait to hear the rest of it! You have me on the edge of my seat! LOL Please do tell and thanks for sharing!

  463. Maria/Jessica thank you so so much for your stories!!!!!!!!! I love them

    NKOTB girl, please share your story.

    Also for the girl who said she hooked up with Jordan and he wasn’t that huge was that you Maria?

    can someone please give us inches?

  464. Maria – OMG!!! I want more! Who needs to finish things up @ work when there’s so much more interesting things to discuss here! Looking forward to reading more details…..:)

  465. can I just say I f’ love this blog?!!!! 🙂
    I’m loving the stories, either they are real or not, they r really entertaining…!! woohoo! 🙂

  466. Oh my god!!! Jessica, Maria and NKOTB girl are my heroes!!!!
    Please girls I need to read some more, it’s like an addiction!!!
    We need all the details. Size in inches, color, girth, kissing technique….everything!!!!!!
    You girls rock!!!!

  467. sunshine – more details please!!! why wasn’t it good? it cant be the rhythm, we all know that man has moves. would you care to elaborate.. we are all waiting! and if he’s “not that big” how big is he? if you dotn mind, please break it down in INCHES… lol. thanks

    maria – wow! ooooh, you lucky lucky girl. please continue… give us every last detail. you were just getting to the good stuff

    does anyone have any more stories from this tour to share? i am curious to know if he still cheats… so we all know he loves the latinas… but us asian girls love JK too! anyone hear of him hooking up with other races? just curious to know if i will ever have my chance, hahaha.

  468. Ladies – No one better take a break from blogging this weekend (especially you Maria)! Don’t leave us hanging too long to read the rest of this HOT story.

    Dark Halo – I too love J but I think DW would be a phenomenal lover!

  469. I love it! I’m so glad that since I broke the ice, the stories are starting to come out!!

    Tracy2468-I’m still here girl! Just thought I’d give my story a break and let these other ladies tell theirs! I’m so excited to hear others!!:)

    I’m sooo sad, I have to go! 😦 I don’t have a computer at home so my only chance to log on is at work…I’m off now and won’t be back til Monday!! (crying..:()

    Cant wait to read the rest of Maria’s story…she left us hanging!! lol

  470. MARIA! come back! haha! it was getting good! isn’t it WILD how the “tit” lines he uses are so similar?! frightening almost. shit, I would’ve gotten down with him in a heartbeat. all these stories point to one thing — a man, torn. sigh, life.

  471. About the medication thing he was pill popping but not like an elvis thing or something. Maybe it was like normal medication. But he did three times get into that bottle.
    It wasn’t good because maybe I expected more? He was average maybe 7 inches? I don’t know the exact but it was pretty good thickness nothing amazing. Believe me I wish I could say it was the bomb but I am not going lie. And it wasn’t in a nice hotel, it was on the lower end of the hotels. Chad was in the next room trying to get up with my best friend. He (chad) was married at the time too and told my bff that Jordan fights with “e” all the time.
    I don’t want to give out all the details as I never want J to see this. EVER.

  472. Jessica M-

    I just want to know, what is your definition of Big? Like what would you compare Joe/Jordan to?

    Gingernuts-[hope thats your name, lol]

    You said your friend had an experience with Jow that wasn’t aso pleasant. What happened? I totally always imagined Joe to be such a sweetheart and a great lover…but is he really just a BIG DICK ass hole?! lol


    Can’t wait for the rest! Even with all of Jordan’s issues I’d still get at him!

  473. Hi Ladies,

    Stranger- It was not that I was expecting anything more than a friendly chat, (anything more would have been a bonus!!!)but he was so incredibly distant……it did not make sense to me. He was so into me before I went near him, then he was almost cold…..maybe it is becuase of all the video/pix that are now taken? Or maybe he was leaving so soon that anything really was not going to be worth getting in trouble for?? Still confused about it……and I asked if he was happy, I was expecting him to say yes this tour has been great…..instead he looked away as if I was asking about his personal life……but I never specified……

    It was in AC, all kissing was on cheeks, sorry ladies, I can not lie…..there were many people around…….look at the utube video….he was almost lonely alone…….??? Maybe his cheating days are over? Really all these stories are old news….no one has anything new at all? So, he may have been a cheat, but no longer? Or just will live in a lie of a marriage if that is the case for the children……..maybe he is sick of cheating and all that comes with it…ie…STD’s!!???

    If no one has any new stories to tell,…..we may have come to the end of the player?…We may all have to grow up and leave it behind??? Please someone come up with something juicy…..I DO NOT WANT TO GROW UP 🙂

  474. Oh and Maria, please say this is not fan fic!!!!! I know there are ladies out there with real stories….and I do agree that the guys are being way more careful now that they have older kids and Joe/Jordan are married…Danny has a “girlfriend” and Donnie has “friends” too and Jon is in the box marked “other” at this point…lol

    As sweet his wife is and as in love as they seem, do you think Joe would ever cheat on Barrett? He always talks about how awesome she is. I did read on another board from a fan who was at one of the recent shows this month that she was in line outside the venue and saw Barrett walking the dog and a couple fans in the line were being very rude to her…so not cool!

  475. Before I begin again, thanks to all that are supportive because I have kept this all bottled inside. If you don’t believe me then it is your perogative to not believe me. I have learned that yes, people do lie and some are truthful and you cannot MAKE anyone believe you as much as you try. I guess I am glad that this group of women are openminded and for the most part are not judging me. I spent too much work time dedicated to reliving this at work and I needed to get back to work. On a lighter note, wow, what fun us girls would have at a NKOTB concert, I think most of us are likeminded!

    I will write as much as I can but have to work AGAIN tomorrow morning so please bear with me, I dont mean to be a tease but work has been killer lately and since reading this blog I admit I have been preoccupied with something that I in a way try hard to not dwell on and there is guilt mixed in there with all my words.

    On that note, I will try to fill y’all in on a bit more. Ok, I got into bed and I will tell you that I honestly started to feel a bit uneasy and looking back at all the blogging and writing this now I see some similarities to “meetings” and some differences. I did not even know how to approach him, he was quiet and looked really relaxed which probably was from the alcohol and pot. He was half looking at the tv and then said really shyly that I looked cute in his clothes. They were kinda big and I thought I looked a bit frumpy. He then kind of popped up, sat up and asked me if I wanted to do a shot? I said yes and he hopped up looking for a paper cup and zambuca (?). We did a shot and he grabbed a cig from the nightstand and laid back again. I said something like are you normally this quiet? He just kind of said “ha ha” and laid back. My head kind of spun from the shot and he started talking and I was surprised. I honestly don’t remember all that he said, I guess just things that I found interesting. Stuff like, this is the most relaxed he has felt in a long time, how he did not believe that I actually showed up at the hotel, that it took guts and that he could not believe he was talking so much. I was kind of shocked because he hardly had talked to me all night long and I just let him talk. Then being shy but assertive from the drinking I asked him if I could kiss him and he at first shook his head no. It kind of hurt my feelings and I ask him was it because I was not pretty enough? He asked me something along the lines of, if I had a bf and I said no. He got really quiet then. I then asked him if he had a gf and he said no, something much more important than that. Then I knew. I did not want to ask anything else about that, and I guess I am ashamed to say that the reason why I didnt was because I did not want him to second guess what he was doing with me. So, I just said that I was livng for the moment and if he did not want to I would leave if he wanted me to. At this point is where I see some differences in “experiences”. As soon as I said that he grabbed my arm andpulled me partially on top of him and kissed me very hard. It was beyond my expectations in that respect. It was the kind of kissing that was so frantic that I could not breathe and I could not kiss hard enough. He was breathing really heavy at this point and then he kind of pulled me away from him and sat up and put his head down. He just said something like I kiss when I feel like it and started laughing and told me that I made him excited “but” and then did not complete his sentence. He just reached over and without asking slid his hand under my shirt and I started to feel self conscious. This was Jordan Knight, who has had some many sexual experiences and I was wondering what he thought of me. He kind of hummed, I dont think it was a particular song or anything, maybe he was nervous. He popped up again out of bed and got something out o the minifridge offering me something.

    I felt I was being teased and I did not know what was happening. He grabbed another cig and sat on the edge of the bed and I asked him for a cig and joined him. He rubbed my leg and asked if I was any good at giving blowjobs which made me laugh. I did not know how to reply so I just kind of blurted out that would I tell him I was bad at it? He laughed and said something like He needed something to make him feel good. I put out the cig and I just went for it. I took off his shirt and told him to take off his pants. He said no and started laughing. Even though he was chunkier than normal I was so incredibly attracted to his body it was not even funny. He finally took off his pants and I will admit that I was not sure it would fit into my mouth! Honestly he was pretty big. I was determined to give him the best bj ever. I think he was a bit taken aback by my being aggressive and told me to take off my shirt. He kind of looked up, smiled and closed his eyes. I just told him to relax and just to think about what i was doing to him. It took some doing and it did not “cum” easily but finally he did. I got even more excited hearing him make little sounds and then bigger ones. He did not open his eyes but told me how good it felt and he thanked me. He was respectful and asked for another cig please and he sat up and we smoked, he just kind of kept glancing at me grinning. I asked him if I was keeping him up and he said not at all. He said dont move and got up to go to the bathroom NAKED! I almost died and could not believe what was going on. He came out of the bathroom and literally leaped back in bed and said he felt really hyper. I said something along the lines of if there was anything I could do to wear him out and he said he wasnt sure. Then he started asking me about what I did for work? about my family? and we chatted a bit more.

    Ok, there is more but I honestly need to be up at 5 am so I will write more tomorrow if I can, ok? I took tylenol pm so it has kicked in. Have a good night everyone.

  476. OMFG!!! I am so completely jealous between Jessica and all the others. This is absolutely insane! May I ask where everyone is from? You gals rock!!! Oh, and Jessica, I’m glad you like my questions girl. I have another one…..did you two talk alot? or was it just more fooling around? I need to know!!! 🙂

  477. I have been lurking on here for a while and decided to post. Was at one of the shows last week and was hanging out with someone in their camp. We were talking about the guys having their wives/girlfriends on tour. This person said that Jordan’s wife trusts him. What do you guys think about that statement???

  478. someone had asked if Jon was gay? YES he is, I got confirmation from a a vary reliable source who is extremely close to the guys. Jon is vary open about it too at the LAX after party in vegas him and his boyfriend were kissing at the table and his bf is also spotted in a nktv blog. I have a feeling he will come out when he answers more question for the Q&A why else would he ask us to ask him ANYTHING?? He just doesn’t want to make a Lance Bass announcement lol

  479. Oh, shut up “stranger”… Don´t listen to her Maria!! We want the rest of your story!!! Please tell us what happend next…

  480. I think the fact that his wife trusts him doesn’t mean he won’t cheat it just means he will be more careful about it, we can’t forget there are fans everywhere and even the media… so it will be hard for someone to actually see something, unless it’s totally obvious. It was easier back when he used to do small shows…….

  481. Ladies,

    ok, I can sort of confirm Maria’s story…..because last week when I saw him, and he kissed (cheek) and hugged, he was humming, and moaning……I thought it was wierd!! Who moans when you are hugging? Still we need current stories girls, a little harmless kiss/hug is not cheating…..but maybe the maoning is? I dont know anymore…….

  482. Thanks Mia, I appreciate your kind words. I just got home from work and will finish up my experience as soon as I can. I HAVE to get some cleaning done. I have to say that telling my story is making me feel less alone and I appreciate everyone on here who has been supportive. I have thought alot about what transpired over two years ago recently and I am glad that I can finally open it. Will be back later.

  483. Bree,

    Not fanfic. In my wildest craziest dreams I would have NEVER believed this would have happened to me. I’m the kind of woman that my coworkers would consider sweet, a little shy and quiet sometimes, loud at other times. Sometimes I look at people that think they know me and think how shocked they would be by what I have experienced. It was kind of like a short “secret life” for me.

  484. Sunshine….. details, details, more details!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Trust me J ain’t gonna read this stuff!
    Maria what kind of meet and greet was it. Was he on tour for an album or whatever?

  485. So, I’ve been reading all of this and have to post. I’m so glad that I’m not the only one who can’t get them out of my mind!! I thought I was going to need to get some help! lol I have loved them for like 17 years and as a little girl it was my ultimate goal to marry a New Kid. While I would be okay with that 🙂 I know that’s not gonna happen. So I can settle for hanging out, hooking up, or whatever. But how in the hell do you go about it? Where do you go, who do you talk to, what do you wear?? I am not latina so that’s going against me. I’m pretty decent looking, I guess and have been approached by a fairly famous NFL player and in college, some basketball players. So help a girl out and let me know what works!!

  486. I doubt Maria’s story is fake – girl has a lot of details (unless she’s related to Jackie Collins). My fav gossip guru has posted several stories about Jon and his bf. Too bad ladies all the hot ones love boys.

    I do not envy the life of playing the role of wife to any celebrity…that’s got to be so difficult…no matter how much you love someone or feel like you trust them. Nowadays there are too many temptations. Look at us…some would be open to getting it on with a “married man” – whatever that means to him.

  487. Leticia–I find that hard to believe Evelyn trusts him…she must be crazy. ANY woman that dates/marries a musician should know that unless you tour with them, the guy will cheat.

    Did y’all see Renee’s reply to me (thanks Renee) ?
    She said she and her friend were propositioned THIS tour by JORDAN and JOEY.

  488. Ok, I have a bit of time so I thought I would continue on with my experience. After we chatted for a bit Jordan turned up the tv and we started watching “Friends” for a few minutes but I honestly could not concentrate. We were laying in bed and he was naked, which I have to say was turning me on ALOT. I felt kinda stupid with comfy pants on, no top, comfy pants on and under the covers. I kind of had my leg over him and I was wondering if he wanted more. I asked him he he wanted me to rub his back and he seemed pretty happy at the idea. He said something like really? you would do that? I told him to roll over and he said that it would probably make it better if I did not have pants on. Well I suddenly felt a bit nervous but I took them off. He was laying on his tummy and kind of turned his head to look and slumped back down with his dimples showing. OMG I just recall how cute he looked laying there, kind of scrunching his face in the pillow and sighing like he was completely relaxed. I asked him if he had any lotion and he told me he thought he had some in his carryon and to go look. Well I realized this would result in me walking across the room naked and almost regretted asking him. But I confidently hopped up and thought I would briskly walk for it. But he kind of spun around and chuckled saying like did I tell you i like your tits and that he did not understand mens fascination with “fake boulders”..that made me laugh and he laid back down. I kind of straddled him and he moaned really softly and said that he was surely going to hell. I ignored that and started rubbing and quietly talking to him. I am embarrassed to say what I said to him but after awhile I just stopped because I was not sure if it was bothering him. I rubbed him all over and I was pretty sure he was enjoying it, but no more than I because I was having fun, alot of fun! Well after awhile of not hearing any sounds I got a closer look and he was DEAD asleep. I did not know what to do! I looked at the clock and it was like 2 am. I did not know if I should just lay down and go to sleep, which kind of made feel as if I was being presumptuous, leave, which I was unsure of because I had been drinking and smoking or call my sister and catch hell for waking her up and having to explain what I was doing. My sister and I are hot and cold and I really think I would have gotten reamed out by her for my behavior and waking her.

    So I decided, against my better judgment to sneak in and take a quick shower to wake me up and then get dressed and drive home. I figured I would just leave him a note with my cell phone again and home number just in case. I felt kind of weird but I hopped in, washed up quickly and snuck back into the bedroom to retrieve my clothes. Well it was a bit dark and I was not paying attention and I bumped into this coat rack which of course made a bit of a noise. I looked over and he stirred and kind of mumbled, asking me if I was alright and what happened. I said not to worry, go back to sleep. He rolled over, very drowsy and asked if I could get him a diet pepsi in the fridge and a smoke. He pushed himself up, shaking his head, and said he was sorry about falling asleep on me. We had a cig again and he said that he did not want me to think bad of him and that things were complicated for him, he did not want to get into it. He said he was really stressed and felt he had nothing to offer anyone. He said that this night was not how things happened for him on a daily basis and how because of his situation he cannot get close to anyone, that it was not right. It made me sad, really sad. Sad for him because he looked sad. I could have cried but I tried to cheer him up and told him that I never would have thought this night would happened and that if he knew me that I wasnt trying to get anything off of him, get him in trouble or make things more complicated. He looked away and said something like wow, that was really nice of you to say. I mentioned that perhaps I should call a cab and let him get back to sleep. He said something like, I should not be saying this, but stay the night, I will order us something to eat in the morning and that he needed to leave in early afternoon to get back home.
    So I climbed back in bed with him, he said g’nite and pecked my lips. I did not know whether to cuddle with him but I did and I think I fell asleep in like two seconds.

    I woke up to him talking on the phone in the other room. I snuck to the end of the bed and he was in boxers (ahhhhh). I was not sure what to do so I just stayed in bed hoping to God he was not going to act all uncomfortable or at least as uncomfortable as I was feeling! I decided just to lay there and see if he came in. About 20 minutes later he came in and acted kinda shy and quiet. He asked me how I had slept and if I was hungry. Well the kissing the night before did not satisfy me completely and I felt stupid but I said that I was hungry for him before I was hungry for food. It came out kind of lame I think but then his cell rang. He grinned at me and it was Rory on the phone I guess asking if he was ready for breakfast I guess. Jordan said something like he was not hungry just yet and to go on without him. He told him he had some calls to make and that he would be busy for awhile or something and to call him later. He got off the phone and I just laid there. He didnt say anything to me, just got back under the covers and kissed my neck. He asked me what I wanted to do and I straight out told him I was curious as to why he did not want more than a blow job. Well obviously that was the wrong question because he said I should not assume things. He said it very very soft and sexy. He said something like he just did not want to think because that would get him in trouble. He slinked up on top of me, with this enormously sexy grin and I tried to kiss him. He told me no and had this evil laugh and told me that he only kissed when he wanted to, like I had said earlier. I told him he was in charge then I suppose. Well, we all know how smooth a dancer he is so I guess what I am saying is he is just as talented in the bedroom. I am not sure what details past that about the “act” that you want but it went on for about 90 minutes. Then he asked if I wanted a shower but I decided to forgo it because I wanted a few minutes to myself. He said ok and hopped in. I got dressed, smoked a cig and tried to fix myself up the best I could without my makeup or anything. He was kind of humming in the shower and I went into the bathroom and asked him if he was accepting requests. I guess I am a complete dork. He stuck his head out and said sure. That surprised me and then I felt way to like a fan but i blurted out Never Take The Place of Your Man? So he told me that I should remember it was early but…he sang a few lines and I tried not to melt right on the floor, I was embarrassed and just thanked him and told him it was beautiful.

    He ordered us breakfast and asked me if I would mind grabbing him something to wear while he sat on the bed smoking. How could I resist? I picked out some dark blue jeans and one of those long sleeves that was red with white sleeves, kind of sporty with some sports thing on it, it was red and he looked INCREDIBLE! We ate breakfast, he was a bit quiet and said he had a great time. I thought it was my cue, so I said something like I am sure he had stuff to do and I thanked him and told him he was so sweet and nice and I was glad we could spend some time. He asked me to stay for a few minutes while he ran downstairs for something. I thought that was weird, very weird. He came back about 20 minutes later and he told me to walk across the street to some clothing store. I said why? He said that he wanted to do something special for me and I told him he didnt have to do anything and that I understood. I guess I may have sounded a bit defensive and I told him that no matter what, that I meant I would never complicate his life, enough said. His mouth dropped and he said I would never want you to think that I have motives in doing anything for anyone and something to the effect that I was so sweet to him and was there anything wrong with a “surprise” for me? I said no and he shuffled me out and told me to have fun. I felt like an idiot but I went to the shop and the salesperson instructed me she was told to charge whatever I wanted up to $1000.00!! I just stared at her and was kind of embarrassed. So I shopped for like an hour but did not spend anything close to that. I actually ended up buying him some shirts and stuff. I don’t have that kind of money, I did not want to take advantage and that was that I suppose. I brought them back and thanked him and told him he did not have to do that but thanks. He was packed up by that point and he told me that his friends were coming by in 30 minutes. He asked for my cell again and keyed it in his phone. He told me to walk out to my car and that he would be there in a minute so that he could say goodbye. I walked out to the car and had a smoke. I started to get sad but I kept telling myself that it was a one time deal and that I made the choice I did. He came out and smoked a cig with me, not talking and just hugged me and pecked me on the lips. He said I was so sweet and that he hoped that I was ok with everything we did. I said I was and kind of reiterated again about life complications and stuff. I told him he did not have to explain but that if he wanted to chat or anything he could call anytime, that I was discreet and I had a degree in Psych o I was remotely qualified. He laughed and said ok. He said you dont think I am a horrible person and I said not at all. Then he hugged me again, said take care and that he would call me but not to be pissed if it was not in the next week. I just told him ok, hugged him and left. I had so many emotions on the ride home..I felt empty, sad, happy, and frustrated all at the same time.

    On that note, tomorrow is my day off so I am going to go blow off some steam with the girls. Going to some dance club that just opened up. Talk later.

  489. Maria-

    Thank you so much for being so open about everything. I can imagine it must not be an easy thing for you to relive…a little exciting/maybe sad because its over? nonetheless, thank you for sharing 🙂 can’t wait to read more!


    I heard the same thing about Jon from several people who were at the LAX afterparty. He was definitely kissing a man….his boyfriend is some kind of fitness expert or something?? I saw a pic of him…someone had linked to a website where he was featured with other fitness instructors..I wish I could remember the name!

  490. Sunshine, say it isn’t so? Really, truly the sex was not good? In what respect? Was it quick? Awkward? I have to say I am disappointed and hope he was just having an off night!!! LOL

    Jessica, where have you been? This place is riveting and we all want details!!!!

    Maria, omg Maria will you come back around and share some more girl? I am speechless!!!!!

  491. Sunshine.. I’m interested to know some more details about what you posted.. i have also heard of him arguing a lot with her.. if you want to share let me know and we can email.

    To all these girls who are saying they slept with him. i want to know one important thing. if he used a condom. at a rate like this,,, i would think he always did, otherwise there would be lots of baby mommas!
    I can say one thing though. If he did always argue with her,, i don’t see them sleeping together much,..maybe that is why he might of looked for it else where to that extent..and that’s kinda sad, cause maybe thats also why their kids are so far apart in age.

    Leticia – I think , that guy , by saying that about her trusting him ..sounds almost defensive.. as if it were the opposite and he was just saying that to make her or him look good.
    Honestly.?. a wife may want to go on tour with her man to show support and cause she misses him and he misses her and they want to be TOGETHER. Two people in love will do anything to be together, even if it’s for a small time..even with responsibilties and kids. I.E. barret and joe.. i am almost sure that is why you see her with him as much as you do.. not because they don’t trust each other.

    Jasmine – again…it’s sorta psychological.. i think. when you asked him if he was happy? he may have taken it the other way, cause it’s a question he may be asking himself personally. just my observation. also, maybe you reminded him of someone lol according to your description, petite,curvy dark hair.. it you guys know what i mean lol just that it was kinda interesting.

  492. jess- you say that jon is for SURE gay?!?! please don’t tell me it’s true?! i always loved jon ever since the hangin’ tough days!! MORE details please?1! which nktv blog can you see his boyfriend in?!? do you have a pix of him and his boyfriends?
    and is he GAY or BI-SEXUAL>?


  493. I want you all to know that I am first and foremost a big fan of NKOTB. I respect each of them as performers and as men in general. But I, too, have a couple of experiences I shared with JK. I am not proud now… especially since he is married and it only makes me look like a bad person. But when you have a chemistry with someone, it’s so hard not to act on it…

    I have been more than a friend to JK since 2001 but I met him in 1998. It’s not like we fooled around all the time. But we did sometimes but not a great deal after he was married. He is a good man and an even greater father. He loves his wife very much, but he sometimes thinks about the “what if’s” and such. We all do. But trust that his marriage is real and strong, but he is also a man. And I am not saying his wife is a saint or anything either. They are just trying to do what is in their power to keep their relationship together. I commend them both.

    I still talk to JK to this day and saw him in St. Louis because I was there on business. I am also Black… so I don’t meet the Latina description either. But he is wonderful… a true talent. I don’t want people thinking he is a cheater or a slut. He isn’t. He is simply a human being who commits human errors. He is a great friend and I just wanted to put this out there. Ttyl.

  494. Maria, thank you thank you thank you! that was an awesome detailed story! 90 minutes sounds pretty good, so maybe with the other girl it was just an off-night. was he a good/giving lover or more selfish? he sounds very sweet in person, and sounds like lots of sadness and guilt. poor guy.
    other girls who have stories – bring ’em on! we all want to hear and we aren’t judging – most people seem to think it’s pretty awesome/exciting, so this is the right place to share.
    leona, you know him!? tell us more about him. what’s he like? tell us stories – doesn’t have to be sexual ones – but just stuff he’s said and done and about the other guys too if you know them – anything!

  495. Wow Maria….I absolutely love your story… Please tell us more details about the sex….90 mins…tell us what happend! What did he do…?

  496. Ladies,

    Once again, if there are no real current stories… ie 2008 Tour, then maybe he has changed his ways? Maybe he is a good husband and father now? Maybe he only did do the tour for his family and money? Or does anyone think he is on his way to divorce? Would he do it? He does come from a broken family and is an introvert…..very hard to be married to someone like that…..I know because I am…..

    I guess I asked him if he was happy because I felt like we had something in common…..living rich “happy” lives with our partners, but yearning for that crazy exciting love that we know is out there potentially with someone else? Who knows…………

    The old stories are great, but expected from a celebrity, I bet he has had sex or bj’s with numerous girls all over the world…..but did he ever really find true love in any one? We will never know, at least not now…….He is older now and has to feel like he has to make the right choices, maybe staying married for the sake of his small children for now, …..but then he will leave…..the obligation will lift and his heart will take over…..

  497. Maria,

    Details….more details, please! What kind of lover is he? Did he cum? If yes, what did he sound like? What does he look like naked? OK, I know he wasn’t in the best of shape then but still there must have been a hint of the body we see now. How is his tush? (Sorry, ladies. That sounded so sixth grade).

    Was he passionate, assertive, sexy – all of these? Did he kiss you during the 90 minutes? I could go on an on! I’m not against reading a play-by-play if your fingers are up to the typing.

    Living vicariously through your experience…. 🙂

    • I am late on the uptake ..if your stroy si true maria at least you had your moments with him may be you are still

  498. One more question from before that has gone unanswered: Is he “clothed” or “unclothed”?…..if you know what I mean.

  499. Maria,

    Please do share your 90 minutes of heaven with MR. Knight.
    I think all of us here want DETAILS!!
    I love your story and I’ve read it like 5 times in the past day!..LOL!!

  500. In response to the condom question. We used them. As far as the details of the sex goes, I mean I don’t know how graphic to be really. Initially I think that he reveled in being taken care of sexually. It started out extremely passionate, fast paced, and very urgent. He liked being on top and to tease me and he wanted me to want him, I know that for sure. Then after the first time and he was “recharging” I was more the aggressor while he laid there, tempting him again by touching him, kissing him, while he kind of laid there covering his eyes with his arms. The next time he was more loving, soft and sensual, really taking his time, whispering, asking me if it felt good, grinding into me so slow. I felt like he was playing my whole body. It was really so incredible. I admit to feeling really down the next week. Waiting for the call that ended up not coming til the next weekend. But girls, last night, after writing more about my experience, I kind of let my emotions take over me and after over a year of not contacting him, I did something I said I would never do. I emailed him at like 3am this morning.

  501. Jasmine – your insight is dead on…I agree that having children and not wanting to repeat the mistakes of the past can lead a person to change…temporarily…because marrying someone out of obligation can never work. Maybe to his love for her has changed…I mean he has known her pretty much his whole life and having the opportunities he’s had (travelling the world, experiencing different cultures, etc.) can give you a different perspective. I don’t know, maybe it’s selfish but if you’re not happy how can you bring happiness to someone else.

  502. Ladies,

    What is all this talk about him only kissing when he wanted to??? This sounds a bit odd and a bit like Elvis Presley, no?

    Kissing is a very sensual thing, but what the hell he’ll do anything else but no kissing? Maybe he got a real serious case of mouth/lip herpes and does not want to chance getting it??

  503. Maria,

    I know I don’t speak for myself when I say “we want graphic”. You cannot be too graphic. 🙂

    Did he have chest hair? How much? He either shaves or waxes now because in his open-shirt solo there is not one strand of hair to be found. Please see my earlier questions (many of them).

    You contacted him after all this time? OMG!!!!!!!!!! When exactly did your encounter with him happen? And, what was the conversation like when he contacted you afterwards?

    So many questions…..

  504. Oh….Maria…tell us even more!!! OMG you did it twice? Did you come? What did he sound like? Did he go down on you?
    He called you the next weekend? Tell us more about that! What happend next?
    What did you email him about last night? Have you had contact with him since the encounter? Shit…I could go on and on with the questions….. 🙂

  505. OMG maria you have me in suspense here! When he called that following weekend what happend?? what did you guys talked about? this is like a “novela” LOL I want more!

    oh and i have another question? since they are back have you gone to any of the concerts? did you get a VIP ticket so that you can see him up close? if so did u speak to him? OMG keep it coming! this story is amazing LOL

  506. Jasmine,

    I think men equate kissing with love. I’ver heard a lot of my male friends say that they will only kiss the girl that they love/have strong feelings for. When a man has sex with a woman but doesn’t kiss her….I guess it’s like they feel they are not really cheating because they have no love for that particular woman….but in Jordan’s case maybe he likes kissing, but fels guilty about doing it. Maybe the kissing is an intimacy that he feels is reserved for his wife.


    I have heard that all of the guys have liked /been attracted to black women as well as latinas throughout the years. I am also black… Just wondering what you look like? Does Jordan have a “Type” of black woman he falls for? or was it just pure chemistry? How did you guys click? Just curious, you are in no way obligated to answer and if that question makes you feel uncomfortable I apologize that is truly not my intent.


    U really e-mailed him?! I wonder if he will respond! Thank you for sharing with us 🙂 Let us know what happens!

  507. Ok, I’m really starting to believe the buzz about Jon being gay but did anyone read his most recent post on their website? What is with all the erotic talk of stroking a woman’s chest and wet spots on the sheet?! Or maybe multi-talented Jon is just a performer/real estate developer/romance novelist? I’m so confused! I’ll be a little pissed if it turns out he IS gay and has been feeding us this BS…


  508. You girls are making me chuckle even though I am feeling a bit nostalgic and down.

    Ok, Tracy, you first 🙂 This was about 2 years ago and even with a little weight on him he was so damn fine. His “tush” was just fine, kind of that sculpted look. I mean not a tight as it is now but it was a very nice view from the back.

    As far as his “landscaping” went. He definately had the pleasure trail and it was nicely trimmed but not bushy. It was fine. And might I add the smell was ok! LOL

    He was all the things you mentioned and I think it was only because I have him time to let his guard down and not give it to much analytical thought. Very sexy, sensual, and assertive at times. The assertiveness was probably because I seemed to like it when he held down my wrists and teased me. He drove me wild. We did kiss more the second time, when he was taking it more slow. It was the first time the eye contact was dead on with me. When he took his time the kissing was fantastic. Just enough tongue. When he came the first time it was more grunts, heavy breathing, very soft. The second time was different. He was moaning, really focused and announced the impending “act”. Maybe it was who he was but I have yet to find a lover like that.

    Jasmine, I will be quite honest about the kissing. I mean I found it rather odd also. I absolutely love kissing and I think that it heightens the mood and senses. I just got a feeling that it was the “demons” of perhaps seeing it as more intimate then a night with someone he hardly knew. Guys seem to see things differently than women do. He did warm up to it after awhile so I was thankful for that! 🙂

  509. Hello,
    I just want to answer this for everyone who’s been asking/wondering.
    He is circumcised.
    I know because he said it himself on “Trust me I’m a Holiday Rep”. That was a British TV show that he was on.

  510. Oh, I have tons of stories of his interaction with the guys. Like I said, I’ve personally known him since ’98. I was 18 then and was placed in the mix when he was in the beginning stages of setting up tours. I auditioned as a dancer. I never went on the road or anything though because I felt weird cuz I had developed the BIGGEST crush on him. Well, that and apparently I wasn’t one of the best dancers either. Lol. I had a different style, I guess. But we stayed in touch via email and an occasional call. I have even met his wife. She is very nice and mannerable.

    But anyway, I believe for a while JK was growing so tired of the NKOTB stereotypical questions and stuff. It annoyed him. But it was a part of his claim to fame so he did what he had to do. He would talk about Danny a lot and how he admired him. What’s weird is that he never mentioned Jonathan a whole lot. I would actually ask about him and he’d just say he’s doing great. Donnie and he remained pretty close after they broke up. He said that Donnie was like the glue that kept them together even just through talking cuz he would contact them the most. And he would see Joey more often cuz they were emerging solo artists at the same time and maintained a healthy, playful rivalry. JK always spoke highly of all of them.

    When he had his first son, I sent him an email and called. I still have many of our emails. He was so happy. But sometimes our emails and phone calls were not so innocent. And neither were our “chance” meetings. But like I said, he is a GOOD man, father, and husband and I do not think he would sleep with another woman now. He knows what he has in Evelyn and he loves her. This is what I know.

  511. And the whole kissing thing is like this:

    If you have a main gf or a wife (in his case), you will only kiss her. You will do other things with other people, but not kiss. Why? Cuz a lot of people feel that the act of kissing is more sensual than having sex with them. JK does NOT have herpes – oral or genital. And I have kissed him before also. But after he got married, I backed off. I am respectful for the most part. We still shared some moments, but not at all like we did pre-marriage. And if he still does kiss females, he must really “trust” them. I don’t see how he makes out with random women tho… maybe “old faithfuls” but not a bunch of new girls. I just can’t see it.

  512. Maria – Whoa – you emailed him! CRAZY! Girl you’ve got some cojones. Can you tell us what state this happened?

    Jasmine – My guess is that kissing is too personal for him. That seems odd to type since he has no problem with bj’s etc. but I think kissing is a very intimate moment mentally. Think about it…you get so close to the person…looking at eachother’s eyes…like a window to the soul.

  513. yupyup, I’m so sorry about Jon, my cuz is a HUGE Jon girl and that’s how it came up it was after the LAX party and we were hanging out with some guys that are close to the guys I don’t want to say who cause I don’t want to get anyone in trouble and we were talking about which guy we wanted to hook up with if given the chance I said Jordan or Donnie and my cuz said Jon and we’ll call him Bob lol Bob said “you on the wrong team” and I said “i knew it!” lol then he proceeded to tell how they were making out at the vip table and how Jon is vary open about it with the crew I know his bf’s name but not sure I should say it. I do have a pic of them together at LAX and he’s been on tour with him for awhile but the fans are guessing he’s his personal assistant lol he is a trainer in hollywood. He was in the vlog when the guys are in toronto the day before or or the day of the first show. I’m going to look right now to see if it’s still there. I will post the pic in the new forum that is up http://nkotbgossip.yuku.com/forums/66

  514. Now Ms Leona………..it’s not right for you not to share at least one story.
    And for the record, I don’t think badly of Jordan.

  515. i have read this entire page of posts, and i have to tell you its entertaining. i think i may be crossing the border to obsessed fan! we should form a club, a few in each state, The try and hook up with Jordan club…..oh, thats just hilarious! and wishfull thinking…but still funny

  516. maria – i love your story girl, thank you for all the yummy details. only one complaint —– what the heck happened during the “90 minutes”!!!! please, please more on those steamy minutes…. and spare no detail… i would love a play by play. and we are all adults here, so be as graphic as you feel comfortable with ;P and there were multiple rounds? GO JK!!!! hahaha, i love it! i have a few questions, if you dont mind answering them.

    1. so he is a cig smoker?what kind?
    2. what does he look like in the morning?
    3. what’s his skin feel like?
    4. what does he do with his hands?
    5. sowhen he called.. what happended next?????????????

    oh, i’m not sure who asked this, but i dont think JK will ever leave his wife. he may not be living that fairytale marriage (then again, how many ppl do), but i do believe that JK and E share a deep connection, they have a life together, and they are a family. he may not be 100% happy, but it is what it is. he is not selfish enough to abandon his wife and family. i admire him for that. its too bad tho, i dont envy him, he seems like a tortured soul and quite sad. but he is only human… we are all destined for emotional turmoil, some more so than others.

  517. Maria,

    Wow! Thanks for sharing your story, it really took a lot of guts. If given the same chance as you, in all honesty, I would have done the same thing, (if he wasn’t married). There is just something about Jordan that makes you go MMM. It sounds like Jordan is a complicated person. At least he didn’t treat you like crap the day after, even though it had to akward for you both. I hope that he has found happiness now. How long were you in contact with him after your rendez-vous? Let us know if he replies back to you.

    Yeah what’s up with the kissing thing? I don’t get it. Kissing is one of the best parts of love-making. I would totally want to kiss Jordan first and then move on to other things.

  518. just want to share an observation.
    As we know jk or someone logs on to his page daily..and interstingly enough that girl M’s page ended up being on the last page of comments, where it’s easily accessible…but NOW her comment is second from the top on the last page.. maeking it even more accessible…instead of you having to scroll down several comments before you could see it. lol sorry i’m still talking about her but i’m still curious.

    i have to be honest. i can’t say i completely believe maria’s story. maybe parts are true but there are parts that just don’t sound could be true,. especially if he was trying not to do wrong at first and them..leaving evidence with the credit card , store thing. umm

    Jasmine – i think you and I think alike..that’s exactly what i get from his situation. So many things have always pointed to an unhappy jordan and i do agree i believe he wants to do whats right, but sooner or later, if its not true..it will not let him live at peace with his heart and mind. Ive always thought that him only having only one serious relationship in his life did not seem healthy, and ,maybe that explains the cheating.. and the only reason he would try to make it work was for his kid , at that time , cause of his family history.

  519. Would like to share my completely honest encounter or (lack there of) with the New Kids on the Block!

    Well, as all “Blockheads” are diehard I went to the New Kids on the Block Reunion concert in Glendale, Arizona on 10/13/08. Anyways the concert was amazing from Natasha Bedingfield opening to the 2 hours of non-stop New Kids hotness. Moving on… a small group of us decided we would try to get the “Facetime” Donnie Walhberg has made so appealing in additon to being attainable in every other city on the tour. We found the area where the tour buses, Semi trucks, and crew were; we waited patiently for the guys to come out. Joey came out and ended leaving with his wife and kid on their personal bus. Then Jordan Knight, Danny Wood, and Jonathan Knight came out to the tour buses. Granted they all acknowledged us, but did not do anything to grant us “Facetime” so we still new the possibility was there as Donnie had yet to come out of the arena. Two hours after the concert at around 1:00 am, Donnie finally came out clearly trashed with a beer in his hand running towards us, but went on the bus instead.

    Donnie was lead on to the bus he shares with Danny (appropriately named the “baby daddy’ bus). Then about 5 minutes later, we see Robo (the bodyguard) and Zach (the roadie) lead about 20 girls dressed in very short skirts and stripper type heels clearly drunk from the concert who were being lead on to the “baby daddy” bus right in front of us. We all were disgusted, but continued to wait for the “facetime” some of us who drove 2 hours to see them were determined to get. Granted at around this time Joey had been gone for a couple of hours, all of the equipment and crew we also gone. The only thing left was the “baby daddy’ bus and the Knight bus. We knew the Knight’s were not going to party or give us “facetime” as they went on to their bus hours before to sleep. Moving on… girls were being lead off the bus in groups of 3-4 all night along with them pointing and laughing at us. Then at around 2:00am, Donnie came out ran to a parked golf cart in his attempt to acknowledge us, but “he couldn’t find the keys” and was lead on the bus by their security entourage. This was starting to piss us off, as we were being lead on that we were going to get the hug and autograph on our copies of “The Block” (as Donnie’s blog from the day before on nkotb.com requested). As it was a chilly night, the group went down to around 10 by 3:00am. Donnie came out again to acknowledge us by yelling “Why don’t you come down here?” We responded with “The security won’t let us come down there, or we would!” Then as he was traveling back to the bus he yelled to us, “Wait! I will come back out in a minute!” All of us fans looked at each other in excitement that we were finally going to get our “facetime”. Of course, it was another lie and another hour went by. So, we had been waiting for non-sexual “facetime” for 5 hours now. It was 4:00 am now, some drunk girls waiting with us decided to make noise in their attempt to make Donnie come out of the bus again, instead the security awoke and the last group of 4 girls came out with another roadie to point and laugh at the fact that we were still waiting. I looked at my friend and we asked each other, “Doesn’t this change your opinion of Donnie and Danny as we have watched them get serviced right in front of us all night?” Then the security came over to us for the second time that night to tell us that they weren’t going to leave till 5:00am or 6:00am, and also told us that “if we didn’t leave immediately they were going to call the Glendale Police to have us all arrested!” We all looked at each other in disappointment, and decided to leave as getting arrested over their true colors was not worth it.

    Needless to say I drove back angry and disappointed that they treated us so badly, considering that Donnie’s many blogs claimed that they were going to be great to the fans who wait around to get “facetime” on this amazing reunion tour. Plus, I saw videos on facebook and youtube showing how they were treating fans in other cities on the tour. It seems they don’t care about Arizona fans as much. So in my attempt for revenge I decided to write an angry comment on Danny’s lie that he “loves” the fans the next day about my experience. Of course, their website moderators did not post it, so I decided to post angry comments on facebook, youtube, nkotbfans.com, and any other fan forum in attempt to warn all you other “Blockheads” that they are not as great as they claim.

    I guess my revenge is working somewhat, as I checked nkotb.com this week. Donnie posted a new video on their nktv tab, showing him hanging out with many girls in a Wafflehouse after one of their concerts. Followed by him speaking to the camera about how he knows ‘someone’ has started a rumor on the internet that “Facetime” is fake. He urges this person that this is false. How that ‘someone’ should “get their mind right”, well my mind was extremely right considering I had my floor seats to this concert 4 months in advance! “Facetime” was fake that cold October night weeks ago. Plus, I have seen other angry comments by fans that their VIP treament on this tour is not what it is cracked up to be, upwards of $350 to barely get a hug and picture at the meet and greets. As they are my favorite boyband and I have respected them all these years, I am extremely disappointed.

    I hope I get to meet them in the future (maybe on their upcoming summer tour in 2009), and tell Donnie (who has always been my favorite) my disappointment in a band that started the boyband movement. Along with that first musical connection us millions of fans have felt throughout the years. My goal by telling my story is to open the eyes of all the other fans out there who believe they are flawless. Maybe they should not ‘guarantee facetime’ to every fan, if it will only be granted to those few party fans.

  520. Wow this is sooo amazing to read all the juicy bits….I have something to share. But I feel a vunrable as I am not sure if any NKOTB friends and family would read this blog. What I have to say it totally riske and XXX rated

  521. I’m new to this site, but I love it and cant’ stop reading it!! Has anyone had “encounters” with the guys on this tour? If so, what happened?? And how did you get “chosen” or whatever? I want some tips! lol

  522. leona, tell us more! it’s so interesting to read anything that you can tell us about j and the guys, and anything else. stories, stories, stories. what did he say about danny – why did he admire him so much? did he tell you stories of things he and the guys did and said and stuff? have you met his kids? donnie was the glue but he didn’t talk to jon for 15 years until the reunion! (i saw that on an interview) do you have any idea what happened there? or was jordan too secretive about jon to be able to tell – i wonder how much of it is about the fact that he was gay, and maybe the guys weren’t ready to accept it or at least talk about it with other people (they’re still not, if it’s true, talking about it i mean). please share more with us about your interactions with him. this is so interesting!

  523. that shit about donnie and danny with so many women is freaking disgusting… I mean! ewwwwwwwww! hahaha most of those girls must have been blowing robo HOW GROSS IS THAT!! lol

  524. Coco…we’re waiting!!

    It is too bad about all the desired facetime vs actual facetime.
    At first, I’m sure the promotion for hugs/kisses were to rally
    the old fans & gain acceptance, but now the NK know that
    they are back & they are living the glory. They also have NO
    privacy again. The cameras/fans/media is in their face & it
    must be isolating. I wouldn’t want to live that way nor would
    you! Donnie is also going thru some heartbreak that only a
    major reunion tour could help him heal. He needs the love &
    attention on a national level, as well as a personal level with
    the ‘selected’ women to nurse his wounds. Leave him be.
    These are NOT classy women-but exotic dancers. Have pride

    ***SO – From all the blogs & gutterboards————-
    Jordan HAS BEEN FAITHFUL this tour!! *****

    He hugs, kisses cheeks & WISHES to cheat. Yes he’s unhappy
    and who wouldnt want to be with all these amazing, sexy
    NK fans who are your ideal fantasy… & Jordans OUR fantasy!
    He never went to college, had a mediocre solo career & even
    though had the most talent & looks -never achieved such
    success. Im sure his personality had ALOT to do with it!!
    So to cover the pain…he drank. And tried to be happy with
    smalltime success. Now that hes achieved such heights, he
    seems NO MORE happy than before…except during his
    performances. He smiles ALOT & goofs around! He even
    flirts with fans (ALWAYS LATINA/DK HAIR!!!!) I realize there is NO HOPe for me (Im blonde/blue eyed) but hope for an honest talk some day.

    I dated his IDENTICAL twin for 7 years and it was almost a fantasy come true. The personality was very difficulty to accept. This person had panic attacks, anxiety issues & privacy complex as well. My ex has the same birthday, was from Boston, sang, rapped & breakdanced-People even called
    him Jordan!! Everyone loved him, except himself & those closest to him. My pictures of Jordan & my ex in 1994 are identical!! They were twins! So partially my fantasy came true. The sex was great, but there was NO intimacy! Ultimately it was what tore us apart.

    So I wonder for Evelyn. I feel she’s in the same boat.
    Nice life/beautiful children/family, lifelong childhood love-but it
    comes with great problems. I hope Jordan loves her like his lyrics state in his solo albums at least SOME of the time.
    He seems to have the capacity for great love -even if its short
    lived. It feels truly sad that he can’t express himself the way he wants to….hopefully he talks with his brother, Chad or a great shrink to help him thru his turmoil. I wouldnt be surprised to hear about him separating after all things NK calm down. Im glad I never married my ex for that reason..
    It was the hardest breakup ever. I loved him but he couldnt
    love me the way I needed to be loved, give me himself or
    even love himself enough to be happy. I feel her pain deeply!

    I live a few miles away from Jordan in Mass. I went by his house yesterday & couldn’t BELIEVE HOW mediocre it was (like donnies house). I NEVER would have believed a celebrity
    lived there! He bought the house when he married Eve in 04′.

    ***So his last cheating episode we can log was 2006?
    Lets keep track of the dates & see what we can find!!

  525. SAXY15–are you like really 15 or something…seriously give them a break, it’s not Donnie’s fault that you waited there…Donnie most likely did want to go over and say hi but to be honest you probably did look a little silly and it sounds like to me they were drinking and having a good time and didn’t want to be in ‘work’ mod. Donnie puts it out there because he does actually want to do all that he can but there is a time and a place. When you fans waiting saw the girls go on the bus you either should of challenged the guys (teasing men always works) that you could bring it as good if not better then those girls or yelled “Hey Donnie could you throw me an augraphed beer!” LOL
    And the whol autograph thing?? I don’t get why people need some guy to write his name on a piece of paper?? Never understood it. Anyway NO MATTER WHAT YOU THINK THEY REALLY CARE!! GET YOUR MIND RIGHT BITCH OR GET OFF THE BLOCK

  526. Coco, please share with us girl! We wanna hear everything! Why would any NKOTB friends or family read this blog anyway…?

    Maria!!! Tell us more! What did he say when he contacted you? Did you ever meet him again? Please tell us if he replies and what´s going on….!

  527. Oh my gosh this is getting so so so good.

    Thank you for all the details! If any of you want to join me on the UK tour you’re more than welcome.

    Saxy15 I’m so sorry you didn’t get your facetime. But now I know to wear short skirts and stripper hells in January.

    I’m guessing J and E’s relationship works for them. But I don’t get it. In the meantime if he wants to have fun in England I’m here!!!

  528. Yes, I know that they all like pretty much all women, regardless of their ethnicity. So for that, I am thankful, lol. I am of Jamaican decent but am actually light-skinned. I am 5’4”, fit, and would say I am a very attractive woman. I currently live in the Memphis, TN area. It is funny because if you check on one of the YouTube vids of JK, he talks about how he mistakenly said Memphis to a crowd when he was in Nashville. I was at that show and he had come from Memphis the night before and I spent some time with him then. I think he always liked my accent. It’s more Americanized now since I moved to the states when I was 12 but there are some times when I speak full Jamaican Patois. I was teaching him some of my language (which is mostly derived from broken English for the most part). He got a kick out of it.

    Now that I’m on here, I’m a little hesitant because my name is really Leona and if he ever read this, he’d totally know this is me!!! But I guess he probably wouldn’t read this, huh? Lol. Hopefully Evelyn won’t either. Maybe I can delete this stuff at a later time. But I used to live in New York when I first came to the states. Then once I turned 18, I did a lot of travelling. There were local auditions for dancers in NYC, Florida, Boston, and in Cali. I went to both the Boston auditions and the NYC auditions. I didn’t do well at the Boston one so I auditioned again when they came to NYC. They actually remembered me and told me they liked my style but it was not what they were looking for. I was a little bummed but they had my information and audition tape and for whatever reason, I received an email from JK a couple weeks later. From there on, I shared my crush. He shared his, too. He said he hadn’t met a girl with a sexier accent before! It was extremely flattering to say the least. But he said all the dancers that were selected were older than me (which was 18 at the time) and that may have played a part in it.

    We basically stayed in touch innocently for a couple years. I would get an occasional email or call from him and they would always brighten my day. Then for my 21st bday, he sent me a package… it had some gag gifts in it and which were very fitting for the relationship that ensued. This was in 2001. Basically from 2001 to 2004, we had some moments. After he got married, he became more of a friend only. There were only a few instances where we spent time together. I respect his marriage. I cannot honestly say that I don’t miss our fun, cuz I do. But we both know that it is too risky since he is back in the public eye in a major way. We still talk once in a while and I still see him… but mostly platonically…

    To GG:
    I can tell you that Donnie was the one who made contact with everyone the majority of the time. He reached out to them all. As for Jon, he left the group and was no longer in it so Donnie did not feel the need to connect with him, especially since JK is his bro. And Danny is really awesome! I met him a couple times, too. I’d say he is the most humble out of all of them. JK would tell me that he is the one who was the most level-headed and realistic and for that he admired him. I guess the other guys were more immature to say the least. And no, I have never met his kids. I am sure it is on purpose. I would have had no place meeting his children. He talks about them all the time though and I know what they look like through pictures he has showed me.

  529. Hello Ladies…I’ve been a long time reader of this thread…first time poster…just wanted to say…love you guys! This is awesome! 🙂

  530. Saxy 15 – What an awful experience! That sucks! Looks like hos come before “true” fans…let’s face it “facetime” is real for those select few.

    Ladies – We have a new “Maria” in the house and it’s COCO! We’re sooo ready for your story. You are among friends. 🙂

  531. Wow, we’re getting alot of people here! But I hope some of you aren’t coming here to post fan fiction. If you want to people to read your stories maybe post a link instead.

    SAXY15– I’m sorry about your “face time”. I’ve heard some similar stories.
    Have any of you looked in the NKOTB-GO-BIG-OR-GO-HOME thread that Curious One posted? It’s now over 700 pages and I found some interesting tidbits.

    Like Evelyn was at the NY and Toronto shows with the kids.
    And what do y’all think of that girl who claims she flirted with Jordan last month at a meet-N-greet and that he text her the next day while en route to Dallas in his tour bus?

  532. jkgirl…why even post that you had an experience this tour if you’re not going to divulge the story? I’m on board with nurse4change…I do not believe he’s cheatin this time around. I just watched a youtube video of an fan interview w/ Danny (it was here in TX). She asks him what they’re up to after the shows. Danny says Joe/his wife/baby/nanny leave immediately after…they’ve nicknamed Jon/Jordan’s bus the “Dark Knight”…they also leave after the shows…of course we know that Donny/Danny’s bus is nicknamed the “baby’s daddy bus”…Danny says they usually hang around and party with the fans. 🙂

  533. Wow, so many questions. I will try to answer them as best as I can.

    Tracy, he had a bit of chest hair, not that much. I prefer totally smooth but it was not bad and I of course did not mind playing with it. Our first encounter took place in October 06. The conversation a week later was fairly short, he was at home so he called when the family was out. Just asking me how I was, that he thought quite a bit about what transpired, how he would like to see me again.


    The first time I did not cum and the second time, when it was nice and slow I came for sure. We did some 69 the first time, so yes, he did go down on me *blush*. I did meet him again a month later in Florida.

    The One,

    I am sorry, I cannot share his email address. I wish I could but I can’t, he would not be very pleased by that. 🙂

    Private Eye

    1. so he is a cig smoker?what kind? At the time he was smoking Marlboro Lights

    2. what does he look like in the morning? He looks of course a bit roughed up but sexy as hell

    3. what’s his skin feel like? Hard to describe. I guess, smooth in some areas and rough in others.

    4. what does he do with his hands? Mmmmmm He knows how to touch with the right pressure and the right urgency.

    5. sowhen he called.. what happended next????????????? I went to Miami to see him the next month.

    As far as the credit card or whatever he used to pay for my purchases. All I know is that the option was given to me to spend a certain amount. I don’t know if he gave her a credit card to settle the bill or if he went by and settled it when I left. The clothing store was for both men and women so it would not have looked all that usual if a bill came in the mail because the credit card bill does not show what was purchased. Since I spent the money on alot of things for him it did not look all that suspicious I would think. I did not discuss it more than to say thank you. I figured he was smart enough to handle his own financial business.

    And to everyone who has asked, I got a voicemail from him around 2am this morning. It was not too long. He said that he was sorry it took him time to get back to me, he was surprised I got in touch, but was happy to hear from me and that he was exhausted and just wanted to check in. Told me to email him and he would call me back as soon as he could. So of course now I am freaking out and jump everytime the phone rings. And also, when I emailed him I just said to him long time no talk, extremely glad things seem to be going so great for him and in the last couple days I could not help think about him for some reason. I had had a few drinks so I hope I did not sound really stupid! What should I do girls? Should I pick up the phone? I am so confused right now and I know it would never become anything, I do know that.

  534. JKGIRL…spill alittle info to tease us…again -use an alias or
    change details to cover your tracks!

    So there HAS been encounters on this tour…Hmmmm!
    Truely stated…you are among friends & who would tell??
    We all honestly want a piece of his fine behind…so hats
    off to you! You owe the world of sexy ladies some details.

    Like still smoking Marl Lts & drinking the Heine?
    Or is he on the wagon from prior rehab stints?

  535. Hello,
    It has been a long time since I posted (back on the original thread).
    A couple of things, JK is a cheater and will always be.
    My boyfriend used to go on the road with JK during his solo carreer, and has also now joined NKOTB on tour. He knows JK well, as a friend. They go drinking together and he was also invited to Jk’s wedding. I didn’t go to the wedding because during that time we had temporarely broken up.
    I just want to say that I don’t have a thing for Jk and never was a New Kids fan but I do understand being a fan and having a major crush. These girls are not sluts in my eyes. I’m enjoying the stories and I think they are cute but ladies we have to draw the line at the fan fiction please.
    JessicaM is most probably telling the truth but this Maria girl, if that is in fact her name…..
    There are many reasons why the story smells fishy but the major points to someone who’s known JK for years are;

    1. He wouldn’t voluntarily share his personal clothes with a stranger.
    2. He would never allow, some stranger to go through his bag looking for lotion or whatever.
    3. He would never wake up first in the morning. He is not a morning person. More often than not people working with him struggle to wake him up.
    4. He would NEVER spent $1000 on some stranger.
    One of the issues with him is that he never knows who really likes him for him or for his fame and money. He doesn’t trust anyone. If he was to spend money on someone it would have to be someone that he has got to know for a bit and have proven their friendship to him somehow. It wouldn’t happen overnight.
    This is one of the reasons why he settled for Evelyn. She loved him before the fame and the money. She is the only one that he can be sure of.
    5. Jordan was no longer chubby on 2006. He got fit for his solo tour of 2005. i think he was promoting “The Fix”.

    Anyway these are just a few of the reasons, in general the person portrayed is not Jordan Knight.
    He’s a cheater but he’s not miserable about it.

  536. thanks for the infor jess! my heart iss so broken 😦 BUT i did see someone on that link you posted say’ jon isnt 100% gay…but he only gets hot n heavy for girls that are like 20-25 ..and his D is huge.”

    are either of those cmments tru?!?!
    anee other detailss are grately apreciated!!

  537. Thanks for answering my questions, leona. i don’t think jordan or anyone else would be reading this blog, but i can understand your reservations. He actually sounds like a sweet, nice guy… with some human weakness that most guys in his position would probably have. but it’s good to hear your firsthand experience of him, to know what he’s really like. And good to know the guys like all kinds of women.
    Coco and nkotbgirl and whoever else has firsthand stories of jordan or any of the guys, please tell us. we don’t want the fun to end.

  538. The reason I think Jordan wasn’t that good is because he was drunk and souped up on pills. While he was very sweet and genuine the sex wasn’t off the wall. I should’ve tried the next morning but I felt like I ruined my idol. WHo i thought he was, now when I see him he is just Jordan.

  539. I found the today show girl who apparently is DATING Jordan! Omg, she is so lucky. I wonder if he knows that they are dating? LOL!!!!!!!!!
    I saw her at the today show and i saw her at the hotel bar. I just knew she had to be getting some.

    Have a looksy. It sure is interesting and i would love to know more.


    Look at the first comment. Her name is Kendra.
    Just in case it gets deleted. Here is the comment!!!

    Nov 17 2008 11:39 AM

    Jordan is fabulous… haha and I am so sad because the tour is over until March:(

    I guess I need to start dating non-famous guys to help me pass the time until then.

    And here is her myspace.

  540. Ok, I have been reading these comments for a couple weeks now as I have had encounters, not like others on here, sorry! I wish! but I havent felt the need to comment until now!
    Sherri- you are the woman! I love your style! Way to tell her off! And I too, never saw the reason for someone signing their name on a piece of paper! I mean, we all eat and shit the same way! I don’t get it! A picture is great, holds many memories, but back in the day I didn’t even go that far, I didn’t like to be the “fan” when I was around, I was the “chick that was down” and I was classy not trashy! I didnt sleep with any of them, even tho I was propositioned, but it wasn’t by “my guy” so I declined. Anyway, I believe a couple of you b/c of my experiences and seeing with my own eyes some encounters! I know how things went down when the guys had an interest in a girl, I was the cool chick so there was no secrecy when it came down to one of the guys wanting to meet or hook-up with someone. I even had a couple of friends that had slept with a couple of them! WOO HOO!

    Its so fun to hear this juicy stuff, so keep it comin’ ladies! Only the real deal, not the B.S. that is made up by crazy, insecure women that have vivid imaginations! Get a LIFE fake Bitches!!
    P.S. I would love to hear if ANYONE has ever had an encounter with Jon, I know he is gay now, but back in the day he was confused and I am sure there has been a few women out there! LOL! Unless I missed it on here, I will have to check the older comments.

  541. Leona are you saying that you were with him after he was married? You sound cute tell us more!!!

    Saxy15 don’t listen to Sherri… thank you for sharing your story.

    Nurse4change ROCKS!!! If you go past his house again, let us know if you see his wife or kids.

    Coco, jkgirl, why do you make us beg…. you know we want it. Give it to us. Pretty please. No one is judging.

    Maria, you better let us know if he emails you back, cuz no one else will understand lol.

  542. I too have been a long time lurker of this thread and felt the need to say thank you to everyone for sharing their stories and experiences.

    I feel like this tour is making a lot of us evaluate our lives and all the what-ifs… The last time we heard these songs we were pre-teens/teens who thought we had our lives planned out and knew where and who we would wind up with. Hearing these songs again, and living through all those emotions (sorry this is getting cheesy), and then falling for JK and the guys again..its pretty insane for me/us. I can only imagine what it is like for JK and guys…to relive that period of their lives now 20 years later…maybe that is why JK doesn’t always look happy or is distant to his fans…maybe he is going through the what-ifs and is trying to keep his distance…

    Just wanted to throw this out there…does anyone else think we should move this to an “official” gutter/closed board? If we all found this site by googling…who else is looking/lurking? It might encourage others to share (and to share with more details….)

  543. Hi. I’ve been reading this thread for some time and I have to call some of you girls out on your BS. I had a 2 month relationship with Jordan. Him and his wife had broken up and he was about to file for divorce when he and I met through mutual friends of his brother. I adored him. We still keep in touch but we are only friends.

    I don’t doubt he has had relationships with other women. I don’t doubt that some of you could have even possibly slept with him. BUT if you have slept with him then there are 2 things about him sexually that you should know. They are SIGNIFICANT! So the fact that all these detailed so called encounters don’t even touch on the subject just means that they are BS!

    There is no way you slept with Jordan and don’t know what I am speaking of!

    You could make it up but only girls who have been with him sexually will know this. AND if you BS on here then it means that you have a sad little world and need some lie to give your life some meaning. In that case. I forgive you. Keep up the BS sounds like some of the others are into fiction.

    But for the girls who have been there you know what I am talking about!

  544. I am in love with Jordan. And I dislike reading these stories because they make him out to be sleazy.

    I am also skeptical about Maria’s story. Why does she relate her story in episodes? Don’t u think she is playing with our minds?

    Some of U may have slept with Jordan and have fulfilled every Jordan-girl’s dream minus the marriage. Your special moments are enough. I don’t think sharing them here is going to help the man of your dreams sleep well in the future. Is that what u want?

    I’ll love to see a pic of Jordan’s sons- That’s why I chanced upon this site. However, I respect that they have been protected so well and they have not been exposed to the ruthless media and subjected to the judgement of Tom, Dick and Sheila’s of the world. Look at other celebrities who use their children as media-bait- their poor children soon learn their lives are not their own, but the world’s. If Jordan and Evenlyn have been protecting their family this well, let us respect that and stop hurting them.

  545. Thanks for sharing Leona!


    It doesn’t matter that the tour is still ongoing….we are just talking and keeping it real. Please feel free to share, the majority of us in here are just curious, not judgemental!

  546. Hey for the so called fans that say that Donnie is not for real, go check out nkotb.com and they’re newest video
    Donnie is for real and he’s been out there for all the fans and taking place for people like Jordan who don’t feel comfortable putting themselfs out there as much….As far as him getting his party on with strippers and shit, well as far as i know that doesn’t make him more or less into being in love with the fans!
    Btw i love this forum,
    I’ve always been a Jordan girl and still am, not sure what to believe in all these stories but I do like hearing it…You girls make him so believable as a ‘real’ person, it’s soo comforting.
    As far as New Kids On The Block and how they feel about the fans, they love they’re fans no matter what you think!!
    And Jordan does not hate the fans.

  547. Okay ladies, please bare with me I am in a totally different time zone as I have relocated quiet a bit. Right now I’m in the Middle East. I have met quiet a few celebraties and know quiet a bit of juicy tit bits. My most fascinating encounter has been with the New Kids…now I know that this is a Jordan & Evelyn blog…but my story is with a particular Mr. McIntyte??? I hope this you gals dont mind as I assure you all that this is going to wind you all up ….you will either end up loving him or ….but always remember that fame has a price …..

  548. JKGirl – are you confirming actual cheating during THIS tour?

    if so don’t tease us, give us some detals.

    Leona, thanks for the information. Does he like “thick” girls?

  549. Again, I told my story because most of the women on here are supportive. I don’t need to lie but whomever does not believe me that is their choice and right. I don’t have hours to tell everything that everyone wants to hear so I write “episodes” as you call it, when I can. I did not come on here to be told I am a liar by a select few. For those of you who have my back I thank you.

  550. I don’t mean to leave you guys hanging but I don’t mean that the tour is still ongoing I mean my “experience” is still ongoing and I don’t want to do or say anything at this moment to cause any problems. I have no idea who reads this but I just wanted to throw it out there that this all happened from this tour. I did meet a couple of them back in the day but what is happening now started this tour. The rest of it unfortunately for now is private and I don’t want to cause any disrespect to anyone involved.

  551. Wow!!!! It took FOREVER for me to catch up. GREAT STUFF!!!!! Hey no need for anyone to get in an uproar. It seems as though the ones who don’t have stories or are being secretive about the special details are the ones we should worry about. Let’s all just get along. Hi to Jessica!! Email me sometime girl!

  552. I mean worry about, as in they want to spend their time putting people down and calling them liars. Who the hell really cares? Its entertainment and can’t we all use a bit of a stress relief from real life? Life is serious enough. Kudos to all who have had the guts to share….you all rock!

  553. My boyfriend actually met Jordan after a show in early 06’ in Annapolis MD. It was at the hotel bar after the show. He was just hanging out in the bar and he said that Jordan came in with a guy and a hispanic girl. When I read this blog and you guys mentioned that girl that would be with him at shows during that time, It rang a bell and I showed my boyfriend the site to her myspace. He said it was her for sure. My boyfriend said he thought that was his wife cause of the way he acted with her. He did shake Jordan’s hand and said he was cool and then he said Jordan looked at her as if he wanted him to say hi to her too. My boyfriend said “Nice to meet you, you’re beautiful” and shook her hand also. So he said he figured it wasn’t a groupie. But also by boyfriend sorta spied on them, cause at this point he called me and I told him to lol. He said they were sitting at a table with a guy, talking. He was drinking beer and he said Jordan looked like he was in puppy love. That’s the way he described it. Lol He said he kept on staring at her, touching her hair and at one point he saw that they were holding hands and he said he kissed her cheek. So he figured, it was the wife. He said they got up at one point but then came back immediately, again he said Jordan was almost protecting her walking behind her. He said they stopped to talk to some people. A few people gave him hugs and they were talking to her too. He said they were both very nice. My boyfriend left before they did so he doesn’t know what happened after. So, I now I guess we know it wasn’t the wife. Lol. I asked my boyfriend how he knew for sure, and he said this girl looked younger and a lot prettier, with longer hair, compared to the picture of his wife on this blog.
    I wish I was there to see to see it or taken pictures. But that’s my sort of Jk story, or my boyfriends. lmao

  554. Angel Eyes-
    Yes, I have been “with” him since he got married. But not a lot. I have never shared the extent of what we did and I am not sure if I would. It’s one thing because he is someone I communicate with to this day and I wouldn’t want to air out his dirty laundry like that. On the other hand, I kinda am already doing that which makes me question myself a little…

    I am not thick. I am petite and slim. But I sure do wish I were more curvaceous and had some hips!!! I have a little bit of a butt though. Lol.

    I am so certain that you know him. The whole thing about him not spending money on strangers is very funny because I used to actually ask him to send me some sort of token or souvenir so that I could have something to remember him by. I really wanted it so I could show people that I really knew him! It wasn’t until he grew familiar with me after 3 years that he ever bought me anything tangible… and that was only cuz it was my 21st bday which was a pretty big freakin’ deal to me at that time. The package didn’t even say it was from him. But when he called to sing happy bday to me he told me it was from him. I had never done anything with him by then either so what he gave me was a little shocking but fitting since I knew he was attracted to me. And I believe he intentionally waited til I was completely legal to act on our chemistry… that’s just my take.

  555. Kayla, your story is so cool!! and just confirmed everything we said before 🙂 thank you for sharing!! and your bf rules! haha

  556. Sorry I hit the wrong button!!
    Ailis–LEAVE OUT the 2 things when telling your encounters!! Are you the girl Shiloh spoke of??

    I AGREE WITH JACKIE O! THIS NEEDS TO BE MORE PRIVATE SO OTHERS WILL COME OUT WITH THEIR ENCOUNTERS…but not fan fiction. I’m not hating on fan fiction, I’d read it if it involves Jordan and sex!

    We’ll call it…..THE GUTTER! And all us “sad”, “pathetic” girls who need to “get a life” will be known as “GUTTER GIRLZ” 😉

    KAYLA—Thanks for that!!!!!!!!!

  557. Kayla, your story is so cool!! and just confirmed everything we said before 🙂 thank you for sharing!! and your bf rules! haha

  558. Hey girls! I love reading this stuff as an after lunch pick me up! LOL

    Maria – Girl….you better pick up that phone! You know we’re damn well living vicariously through you!! hahaha…okay, well at least I am.. 😉 Cheers…keep us posted!

  559. Hi Ladies,

    Ok I have to point out a few things here. There are just too many girls now coming forward, no? I mean, if he does seem to be a big cheat, why the hell has evelyn not kicked his ass to the curb. I mean really? Why the hell stay with a guy who will eventually bring home some sort of sickness, if all these stories are true, and have another baby just in time for their second chance at fame? I actually heard that he has an open marriage and that they have an “understanding”. There are many girls out there that do this, they want the man so much and take all the shit that comes along with them. He will eventually fall in love with someone else. My prediction……he is going to meet someone as the tour comes to a close, if he has not met the girl already, and he will indeed seperate from his wife…….I have been known to foresee the future and this is my ultimate gut instinct.

    From reading everything and seeing it for myself, his true self will be revealed as his dreams are now coming true again….he only got married because he thought that his single days were over…..but now that he is in full swing….I think he is going to be much more selective in choosing his girls and he will develop a relationship that will eventually end his marriage……….keep this email, as I know this will happen…..we will all see what transpires in the next few months…….

    Coco, maybe this person could be you?

  560. Wow, all this stuff is crazy!! But it’s a damn good way to spend my lunch break! lol I don’t have any good stories, but hopefully someday I will.

    Sasha: how did you know if a guy was interested in a girl? How did they get to the girls or “pick” them? Just thru a meet and greet and the show??

    I haven’t been around this site as long as some of you, but I’m addicted and would love to hear more! Oh and coco, spill the beans on Joey!! 🙂

  561. Ok, just curious (God! I hate that! lol)…does Jordan snore? Weird question I know.

    I’m also kind of surprised about how many women are just now coming forward about their experiences. The man gets around. I hope everyone gets checked regularly. lol


  562. Honey Dip—I swear you girls are like Inspector Gadget up in here!!!

    He needs to stop picking the young bitches who only want to brag! 😦

    Curious One–There’s a pic at the NKOTB-Go-Big-Or-Go-Home thread. They said it was little Eric. It was a still from the VH1 special. Jordan is holding him and talking into the camera. He has big round eyes.

  563. I am crackin up at these stories. Haha… from someone who has known Jordan for years… I know 90% of these are lies. I am laughing so hard reading the story about the girl who claims Jordan sent her on a $1000 shopping spree. I want to call him right now and tell him to look at this site. Hahahahaha… pathetic girls. Really pathetic. I am aware of how he is with women and these are just ridiculous. Hahahaha

  564. lol well now m’s comment on j’s page is on first on top of his last page of comments. i think that is so funny and really unless anyone’s spieing like we are, no body who check that. good catch team angelina! i can’t believe you were just saying he moved it up and now it’s at the very top. something to think about i think.

  565. Ailis- I am curious…I didn’t have sex with Jordan, but gave him a bj as you may have read… would I know these 2 significant things you are talking about?? Nothing immediately comes to mind…also this was 9 years ago and my memory is slowly fading…:( Would one know only if they had sex or would I possibly know too??

  566. Maria – you are lying. He did not call you. So you haven’t talked to him in a while and he leaves you a messsage. omg. So you haven’t talked, but i guess he’s kept the same number all these years. Seriously I don’t care about what you have to say. I want stories with facts and evidence.

    Kayla… that’ incredible. I had a feeling it was like that. I know her cousins’ wife didn’t admit whether they were more than friends or not. but i always had that feeling. If you put everything together, there just seems to be feelings involved.
    Team angelina – lol i do think he may check her page daily, that’s too funny for her comment to be up on the top on the last page.
    Jasmine- wow, your insight. it just makes sense, your thoughts and everything. It’s just a very odd couple. The way i see it. This is his life, music, his gift..and for the longest time it’s been the cause of separation of him and “E”. If he wants to be with her and his family 100% he would have to leave music, and I thought he was doing that, until the reunion thing happened. IF he stops singing, I think he will be an extremely sad soul. Soo what is he to do? She clearly doesn’t make as much effort to be with him on tour. When are they suppose to spend time together? That definetly can not be a good thing for the relationship. – I think he did settle for what was the easy thing to do. Stay with the mother of his child at that time..and someone who lived in the area. But really if it had been true love, do you think things would have been that difficult for them always? or that they would have broken up that many times? The just seem very different. Alot celebrities end up with people in the industry for that very reason, to have someone who completely understands and supports, and enjoys the spotlight.

    Can i ask you something? we were talking about this girl Marisol earlier..if you scroll up in the 400’s lol… what do you think of that whole thing., cause it had us flipping at one point..it was a mystery.

    Allis – spill the beans what 2 things are you talking about? lol i wanna know! ALSO are you serious , they were gonna get a divorce? when was this, what year?

  567. Yes, Steph perhaps you should call him right now and ask him? Just listen to what he will tell you because it is 100% LEGIT.

  568. Maria!! Awesome story. Thank you for sharing it with us. This might seem like a silly question but when you guys did it in the morning, did you brush your teeth before? I know you just woke up and you mentioned the kissing was wonderful. Had he brushed his teeth at that point?

    Did he email you back yet?

  569. Boy, I step out to work for a few hours and I get to come home to a REAL treat today! I’m not really liking the tone of these new ladies that have decided to join this blog…what the f@!$ is your problem? We were having fun before you all decided to shit on our parade. Yeah, we might be listening to some BS but I like the person who said we all need a break from our hectic lives. It appears to me that we are not ruining anyone’s life by talking about them…you’re a public figure so privacy is not a reality.

    BTW…did ya’ll see the story on perez about Jon and his bf…the guy is HOT! I emailed perez and asked him to post more stories about Jon and this rumor…my email was answered. I kinda get the feeling that maybe he’s bi? That would give you Jon fans a 50/50 shot. Oh, why are all the HOT ones gay?

  570. Ailis please email me if you can. I think I know one of the two things but I don’t want to post it in here.
    I don’t want to give people a clue if they are lying.
    My email is “maria17259@yahoo.co.uk”
    Thank you.

  571. Hey Ladies,

    The whole Mari thing was a fling that he had, she was a hottie and so was he,……they hooked up, and did keep in touch for a while, the man has girls all over the country. He only keeps in touch with a very select special few, believe it or not. Like I said earlier, I can see the past and can view the future.

    I have to say some of the stories above are not true, I do not want to put anyone on blast, but I will say that there are 2-3 girls on this blog that are indeed telling the truth. 2 are telling the truth but embellishing it a bit, and 1 is true but more in an innocent way. But they are all old stories and Jordan does NOT keep in touch for his family’s sake. He knows exactly how to reach anyone at any time…….

    His hookups are just that, one night or one moment hook ups, then he is good old Jordan again, no guilt at all, it is what he has done his whole life. The one thing he does, is respect the woman he is with for the time being, not a jerk about anything at all. About this tour, yes ladies he has cheated, more than we think, but on the DL. Only the guys really know, it is not made public like D&D. He has a good boy image that he is trying desperately to maintain. But I know for sure it is eating him up alive because he wants to be free of everthing and can not seem to find the easiest way right now. Does he want a divorce? Yes, give him a little more time, you will soon see an announcement………

    If I try hard enough I can probably tell you more exact stuff, but this is all for now…….

  572. Well I don’t know who shilo is. Is she a friend of his? Or another member?

    They had problems and he was going to file for divorce. He was living in Brooklyn for a while. But I don’t feel comfortable saying what they are. But there is no way you had sex with him and did not see or know of these.

    My couple of months with him were wonderful. I treasure the memories. I adore him. He has a wonderful heart. I still keep in touch with him. If anyone wanted to get a hold of him you could. I mean friends and family of course. He has a pager, a cell phone, and a toll free message service that sends messages to his blackberry. He always calls back.

    Funny thing. He never reads many emails. He says fans always find out his private address so he rarely even checks them. To Jordan if it’s important then you will call him. Other than he loves to text message.

    The girls on here who are clearly lying about what they have done or decided to write a, what one referred to as “episodes” or you may say “sitcoms” of lies, I know you are BS!

    You can not go into detail and not even have any idea of what I am speaking of. If you had done what you did then you would have mentioned it. I’m just going to leave it as that. I’m not going to give clues because this just proves the bull shit some of the girls on here are full of.

    I’m not affraid of Jordan checking this site because I know Jordan and I know he never would. I’m trying to respect his friends and family that may be on the internet.

  573. Believe what you want. I NEVER said I had his number I said I had his email. Have you kept your email for a couple of years? I left my number via email, he left me a vm and he called the next day.

    Anna, I must admit I did not brush my teeth since I did not get out of bed. Im not sure if he brushed but since he was up before me he may have. 🙂

  574. Coco…..us gals really want to hear about Joey Mac…you are among friends

    Maria, Keep your head up girl, obviously there are things that his supposed “friends” have not experienced concerning him. LOL!!! I love it. “JK would NEVER let anyone look through his bags”..like that person would know that for sure unless he specifically told her…that is not exactly PROOF. Perhaps we need to get some guys at this site to tame the cattyness!

    Peace and love 🙂

  575. To all the ladies wondering about the ‘2’ things.

    1- I hate to say this…but I ‘heard’ that Jordan is REALLY into ‘anal’.

    a-for fantasy/he LOVESSSSS PORN – said it on radio interview.
    b-you cant get PREGNANT this way

    2-?? dont know what it is??? Perhaps that he has herpes?
    Hepatitis? HIV?

    IM not trying to tarnish his reputation, but as a NURSE, it
    would make sense that he wouldnt have sex…
    He wouldnt have to tell people about it I know hes had MANY
    std’s over the years.

    **any thoughts???***
    I know Im getting close – for those WHO REALLY KNOW!!

  576. Well, if J IS cheating on this tour…he’s pretty quiet about it.

    Perhaps meeting fans BEFORE the concert, when he arrives
    in town, or on his days off? THeir schedule was packed with
    tour dates & when they had a few days off, they would come
    home. J will be home for Thanksgiving & I will be ON THE ALERT! Ladies keep your eyes & ears open. I know where Donnie likes to hang – so perhaps Donnie & J will make a group appearance. Stranger things have happened. Donnie will be in town taping his pilot & I will have my ears open.

    ***I’m waiting for that JOEY MAC story….Hello? Are you still out there????

  577. Well back in the day, if the guys saw a girl in the audience, they would point them out to Robo, Box, Biscuit, or anyone of their entourage to get the girl and then bring ’em backstage or get them to the hotel. I remember times when Danny and I am pretty sure Jordan too, would just ask for a cute hispanic girl and the guys would know their type and they’d go get one! There were times when i was around and I remember them saying I need to find a Hispanic chick for…. and a couple times I even went with Box and biscuit to help find one! This wasnt hard to accomplish of course, cuz all we’d have to do was walk down to the lobby or outside the hotel and there were TONS of girls around! To me, it was funny cuz I would say, “What now am I the sidekick pimp?” The guys were so big by this time (and big headed!) That they couldnt even find their own whore for the night!! But ya know, that is the life of a celebrity! Its not like these guys were the only ones sleeping around! I am sure there are worse stories and dirt out there on other celebrities!
    I never heard any bad things about the way they treated girls until you, Jessica M. talked about Joe and that just blew me away! He was always so sweet! I know he wasnt pure and innocent, but I just cant believe the way you said he treated you! But the entourage would send girls off to them sometimes in the way Robo did you! (kind of) So maybe Joe thought Robo sent you there for a piece of ass that he thought he (Joe) would like!
    He was my heart! I loved that kid! But I NEVER could go right up to him and flirt! And I barely ever had a good conversation with him! That was the funny thing! I would see him and we’d say hi and what not, but I’d quicky walk away! I was such a dork! He would check me out and smile at me and I would turn away! I think he probably thought that I didnt like him! LOL! If he only knew! I actually seen him 3 times on this tour and now that I am in my 30’s, my heart didn’t think so! I was still nervous and shy around him! But Damn him! He is beautiful! And I know you all think he is madly in love with his wife, but……. I have heard and seen things on this tour! BUT!! I DID not see it with my own eyes! Except for the flirting he has done wth me! (sighh….)
    So Coco, I am DYING to hear your Joey story! I never seen him with any girls and the guys had never said anything about finding him girls or him asking for girls while I was around anyway! I am sure it happened tho! Girl, you gotta spill! only THE TRUTH tho girl!! That just it, you never know if what you read on these sites are true or not! Its the internet for god’s sake! Its the playground for many desperate, ugly and social life lacking people! Not all of course! I am certainly not! But I am also not telling crazy fantasy, fabricated stories that I made up in my head either! LOL! Even though I am sure that I could come up with some great ones about my man tho! ;-}

  578. Click here: ESPN.com – Page2 – Shanna Moakler

    Thought I’d share this he dated her for awhile. Crazy huh>
    Oh and an FYI for those who think I am lying though no one has said anything -see me backstage in LA and we can prove it 🙂
    Thank you!

  579. I smell BIG liars here.
    These women are most likely divorced or single, insecure with their appearence, very overweight, unfulfilling job or on disability. These women spend hours online trying to escape their sad reality. Most are caucasian and have difficulty finding a fulfilling relationship.
    To Maria and all the others: you are full of it!

    As far as Kendra, I would doubt JK would call her a gf. She appears to be easy and available for a booty call and doesn’t impose respect. She is, like the song says, a maneater. Not a title a lady would like to have. Easy and eager to please, she likes to make more of it than it is. She likes attention so throwing in some “details” would probably make her popular, she thinks.

    LOL and here I am doing my job for free, guys!!!

  580. LMAAOOOOOO!!!! Looks like this Kendra Lee is either from Boise or her family lives there. YUCK! I live in Boise because of my work (relocating soon, THANK GOD!) and her cousin went to high school about 5 min. from my house…that’s too funny!!!!
    I thought she was a Jersey girl (you know the type, the guidette), but if she is from Boise, then that it’s even worse!

  581. HOLY SHIT! this place is getting cuh-razy!! Jordan, if you’re reading this. The gig is up homie! LOL!

    Ladies, let’s face it .. the man loves women and can’t help who he’s attracted to.

  582. KP, can you give us some details about that encounter during this tour? was it on the bus? because I’ve heard something about the bus but I’m not sure….

  583. For those that are saying they know Jordan oh so well and he would never do any of this…do you honestly think you know about every aspect of his life and what he does in private? Do you honestly think he’s going to sit around with his family and friends (close or not) and tell everyone about what and who he “did” while on tour? Even if certain people bring this up to him, I’m sure he’ll deny a lot of it. Why would he own up to this? It’s a type of behavior that is kept behind closed doors.

    Come on.

  584. trust me JORDAN would LOVE to read all this!! why do you think his comments on the site dissapeared at some point?

  585. This is my last speculation…I came across an ‘I hate Jordan’ website & it stated how he has bowel issues/colitis & wears Depends/diapers. IF this is true…thats the ‘item’ he wouldnt want you finding in his luggage. Even haters, sometimes have all the dirty gossip. Just a thought. Sorry ladies! 😦

  586. I want to clear some things up. First of all, I do know JK. It would be pretty juvenile and pathetic of me to come on here divulging fake stories. So to anyone who is doing that, you should really stop now while you’re ahead. JK is and always has been a great guy. I’d hate for people to see him as this cheating liar of a husband when this isn’t totally the case. Like I said before, I have met Evelyn. She is not blind to the fact that JK has “friends.” Hell, she may have some of her own. But I don’t know that for a fact. I do not communicate with her but if she saw me, I think she might know who I was. I am also not saying that I ever had sex with JK. We shared moments together and I have left it at that. Now whether or not I did, only two people will ever know that… well, that’s not true. But for the sake of exposing my transgressions to total strangers (lol), I’ll leave it at that. Trust me when I say that JK is an awesome person and father and should not be maimed because of what is disclosed in this blog… fact or fiction. But there are definitely some people creating stories that do not seem like him. However, you never truly know a person fully unless you’re with them day in and day out. So I wouldn’t go so far to call out liars. The truth is, no one really knows who is being 100% honest. But I am. And I am most certain that a few others are, too. I’m really not even saying too much. And it’s really because I am not convinced that JK will never see this. I believe he will. Someone who knows him may tell him this site is up. And he may ask that it be disabled… maybe not though. Who knows? And again, for the record he does NOT have herpes people. I am about 90% sure of this. But you can never be 100% sure of anything I suppose… :-/

  587. Maria – something in your story didn’t add up. You mentioned ” He asked for my cell again and keyed it in his phone.” Then in another post, you said, “Believe what you want. I NEVER said I had his number I said I had his email. Have you kept your email for a couple of years? I left my number via email, he left me a vm and he called the next day.”

    I thought he had your number the first time?

  588. Her page is privare and says she lives in Dallas. I dont think she lives in Boise

    She was even at the Denver hotel when the guys were there! Are you sure that is the today show girl? She looks kinda different. She is pretty but I doubt they are “dating” Is she hispanic? Does anyone know who Jordan has been hooking up with on tour?

  589. One last thing… that “someone who knows him” who may tell him just might be Marisol. I even looked at her page and her friend commented that she needs to private her page. There is some reason behind that. Maybe this friend got word of this site. My page IS private and I don’t need anyone looking for me. Ha ha. But since it’s private, I would share it. Anyway, that’s just what I was thinking.

  590. OMG, I’m such an idiot! I won’t even tell you what I thought Jon meant by “walk the dog.” LOL

    Anyway, thanks for keeping me entertained while at work, ladies! Fact or fiction, these stories are certainly interesting. Oh, and I’d prefer to believe that Jordan does NOT have bowel issues. He can be a man-whore all he wants but bowel issues spoil the fantasy for me. GROSS!

  591. Oh what a tangled web we weave….


    I agree with Leona – I wouldn’t be surprised if he or someone in his camp got wind of this site and had it disabled. You never know though!

  592. I believe all of you are not telling the truth… if you knew J you would not be posting shit here… to me this is all fanfic… and fantasy dude get a grip !!

  593. i have seen all these spots…..and i cant beleive all the stories her!!!!

    jordan will still jordan who we have known,,,,i konw that every body has his privet life and there are alot of secrets that there is no one know about it….but not like that Ever!!!!

    dont forget that jordan is famous and he’s not Stupid TO SHARE ALL THESE” CLOSE MOMENETS” with strangers who is not trust !!!!!….and through what i read i Concluded that the girls stories her is just “BIG LIE” but don’t be worry it soooooooooo funny and Made me laughing a lot…:)

    ((((((pathetic girls. Really pathetic)))))))

    jordan knight’s fans don’t beleive all these whole shits…they are just pooooooooooooooooor girls :p

  594. So I have been reading this for awhile and a couple of things come to mind.

    First, for the girl who said “get your mind right bitch or get off the block” Grow the F up. You are pathetic and immature.

    Do you think Jordan is stupid enough to indiscrimanently bang all these broads with the power of the internet these days? Uh..NO. Don’t know and don’t care if he is a womanizer or is not but give the guy a little credit. They have handlers for this kind of stuff.

    For those claiming to know him personally, Leona, in partifular, you claim that you don’t want to blow up his spot but you have already done that by posting under his name and saying that you didn’t want to get into detail. Also, if he does bang other broads, no matter how you cut it, the dude is married and that makes him a scumbag cheater. There is nothing humble or mistakeable about someone who cheats on their wife. There are NO excuses.

    I could have made a better story up myself if I wanted and all of the women on this board would be asking me to “Give us more girl. Don’t leave us hangin girl.”

    Regardless if he cheats or not, you forget about the fact that he has a family. Don’t any of you care about how your lies are affecting the family members? I get that he is a celeb but that does not give you the right to fanfic.

    For the girl who spent all the time waiting on them. Don’t feel bad. We were the last two in a line at a meet and greet years ago and joe and jon cut the line short to leave and would not even sign the last two autographs. Pretty slimy.

    One last thing. When one of your chief aspirations in life is to blow a new kid, you should rethink your priorities. For those of you who “did” more that one new kid in a night, you are dirty hos. There is nothing respectable about it and I bet deep down you feel like crap too because all you will ever be is another groupie who got 15 minutes and a mouthful from a celeb. Way to go!

    All you haters, don’t tell me I am fat, ugly, jealous, and to get off the board. You know that is all of your insecurity talking. I love the NK but please ladies, get some damn self respect.

  595. Stranger-
    Believe it or not, I slightly agree with you. If we really knew JK, why put ourselves out there like this? However, since I do actually know him (and I think other people on here do also) I guess that just makes it even worse! Lol. You gotta understand that people like to share their experiences with others who idolize or have crushes on the same person they do. It’s just human nature… imagine if he weren’t a celebrity. The principle would be the same. But I pretty much think he is eventually going to find out about this site whether it’s happened yet or not. We shall see!!!

  596. Leona- I had messaged a friend of her’s on myspace, so it could be she was told at that point, but then again this same friend came on here defending her. She also said M didn’t know about this page. If you scroll up you will see the message.

    i really sorta feel for Jordan. I don’t think anyone would be saying thigns about his personal life if he at some point had shown signs of true happiness. I’m not talking about saying one thing here or there about your wife, but more just his bahavior in general from the very beginning. Maybe he’s tried to hold on to something, that just simply not meant to be. 😦
    I’m sure this reunion is doing him good and I hope in all goodness that he does what feels true to his heart, whatever that may be. He seems like a wonderful man deep down inside, from what i’ve heard., and he deserves true happiness.
    Where you go or end up in life is all about the choices you’ve made. And even if you’ve made certain choices that may have been wrong, you still have learned from it. One should always be honest with yourself about what you really want and what feels right, no matter what other say or what you think is right to do, it’s about your gut feeling.
    Only then will you find true happiness. I hope he finds it if he hasn’t yet. 😦

    Some of these girls with stories that are not true need to get a reality check. If anything, you guys are going to be the reason this blog gets taken down.

  597. Deceitful-
    Uhhh no, you’re sooo wrong about how you THINK I feel. How the hell would you know. I don’t feel like crap at ALL for what I did (I freaking loved it!) and for you to call me a dirty hoe is out of line. Who are you to judge? My “experience”, or to blow a new kid or two was NOT my chief aspiration in life but merely a young girls fantasy that many others shared as well. Come on now, if you honestly think that it was my main aspiration then it seems that you are (in your words) pathetic and immature. Most everyone on this board admitted that they “dreamed” of “being” with a new kid when they were young and most said they would have done it also had they been in my shoes or any other of the girls’ shoes who have shared their experiences. Maybe you’re the one that’s the HATER. You have every right to post your thoughts, but at least Be real…..

  598. Deceitful-
    Wow… I totally agree with just about everything you wrote for the most part… especially about me. I feel regret to a point for posting on here in the first place. I am not saying that JK isn’t without fault; I am simply saying that I don’t want people to judge him because of his past infidelities. Like I said in the first place, I am not being proud or boastful. I just wanted to make sure people understand that he is a human being and he is no different from some other person who gets caught up in the same type of thing. It isn’t right, but it isn’t uncommon either. But I respect you and your opinion, as well as all the other ladies (and gentlemen??? lol) on this site who have shown respect themselves.

  599. Alright Coco, spill it on Joey!! lol I’m dying to know!! I practically raced home from work today to get the latest!

    Also to those of you who know him, I was just curious: how does he feel about the girls that have hooked up with the other guys and then are on to him? You would think that if he really “liked” a girl, that would bother him. Just wondering!

  600. Ladies – Don’t you think we’ve exhausted the Jordan talk…we can ALL agree that he has been unfaithful at least once in his life. The stories were great…I enjoyed them just as much as the next person. I vote we move on the the next New Kid – Joey seems like a good start. Hell, we can even talk about Zach! LOL! 🙂

  601. Jessica M —I freaking love you!!
    Deceitful—Seriously???! You sound like you are soooooooo jealous of some of these girls!!!
    And it’s always been my opinion that autograghs are silly…if i’m going to have a chance to meet Jordan his freaking name on a piece of paper is SO NOT what i want. LOL…
    Even if it’s just “Hi my name is Sherri” and It’s always been my dream for him to look me in the eyes and say my name back and “it’s nice to meet you too”. Then who know, I do have absoulutly no gage reflex….LOL

    So Deceitful it doesn’t seem you belong here so get your mind off this board and go wait in line at the next concert behind the chain link fences like the dirty dawg you are!!

  602. There are some “real” people who know him or have connections so haha let’s see what happens! Oh he’s gonna be livid…if you really know what he’s about like you people say, you would all know he doesnt dig this type of shit! hahaha too much!

    strong supporter of pleaing the fifth!!!!

    Anyone up for a game of ping pong??????

  603. Did ya’ll see that funny shit that Joe posted on the NKOTB website? It’s classic! BTW…someone earlier brought up M again…just looked at her myspace and one of her friends mentions that NKOTN is making an appearance this Sunday at the American Music Awards (I wonder why she refers to them as NKOTN). Just wondering…

    Stranger – I suck at ping pong but would play with Donnie anyday! 🙂

  604. Okay Wow is all I can say!

    Maria, I’m sorry but I’m having a hard time believeing you. If your story is true and you emailed him and he left you a voice mail, then I just think it’s really really wrong for you to be posting that here. It’s one thing if you’re recounting a fling from ages ago but to be giving strangers a play by play I don’t know, it makes me feel wrong. No wonder he would have (and any celeb would have) trust issues.

    Leona, I’m curvy…everyone wants what they don’t have lol. I bet I would want your lovely accent. or light eyes? do you have light eyes? Anyway, if what you say is true and the girls who seem to know him then his personality sounds a lot like my ex. He sounds very respectful and very polite.

    Sasha, I’m in the UK obviously. I’m not white so maybe that helps me. But everytime I’ve been around him or any of them I clam up and can’t speak. Usually I am VERY outgoing. I did catch Joe looking me up and down once so maybe that’s a start. But when Robo talked to me he didn’t invite me anywhere. 😦 Of course my concerts are still to come and it was only once that I met them. Since you’ve been there when they “picked” girls is there anything I can do to help myself out? Or am I just someone’s type or not and that’s that.

    KP, I’m not white, not single, not overweight, I’m successful, but then again I’m not making up any stories.

  605. Most people here have common sense and take all these stories with a grain of salt. There is nothing wrong with fan fiction….just don’t try to pass it off as truth.

    I can’t stand message board hypocrites!!!!!!!!

    Deceitful- you say you’ve been here “awhile”……………………..um………you were so fucking digusted that you just had to stay here “awhile” ……….and read…….every…..last….word??
    If YOU wouldn’t suck his d*ck, fine. If you’re digusted and want to express that, fine. But trying to make other people feel ashamed and calling them names.
    You’re bitter because they blew you off and SOME (I don’t believe all) girls here have spent time with them……in a way that you wish you could….and had WAY more fun.

    I hate that all the other people have come here from other message boards.
    I wish this were more PRIVATE.

  606. I’ve been reading this page for a while now and its pretty interesting! My friend keeps telling me I should share what I have to say, but things seem pretty vicious here. I’d hate it if Jordan were to read this, but he knows what is true and what is not.

    I myself am not some pathetic, little fan, I may have once been a teeny bop fan but I grew up and became wise to how NK really are. I would not trade my experience though for the world, I would never do things like this now and luckily I did not know about Jordan and Evelyn at the time. But, who I am to doubt what happened to anyone else?

  607. I’ve been reading this page for a while now and its pretty interesting! My friend keeps telling me I should share what I have to say, but things seem pretty vicious here. I’d hate it if Jordan were to read this, but he knows what is true and what is not.

    I myself am not some pathetic, little fan, I may have once been a teeny bop fan but I grew up and became wise to how NK really are. I would not trade my experience though for the world, I would never do things like this now and luckily I did not know about Jordan and Evelyn at the time. But, who I am to doubt what happened to anyone else?

  608. Stranger—-Why are you so hell bent on telling if indeed you do know him????
    If you don’t mind, how exactly did you contact him?

    I hope there aren’t any freaks from the official board that everyone is complaining about.

  609. Jessica M.

    My concern with your story is you mentioned you had a 6 month old daughter. Why weren’t you at home with your daughter? You were spending the night intimately with the guys. I don’t think that’s good parenting skills. I’m not sure if you were married at the time but what about your husband/father of the baby.. did he know were you were and wonder why isn’t my child’s mother home by now? I think your actions weren’t respectful being that you were a mother of a newborn.

  610. Jessica M. I am very real and Sherri, seriously, jealous? Highly unlikely but keep hurling your one liner NKOTB lyrics. Maybe someone will think you are funny. No hating here but I am going to sandbag for the entertainment and watch the liars get found out.

  611. meow. no more cat fights ladies please. Who cares if these stories are real or not? Does this site pay your mortgage?? Um, no.

    So if you come here to attack other people, please just chill.

    It’s not that serious.. really, it’s not.

    He’s an entertainer and anyone who has ever been with an entertainer definitely knows what they’re getting into.

    Let the man be who he is. We have no right to judge him. Those of us that come here just want to know what has transpired over the course of his celebrity.

  612. People, (fans) are going to talk, no matter what. They’re always going to wonder., especially with what is invisible to the eye. If this blog gets shut down, another one will start somewhere else. Honestly, I’m sure he’s used to the fact that people will talk. This blog? only one who is digging for info on him and E will find. That’s a small percentage of the fans. The rest could even care less about it. I also highly doubt that E will search anything online about her and him. lol Heck, it’s probably one of her biggest fears, to do so. I almost sure J know somes things would come out at some point. Damn I didnt imagine so many chicks would involved, especially after he married. He knew the consequences of his actions. But I’m sure he also done all in his power to correct it. Seems like he’s trying to do what seems right., that’s all that matters now. I’m sure these type of blogs are the least he is worried about.
    Alot of these stories sound fake to me.. and to those who say you talk to him, you know him..etc…if he does read that you ladies put out some info out there like you did, you probably won’t hear from him again. Nobody that truly valued his friendship and respected him would come on a blog like this to say things you know about him.

  613. Maria, Geez girl you are getting a lot of grief. Well I really hope that your story is real, in fact I hope all the girls’ stories are true. If they aren’t then that is really sad that you would come on here and lie and tell gossip like this. I want to believe it but now after reading some of these posts, I don’t know if I do. We just need some kind of proof or something. And how do you remember so many details if this happened so long ago…it does seem like an excerpt from a romantic novel. I mean you would remember some things but I know I don’t really remember small details with my ex from that long ago and I was with him more than one occassion.

  614. As Marcus Tullius Cicero wrote, “A tear dries quickly when it is shed for troubles of others.” Wouldn’t you agree with that statement considering the posts here? Seriously, WHAT THE FREAK, people? Honestly? Most of the guys have kids, and most of those kids are capable of reading. Do you SERIOUSLY not find anything wrong with posting this stuff? If not, than you are a COMPLETELY twisted individual with no conscience what-so-ever. Suffer the little children, right? I’m not trying to be cruel, but maybe if everyone tried to think about their “neighbors” feelings, and started “looking out” for one another’s children, than the state of the world wouldn’t be in the condition it is in today. That’s the difference between now and 60 some years ago. We close our eyes and hide our head’s in the sand far too much of the time. Helping one another out has become an afterthought. We don’t care as long as it doesn’t effect us, personally, right? Look where it has gotten us? If you really think about it, whether these stories are true or not doesn’t matter. It’s wrong to post them. Plain and simple. If you feel the need to “confess”, go see a priest or call your best friend. If you want to write novels, take some writing courses, write a manuscript and send it to a publisher. DO NOT, however, expose other people’s children to your trash. Yes, I said trash, which is what it is…there’s no “beautiful experience” to it, no matter how much you want to fool yourselves into believing otherwise. What you’re doing is wrong…plain and simple. I could “lighten up”, but than, I would be hiding my head in the sand and not caring about the condition of our world or the future of tomorrow. Therefore, I choose to be “uptight” when it comes to right being right and wrong being wrong. You seriously should be ashamed! Go ahead…flame me for standing up for what is right…I have a clear conscience.

  615. As Marcus Tullius Cicero wrote, “A tear dries quickly when it is shed for troubles of others.” Wouldn’t you agree with that statement considering the posts here? Seriously, WHAT THE FREAK, people? Honestly? Most of the guys have kids, and most of those kids are capable of reading. Do you SERIOUSLY not find anything wrong with posting this stuff? If not, than you are a COMPLETELY twisted individual with no conscience what-so-ever. Suffer the little children, right? I’m not trying to be cruel, but maybe if everyone tried to think about their “neighbors” feelings, and started “looking out” for one another’s children, than the state of the world wouldn’t be in the condition it is in today. That’s the difference between now and 60 some years ago. We close our eyes and hide our head’s in the sand far too much of the time. Helping one another out has become an afterthought. We don’t care as long as it doesn’t affect us, personally, right? Look where it has gotten us? If you really think about it, whether these stories are true or not doesn’t matter. It’s wrong to post them. Plain and simple. If you feel the need to “confess”, go see a priest or call your best friend. If you want to write novels, take some writing courses, write a manuscript and send it to a publisher. DO NOT, however, expose other people’s children to your trash. Yes, I said trash, which is what it is…there’s no “beautiful experience” to it, no matter how much you want to fool yourselves into believing otherwise. What you’re doing is wrong…plain and simple. I could “lighten up”, but than, I would be hiding my head in the sand and not caring about the condition of our world or the future of tomorrow. Therefore, I choose to be “uptight” when it comes to right being right and wrong being wrong. You seriously should be ashamed! Go ahead…flame me for standing up for what is right…I have a clear conscience.

  616. Curious One,

    Thank you for the link to the pic of Dante! That’s great!

    Gosh! I think Dante’s looked like Jordan did at the same age! So Cute!!!

  617. I agree 100% (I’m sure you aren’t surprised) with Deceitful and Worlds Mother. I’m glad there are others out there that agree with me! I mentioned similar things in a post far above this one and got some people’s feathers ruffled because I didn’t agree with them. Apparently I am also a “hater”. lmao


  618. I also want to add that the comments that are being thrown at us “haters” are so funny! Trying to say we are insecure, jealous, unattractive blah blah blah. You wish! Quite the opposite I might say!

  619. Jenny – shut the hell up. Jessica, don’t listen to her that is just mean. seriously mean and uncalled for.

    MsTaylorB – tell us some more!!!

    We don’t need details of everything that happened. Just how did you get noticed. How did he approach you? What does he like? What is he like? stuff like that.

    This is my addiction. thank you

  620. Jenny-

    I can understand where you’re coming from but honestly I don’t feel I have to justify my “parenting skills” to you but I will answer your questions anyway.

    Never been married. I was with the father of my 2 kids on and off for 12 years . At the time, no we were not together and I lived with my parents (like I did for all but 3 years of our realtionship) so my kids were in good hands.

    I went to the concert, that’s why I wasn’t at home…of course I stayed out later after it was over but she was aware of it. I don’t see it as a biggie.

  621. Jasmine i don’t know if you saw this from earlier posts but it had us thinking.. about the m story. sorry guys i still am curious, and especially with what that girl said about her boyfriend seeing them..
    She is sitting on the side he points to. (a pic on your site shows her seats clearly and she has videos from this show on her myspace so you know she was there. check these out and tell what you think, since you seem to forsee things. I like you! your’e helpful lol

    another one where you see him hold her hand at the end of the show…

  622. Jenny –

    Get off your zxcv’ing high horse and go back to the nkotb.com message boards and post about your Babymaker3000 results.

    Just because she had a 6 month old baby at the time doesn’t make her story any less credible.

  623. I don’t wanna say much about it because I’m not sure.. I heard it and It sounded more like people assuming something happened on the bus.
    It was after one of the last US concerts!
    Where did the one you were talking about happened? you need to give us some details because it’s from this tour!! 🙂

  624. covergirl… and the fact that he keeps deleting even her first comments! wtf… can’t they be more obvious and dumb?! lol I mean, come on…
    Maybe he’s scared his wife will find out… but at this point if she doesn’t know he cheats… she must be retarded or just clearly doesn’t care so he shouldn’t bother lol

  625. oh-oh-o covergirl…. if you watch the video carefully Jordan
    touches SOMEONES hand…the girl in red,
    (M) is too far to the right for it to be her..
    Although she was backstage that night
    & has pictures on her myspace. Im sure
    they’re still friends.. just thought I’d clarify!
    There’s also another BETTER video of that
    moment-post it if you find it!

  626. The Only thing I have to say right now is………..

    Talking about J is one thing but fuck… leave the kids out of it!
    So what if you got pics of the kids or seen them leave them alone!!


    On the real it’s not cool…!!!!!!

  627. Hi Oh oh OH..Covergirl 🙂

    I checked out these youtube links……ok, he knows the girl, he likes the girl, he had a fling with the girl, but that is it. If she was anything more, she would be backstage not in the audience. Also, she would have had better seats if he gave them to her. She contacted him somehow and told him where her seats were,……he noticed her and wanted to give her a special hello. That is it, nothing more…..

    When I saw him 2 weeks ago and he hugged me, I looked into his soul. There is no “one” girl in particular that has captured his heart, he is struggling because there are so many!!! He is not happy and feels like he is not having the whole touring experience like in the past. He feels like this is his last harrah and he is missing out on the fun. Donnie and Danny dont help the situation, it is in his face all the time…… They know he is miserable, but they will not make him do anything he does not want to right now,…..but they do point out the hotties!!!

  628. To: World’s Mother — While I agree with a lot of what you said, I can’t help but think that there wouldn’t be stories to protect these innocent children from if their fathers acted like real mean and remained faithful to the women in their lives. It takes two. And to place the blame on the women only is wrong. Yeah, giving details is crass. But, really, if they cared so much about what their kids are reading, they’d act better.

  629. Sassy…,

    I never said that “I” told him!!!!!

    But I do know that he has been alerted by someone…,

    As Always-


  630. Wondering if you all have your eyes and minds right??
    Have you been reading carefully???
    I believe we have an intruder… hahaha!!!

  631. Hi, sorry, I’m still working. For those that wanted to know, I’ll post when I get home this evening. It’s from a long time ago, 1994.

    Can someone tell me who you are looking for/at in the you tube videos posted by ohohcovergirl? I haven’t had time to read all the posts to follow. Thanks!

  632. World’s Mother – I can appreciate your thoughts…but have you looked around the internet recently? I doesn’t take a genius to find some pretty horrible shit and I don’t mean just porn. I don’t know about the rest of you ladies but this is pretty tame compared to what’s out there.

  633. I was hoping for some juicy stuff today!!! 😦 I still want to hear from COCO!!! Lol!

    Nurse4Change: I didn’t catch where you are from! Sounds like Dorchester but just making sure. If so, I have family out there and need to make a visit soon if the guys still are there! lol

    Leona and Sasha: If I were to ever actually meet JK, I don’t want to make a fool out of myself! Any tips on what to do, wear, etc?? Something to make myself memorable and approachable… 🙂

  634. Alert – why are you being cagey? Just say what you mean. I’ve been reading this board for months since Sept at least….and I ALWAYS read carefully.

    If any of the guys found this I don’t think they’d post????? That would be beneath them. Oh well I’m a sucker I’ll go back and read.

  635. So stranger posted two references to videos posted on NKOTB today……is that what you’re referring to Stranger?

    ps I’ve got more than my mind right for this upcoming tour.

  636. Ladies,

    Deceitful said everything that needed be said! Regarding the new videos by Donnie on nkotb.com showing “facetime” does not make it true. Why do you think there is this sudden post of multiple videos? Maybe it had to do with the fact that my story is happening a lot of other fans on this tour!!! It is obvious that Donnie feels the need to prove that “facetime” is real in order to make it seem like we are being dishonest; but in reality Donnie is being dishonest when he leads on respectful and completely sober fans for 5 hours!

    It is time for you fans who are probably way older than me, to wake up is smell the roses that the New Kids on the Block aren’t saints!

  637. Hey everyone, I have been reading all your post over the past couple of days. Can I just say WOW!! I am so addicted. I love hearing the stories!! If I can’t live out my fantasy, It is nice to hear about others that have!! Keep all the stories coming!!My boyfriend thinks that I nuts because I check this website every chance I get!! He told me that he is going to take away my computer, then I will just have to use my laptop=P!!

  638. Come on girls there are lotssssss of stories around from girls that follow them around and go to multiple concerts and eventually get on the tourbus or get taken care of (=better seats m&g sound checks etc) this girl didn’t get more attention than other “loyal” groupies/fans.

    Some of you girls are getting crazy LOL Go read the blogs on the official site and you will see for yourself this 13yr old gal kendr is nothing special nor unique
    Maybe he cheats maybe he used to cheat FACT is he still married Evie and NOT one of his hoes jump offs mistresses or any other gorgeous biotch

    Hes a grown ass man give him some credit and why WHY does it seem that you girls would be happier if he was with a “sexy” Brazilian or Latino 22 yr old ???some of you..not all of you .. sound soooo insecure childish and ignorant SMH do you really think that outer beauty alone would make the man happier???

    Evelyn isn’t ugly shes just average looking girl next doorish and obviously that’s good enough for him!!!!!maybe shes a good partner mother and gives head the way he likes it.

    Don’t get me wrong I love the gossip and encounters but the bitching must stop man
    Keep the stories comin Give me some Joe or Doniie stories or some bisexual Jon encounters!!!!!!!!!!

  639. why come on here and tell us that you have a story, and then never tell us! if you aren’t gonna spill….keep your mouth shut! we want the goods!!! Just my opinion =)

  640. I agree with STRANGER leave the KIDS Alooonee leave them alone!!!!

    do you have short blonde hair and have a profile on the official board??? I could have sworn I read that great story before. Where do you know Shelley from???(the girl that met Donnie&Danny with the “GF´s” at a restaurant in Vegas)
    And you’ve got to give me a blow by blow on Jon kissing his MAN ..that dude is just to cute to be gay maybe he’s bi lol just kidding love him either way.

    Cant wait!!!

    Intruder??? Spill it !

  641. LA-that is my point. Everyone simply justifies what they do.

    Don’t you guys get it? The internet is full of stuff that is completely inappropriate. If everyone continues to simply justify their actions, than the world will never change for the better. Whether or not the New Kids have done these things past, present, future…whatever…DOES NOT mean that it’s ok for everyone else to say, “Well, they don’t care, so why should I?” That’s my point….we need to care, and that is just one more reason TO CARE. They cannot change mistakes of their past. None of us can. What good does it do to post this stuff?? We should all be more concerned about what this stuff says to kids that may be reading this stuff! I’m talking about ALL kids that happen to stumble upon this board. Doesn’t it make you all feel ashamed that you’re contributing to something harmful? It’s completely selfish and wrong…period.

  642. Hey Alert I was thinking the same thing, thought maybe I was reading to much into it. Glad someone else thinks it too.

  643. ALERT- What? Intruder?? I am curious too! Who is it?? I had the feeling that one of the guys are on here reading this shit! They know they are in the public eye and shit will always be exaggerrated, taken out of context, and lies will be told! I think this is minor compared to some celebrities dirt!! Right? I mean, what the hell can be done about this site? It’s the internet and ANYTHING goes! Freedom of speech, right?? I cant believe some of you are getting so bent outta shape about these comments!! STOP reading them if your offended and Stay away from this site!! Sheesh! Seriously! I found this site thru a friend b/c we were sick of the message board fans acting pure and wholesome and dorky! I mean you can’t say what you really feel on that one, those girls get so defensive of NK like they know them personally!! so if you dont like the B,S. that is sid on here, go over there! I believe some of the things that have been said are lies and have been embelished, but these are men we are talking about and do you think that they haven’t been with anyone?? I am surprised there are not more on here! Women like to brag and talk about things that many other only wish they could encounter!! I do believe tho, if anything is going on now between a NK and someone on here, they sure wouldnt be wasting their time on here bragging! LOL! I know I wouldn’t! Why risk the chance of it ending??? So, back to ALERT, who do you think is the intruder? IS IT YOU??? ;-}

  644. I think Alert is alluding to the fact that Stranger just might be *gasp* Donnie Wahlberg??? Say it ain’t so???

    I personally think putting stories like this on blast (whether lies or truth) in a public forum is classless.

    Don’t you bitches know the way of the road? Silence is golden…..and rewarded! 😉

  645. wow! this blog is getting crazy. c’mon ladies, we are all adults here, can we please try to have an adult discussion without the name calling, personal attacks, and the like 🙂

    this is a fun blog and a guilty pleasure for most of us, lets keep it light and fun. i mean we can disgree, but let’s try to be respectful of each other. sorry for preaching, i just don’t appreciate the tone of a lot of the recent posts. let the fun continue….

    msTalyorB – c’mon girl, spill the beans. you are among friends here (for the most part anyway!).

    jessica m – dont listen to all the haters. your experience in no way makes you an less of a parent. what you do in private is your own business, you dont have to justify it to anyone but yourself. any more details to share? one last question… what does JK smell like? i hear that he doesnt wear cologne (HOT), but i notice that most ppl have a natural scent, just wondering what his smells like (sweet, musky, etc.).

    maria – i am sorry dear, but i am really starting to question the validity of your story… it started off sounding so true (i guess i just wanted to believe it), but the recent posts about you emailing and him callin back, etc. are making me seriously doubt you. i mean, it just sounds a lil far fetched to me, maybe i’m too much of a realist. whatev…. it’s a nice fantasy and i enjoyed reading about it, i just wish i could believe it.

    nurse4change – read the previous posts… the M mystery is pretty much resolved. and i have to disagree with your observation… i believe it was M’s hand that he grabs on the youtube video. i don’t think i’m the only one that saw it either.

    houstonsocialbutterfly – thanks again for keeping up with all us crazy JK fans, it must be exhausting. someone suggested it earlier, but would it be possible to start a new thread for the other NKOTB members? i am persoanlly a jordan only fan (like many of the original readers) and would like to keep it JK only… just a suggestion 🙂

  646. MsTaylorB – They are talking about a gal named Marisol. If you scroll a couple hundred comments up you will see a bunch of posts.

  647. Sorry to interupt folks.. but this is a test of the National Blogcasting System.

    Thank-you. You may now go back to your daily blog reading.

  648. Stranger…I TOTALLY agree with you…LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE!!
    They’re innocent & its NOT fair to drag them into this!
    Regardless of the real truth, I respect J, Evy & their family and its one thing to speculate, but completely OUT OF LINE to involve one’s kids…

    Wondering what J’s doing right now?
    Practicing his splits & poses for ‘Click, Click, Click’ or SLEEPING!!

    Anyone know why he’s called ‘The Dark Knight’?
    Just found some OLD pics from 92-94..SO SEXY then…
    I think I’m drooling…I posted them on his FB fanpage if you
    want a look!

  649. I found another video.. I don’t think he’s looking at Donnie cause donnie is all the way in the middle of the stage.
    Do you see what I see here? LMAO.
    starts at 0:52…you see jordan behind the stage at the dc concert. tell me your thoughts ladies…lol

  650. nurse – i’m confused at what your saying.. but he touches her hand first than goes to her sisters which are to her left.. then comes back to tough a fan on M’s right.
    in the summertime clip it’s at 1.24, instead of staying in the middle he breaks out of the dance to walk over to the side where she’s at and he points as he is walking, then stand in front of her to sing his part.
    which other clip are you talking about?

  651. Sandra_UK – I was talking about the women writing fan fiction but trying to make it appear real.

    Amanda – I don’t know about that girl Kendra, but the way she wrote to her cousin from her myspace page, it sounded like they had something. I do know, however, that Jordan has his eyes on this blonde girl, petite and very, very beautiful. I’ve seen her in a couple concerts. SO JEALOUS!!!! LOL If nothing happened between them, it will….the man drools over her.

  652. I didn’t say her story was less credible. I said if you have a newborn at home, you probably should not be going out and having intimate nights with the New Kids or any other person that isn’t going to be a positive influence in your life. I think the priority should be to the newborn baby. It’s sad when people here say that behavior is acceptable in society. I mean she was a mother of a new baby not some random 20 year old girl that got to meet the guys!

    I’m glad she spent time with them that we all dream of…. but just not when she has a new baby at home. Sorry, I don’t agree with it. I’m not saying she is not a good parent. I never once said that. I’m talking about that night, I didn’t think it was appropriate.

  653. I want to know where Maria went!? I want to know how the story ends! lol

    Also, who the hell is this Zach person some people are talking about?

    I want to play ping pong!! Pick me! Pick me! I’ll let you win.

    There are some really intersting characters here….

  654. Jenny you’re allowed your opinion but go have it somewhere else. I’m afraid I’m going to have to stick my previous statement of SHUT THE HELL UP. you don’t need to clarify what you meant we all understood the first time. We didn’t like it then, we don’t like it now.

    With that out the way I do feel like we’re veering off topic…….can we pls have some details from those girls who said something previously?

    Maria: are you going to comment on whether or not your story is true or not?

    Is anyone who has had an encounter going to guess what these two things might be?

    So I plan on being one of the girls going to multiple shows I’ve booked two weeks off work to follow them around going to 9 dates in the UK. I hope to get some hook-ups like sound checks etc (but I do find Robo and Zach a bit gross) and trust me INTHEKNOW, if anything beyond that happens……I won’t be coming back to this board.

  655. Ohh nevermind – Sandra UK’s post clarified who Zach is. I though you were talking about that dream boat Zach Efron (puke). lmao

  656. Actually Sandra_UK, why don’t YOU shut the hell up? I was actually being nice to her and giving my opinion in a mature way. Once you came in with your “shut the hell up,” you tried to make my posting seem much worse than what it was meant to be. So perhaps you should just ignore me instead of blowing everything out of proportion.

    Anyone else have any more stories to share? I hear many Jordan stories but what about Donnie stories?

  657. Sandra_UK: 9 shows? Really??? You might want to rethink that.

    I think some of you have the New Kids and their agenda all wrong. No matter what they did or didn’t do in the past is just that – the past. These guys are not naive and they can smell a groupie from a mile away. It doesn’t take them long to scope out someone’s true intentions.

    Go to your shows and enjoy them but don’t make trying to get hot New Kid ass your priority because you will leave disappointed.

    The only thing running around all over the country/world going to show after show gets you is broke and looking like a crazy groupie.

  658. KP, who’s this blonde girl…? I wanna see her too lmao! what did you see that made you think he’s drooling over her? share, share!!! 🙂
    I agree with you on that though, if nothing happened, it probably will! lol

  659. If Jordan Knight really wanted the “blonde girl, petite and very, very beautiful” who he has been “drooling all over” – then he would have had her already.

    When you want something, you go for it. You don’t wait, hoping she’ll show up at another show.

  660. so I guess Jordan could give a crap about this blog. LOL just what I thought. I don’t know who supposely told him about it, if it’s true but I’m sure something would have been done by now if he was concerned. I doubt he would even bothering reading it, especially if it pertained to E, well atleast at the beginning it did. lol

    Covergirl – you’re funny..are you like checking out all the youtube DC videos. That last one IS actually interesting.. could he be peeking over at M? is that what you think/see? I don’t know if you noticed but , does he “hold” himself. ?? LOL

  661. Nurse 4 change – You missed that fact that her cousin’s wife actually was notified or asked on myspace about Marisol, it’s a post way, way back. Someone asked her and she replyed and posted on here. Supposely, they are not in touch. I believe it., and although this person did not clarify whether it was more than friendship, what she said seems true, she also said she did not sleep with him and he respected her. I still don’t understand why she would want to stop talking to him after finding out he was married..that kinda implies feelings may have been involved. I just see too much in those youtube videos, to think he didn’t/doesn’t maybe still care about her. That and everything else, her comment being left on the first page since April.. and then the comments being deleted, when they were mentioned on here, the pics of them together on her myspace and some of the comments under the pics.. her poems, that song! lol there is just way too much..and I still wonder about it, like im sure some other on here do.

  662. There’s a line in a OneRepublic song that goes, “And it feels so real from the outside looking in.” Ain’t that the truth? lol. Things are so much better from afar though. You get your way. lol Just sayin.

  663. INTHEKNOW – don’t pretend to know my financial situation. It’s not leaving me broke. It’s a nice holiday with friends. The UK is a LOT smaller than the states I can drive 2 hrs and be at the next show. I am HOPING to have an encounter with a New Kid but it’s not my intent. If it happens it happens, if it doesn’t then I was a crazed groupie for bit……and I’ll enjoy the ride.

    What do you know about the whole set up? you seem to know when JK would act on an attraction. What is your background? Do you know them? Have you been involved? Let us know.

  664. Jenny My son was 3wks old when I went to the Nk’s concert in Sept. Does that make me a bad mom?!? So not!
    Do you have kids yourself? Don’t EVER make judgement on any mom, especially when you don’t know them.


    Remember when you were kids and you saw an ant bed, took a stick and stirred it around, and watched the ants scurry around in frantic distress???

    See…”Stranger”, her flunkies, and probably Zach have the stick……..and WE’RE the ants.
    We’re being fucked with and they’re laughing their asses off. Am I close Ping Pong girls???? 😉

    So…….let’s get back to the stories (which I know some are not true) and IGNORE them.

    And what In The Know is trying to say is: They’ve already picked their ho’s for the most part and they’re not accepting anymore applications.

  666. KP
    You didn’t answer my questions….
    If you aren’t the same girl on nkotb official messageboard I apologize in advance.

    If you are (and I think you are cause the LAX story is EXACTLY the same and I don’t think it’s likely that there were 2 shorthaired blondes with that color dress at the Vegas m&g) I got a few things to say

    1. Are you a psychologist and work as a criminal profiler? Or did you go to Business School and have a degree in Foreign Trade and now work as an investor ?? Keep the stories straight Ma ..2 different answers in 2 weeks!!! I was also active in that tread on the official forum and here you are telling a whole nother story….
    “Jordan is not cheating on tour? UH HUH
    I can’t say exactly when or where to protect my identity but he did”
    “I do know, however, that Jordan has his eyes on this blonde girl, petite and very, very beautiful. I’ve seen her in a couple concerts. SO JEALOUS!!!! ”

    2. IF YOU KNOW SH*T SPILL IT OR SHUT THE EFF UP that’s what we’re here for isn’t it

    3. Please SPARE us your FAUX psychological analyses …calling people fat, insecure, single and probably caucasian LMFAO you don’t know these women ..if you really studied psychology wouldn’t you know better than talking shhh jeeez and while you’re at it stop the ridiculous incoherent and inconsistent analyses of Evy and Jordan.

    And BTW what is wrong with being CAUCASION??? I wasn’t planning on putting you on Blast but that caucasion comment got me irritated and I’m quite surprised NO ONE else was….

  667. Tosa
    Does anyone notice anything between Stranger and Alert?

    What………they know each other and “Alert” showed up when “Stranger” supposedly went to go tell???

  668. O and girls sorry I had to interrupt daily business but I was really irritated by some off KPs remarks

    I LOVE all the encounter stories (fake or not) and the cia stuff lol
    I just don’t understand the name-calling and negativity towards Evelyn and the fact that some girls are sooo DESPERATE to believe that Jordan cheats …he probably does but to some it’s like a live or dead thing… LIKE THEY WILL ACTUALLY HAVE A CHANCE WITH HIM IF THEY “PROVE” THAT HE CHEATS…

    Thanx houstonsocialbutterfly for a place to guttertalk and gossip all day LOL

  669. InTheKnow
    I think Alert is alluding to the fact that Stranger just might be *gasp* Donnie Wahlberg??? Say it ain’t so???

    I personally think putting stories like this on blast (whether lies or truth) in a public forum is classless.

    Don’t you bitches know the way of the road? Silence is golden…..and rewarded!

    What would the reward be if for instance I figured out who was “intruding”??????????

    How about a ticket and a back stage pass if there’s a Summer Tour here in Houston, Texas.
    I’m SASSY and I’m the FIRST one to say it’s you! 😉

  670. I see that there is a bit of an ongoing convo on what the 2 things are. So this just sums it all up that some of these people and their so called experiences are BS!

    Nurse4change was very close. No not Herpes or an STD, not that I know of at least. I don’t have it so know he didn’t have anything then. Sexually well he enjoys to explore. He is not affraid to try new things. But these two things can’t be missed, they are physical. All I’m going to say about that.

    Jordan wouldn’t read this site. It’s not the only gossip site. There are plenty and he avoids them.

    Good Night!

  671. Curiousone- I noticed that too! Alert and nurse4 change are the same person! What’s up with that? But arent you posting as BCbeaver also?? LOL! You all are confusing me now!

    E- there is no rhyme or reason for getting noticed with the guys, esp. on this tour! I think it depends on their mood and whatnot! I have seen women of all races, shapes, sizes getting facetime! Some dress trashy, some dont know what era this is! And from I was told from someone who is part of the entourage, said the guys enjoy looking at those types of girls and they flirt and tease, but they dont take those kinds of girls serious and from what i got, they sure dont respect the trashy types! If they like you, they like you, you shouldnt have to sell yourself!

  672. Ladies,

    There are a “few” intruders!!!!! They actually are finding this chat very funny, and nothing else……but there are intruders!!!!! The gig is up ladies!!!

    So, Jordan, look at you now…..you are on top of the world again, embrace it baby…..things like this do not happen a third time!!!

    And Donnie, you are just too obvious, we love you too! Aren’t you happy you are not the topic? Maybe we should switch gears ladies? 🙂


  673. Sasha – your comments are always great and I enjoy them. I come here for fun. I don’t think I have the slightest chance in January but it’s fun to think that I would try. Will I be dressed trashy? I’ll be dressed how I would going out on a Friday night with friends if anyone thinks that’s trashy then they must have been living in that tree with Kevin.

    I do think we’re getting a bit petty and off topic.

    Please more stories, and intuders or people posing as intruders or whatever can confirm, deny or laugh their asses of at them.

    Funny that Maria has dissappeared.

    AILIS – please don’t say it’s the damn IBS issues. That’s just nasty I don’t believe it.

  674. Sandra_UK: I wasn’t trying to insinuate that I know your financial situation. I was just saying in general, I’ve seen many women spend money they don’t have following the guys from town to town while reaping no rewards. Except for an awesome show of course! 😉 As for who I am or what I know? I know what I know and that’s all I’m going to say. 🙂

    Bree: Thanks! You rock. 🙂

    Sassy: Thanks to you I now have that Luda song stuck in my head “I’ve got ho’s…I’ve got ho’s….in different area codes….area codes….Hooooo’s.” 😉 On the real though, I am not the intruder. I’m just someone who knows some things….that is all. 😉

    Nosy A: I am picking up what you are laying down. 😉

    Sasha: In response to your quote:

    “I was told from someone who is part of the entourage, said the guys enjoy looking at those types of girls and they flirt and tease, but they dont take those kinds of girls serious and from what i got, they sure dont respect the trashy types! If they like you, they like you, you shouldnt have to sell yourself!”

    You are 100% CORRECT! 😉

  675. Thanks so much for helping me out, Sasha!! I appreciate it. I’m sure I’ll have some more questions coming your way! lol

    I love reading all the stories, whether or not they are true. So keep them coming!! Still waiting on COCO!! 🙂

  676. Nosy – Apparently there are 2 KPs here or someone is using my name. I won’t take offense at your post because I know everyone wants to know *~*everything*~* and it’s understandable.

    I am not the girl at LAX. I am a member of the official forum but I only lurk. I like it here better.

    Like there are 2 Kellys here, I don’t think it’s impossible to have 2 KPs writing here (if no one is using my name). Do you realize how many women are named K……P….? There is “covergirl” there is “OhOhCovergirl” and so on…Maybe I will change my username not to confuse people? DR. KP LOLOL?? Or just lower case kp.

    I am a psychologist. I don’t have the money to be an investor. The “caucasian” comment is statistics. That was not meant to offend anyone. I am caucasian too and not for a moment was I “happy” that most of caucasian women are prone to write fan fiction LOL

    I get my information from someone close to (and I MEAN CLOSE) to the NK’s staff. Joe hasn’t been wearing his wedding ring for a few weeks. He, claims the staffer, was cheating with a fan and Barrett found out. I have no idea who the fan is and I have no idea if this really happened but this is what my friend got from the staffer.

    Amanda, I know about the blonde girl through this friend who is close to one of their staff. Again (to Nosy A): it isn’t me…wish it was but oh well…….
    I’ll try to get more info on her or whoever is dating the guys (Donnie and Danny, I heard, had one of their tour GFs in SLC!)

  677. Sasha – I was testing something out. I dont think the icons mean anything cause I also share the same icon as another user and thats not me.

  678. I have been reading this blog for weeks and weeks, probably since the beginning, and have never posted before. And I probably won’t post again, cuz, I just like reading so much better!

    But, if what Jasmine says is true, and the “intruders” we have are actually members of NKOTB, which frankly, I thought the “LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE!!!” post, (aka “LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!!!”) was a dead giveaway it was one of them…I fail to see why we should switch gears. I mean, I agree, I see no reason why anyone should be posting pictures of their kids online, seems stalker creepy to me and I have no idea why people would think it was appropriate to say horrible things about the women they are married to.

    BUT, if someone actually wants to post on an online blog about how they got busy with JK, frankly, I am willing to read it. I probably wouldn’t blog about it if I did it, but, hey, whatever floats your boat. It is really no different than reading US Weekly or Perez Hilton! I like reading celeb gossip and it is a guilty pleasure. And since I think JK is smokin’ hot it is the perfect thing for me to read. Let’s be honest, if he asked any one of us to get it on, we would all be there in a minute!

    So, go ahead ladies, post til your hearts desire and if someone from NKOTB wants to read it and comment on it, more gossip for me! YAY!!!

  679. oh please – i firast came to this site to see some pictures – but you guys have definitely gotten out of hand. j loves his family band is devoted to mhis children – i live close to them and hes always doing something for them when hes home and about town.

  680. Dr.KP—What’s “SLC”? So Joey really prefers white girls only? Has anyone seen him with other races?
    Maybe watching Donnie & Danny have all the fun took it’s toll.
    Did she catch him?

  681. I think that all of the guys are great….they have earned the right to do whatever the hell it is they want to do! How they feel about their significant others or what they do outside of their relationships is strictly on them.

    I don’t think trying to find out every little detail about the chicks they let give them head will get a groupie anywhere lol I totally agree with Sasha as well…you shouldn’t have to sell yourself and if you are lucky enough to get close, just be cool.

    I think the guys respond better to fans/admirers who are just laid back, and in the cut. Regardless, it’s harmless to fantasize but ladies don’t lose perspective trying to chase a dream! I love reading the encounters true or not but lets just try to keep it real in here.

    InTheKnow- YOU Rock!!!!!! lol

    I love yall!

  682. I just tried posting this but I am not sure what happened. The page refreshed. So here I go.

    I am not latina. I am a brunette. I am Mediterranean. I met him through mutual friends. First I met Jon then their cousin T, then I met him. It was at a bar. We had some drinks. We talked. He sang in my ear. His heart was very full that night. I found myself wanting to be in his surroundings. I was a fan of the group but I never saw them as the Knight Brothers from NKOTB. I appreciated him for his talent and respected him as a man. I was never a fan. If that makes sense.

    I got to know him very well. But I always knew in the back of my mind that it wasn’t going to last. I really enjoyed his presence though.

  683. Hi again, sorry, I went out last night so I didn’t check this site, but wow, I don’t know what to think about some of these posts! Most of this stuff you all talk about sounds crazy, but I know what I know and believe what I want to believe and you all can choose to believe me or not.

    I sometimes feel unsure about posting this, I used to have it on groupiecentral, but I get tired of fans who wear rose colored glasses and think nk were some sort of saints, they are just regular guys, like any other guy they liked to party, have sex and just be guys.

    Just so you know, I was a fan just like everyone else when I was 13/14, I had the posters, the merchandise, nk parties, fantasized about being with them, didn’t we all? I met groupies at hotels when I was 14 and had no desire to be one, but wanted to get close to the guys like they did. My bf and I kept up with nk even after they weren’t so popular and was almost 18 when face the music came out. By then, I was able to drive, go to concerts by myself, so I was really excited. I also loved (and still do) the bad boy look they had in 1994 and loved seeing them in smaller venues. My bf and I went to 4 shows that tour.

    The first show we went to we were able to meet them after the show as they left the venue. As a lot of you did, admit it, we dressed a little risque and got some attention. Being older and a bit more mature than we had been in the past, we had a bit less inhibition. We met several people with their crew/security at that show, so when we came to the next show, they remembered us and we ended up getting invited back to their hotel. My bf was determined to get with Donnie and although I had no intentions of doing anything, it was fun to actually go party with nk.

    When we got there, we met a guy in the lobby (I’m sorry I dont remember everyone’s names – faces yes) who took us up to their hotel suite and Donnie was the only one of them in there with a few other girls and guys. Donnie offered us drinks and we sat and talked for a while. Joe eventually showed up and he was really drunk (I don’t think I ever saw him sober) and we couldn’t understand him. We were just hanging out and getting to know people and I was sitting on a love seat by myself since my bf was practically in Donnie’s lap. Jordan ended up coming in with a bottle and a shot glass in his hand and sat down next to me. When he sat, he stared right at me and I back at him and he took a shot. He then poured another one and held the shot glass out to me. Of course I took it and like a giddy fan thought “I just drank out of the same glass as Jordan!” So yes, I love Jordan, I did then, I still do. I ended up saying the first thing to him like, “thanks (for the shot) I loved the show tonight” or something to that effect. He asked me some things about the show and what I liked and my name, things like that. It was very casual, Donnie would join in our conversation. Jordan probably took two or three more shots (and I’m sorry I don’t remember what it was) and then leaned over to me and said, “nice tits”. That surprised me, but I did only have on a bra top over a jacket. Just so you know, when someone like Jordan says something like this to you, you aren’t thinking in your right mind, no matter what you say you think you would do, you have no idea until you’re put in this situation.

    I don’t remember Jordan saying anything else to me, but then he stood up and held his hand out to me and said, “come with me”. He walked me over to the door and then opened the door and I followed. Yes, my heart was pounding, I had no idea what was going to happen, this was JK. I do know he looked so fine and that I was totally swept up by just being in his presence. We walked a few doors down and he led me into another room, which was his. I could not tell you what the room even looked like, I was watching him. He brought the bottle with him and poured himself and then me another shot and told me to sit on the bed. At that moment I got VERY nervous and felt like he would be able to see me shaking so I asked for another drink. Everything you can imagine, fantasize about Jordan, he is. I have never seen him so sexy as he was then. He sat down beside me and I was getting buzzed and he said something else about my breasts, I don’t know word for word, but about how big they were. He asked me to take off my jacket and I did. He grabbed one of my breasts, which also caught me off guard, and he just looked at me. I felt sort of stupid sitting there staring at him, but I couldn’t help it. He then asked me if I would give him a bj or if I’d like to give him a bj, something like that. I was like a robot to his requests but I couldn’t help myself. I was not a virgin at the time, I actually had a boyfriend at home, but I was not going to turn JK down. I did what he asked and he just pulled it out as he sat back on his elbows and I kneeled on the floor. You can figure out the rest. Yes, he used a condom and it took him a little while, but before the night was over I got the impression that I may not have been the only one who had been with him that night. We never kissed, didn’t take off any other clothes or anything. When it was over, he offered me another shot and he took one and I could tell he was drunk. He gave me a hug and we went back down to the room where we had been where my bf was really drunk and Donnie was laughing at her. We stayed for another hour or so and there were a lot of people in the suite and JK was dancing around but he started acting so crazy and he and Donnie were getting loud and obnoxious and pretended they were counting the women they had been with in the room. I didn’t drink anymore that night since my bf was so drunk and I had to drive us back to our hotel. When we decided to leave I said goodbye to JK and got another hug from him and that was it.

    I ended up seeing him again a few weeks later after another show, but JK never acted like he knew something had happened between us. I admit I would have liked to have been with him again, but the opportunity never came about and I have never asked him about it and still won’t to this day. The last show I was at in 1994, I was told by a friend of JK’s that Evelyn was his girlfriend so I sort of felt bad about what we had done, but I had no idea at the time. I was not ever a groupie, but I still have seen JK many times, but so far between that he never remembers my name, but sometimes gives me the impression that he knows my face.

    I hate to tell many of you this but this happened a lot on all their tours. I don’t know about now, I’ve been to some shows and got to seem them, but I personally would no way be open to doing things like this now. I don’t regret it, but I have grown up since then and I am a very intelligent and successful woman. This was like a teenage fantasy come true and I’m not ashamed to tell people it happened. Well except for JK, but I haven’t exactly been in a conversation with him where I could just go, “I’m Taylor, and remember I gave you a bj in 1994?”

    For the record, I also don’t have dark hair and I am not Latino. Another thing, I also had always heard that JK did not have actual sex with girls on the road, only bjs and that he didn’t kiss anyone either. That he saved those things for the girl he was really serious with. I don’t know how much that says for me, but I still don’t care, I never expected JK to fall in love with me, I was just glad to be in his presence.


  685. KP
    I accept your apology but I still can’t imagine a criminal profiler using so-called statistics to bash people…. idk maybe its me smh

    And I still think you are a liar …how likely is it that there are 2 women in the same discussion with the same name AND the same AVATAR (which is probable linked to email address) and o yeah at the same time ?????Come on now!
    The “other “ KP (remember the one with the same avatar as you) stated on October 12 that she had a lovely night at the LAX afterparty and that story resembles (TO THE DETAIL!!) a story told by “another” blonde/white Brazilian girl (coincidence?) on the official messageboard. Only difference = what you do for a living. O wait her name starts with a K too ?!?

    You are so fu……you know what I’m growing tired off this BS let me just leave it at that AND hope no one takes what you have to say to serious because YOU LIE AND STILL DID NOT BRING US DETAILS ON JK S SUPOSSED CHEATING (which you are so eager to prove). I don’t have any juicy stories and will therefore shut up as of now and go back to lurking again.
    Carry on

  686. Sandra_UK- Girl, do your thing! When we say trashy, it means “leaving nothing for the imagination of what’s underneath cuz its all out there for you to see it!! I cant believe how some of these women dress! Its like the borrowed their 4 year old daughters dress to wear to the show!! There is hardly any material and so tight you have to cut it to take it off! LOL! I like to dress sexy, but CLASSY sexy ya know? And I wouldnt listen to anyone about what you do with your money! If you wanna go to 10 shows, then do it! Shit, If I could afford to take the trip to the UKin January I would meet up with you nd do a road trip over there! I am jealous and its sooo much fun! I love to watch the guys perform and I love everything about it up to the moment they hit the stage!! Tell us all about it!!

    E- your very welcome and good luck!! And I also want to hear from coco!

    Dirtydawg- I couldnt agree with you more!

    KP- girl! I heard about Joe too! His wife found something out that he did, I wish I knew more! I didnt realize he wasn’t wearing his ring though! I need to pay closer attention to those details!! I think I know of someone that is doing something with him, she is on the NKOTB boards but I am not sure, b/c I feel like if she was, she wouldnt be posting comments and saying things like she is! I am really confused about her! I am dying to get the Low down on her! I just dont think Joe would allow that shit on the site over there though, and I am surprised that she hasnt been kickeed off for saying the things that she has!! (They do lurk around on that site alot!!) She looks really young but I guess that doesnt mean anything! And she has a riend that is also making it sound like she is having a fling with Jordan too! hmmm… How convenient right???

  687. I think that whoever had a recent encounter with J, would NEVER post it here. I think that if you are a friend or a neighbor, you would NEVER post it here. Where is your loyalty?
    If I had hooked up with Jordan, I’d be quiet as a mouse and no one would know. The man is married, it’s not cool to flaunt…you know what I mean? It looks bad for him, who exposed his wife and for the person in question, who will be called all kinds of “flattering” names.

  688. Keep the dirt coming KP!!! Are the gf’s just girls they are hanging out with or actual legit relationships? What do the girls look like? I am just trying to get a feel for what they go for. I def want to hear more about this Joey situation too!

  689. Thanks INTHEKNOW, don’t worry I’m not expecting anything but a good show….but wouldn’t turn down….okay I’ll stop. however, you’ve just made us all more curious about who you are….give us something. Damn!

    DirtyDawg, I agree 100%. Keep the stories coming!!!

  690. OK, I know I said I was going to post again, but I had a thought today when I was driving in my car listening to JK?NKOTB music. Any of you ladies who had a hook up with JK- was there any music being played?? If so, what was it?

  691. I have been enjoying the stories here. Been lirking for a few days. Especially the ones that are clearly “fictional”.
    KP! One question: how could there be 2 KPs when in signing up, you cannot duplicate a Sign On??? It’s only YOU!!!!
    Your stories don’t add up!!

  692. Sassy: Thanks to you I now have that Luda song stuck in my head “I’ve got ho’s…I’ve got ho’s….in different area codes….area codes….Hooooo’s.” On the real though, I am not the intruder. I’m just someone who knows some things….that is all.

    IN THE KNOW—You got that song on your brain ’cause you know it’s true!;)
    So you’re not the “intruder”…Damn, I was so sure! 😦
    But you can still hook a sista up with a pass…..I’m not trying to be one of their ho’s……………not above the idea mind you……would just like to meet them.

  693. who are the girls that are saying they have a thing with joe and jordan? because a while ago I had seen two young girls on the official forum saying things like that… the one who supposely had something with joe was a blondie, and the one with jordan was a brunette! lol and to me it all sounded like bullshit, because they wouldn’t be so open about it… but still who knows… so what are they saying now? I’m still intrigued lol

  694. Amanda and for those of you who care, in case you didn’t see this post earlier.. cause nobody commented, and i thought it was interesting

    ALLIS – could you please clarify what you said about J supposely breaking up with his wife and was about to get a divorce? when exactly was this in 2005?

    OK isn’t anyone else wondering what happened with that “ohh someone told jordan about this site” lol it’s just amusing to know if he was told, nothing was done. LOL i just can’t over that.

  695. Sassy – you’re starting to sound like me. LOL

    Sasha – Road Trip in the UK! You’re welcome on my UK tour.

    Where is this Intruder? hmmmmmm

  696. Ok, did anyone else notice that Joey wasn’t wearing his wedding band on the American Music Awards last night? I know Jordan never wears his ring but I hadn’t seen Joe without his before. Once I heard about the rumors, I was specifically looking for the ring and didn’t see it…

    Alright, now back to Jordan! 😀

  697. Colleen- Apparently you are referring to me? What is your problem with me? It’s not like my story is much different from what a lot of others have shared. I don’t see how that makes me some crazy obsessed fanatic…

  698. I don’t have anything to contribute except for drool.
    I’ve never had so much fun lurking hahaha! This is terrible and so good!

  699. I saw a still pic of the guys sitting at the AMA’s and whether Joe cheated on his wife or not she was his date last night. and I really don’t see him being that stupid cheating while she is on tour with them. can someone post the links of these girls nkotb profiles so we can check them out or the links of these girls blabbing about hooking up with them on the official boards thanks

  700. Okay just want to apologize for my typos! LOL! My laptop keys are hoorible and I, of course, dont double check for errors when I send my comments thru! Anyway, just wanted to say, I noticed no ring last night either and I hear shes been MIA at a couple of shows since the big fight a couple weeks ago, has anyone seen her at any of the shows in the last 2 weeks?
    Amanda- yes these girls are def. young and Joe girl is blonde and JK girl is dark haired (how convenient!) I want to call them out so bad! But I dont know how! Joe girl is leaving comments on JK girl’s page making it sound like Joe has been texting her and she apparently was at Omaha, Denver and SLC shows and JK girl was @ St. louis show! But I didnt see them, I was at one of those shows and stayed at THE HOTEL, but it’s not like the guys would allow these girls to be hangin around in public if they were having something going on! And this Joe girl is kinda dumb b/c Barrett is EVERYWHERE! How could Joe be spending any time with her? When Barrett is sleeping? LOL! But who am I? It”s not like I know eerything and I didnt ask my inside guys about this situation anyway! Oh! BTW, my inside guy says that Knights have not participated in the Whore activities that Donnie and Danny like to partake in! He is a pretty honest guy and he doesnt have any reason to lie bout that! Cuz he has told me some dirt about the guys before! So….. Maybe Jordan wishes he was single, but maybe he really wants to try to make it work with wifey! And he is a smart man, why would he want to try to get involved with a fan or a slutty fan at that? It’s not like she is going to love him for him, she’ll be obviously drawn to him for his status, ya know?? And FYI– Evelyn is not ugly! She actually is really petite and cut now. Thjose pics were from back in the day and was after having a child, I think someone else commented on this previously, but I wanted to bring it up again! It just goes to show that Jordan isnt a pig and only likes the most beautiful types, he likes a WOMAN! No woman is perfect and if you are physically, there is sure to be something wrong with you emotionally or mentally, sorry! But no one is perfect! I am damn near, but not quite! (wink!;-} JUST KIDDING!)

  701. KR I noticed it! I was right there with ya! Wonder what’s going on there….if anyone knows, do tell!

    MsTaylorB good story. Thanks for sharing!!

    Ailis, you said that you were never a fan. Is that something that JK prefers when meeting or starting something with a girl?? I mean, almost everyone knows who he is. Or does he just not like the ones that burst into tears at the sight of him and stuff like that? Just wondering!

  702. KR-

    I didn’t get a chance to watch the entire AMA’s and so I watched it today and YES Joey WAS NOT wearing the wedding band. I also find it to be odd since he’s been sporting that thing like a cock ring! Just kidding! Someone earlier mentioned that it was moving through the grapevine that Joey got caught.

    Oh, their cheatin hearts! Nothing suprises me anymore…I just found out my best friend and her husband are splitting up. It’s almost like you’re no longer part of the norm if your marriage is strong.

  703. So…. Can 2 people have the same avatar? Same color and same geometric shape? i have noticed a couple of you with diff. sign on names, but same avatar. So weird!

  704. Ok this might be old news or whatever, but are they really having a summer tour or is that just a rumor? Also, what did you guys think of their performance on the AMA’s? I was soo nervous for them ..lol

  705. Sasha, you don’t have to say where, when, how, or why, but did jordan cheat at all on this tour, cuz I’m thinking no 4 sure.

  706. Hi Sandra UK, I have a feeling IN-THE-KNOW won’t be back for a while.

    Ailis–Thanks for your reply, feel free to tell us more. 😉

    TaylorB—THANKS for sharing your story. I think you touched on something one of the other girls mentioned about the boys having “big heads” when you said they were being obnoxious. How could they not be when they had everything at their disposal. You gave JK head while he was wearing a condom??? No wonder he took a while to cum.
    Someone said they say Barrett with Joe at the AMA’s

    Ok, are y’all talking about the blonde almost scary obsessed girl at the other board that brought them gifts?? I noticed she mentioned something and her buddies urged her to edit it out of her posts and they were all in disbelief.

  707. I worked the AMA’s. Joey was backstage with Barrett holding hands. She is a tiny little thing! He’s even more handsome up close and in person.

  708. OK im back ..again…yes….but only for this quick comment.

    if i get this right there are 13year old girls around that write BS on their page and you grown ass women decide to believe them???? Jesus please take the wheel!!

    Without any other prove whatsoever?? Or do you consider the fact that they attend a concert or 6 as prove??

    And the fact that Joe doesn’t wear his weddingband proves what exactly ??

    Are any of you nitwits married??? Newsflash..married folks have fights !!

    That the guys look at fans, sing to fans, hold a fans hand 4 a second, give backstagepasses to fans, point them out in a crowd or seem to recognize fans proves what again??

    I mean I love gossip but it has to be a least a little credible …don’t wanna be the partypooper but please give me some sh*t I can believe…

    Loved your story …thats what I call a believable and entertaining story.

    (both of you lmao) are your close friends/sources called newkidsnetwork.com, voy.com, jjb.com, imdb/messageboard.com yuku.forum.com etc. LMFOA

    OK ok lol I will stop now Im being hard on your ass lol im gonna bury the hatchet…but just be real ma be real (and awnser all of my quistions).


    Ps maybe im the Intruder *wink wink*bwahaha

  709. I love hearing the stories!! I want to know the joey story too!! Thanks for sharing your story Jessica M. I do not think that you are some obessed fan. If I was in your position I sure would have done the same thing. Damn, I wish I had a chance. You do not have to defend yourself to anyone. People are just jealous. If anyone of them got the chance they would do the same thing. I know this is off topic but is Danny bringing a girl on tour wit him. I know he was been photographed with a brunette a couple of different times.

  710. thank you Sasha!did the brunette changed her username? because I used to be able to find her but I can’t anymore… can you post the links to their pages?

  711. Did anyone see 2 girls sitting in the sound board area in Charlotte? Just wondering if anyone knew who they were?

  712. omg i barely read ne posts and it seems there are some huge catfights in here its hilarious…neways i just thought i drop in and tell u guys that my bff hooked up with jordan in 07 in HER car haha and she had just turned 20! yeah ladies i guess he likes em young she didnt even know who he was when she started talking to him she doesnt know new kids at all i had to tell her how famous he was..so yeah she told me it was the roughest sex shes ever had:o her one and only one night stand with jordan knight whata bitch right? p.s shes not latina but shes is a 5″11 brunette..have a nice night! feel free so talk ur shit because i probably wont be back lol

  713. Okay Sasha, it looks like you are becoming my NKOTB mentor! lol! Thank you for being sweet and helpful, and I’m apologizing in advance for being annoying. 🙂 I’m acting like I’m 10 again and still think that I could have a chance ending up with one of the guys, like most of us.

    A comment you made earlier about JK being a smart guy and why would he get with a fan. Well, what if there is a girl out there for him who could be the one? Not saying it’s me, but…. 🙂 Anyway, for most of us the only way to actually meet them is to come across as a fan, in a meet and greet or a concert, unless you come across him or the others just by accident, (not very likely, but could happen since I’ll be in Boston in the spring visiting my cousin.) So it seems like a double edged sword, since to meet them you have to be the fan, but that’s not necessarily what they want in a girl. Does that make any sense? So what’s a girl to do? And I do realize how I sound. I’ve sounded this way since they have come back! lol

  714. Sasha,

    you were right….the majority of those chicks on the main forum are a bunch of lames! They are so obsessed with NKOTB being perfect that if anybody says anything thats not a glowing review or statement they get all defensive like mothers or jealous girlfriends…lol People don’t even say anything negative about the guys to cause such a reaction and anyone that has less than an earth-shattering positive encounter or comment about any of the guys gets raked over the coals! Everybody who likes NKOTB is not a crazy obsessed over-protective fanatic!!!!!! I just want to yell GET A LIFE, THEY DON’T WANT NONE OF YALL!!!!!!!! The guys don’t make me feel like a kid again, I see Jordan Knight and feel like a 25 yr. old GROWN ASS WOMAN!!!!!!!!! Am I the only one? Ladies please feel me on this! Everybody Stop being so sensitive!!!!!

    *okay just had to get that off my chest…I digress 🙂

  715. Sassy – SLC is Salt Lake City.
    Sasha – I have a friend who’s a Joe girl, totally obsessed, so she knows all kinds of dirt! I don’t think this girl on the board, whoever she is, is telling the truth. It’s too convenient she is dating Joe and her friend is dating Jordan….the men are MARRIED! You don’t “date”, you’re the mistress LOLOL

    Nosy A – NO. They do not do the msg boards thing. ALSO, I didn’t bash anyone but maybe you can’t understand that much. I think you are the one who’s full of it and trying to pick up a fight or “uncover” some conspiracy – which is BS! I already said it but I’ll say it again. I would not post my experiences on the board – any board or blog. I’m not stupid, there is always some catty girl out there to read it. I would have answered your questions, ALLLL of them, had you not been so rude. Now, I won’t.

    We are here to find out dirt and gossip on the guys and not turn on each other.
    ….and I thought you were going to leave?

  716. Bree – LMAO, I agree! I also feel like yelling “I see Jordan Knight and feel like a 31 year old grown ass woman!!!!
    They need to chill!!!

  717. I was at the Charlotte show too… And I saw the girls in the booth…. Security kept coming to check on them and my friends saw them going backstage…. Could be gfs?? Idk… Does anyone else??

  718. Just a thought here… if Barrett had caught Joe cheating she’d be the one not wearing the ring. Joe on the other hand would be bending backwards to make things right.
    He has a beautiful baby with her and last time I checked he couldn’t be more in love with her if he tried.
    i think him not wearing his wedding ring means nothing. There could be a million perfectly good explanations for it, it’s just silly to speculate.
    I can, of course, be wrong, but I do not see them breaking up anytime soon

  719. I wanted to add that I don’t believe what those young girls are saying (about hooking up with them) but still it’s entertaining to read….
    to natasha… if your friend hooked up with jordan why are you so defensive saying you’re not coming back, im sure you’re reading this anyway… ! I tend to believe “ALMOST” every story about jordan cuz he’s such a player lol but in that case I’m sure it’s not true, because why saying you’re not coming back and stuff… that’s just dumb…!

  720. Ok…to clarify a few things about ALERT..YES I posted as Alert, and I had a good reason. Wanted to get your attention. Smart detectives LADIES!

    Yes, Jordan was notified about this board- he was also ASKED NOT to shut down the board-for the fans sake.

    I HONESTLY believe J has been on the board…checking out whats being said & how malicious this is to his reputation & family. I feel that perhaps after assessing the situation, he has moved on…He’s clearly a good man who loves his family & is very protective of them.

    Lastly, he was ASKED for OUR ENJOYMENT to post something for the fans, to know that it was him….Thats why ALERT was trying to ensure you were all at full attention.

    So, J’s moved on-to finish the tour, to come home & perhaps make a TWIX commercial! No news about the Summer tour. If touring is tearing up their family lives, I have a strong feeling it might not happen. There is talk of a 2nd album- Perhaps that might happen first.

    Or perhaps a ‘STRANGER’ might give us some insight…

  721. lol. he was told for the fan’s sake to not shut down the board,
    for the fans’ sake? LOL i would think he would choose to shut it down for his “FAMILY sake” Maybe he was told about it, i have no doubt, could have been that girl who was on here saying she was with him and she that he was never happy about marrying E, and that she still was in touch with him. I’m sure she’s one of the intruders herself who said she would never post again. But for him to actually come on here and read it? i highly doubt it. ALso if you guys remember, the old jk.com messageboard, it was shut down for the very reason that people were talking about E and, if i remember correctly when some people started gossip about that girl M being at his concerts etc.

  722. I prefer not to enter into the cattiness, but someone asked about a condom with JK and to be frank, I was not sticking that thing in my mouth without one! I had heard enough by then that I definitely did not want to catch anything, I had no idea where he had been! JK was worth it, but not enough to catch herpes or some disgusting thing like that! (Not that I’m saying he has herpes, but you know what I mean!)

    Doesn’t anyone else have things to share from the 90’s? All the stuff now I really don’t care about. I know there were plenty of girls with stories, where are they? I guess they maybe have moved on to someone else?

  723. I have an inside source that KNOWS when he was alerted, he responded within a few hours & the “STRANGER” began posting on the board! The ‘source’ asked for the fans sake of ‘fantasty’ to keep the board alive. Also he knows that if this board remains open, he can monitor it or have someone do that…if it closes-he its hard to ‘find’ some of these sites…. just a thought. If anything…I think it was very cool of him to keep this going. Props to him.

  724. FYI. m’s comments on j’s myspace back on the last comment page. lol wonder what the comments are being moved like that, and yet no new comments or friend requests are being accepeted.

  725. Nurse4change- do you really think we are buying that Jordan posted on a board “for the fans sake” when most people have been less then kind to his wife??? Give it up!

  726. Please tell Jordan thanks for allowing us the privilege to talk about him. LOL I like that he was “alerted.” Does he have a red phone on the bus? LOL

  727. I just went to the nkotb concert on november 22 at the tacoma dome. For those fans that has had a chance to go backstage, how did you guys score backstage passes? Jordan is my favorite, it does seem as though he flirts alot but thats part of show bussiness.

  728. oh i also wanted to add that my man is latino, so i can probably relate to jordans situation. my man is hot headed and yes we argue, but at the end i really do love him. Also for those mothers out there, you know that kids can put stress on a relationship.

  729. Does Jordan know? Does Jordan post? Is Stranger, or Alert, or InTheKnow a new kid or someone from the camp? YAWN. YAWN. YAWN. Who the fuck cares????

    Moving on, I heard Joe doesn’t wear his wedding ring because his fingers swell on stage. I don’t buy into to that.

    I would like to hear more stories. Jordan stories, Joe stories, Donnie stories, Danny stories, Jon stories. Something anything besides petty drama of who posted with which avatar and who told who in which camp about whatever…….Bring on the Blowjob talk or go home. hahaha

  730. I know this may sound silly but I hope this isn’t discouraging to him. I think we can all agree he’s done a good job of establishing himself as a delicious handsome sex fiend and has a part in it but say all of the more recent stories are phony baloney…not judging anyone b/c they’re all very good reads but man, if I were him I wouldn’t be so thrilled to continue meeting fans, etc. . I guess I’m just a paranoid person…I’d always be wondering which ones were making up stories, talking about my family, etc. !!!

    re: the girls at the soundboard, you never know…my ex-husband was an engineer, it wasn’t unusual for him to have my sister and I sit with him and if we really liked the performer, to be taken back to meet them, have dinner or drinks with them afterward and it was always just that, nothing more. 😉

  731. ***I just found a link to Omaha newspaper that stated JON said that the NK will be touring Asia, Austrailia, Canada & the US again NEXT YR into the summer. Amitheaters & outdoor venues.

    SAVE YOUR $$ LADIES!!! NK are BACK for 09′!!!

  732. NATASHA9– More details please…define “rough sex”.
    BTW, we never had cat-fights until the others showed up last week to cause dissension so ignore them.

    TAYLORB.–I asked about the condom and I agree…there has to be more girls with old stories. These recent ones are kinda boring (with the exception of Natasha9’s BFF). There was no INTERNET back in the day so they would have to be careful…if they are doing anything.

    About Joe and the ring…if you look at the arrival photos I see a hint of gold. Maybe they’re really serious about being “single on stage”.

    Again ladies……………IGNORE the cattiness! 😉

  733. Here’s an idea:

    Go read Twilight and fantasize about your perfect idea of a man instead of actually knowing one.

  734. Hey just a feww things
    Nosy A- i agree with the majority of the things you said, BUT! Joe ALWAYS has his ring on! That is why its so weird! And his wife is ALWAYS out and around the venues walking the dog and Griffin, and since their fight, these things have changed so Its very odd to me, that’s all! But other than that, you do tell it like you see it! LOL!Its just fun to hear dirt on them (true or not) In a sick twisted way, because we adore them so much, its almost (therapeutic for me anyway!) to hear the dirt, proves how real they are! And the damn NKOTB board girls put them on a pedastal and make them sound like saints, but none of them even know the boys, most havent met them and if they have, it was a NK/Fan moment, nothing real if ya know what I mean?

    Angel eyes- My source says he has NOT cheated, but who knows? Jordan is a very private man these days and Im sure he is smart enough to do it discreetly (if he wanted to that is!)
    and E, Like I said, I think it doesnt really matter if your a fan or not (to some extent) I used to think they didnt want the typical fan too!! But shit if you got it, you got it! I think if they feel some kind of connection that they can’t ignore, they WILL go after you! I mean, look at how many girls/women they see and how many of them flaunt and throw themselves at them, I think MOST of the guys really have to feel some kind of incredible magnetism to you before they would act upon an attractive woman ya know what I mean?? I am sure they were burned in more ways than one from their slutty, whorish days! LOL! Remember the interview regarding the crabs that were spread all on the bus? LOL!! Im sure there were more diseases (uckk…) So I hope they have learned their lesson! Donnie may not have, but Im hoping the other guys have! LOL!
    So, who knows? I personally challenge anyone who wants to brag and say they have done him on this tour, to bring it! Let me just say, If you are involved with any of these guys, you WOULD know NOT to say anything and You wouldn’t really want to post it online to a bunch of jealous women! That is the real deal! I would read it and enjoy( if it sounded legit though!) kind of my guilty pleasure, ;-}
    You know what funny, NO ONE who has said they had an encounter with any of them has posted anything since the suspiscion of an “INTRUDER” was said! Hmmm.. interesting ladies!! I say, bring the dirt, If you had a previous encounter and your dying to tell someone, do it!! It hasnt stopped anyone before!!
    Speaking of which,
    Amanda here is the kink of the “Supposed” girls who are having something with the guys, you gotta read the comments on each others pages and see where they are trying to be secretive but NOT secretive! They want people to know, otherwise they’d CALL each other or PM each other instead! They are so stupid!! there were more crazy comments and blogs, and had pics up that had blurred faces of what was supposed to be Jordan, and someone busted her out and she got kicked off, so now her page is empty, the blonde also tried to do it, but she took hers down! LOL!
    here is her link:

    (crazyblonde? LOL! She sure is!)

    and Jordan girl:

    Bree- arent some of them sickening? makes me throw up in mouth a little bit! LOL!

  735. not a crazy obsessed or jealous fan, and no i don’t think that the guys are perfect but i do feel at times i need to defend them. I have no idea of what they do, and i don’t know any of them on a personal level but what i do know is that they indirectly have made a huge impact on my life past and present and i will be forever grateful. I love Jordan in a way i’ve never really been able to understand and i wish him happiness no matter what. And man they all look amazing out there and I love them for doing this again.

  736. I went to the concert in SLC and there are no back stage passes. This is not the fucking 5th grade anymore. If you have the luxury of seeing them in the back of the arena then I suggest you charge and get a ticket after all Jordan Knight is worth it. PS Maybe all the rumors are true prehaps he is gay, or at least his brother Jon. I love Jordan like the next guy, but the only one that seems to want in this thing is Donnie, and yes I would blow Donnie as well.

  737. Yay! My best friend went to the last show with me but mostly so I wouldn’t have to go alone, she’s really not a fan. I need to meet some nice JK girls so I can splurge on good tickets next time around without feeling like a dummy.

  738. So Sandra_UK- I just went and looked at my pics for the shows I went to, and You are right! He isnt wearing his ring, so the swelling fingers makes sense! Sorry Joe! Guess many of us are wishful thinking!! damn!! And
    Nurse4change-No offense, but how come all of sudden you have inside sources and know so much bout what is going down, but you didn’t before? I am only asking, not accusing you of anything!! But before, you were gossiping about him and now you are backing him up (kind of anyway!! ) Anyway, like I said, not trying to start shit with you, I was just curious!! K, Ineed to stop coming back to this site taking MINI breaks! LOL!! I need to get a life! LOL!! I have one, but its too busy and stressful and that is why I escape here!! ;-}

  739. OK, no more asking about the kids.

    I like that Jordan is protective of them. It’s already difficult for any parent of today to protect their children from the media epidemic . And all the more difficult it would be to have to rationalise fame and scandalous rumours to a young child. Hmmm..I almost wanna apologise for asking.

    My heart melted when I saw the video of Jordan and his Twix bar. Can he be any less adorable???

    Now, I have to go and find an equivalent of Jordan Knight to fulfil MY dreams!

  740. i don’t think joe was wearing his ring earlier either in the shows. they let people grab their hands and get mobbed on a daily basis – i think it’s more practical than we’d like to imagine – i.e. if you had thousands of crazy people who wanted a piece of you grabbing your hand everyday, you might worry about losing your ring. i would. it’s not juicy, but i think i have to burst the bubble on this one. not saying he did or didn’t cheat, just saying there are plenty of other logical reasons for not wearing a ring, ‘specially in their situations…

  741. Rebecca, what video of jordan with a twix bar? can you link it?
    guys – you really think ‘stranger’ was jordan?

  742. I have a few ideas of what a poster wayyy up there was referring to as far as the two things you would know if you were intimate with JK:

    possibly he’s not circumsised…
    possibly his thingy is crooked/bent…lol
    possibly he has only one testicle….

    Just throwing somethings out there. teehee

  743. OMFG, Anastasia Beaverhausen, that was absolutely hilarious! I’m still laughing. And you may be onto something… Or maybe it’s a crazy birthmark or third nipple?

    Jordan: If you really are lurking here, will you please let us know what those two things are? The curiosity is killing me! I’m PRAYING it doesn’t involve IBS! lol

  744. fyi. m’s comment is now back on the last page of his myspace comments.. AT THE TOP again..! lol..someone make some sense of this and tell me what the reason could be?

    Also, I don’t want to say to much on it, but I was the one who contacted someone who knew her and recently she responded to my message on myspace. I am almost sure now that maybe he saw her differently than other “groupies” fans, by what this person told me, which id rather not share on here. But one of the things she said was that M did get backstages passes that the dc show. The guy that brought them to her said J sent them. She did go back but did not make it inside to see him, cause the buses began to leave. Supposely the same guy came to her while she was waiting in the room and said he would be back to get her.. and never came back.
    I just thought id share that part. It seems to me that he cares in some way for this girl. I just thing the somment thing is a little odd too.

  745. OMG Anastasia, maybe thats why he isn’t getting as much action these days. His man parts are about to fall off from all the abuse. LOL

  746. Or a giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiant birthmark? hehehe.
    She made it sound like it’s something he has to reveal or warn you about or something…doesn’t sound too lovely!
    It’s okay, I don’t mind inspecting, I’m a privates detective…totally qualified.

  747. WHOA! I’ve been reading this from the beginning, but it’s my first time writing.
    I tell ya, this has been a blast. I don’t just mean this blog, I mean the whole New Kids experience. No, I don’t feel “like a little girl again,” I’m definitely a woman, but I’m screaming these days like a 12 year old!
    I have never had a chance to be intimate with any of the guys, but I have met Jordan (a few years ago)…He was drunk or something, but pleasant…and beautiful! Let’s hear more stories! No more petty shit…no more arguments…life is too short.
    I think we need to all just take a break, go back a bit, and notice how far we’ve all come as fans, women, and just people. Jordan and the guys honestly made me who I am today, and I’m thankful for that.
    What’s the TWIX talk about?
    Anastasia Beaverhausen…I think you’re on the right track; those were my thoughts, too! heeha!

  748. one testicle lmao@that…
    the bent thing I’ve heard it before!!
    he said on a tv show (the reality show from the uk I think) he’s circumsided!

  749. InTheKnow – Nay, BatSignal, really? really? I think someone’s trying really hard to be the “intruder” If you’re InTheKnow then tell us what these two things are that we would know………….

    I think it’s a piercing or a tattoo maybe a batman tattoo? Aye?

  750. Once again, thanks Sasha!! 🙂 Hopefully I have “the right stuff”! lol I’m a dork.

    Anyway, ladies, I’m not sure what is going on with the Joe ring situation, but when I saw them in concert a couple weeks ago, he WAS wearing it during the show. I checked on purpose, before I even knew about this board. So if anyone knows anything, please share it! Along with any other stories of course. I’d like to hear some stuff about the other guys, too, if anyone has any stories.

    Also, I’d like to wish everyone on here and safe and Happy Thanksgiving!! Just cause it’s a holiday doesn’t mean you can’t get on the computer! lol

  751. lol you girls are crazy. Ive just been reading and not posting much, but about Jordan being gay. Honestly maybe it’s Jon who is gay but I almost always wondered if anyone from the group were gay it would have been Jordan. Just they way he was back in the day, with the hair, clothes, gestures.. i see it sometimes now too. lol Jon don’t even act gay lol but whatever.

  752. Sandra_UK
    InTheKnow – Nay, BatSignal, really? really? I think someone’s trying really hard to be the “intruder”

    Yeah, these girls are trying REAALLLLYY hard! 🙂

    For everyone who celebrates it….HAVE A SAFE THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!

  753. Oh. a piercing or a tattoo, those two things actually do not sound that unrealistic to me. I bet you’re right Sandra.

  754. we NEEEEEEEEEED to know!!! This is like REALLY important. You’re torturing us!! Hahaha.
    Really though, pretty please? I have a life and stuff but really, these things make us feel better.
    And I don’t know if any of you girls have had similar experiences but let me just say, I get made fun of daily by a very negative friend of mine for always finding a way to work NKOTB or Jordan into a conversation the last couple months! Yes, I’m a little obsessed all over again but I’m effected by the same crap economy, same grown-up mommy duties, serious issues that this girl bitches to me about for *hours* on end…instead of letting it wear me out and making my friends not want to answer when I call them, I talk about something that makes me smile!
    I did have moments of feeling 12 again at the concert (til jordan’s shirt came of) but I am just so so grateful for their returning at a time when we can all use a little diversion from everyday stuff!

  755. Sandra_UK: I’ve already said that I am NOT the intruder. I just know things. Things that I’m NOT going to share here. Especially those “two things.”

  756. all you ladies are so funny, i enjoyed all your stories. the other boards are great, but this one is juicy!!!! i spent like 2hrs last night catching up on the comments and stories (i stayed up too late doing it)!!!! I have never met Jordan yet, but he has always been my favorite since ’88/’89. He’s such a hot sexy man! Do you ladies really think that Donnie and Jordan dropped by to post and read this regularly. if true, that’s cool and funny too. keep up the great job, and i want more juicy stories from back in the day!!!

  757. To All My Girlfriends In Jordan Cyberspace…. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!!!! Yes its Thanksgiving and I’m on this site… Ahh will it ever end? Will this crush ever go away? I’m soo thankful that I’m not alone with my Jordan feelings. I feel like I have friends all over this world… haha. Have a GREAT THANKSGIVING!!!



  759. This site is so hilarious. I can’t believe I just found it.

    I was picked out for a New Kid myself and several of the stories here are very familiar, especially Jessica’s. However, there’s also quite a lot of BS here. In addition to the obvious fan fiction I think a few people here are genuinely delusional. Which is not a surprise in the world of New Kids fans is it?

    I am sure we can all be responsible for separating the truth from the BS ourselves. In the meantime I have a few things to add:

    It’s bullshit to preach at people for posting these stories because of “the children”. Maybe Jordan, Donnie and Joe should have thought about their children when they were doing these things, if they didn’t want them posted on the internet. It’s not automatically the woman’s fault people. These guys are responsible for their actions and their effect on their children more than the girls they pick up.

    Do you really think Jordan or Donnie would come post on a little internet blog like this? Or even care enough to read thru all 900-something of these posts? They don’t give a shit. Also they are on a totally grueling tour right now. Get real.

    Joe would cheat on Barrett in a minute. Believe it. Why do you think she is at every single concert, in the audience and backstage? But do you really think this has happened? If he has somehow found a way to screw around on her with her glued to his arm 24/7 in every single city he must be VERY talented. He may love her. But also believe that her being there and raining on his parade right now is pissing him off. She won’t keep him off the other blondes forever.

    Jordan and Donnie and Dannie are giant whores. Marriage is not going to change those guys. Joe is a medium sized whore, well, except where it counts, down there he is, as you have read already, jumbo sized. Saying any of these guys are totally devoted and faithful to their wives is ridiculous and anyone who says this has never been around them in real life.

    Jon is gay. Accept it people. He’s practically out now and will be officially out someday soon so start getting used to it.

    Jordan and Danny like a little flavor. Joe does not. Donnie will fuck anything, and I do mean anything.

    That’s my contribution. Carry on, love the stories!

  760. Hi ladies,
    okay so here I am ready to post some juicy tit bits on this blog….and well, when you get a phone call from the USA to the Middle East…then you know something crazzzzy is happening. Co-inckidinky…I dont think so. I so much wanted to let you ladies know the real scoop.
    All I am saying is that this board is getting hot and it gets read…amongst others…on occassion so for now I am going to lay low. I dont want to make any waves already Mr & Mrs Mac are having tiffs….I”m not saying its the stories flying around it could be a contributing factor. It is H-O-T!!! so for now I am going to C-H-I-L-L….
    Oh by the way a possible tour next summer is emminent.

  761. Sissy-
    I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. I too get made fun of at work because I always find a way to talk about Jordan and the group. I am so happy they are back too!

    I want to hear more stories, old stories that is! I like to look at the world through rose colored glasses and think Jordan is faithful!!! 🙂

  762. ICICLE—If you’ve read the posts then you should know you can’t come on here with a story and not share it!

    You said you were “picked for a New Kid”(perhaps Joey?)…………well SPILL IT girl! 🙂

    And I agree with you most of your post.

  763. I’d hate to see this tour rock a happy marriage (Joe).
    Being too close or distant can tarnish a solid foundation.
    I hope they work things out…they seemed SO in love at the beginning of the tour. And with that beautiful baby…Good luck Joe!

    InTheKnow…glad you’re still around ‘KNOWING’ & posting! 🙂

  764. Like quite a few others, I have been reading for sometime now! I know it’s wrong but this blog has had me laughing ever since. Funny what googling can do. Anyhow…

    Icicle, you sound like you know somethings… do tell !

    I have not got anything to share because I ain’t a super over fanatic who follows the New Kids everywhere. I just wanted to see pics of Jordan’s wife and ended up here.

    How amusing..

  765. I think I have an idea about one of the 2 things…well apparently he has a tattoo down below near his man rod. The tattoo is just above his privates and it is a homage to the New Kids. The tatto is an arrow pointing downwards next to the word ‘NKOTB’, only there is no ‘T’ and the ‘K’ and ‘N’ are swopped around


  766. i’ve been reading this forum for awhile and just felt like posting now. i agree, i think we all can tell which stories are real and which aren’t, but i have to say, icicle, some things you said are true, but some aren’t. there may have been infidelity in danny’s marriage, but not in donnie’s. if he’s “whoring” around now, well then whatever, he’s single! more power to him! and i know for a fact donnie and danny do NOT read any of this stuff. as for the 3 J’s i couldn’t tell ya for sure. i have seen some pics of some of the women donnie has “made out” with and good lawd! just as long as he wraps it up while he’s spreading his love around. but i love that man with all my heart. well thats just my 2 cents. hope everyone had a nice thanksgiving and didn’t spend too much money shopping!

  767. Hey everyone!! the stories are so great!! I want more!! I was looking at videos on youtube and found this one!!It is an interview that Jordan, Joey and Donnie did!! They are really flirting with the interviewer and Donnie KISSES her!! Wow!! I wish I was her!! I thought you guys would want to see it for yourself!!

  768. I’ve spent a couple hours now skimming this page and I just wanted to add a few things. Considering I am the product of a musician (not famous), I knew from a young age how this all works. My father loved my mother, but it never stopped him from cheating. It’s the way of the road. There is just too much temptation out there. By NO MEANS does that imply they aren’t in love with their wives or girlfriends. It’s just the temptation is too strong and hot women are readily available. Most musician’s wives/girlfriends know this and accept it, as long as they eventually come home to them and their family. And it doesn’t mean these are bad people either, and unless any of us were in their shoes, we shouldn’t judge.
    Now I have not had a sexual experience with any of the New Kids, but I could have had one with Donnie. It was implied, numbers were exchanged, but timing was off. And guess what…I’m a chubby white brunette! This was in ’98 and ’99 and now at the meet and greet I went to a few weeks ago, he of course had no recollection of me and didn’t give me a second glance. (though ironically, I look better now than I did 10 years ago lol)
    I have, however, had several sexual experiences with a member of another boyband and all I can say is these stories sound familiar. Lack of kissing, only wanting blow jobs. It seems its the boybanders way to get off across the board! But one thing you have to remember is where you stand.
    I know several girls who have been with a few of the NK’s, one who Joe also made cry because she couldn’t blow his huge member like he wanted. The stories all sound familiar and honestly, unless these girls posting their encounters here say the guys wanted to continue to have relationships with them and such, I believe them. Surefire way to find a fan fiction…the guy falls for the girl and is mister perfect. I don’t see that happening here which makes me believe most of the posts.
    First and foremost, these are hot talented men with money. They’ll get some ass if they want it.

  769. I’ve never heard of UT being talked about so much esp in regard to NKs. Like anything would happen in SLC, Utah… come on. If anything did, I guess it could’ve been between an order of Cracker Barrel biscuits and gravy.

  770. This board just gets better. Thank you ladies for posting stories and leaving all the drama behind. So Jordan Danny and Donnie are whores. Fantastic because they are my faves.
    Yes I get made fun of at work and stuff for my “obsession” but whatever I have lots of fun.
    Hope you all had a good holiday.

    I don’t know if I believe that they read this. I think that’s just wishful thinking. They don’t have time, and I don’t think Jordan is that um technically – savvy lol

  771. I love this place! I try to catch up on the gossip everyday, but I am dissappointed there has been nothing today! 😦 Has any GIRL ever been with Jon that anyone knows of? Is this really his bf?


    Jessica, I believe you with all of my heart because my friend was very close to Joe and told me similar stuff. This stuff has literally ripped my heart out, but I’d rather be in-the-know than a follower of a bunch of male whores.

    I am so dissappointed in these men, except Jon. I am kinda homophobic, but Jon’s homosexuality doesn’t upset me. It’s the premiscuousness (if that’s even a word) that upsets me the most, and the lack of loyalty they are showing their wives. I hate to think of Robo throwing girls at these boys like they’re sweat rags. I can honestly say, when I was a fan (like a week ago before I read this) I PROMISE you all this, I would NOT have slept with them, but I do have a really low sex drive. I have always wanted to meet them, not f*** them. Just to say hi to the boys that got me through the obstacles of adolescence. Now that’s been tainted, and I am crushed.

    As for Barrett and Joe: I hope he’s changed, really. They have this beautiful baby and WE ALL have one shot at this life, let’s do it right. I hope she continues to watch him like a hawk to hold him to their wedding vows. I really would hate to think he is as much of a whore as Jordan. I am in my thirties, am a mom, was married for seven years, I left him two years ago because we weren’t happy (short version). I know married life is full of temptation. Enter into that millions of fans just asking for it, that’s tough. (Don’t get me started on the “ideal-girl-seekers” at their concerts, I guess I’m lucky because I am a caucasian brunette with no sex drive)…

    As for Jordan, you can just tell he’s a head case. He has a look in his eyes, he acts like he’s slow, he lost his sparkle, and he looks like he is on something, along with the alcohol.

    Danny looks like a freakin’ wife beater, and Donnie has never been appealing to me…

    So, there is my two cents, I would love to hear more stories!

  772. One last thing: I finally finished this blog, it took me days of interrupted time here and there, but VOILA! InTheKnow is one of the guys. Goodnight.

  773. Jon don’t even act gay lol but whatever.


    And how do gay men act exactly? You mean like kissing other men? Because I’ve seen Jon do that. Quite a few people have seen Jon do that as he’s done it in public places more than once.

  774. LOL! Just a ‘little’ flavor, Icicle? And I already knew about Donnie being more open. I totally got that from him. I just wish I would have/could have acted on it…maybe next time!

  775. I am new here, I think this place is shi*t. A had a fight earlier on the NK board. The did not want to believe Jon is gay. I almost got eaten by one chick. Im like whatever.

  776. I am new here, I think this place is the bomb. A had a fight earlier on the NK board. The did not want to believe Jon is gay. I almost got eaten by one chick. Im like whatever.

  777. OKAY…I saw the links to the pages on the main community forum where the blonde/brunette are supposedly sleeping with Joe/Jordan, getting texts whatever……All I have to say is, if they are sleeping with Joe/Jordan why would they leave messages and blogs publicly that make them sound like school girls and sideline hoes???

    To quote InTheKnow,

    “Don’t you Bitches know the way of the road?! Silence is golden!”

    Clearly they just don’t get it! Some chics cannot understand that you are just the SIDELINE! When the starting lineup is acting up/unavailable or injured that’s when your ass gets pulled off the bench! Sad Christmas music and clever screen names will NOT make him want you any more! SEX IS SEX!!!! Enjoy it! Do it! Embrace it! Be safe about it! and when it’s over, Remember it and LET IT GO!

    The problem ladies is that we are not built for this. We like relationships and phone calls, text messages and everything that comes with having a man so most of us who say we can handle a casual fling with no strings attached ARE LYING!!!!!

    Please Believe if I ever met Jordan Knight and thought he gave a damn about where it hurt??? Oh, I’d tell him where to kiss it! And not one person would ever hear about it! lol That’s just me! We are not all the same!

    Stay true to reality ladies……Anything else will just leave you heartbroken 🙂 Not trying to be harsh with words, just keeping it all the way real. RELAX. RELATE. RELEASE!

  778. P.S. My comment was directed strictly to the dilusional, and the two girls that are currently claiming to be with JOE/JORDAN. All of my sane, real girls who just like to have fun…please continue! 😉

  779. yes jon is gay…get over it…his boyfriend is HOT! like ridiculously good looking…the boy has good taste!

  780. Ok! Enough of Jordan and his sex flings! They all Do they are human RIGHT!!!!! Any Dirty lil stories on Danny??? Who is that chic from the LAX afterparty????

  781. Of course Jon is gay. The first time around on tour he never hooked up with girls. They had to give him a beard, Tiffany. Still it took everyone, even including himself, a little while to realize that he was gay. But you can be sure everyone knew what was up by the end. Nowadays he has his boyfriend on tour with him. He was at the LA show and the Detroit show and there are pictures of them together. He’s pretty close to being out but he has to stay in to keep making money off the girls who still think they are going to marry him.

    As long as we’re keeping it real let’s also all be real with ourselves about hookups on this tour. It is not gonna happen for most of us old time fans. If you took a poll of the girls they are getting with this tour, I promise you would find *very* few who are over 30 years old, and even fewer who are over 150 lbs. That’s how it was in the old days and there’s no reason it should change now. Because unfortunately there is a double standard and old guys who are rich still get that kind of tail. Even Donnie who is less picky is still pretty picky.

    You can’t really blame them, think about it if you were a pop star on tour looking to get blown, would you be looking for a 35 year old with life experience or a chubby girl with a great personality? No. You’d be looking for the hottest youngest chick you could find. Sorry but this is just reality. They are men.

  782. I just wanted to put a few things out there.

    To Leona, Intheknow, Ailis, Csun, Bree and Icicle: Thank you for keeping it real. I can clearly tell you guys know them, know people in their camp and/or just clearly understand what the real deal is.

    Intheknow- Batsignal. U’re cracking me up with that. 😉

    Leona and the others who know Jordan- I can understand why you would post to defend a friends name, but he doesn’t need it. Some people posting stories need a wake up call that you can’t provide, but I really respect what you’re trying to do.

    To the girl with the blow job story: As much as people want to hate on you, I have to give you love- I have never seen someone so vehemently defend a blow job in my life. LOL

    To all of the girls who posted an encounter, something to consider:

    True encounters: If you are posting an encounter, are you wondering why you aren’t in their circle anymore? Just go back and read what you wrote.

    Fake encounters: If you are posting an encounter, have you ever spent some time wondering why you are taking time away from real sexual encounters you could be having making up fake ones? And if you say it’s for fun or to make the people who want to read them feel stupid, human curiosity isn’t stupid. Lying is.

    To the readers/people desiring more stories: I am not gonna hate on you guys for wanting to know how well Joe, Jordan, Donnie and Danny can all f.. that p.. till it c… and leave you wanting more. However, this is a public forum. If your husband/boyfriend/ex-boyfriend/f friend posted about experiences you had together in a forum, you would be taking him to court for defamation of character, wouldn’t you? If an employer googled your name, which is becoming more and more common, you might not have a job. Illegal or not, that’s just the reality of things. I know they aren’t going out trying to find regular jobs, but still. THINK ABOUT IT. Yeah, they might have tough skin from years of people speculating on their personal lives, but that doesn’t make it right. If you have to talk smack, whether truth or lies, take it underground. It’s sad that this is even out there. Everyone wants to see Evelyn. Why? So you can dress like her or figure out a way to look like her? See if you look better than her so you can hate? If we were 16 and immature, maybe it would make sense. But since most of us aren’t, it sounds like a whole lot of crazy to me.

    I am mature and I don’t fantasize about any man- I live in reality. I go out and get him if I want him. But, if I were 16 years old again (the famous quote I keep reading from all these fans) Evelyn, Barrett, Kim nor ANY of these other girls would be a concern to my fantasy, which is what this is for the majority of people. You won’t get with them because the opportunity will never present itself or you don’t have what it takes to make it happen, sexually or otherwise. That isn’t an insult to any of you beautiful ladies, it’s just the truth. So don’t twist fantasy with reality. I understand they are public figures and everything, but just take some time to think beyond yourself before you publically post that next hot tidbit. We all have done some things that aren’t our parents, friends or kids business. Obviously, there are thousands of girls who have had experiences over the long stretch of the New Kids’ careeers and haven’t shared it on the net. Why do you think that is? Whether it’s out of protection of the guys or their relationship with the guys, either reason sounds a lot more valid than any reason you could throw up for posting what you guys are saying publically.

    Last but not least, Wowwee- I wasn’t gonna say it, but you sound like a bit of a bigot and an idiot. Maybe it’s some of the reason why Jon hasn’t come out. Very unfortunate and very crazy. Get help for that.

    And to anyone ready to talk s.., I’m extremely attractive, been flirted with by the majority of the guys and their entourage, smart, taken, successful, mentally stable and fully aware that the guys aren’t saints or virgins. They are human beings. Some people clearly can’t seem to remember that in search of information to fuel their fantasies, nor in their desire to make other fans look or feel stupid by posting lies and working hard to make sure they believe them.

  783. Clearly they just don’t get it! Some chics cannot understand that you are just the SIDELINE! When the starting lineup is acting up/unavailable or injured that’s when your ass gets pulled off the bench! Sad Christmas music and clever screen names will NOT make him want you any more! SEX IS SEX!!!! Enjoy it! Do it! Embrace it! Be safe about it! and when it’s over, Remember it and LET IT GO!

    BREE–I think part of the problem is that the guys are picking silly 20yr olds. to be “sideline hos”. I noticed that the only girls getting “face time” are young.

    ICICLE and MS CONNERS……….come on with your stories please!! 😉

  784. JJ- I heard he’s in Boston getting ready for Donnie’s new project and there is a rumor going around that he was fired, but when my friend talked to him the other day, he sounded happy and he didnt say anything about any problems, so who knows? As far as your comments on the guys, nothing like being REAL!! You arent lyin’!! Also dont forget, most of those GIRLS they are hooking up with’are trashy girls, and do not have class!! They have whore written ALL over themselves!!! Have you seen sme of them (Donnie and Danny’s girls) Some things never change!!!Cept the girl that Danny has had with him for the last 2-3 weeks seems sweet and NORMAL!!
    I am over 30, but I do look young, if only I can allow myself to stoop to the trashy whore status!! LOL! I am just kidding! I am not looking for that! I love the guys and all, but I dont want to be on the list of one nighters that will be forgotten the next day, ya know?? So far, I have been a memorable face amongst the guys and their entourage and I get respect and that is where I want to be!!! I am good with developing a friendship with 1 or 2 of the guys, that is all I want!! Unless Joe decides to leave his wife….. ;-}

  785. Stranger! Good to see you’re back! 🙂
    Are you ready for the challenge you just set us out on??

    If you WANT juice, then JUICE you’ll get!!

    Ladies–we’ve been challenged!! What do ya got for ’em???

    Those pics with KendraLee are a start…although her pics mislead us into thinking she’s ALSO into girls..

    You know what I would like do see here is more juice …..,
    on the real!!!!!!


  786. WOWWEE, why do you think InTheKnow is one of the guys?

    As for Danny and the “wife-beater” comment, somewhere online i saw an article re danny’s divorce and him sueing for full-custody of the kids, and his lawyer claimed that his wife was unstable and had been physically violent with HIM (not that she could really do too much damage to Danny – let’s face it, he’s ripped), but his wife claimed that his numerous infidelities had done the major damage to their relationship. I think he won that suit.

    IntheKnow, has anyone been close on the “two things” and what precisely are the “rewards” for silence? Seems like these girls are generally left high and dry anyway, not that I feel sorry for them. What do they expect?

  787. Some of these woman are really lame. I mean, Jon for godsake you can see its obvious they are just blind. I love my boys don’t get me wrong. I know they are not perfect and they are men just like everyone else. I just would like to meet them, not sleep with them. I think I have a least a little respect for myself.

  788. LA- I TOTALLY don’t mean to offend, but some men have that “hard” look to them that give them that appearance. Danny has it! And I did not say he was one, I said he LOOKS like one. His “wife beater” tanks don’t necessarily help the image. Just to clear the air, as far as I know, Danny is not a wife beater. My personal opinion is he has the look, but that’s just me.

  789. Long time reader, 1st time poster!

    OK a couple inside things. Jons gay, his boyfriends name is Harley. I dare someone to go to the website and try to post something. There’s a blog about Danny and his Harley. Post something like” Jon likes to ride his Harley” see if it gets posted. I saw Harley at the San Diego show. The girls next to me got some photos, He’s a hottie if you like short spanish men. He was walking around the floor, Jon was following all his moves, it was funny.

    Donnie, I saw the link of him and his sheman at the Lakers Game. Of course Donnie is going to go for a younger girl who doesn’t know that much. Ladies, Why do you see a lot of men in their 40’s go for younger girls???? It’s because they suck in bed. Younger girls Usually don’t have that much experience, don’t know what they are missing, and think a balding new kids is hot! Donnie’s got skills, but they are not in bed.

    Danny is a freak, I’ve givin him a couple lap dances and let him cum on my tits, no biggie, literally. He’s still my fav.

    Jordan/Joe. First off Jordans has some cool moles on his body. The kissing thing. Common sense peeps. The guys need their voice to sing. It’s the way of the road. If they kiss everyone, they have a higher chance of getting sick and can’t sing. Now Donnie can’t sing to begin, so he’s free to kiss as much as he wants.

    Finally why won’t Jon come out of the proverbial closet? They will loose $$$. He will have to eventually, but while the $$$ is rolling in, he’s staying in the closet. Jon fans will be devastasted, loose interest and quit buying music and quit coming to concerts. Loss of $$$.

    Keep it rolling girls this blog is my favorite.

    Lap Dance in Miami anyone?

  790. The girl Dannys been seen with-the girl with the bangs is his top friend on his myspace page. Thats all I know & her page is private.

    Robos been missing and Tinys taken his place. Heard someone had an incident with weed taken at the Canadian border and then Robo was gone. Dont know if there is a connection. Heard he went home to work on his motorcycle business in Atlanta..possibly home for the holidays. all is heresay. I dont really care! Hope this helps!

  791. Lots to catch up on!! But it’s all good, so keep the stories coming!

    Icicle, spill what you know!! 🙂

    Did anyone have any sightings over the holiday? Who is that girl with Donnie in that pic? Any more on the Joe situation?

    What happened to some of the earlier posters who had been involved with the guys??

  792. Stranger- Huh? You want to hear it, why? So you can defend it and say it’s a lie? Jordan or not, that makes no sense. I’m not saying I believe these stories or not but i’m interested and i like this board because as I stated before it makes Jordan sound more real.

    WooWee-It’s cool that yov’ve been reading silently for awhile but maybe go bk to doing that hun. A lot of what you said was uncalled for as LA has said and you alluded to your sex drive a couple of times, uh what? Go see a doc if there is that much of a problem because i know in your mind you’ve convinced yourself it’s normal to have low/no sex drive but it’s not. Please don’t hate on Nkotb.

  793. Does anyone else think that the picture of Donnie and the girl at the game kinda looks like Evelyn?
    nonya posted it.

  794. Wow Danny A “WIFE BEATER” I dont think soooo He may like the girls but Im sure its all pleasure unless he likes it rough!!!!

  795. Ok..the girl that Donnie was with at the Laker game is being called ‘Gums’ on another site. She met him at a meet & greet & also looks quite young. Not like Evelyn either.

    LapDanceGirl..thanks for being so candid!! And so thats how you know about Jordan’s moles…Freaky-deaky! Hope they are good tippers! Now about the 2nd thing…

  796. DeviousGirl__Im not ignoring you. Im not comfortable about posting addresses or hangouts online. If you were in the area, perhaps we could go for a tour.

    I haven’t heard of recent sightings, but Im sure there will be some shortly as the tour ends & Donnie begins taping his pilot for Bunker Hill in Boston.

    I initially was drawn to HSB by curiosity about E & reading about J’d promiscuity–which is intriging. But then I read a story & wondered how it MUST SUCK to be him. People staring at you, watching your every move- ALL the time, Even at HOME! Theres a story of Jordan in a local bookstore, buying a book & the book assistant/cashier…copied the receipt to get his info and posted it online. Heard she lost her job, but she was proud of herself. Talk about CROSSING THE LINE!! And this was in Feb, BEFORE the NKs reunited-in their hometown…wonder what its like for them now?? What will it be like when they return home?? Looking back when I was selected to be in Maurice Starr’s girl group in 89-90, I couldnt be happier now that it didn’t work out-anonymity is a blessing in disguise. 🙂

    I’m not saying J’s a saint, but he IS a person. There is a time to BACK off. (this is Mostly towards the crazy fans-and I’m sure they’ll be around Xmas time!)…SO if in Boston this holiday season, be kind to a NK. 😉

  797. Sherri- since you think she looks like Kim . I thought you’d enjoy this story I found

    ooh and I read this on imdb and i think its about that girl in the pic:
    Ok… Ill tell you exactly what happened.

    My nanny got a tip off in Dillards, a girl said they had a reservation @ Rao’s

    he came home @ 7pm and told me, this was sunday night.

    I took piks, not of her but we did with Donnie and Danny

    http://www.myspace.com/101846240 thats my nanny Princess…
    his piks are there and its a public profile
    Mine isnt.. but Im in his top friends “marissa”
    his piks look better than mine, i didnt put the piks up, but he did if you want to see his.

    anyway, we went into Rao’s, its Italian, they were on theleft in a seperate room…
    we went to the bar, in the center of the restaurant, and ordered beer and wine
    I was like “OMG OMG OMG”
    Princess said “play it kool, act like we just bumped into them’

    We went to the bathrooms, there was a small wait.
    Up behind us was Donnie, he needed the restroom, and Princess said “OH MY GOD< ARENTYOU DONNIE WAHLBERG” and he said yes, yes i am”
    I went a little nuts “Oh my god I love your movies, we were at your show last night, Ive loved you since you were on “The Apollo”

    I said “take a picture with us, Ill never bother you again I swear”
    so he did with me, and then Princess, Princess is very flamboyantly gay”
    He kept kissing him and Donnie kept saying over and over again “OMG, did you just kiss me?”
    And then he said to me “He just kissed me!” “did you just see him kiss me” “he KISSED ME”

    Then this girl comes out the ladies room
    and Donnie goes into the mens, and standing in the doorway They start making out! right in front of me!!! I thought it was rude, it was her trying to make me jealous or something, feeling insecure… I knew it wasnt Kim Fey, Kim is alot taller, and bigger, this girl had dark slick backed hair, dressed in black, boots… and so I said “Hey thats Kim Fey”
    Donnie said”No..shhh”
    so i said “I thought you were divorced, Hi Kim Fey”
    And She got mad and walked away from the area back to the table. She looked pissed
    Donnie laughed and said “Would you stop that” then he whispered “Thats not KIM!!”

    I looked into the room and said “she looks just like her”

    It was funny, I was just busting balls, I didnt like how possessive she was acting, kissing him in a bathroom is pretty tacky, after they just ate… sick!

    About 15 minutes later They all came out, we politely asked danny for a pik, and he was very gracious to oblige
    It was kool
    The girl danny was with was SUPER tall, dark hair, kind of trashy, all in black, and she wouldnt take her arms off of him… She kept telling Princess, dont you try to kiss him! she was a bit creepy looking in my opinion

    They all walked out, there were a couple other people with them i didnt know.
    we had to follow them out, through the casino, they went out the front entrance, to the cabs and limos, we had my car in the self parking garage

    thats was it.

    I 100% saw Donnie and this chick kiss… they were only like 2 feet away… it was akward.. but ironically she looked just like Kim
    betcha hes still in love with his ex

  798. It’s sad to think the Jon girls would stop loving him if he came out. I’ve known he was gay for like 10 years now, and I still adore the man, go to concerts, whatever. I’m a fan of him, not his lovelife. Jeesh, some of those fans are crazy!

  799. Lap Dance, sounds like you have some stories….share! 🙂

    Also, I tried to look at that Kendra girls pics, but it said it needed a password. Is that something new or do you guys know the password?

  800. Lap Dance Girl – Your posting made me laugh! You definitely tell it like it is…no bullshit with you. That’s what we need around here. I especially love the Danny story. Freakin’ hilarious! 🙂

  801. Bree – Thank you for talking a little common sense. I agree with everything you said.

    InTheKnow – don’t think you’re one of the guys. Think you like to stir it up. whatever…..don’t tell me those two things….maybe I’ll find out myself!!!!! hahaha but I wouldn’t tell nobody.

    whoever posted about a tattoo that says NKOTB. I don’t think J is the sharpest tool in the shed but that is too dumb to believe.

    You’ll know if I got anywhere in January cuz i’ll never post on this board again. otherwise I’ll be on here saying those bitches were like 20 hahaha

  802. LAP DANCE GIRL……………………….Danny CAME on your tits??!!?? How many of the guys have you danced for? Please give as much detail as you can and IGNORE the self- appointed “watch dogs” that unfortunately found their way here. 😦

    Danny does have a “hard” look to him like WOWEE said…BTW I think I’m the only one who gets what you were trying to say.

    Come on ladies….more stories!

  803. houstonsocialbutterfly – What happened to your blog?! This use to be a cool ass place to catch up on JK gossip. Now, there’s too many girls talking shit to each other. Please!!! Get rid of them!!! Let’s just stick with actual facts & experiences!! If people don’t like what they read here, go back to the G rated NKOTB official board!!

  804. whoisit –

    I don’t know any of the guys personally, I just as you put it “know what the real deal is”. Just take it for what it is! I think you made some very valid points and I totally respect your opinion. I read and post out of curiosity like the majority but I would never feel the need to lie about an encounter or meeting. It’s just tacky! I would never want to cross the line with a comment either so I hope I have not offended anyone with anything I have said. If so, I apologize. I just believe in keeping it real 🙂

  805. GG: You asked what the reward is? The reward is that you get to remain in the inner circle. You want out? Talk. As for these chicks being left “high & dry” – believe me, they know what they are getting themselves into.

    Wow, you chicks really are hung up on these “two things” huh?? It’s not as “shocking” as you think! 😉

    Also, do you girls REALLY believe the shit that “Nightmare” and “Reprimanded” are spouting on ning?? I’m calling BULLSHIT on that one. Do you honestly think that Jordan and Joe would allow their “mistresses” to have PUBLIC sites declaring their love and devotion to them?? Like I said, you want to talk, your ass can bounce cuz there is always another one waiting to replace you. Harsh, but true.

    P.S. I am NOT a New Kid. Carry on. 😉

  806. Almost Forgot……

    Lap Dance Girl: You sound bitter. Oh and an FYI: men who are nearly 40 don’t go for girls in their 20’s because they “suck in bed” – they go for the young ones because they are easily controlled and don’t ask for much in return. A 20 year old will put up with shit that a 30 year old won’t.

    Now go make that money girl.

  807. Sandra_UK: Again, I never said I was a New Kid. Ever. I may be a shit stirrer but at least the shit I’m stirring up is on the real. Good Luck trying to find out those “two things”……

    Heather: Jim is Jon’s actual business partner, not his lover. Jim is not gay – he’s actually a poon hound.

    About the kissing…..if you are going to let yourself be “allowed” to blow a New Kid, why should he kiss you?? Kissing is a very intimate thing and men don’t waste their time and energy kissing just another open and willing mouth. Have some respect for yourself and you might just get some in return.

  808. maybe they go for 20 year olds cuz 20 year olds are cute. it ain’t rocket science.

    aww… aren’t there any New Kids on here? alert, intheknow both false alarms? what about stranger?

  809. Maybe the moles spell out KNOB and it just looks like a tattoo?

    On the real though – who the hell would have a tattoo that says KNOB (paying homage to NKOTB my ass) unless they are a knob. If he really has that as a tat – boy should think about getting that one lasered off.

    Maybe he doesn’t kiss on the lips because he’s watched Pretty Woman too many times?

    On a much more serious note…I agree with InTheKnow about them being nearly 40 and not picking women their own age. Women that are older (older than their early to mid 20’s generally) put up with a lot more than a woman who has experience. Easy (or easier) targets. Simple. as. that.

    Have a great day everyone.
    10/4 over and out…

  810. GG: I really hope you don’t think that once a person is no longer 20 or in their 20’s they are no longer desirable or attractive. That’s just silly. Are you still wet behind the ears love? ; )

  811. InTheKnow: I wasn’t saying that you were claiming to be a new kid I was saying that for the girls on here who are hoping you are. I quite like your posts. And all the stirring that happens after them. I don’t think you’re a girl for some reason. Just the way you talk but it’s interesting all the same.

    I completely agree with the fact that no girl in her right mind would have a public site saying shit like that if she really knew or “entertained” one of the guys.

    So Donnie met his basketball date at a meet and greet????? wow.

  812. Why do we have to wait so long to hear another story – maybe because the previous ones were all bullshit and they’re trying to come up with some new tall tails to feed our hungry minds!!!! I’d like to think some are true…someone please get back to the storytelling.

    I second the motion to hear more from Lap Dance Girl…let’s here some more cum stories!!! 🙂

  813. NONYA—–Cool find!!! Thanks for that…these kinds of sightings and stories make this site cool and different from the other boards IMO.

    on December 2, 2008 at 11:15 pm KK
    houstonsocialbutterfly – What happened to your blog?! This use to be a cool ass place to catch up on JK gossip. Now, there’s too many girls talking shit to each other. Please!!! Get rid of them!!! Let’s just stick with actual facts & experiences!! If people don’t like what they read here, go back to the G rated NKOTB official board!!


    I think the only thing we can do is ignore them. Hopefully the others reading this with stories to tell will do the same.

  814. nonya, great story!!! Your friend sounds like a good time! lol Thanks for sharing! 🙂

    InTheKnow thank you for stating facts!! Not that I know if they are or not, but you seem like you know your stuff. Keep it coming, I’m finding it interesting and helpful!

    Sandra_UK love reading your posts, you crack me up. Just wanted to let you know that! And I totally understand if you disappear after January! lol Really though, secretly fill me in… 🙂

    Lap Dance, I love Vegas and would love to be there NYE if I can convince some friends to go. Where’s the party??

  815. In the Know sounds like a fan. But she does make a lot of sense. Except for the Batman stuff. Can I just say that it’s funny how Jordan fans keep bringing up Batman bc one time he wore a Batman shirt in like 1989. Do you still love the same movie you loved 18 years ago? lol Hey, maybe Jordan has a Batman tattoo on his dick!


  816. OK ladies came across this pic of Evelyn. She is the one to Danny’s left. What do you all think?? This was taken in NYC by paparazzi in Oct.






    I should have known that this blog was not for intelligent discussion of true stories about NKOTB!

  818. Oh honey, Never bitter, just better. I’m speaking from experience about Donnie “sucking in bed”. It’s not even worth detailing. At least he didn’t have a heart attack on me. My knowledge is beyond my years.

    Anywho, Danny has a dirty bad boy side. He’s all proper in public but get him behind closed doors and the horns come out. He likes to role play. Like naughty school girl and college professor. He likes to spank naughty school girls. I had to earn my “A”.

    Keep in mind when your “great” you never get kicked out of the inner circle. This just feeds their egos beyond belief. Remember which head men think with. Why do you think they got back into the biz? None of them were starving. Pussy Galore!!!

  819. I am speechless that you all that call your selves fans would come on here and bash the New Kids like this, Who gives a shit who they are sleeping with, who gives a shit who any of you have slept with even if it was one of them. So what if Jon is Gay, why do you feel that is is up to you to come on here and tell the world when he hasnt told the world yet, If he is Gay or not He is just the same Jon and real fans will love him regardless. Jordans private life is Jordans private life, Men cheat all the tme why should he be different, I am not saying that cheating is rite, but you people comming on here calling him out for it is sickening. This whole thing is discusting, I truely hope that Jordans wife never reads this, because all of you calling her names and talking about her life like you are sucks, and I think it would hurt her wich I think is the point, but it is wrong.

  820. This board is getting shitty….So Jon is gay…I wish someone would try telling the dumb bitches on the official board. They act like friggin 14 year old prudes…I wonder if Ne-Yo has ever kicked it with Jon… I heard Ne-Yo is gay too….

  821. leticia – lol i thought that looked like it could be her. are you sure it’s her? i’d rather not say anything, if i can’t say anything nice.

  822. Leticia- don’t think that is Evelyn. Looks more like one of danny’s many girls. I think this is the girl from the LAX party.

  823. Is that pic in NYC really evelyn? The pretty girl with the long hair or the shorter one with the short hair? Is that really her?

  824. Looked at that picture. The girl to Danny’s right (slightly behind him) is really pretty. Is she any of the girls he’s been seen with recently?
    The girl to the left in the brown tights doesn’t even look like she’s with him.

    In a way, I have to hand it to Evelyn, a lot of people might think it’s because Jordan doesn’t respect her or whatever. But seriously, by staying out of the public spotlight it means that she can go to the corner shop in her pajamas and slippers and no one would recognize her. She could also hang out backstage and watch for skanks and we wouldn’t know who she was. So what if she doesn’t sit court side or walk down a red carpet or go to awards shows. She gets to live a normal life and it might be her choice not his.

    Don’t get me wrong, I am still up for buying him a drink or whatever he wants. 🙂

  825. Hi all, the NKOTB tattoo (near JK’s privates with an arrow pointing downwards) was just a joke…sorry if it was offensive…I was just playing with the letters in the name NKOTB…just being a bit daft as life is short 🙂

    To conclude: I have definitely never gone to Jordan’s never regions…!

  826. Thats not Evy…stop thinking that every picture of a Latin girl u come across is Evy…people, please….

  827. OMG!
    Some of these fans should GO BACK to the official board!!!

    If you DONT like whats being said here…GO AWAY!!
    Go back to the official board…where we talk of lollipops & gingerbread faries…

    Otherwise..PLEASE LAPDANCEGIRL…continue to elaborate.
    God love ya honey!

    FINALLY SOME DIRT! Especially on Double D’s…

  828. Lap Dance Girl – What did we ever do without you before? Oh, yeah ladies began bitching and moaning and more bitching and moaning…then they started to turn on eachother and it was like middle school again (except without the leg warmers and scrunchies).

    My favorite line…why do you think they got back into the biz? None of them were starving, pussy galore! Classic! Did ya’ll ever think that maybe they’re suffering from a little mid-life crisis…you know…we’re getting older no one wants us anymore…food for thought.

  829. The girl behind Danny to his right is the girl from LAX, 100% positive on that. The girl to his left, i don’t know who she is. And yes that pic was taken in NYC in front of the hotel they were staying at.

  830. on December 4, 2008 at 7:21 am YoQuisiera
    This board is getting shitty….So Jon is gay…I wish someone would try telling the dumb bitches on the official board. They act like friggin 14 year old prudes…I wonder if Ne-Yo has ever kicked it with Jon… I heard Ne-Yo is gay too….

    Maybe it’s getting shitty because some of them are here.

    LAP DANCE GIRL—So glad you didn’t let the “watch dogs” that are now partrolling this thread run you off. 😉
    Now…um…..you mentioned Jordan’s moles…………when and where did you see them?

  831. Does anyone know what happened with Robo? I have heard lots of rumors but nothing concrete, did he get caught with drugs at the Canadian border? Did he get fired? What’s the deal? I can’t believe they’d fire him bc he has been with them forever through a lot of craziness and it would be hard to train another pimp, lol

  832. It was probably more like ‘we’re getting older…its now or never!” and the boyband circuit has been dry for awhile.
    I’m sure it’ll be booming again when NK take a rest…

  833. That doesn’t look like Eve. It looks like the girl in that basketball picture next to Donnie. When did they go to that game anyway?

  834. I have been a lurker for quite some time. I just want to say thanks to everyone for keepin it real and saying what you want and feel. I don’t like living in a world of fairytails and dandelions. I want the TRUTH or at least what looks like the truth. I feel that a “true” fan will love these guys no matter their flaws. I, like thousands of other fans, have spent a lot of money going on concerts. I am just now getting over my sickness from staying out in the rain after the SD show last week. I’m not trying to get with them because they would never be with me…that’s just the truth lol. And I’m not pathetic or ugly..or whatever. I am happily married…but I am a HUGE fan and I am excited that their back. This public board is to say what we want and we don’t have to “protect” anyone. It comes with the territory of being famous.

  835. Sandra UK– I see what you’re saying, and I agree somewhat. BUT that is his gift his life.. “music” and all that comes with it. As the wife/special someone you should be of some support to that great aspect of his life. I would think twice about marrying someone in that lifestyle if you weren’t able to deal with that. Jordan has not had this much attention since 1999. That ‘s ten years of being “out of the spotlight” Why hide then? when nobody was really watching. I personally think the reason there arn’t that many pictures of them together is cause they haven’t really done many things together. That or he never has been 100% of the relationship or like you said she doesn’t like to be seen. Whatever the case, it doesn’t seem like a match made in heaven to me. Their story would be alot different if that were the case. Where we end up in our lives is a result of the choices we’ve made. And it’s never too late to change your mind, as long as you follow your gut. But some people are just too afraid to do so. unfortunetly. ;(

  836. Lap Dance Girl – you are funny..lol NKOTB knows they still have legions of fans who would drop the panties just because so maybe it is a cool sense of validation for them…the male ego is a trip!

    Leticia- I looked at the pic. The one with the long hair is Danny’s GF she has been seen at several shows. Whether she is the only one is debatable 🙂 But the shorter one with the short hair looks like it could definitely be Evelyn, not to mention she is wearing a huge rock on her ring finger! She’s just an average lookin chick 🙂

    Nurse4change- lollipops and gingerbread fairies?!?! you are too funny always talkin about the chicks on the official board….it seems like with age, a lot of “stans” got lame and have the mommy complex….they need to protect their boys! They should all try getting a life!

    YoQuisiera- While Jon may be gay, Ne-yo is not! He has said several times he is not gay and that they are just vicious rumors. I have heard this from people very close to him at Def Jam as well, I’m cool with his Rep. for some of the mid-west states.

    as- The great thing about living in America is that people can say whatever they want. It may not come without consequence, but it is still a right. Words do hurt people…that’s very true, but by you taking the time to read through everything and then have the audacity to post a comment condemning everyone who has said something you don’t agree with? Completely asinine. You are no better for simply reading it. On this board, your opinion is respected and I’m not going to attack you for it, but please do not be a hypocrite. There are other boards for people who share your opinion. There is a place where you all can get together and discuss how horrible you think this is. By all means, feel free to go there. Nothing you preach on this board will change the way people post or the stories that come across however true/untrue they may be. Please remember these 4 words because I’m positive you’re still reading this ‘AWFUL’ board:


    G’Nite Ladies 😉

  837. Just checked out the Danny photo, that was on the official website, but it got taken down asap. That’s the flavor of the quarter. He’ll be home in a couple days. I’ll find out if this one will last and has thick skin. Gotta go, workin on my fitness!

  838. E… the double d’s (Donnie & Danny) are hosting a party @ JET nightclub, I believe it’s in the Mirage Hotel? I have some private parties to work, so I won’t be able to make it. But if you go, rock the school girl outfit, You’ll get asked into VIP w/Danny.

  839. anastasia, of course i didn’t mean that women beyond 20 can’t be attractive. obviously there are tons of beautiful women of all ages. but you gotta admit there is a certain bloom of youth that most guys like. and no i am not 20.

  840. mad people complaining – if you don’t like it don’t read it. no one is calling evelyn names (and if they did most of those people wrote months ago and are gone now). if nks don’t want their private lives talked about they should be a) not famous, and b) not doing the things that they don’t want talked about in the first place. jordan didn’t have to sign on for this reunion if he didn’t want to. and if they have to suffer a little more internet gossip because of it, i assure you they were well aware it would happen before they signed on, and they are getting excellent compensation for it – i.e. millions of our dollars. yes it’s hard to be famous – but it’s also nice to be a millionaire. c’mon people, stop babying them.

  841. borrrrring… where are the current “baby daddy bus” stories?? LMAO!

    stop fighting. to all the defensive fans, please take your comments back to the official, censored board. live a little.

  842. I agree with everyone, if you don’t like what is being said then leave!! I love how people come on here read everything and want to bitch!! Get over it they are human!!People act like they are gods and will never do anythig wrong. I love them just as much as everybody and yet I love to hear the stories!!NO ONE IS PERFECT!! If the guys choose to cheat or whatever then that is their choice!!We want stories!!
    Lap Dance Girl-you are hilarious!! Tell about Donnie, Even if he did suck in bed!! Tell more about Danny!! Who was bigger!! Please we want to hear the stories whether they are bad or not!!And lots of details!! Give us a play by play!!

  843. Long time reader first time poster.
    Yeah the NKOTB board is like cookies and rainbows over there.
    Hurts my sweet tooth..
    I think the girl in the photo looks like Evelyn..
    We need more stories,I wish I had one.
    I do believe most of them.I think they love all the perks that come with fame.So more stories please.

  844. It’s not rocket science why someone would tell, I’m not saying I agree or think its right, but Stranger acts like he/she has no understanding of this. Even though I can only speculate, I can throw a couple ideas out there, and I’m almost positive one of these thoughts will be the right one. The first one that comes to mind is bitterness. People do react to anger in different ways, and even though they wanted to do the act at the time, they realized that they didn’t make the best decision. Secondly, people talk about their sexual relations all the time, whether it is fact-to-face with their good friend, or on a public forum such as this. C’mon you can’t tell me, InTheKnow and Stranger that you’ve never talked about any of your sexual experiences, especially the experiences about a person with whom you are not in a committed relationship with! Those are the situations that people talk about most. And lastly, other reason could be boredom and attention. I think we can all tell that Maria girl is talking BS, and anyone who believes her post is naïve. She was probably bored one day, came across the site, and decided to post a story, but failed miserably at trying to convey a believable story. InTheKnow, I can agree with you that it may not be classy to tell stories, but was the girl classy when they first did whatever they did with her in the first place? No probably not. And since she wasn’t classy in the first place, then why would they expect anything differently in the end?

    Whosisit-you wonder why people want to know what Ev looks like. Is to compare ourselves, dress like, look like? For me, no. I came across this website in search of a pic of Ev, just b/c I was simply curious—nothing more, nothing less. I didn’t know JK was married before the reunion tour, and when I heard he was I just wanted to see a pic out of curiosity. Now that I’ve added my thoughts, I’ll go back to the other forum and talk about lollypops and gingerbread what evers!!

  845. GG: I hope you didn’t take what I said too seriously. I was just being goofy. : )

    As far as what is being said about the guy’s escapades – they know what they are doing (whether right or wrong) and they know that people are unable to keep their mouths shut. Obviously they don’t care and will continue to be man whores. lol Any publicity is good for the rep. They have people talking about them again don’t they!?

  846. Trailhopper: Have I talked about my sexual experiences? Yes. With my friends. Have I posted stories of my sexual exploits on PUBLIC blogs and message boards? Hell Nah. Not my style. I get it though, these girls want attention and adoration for banging/blowing a New Kid. Some people just have more self-esteem than that. Like you pointed out though, if you blow a guy who won’t kiss you just because he’s famous, then you don’t have much self-esteem and/or class anyway.

    I’m not telling anyone not to post their “stories” – I quite enjoy them actually. Its fun to read and sift through who is on the real and who is full of shit.

  847. wow! holy crap! this page is addicting! i am still trying to finish reading all the post. amazing! keep it coming, ladies!

  848. trailhopper….. you into psychology??
    You sure do think you know how people think here….,
    and FYI…
    I do know what’s going on here so don’t specualate!!!!!!

  849. Some of you women need to grow the fuck up and accept the reality, that at the end of the day these dudes care nada about you. They are gonna go out there and get what ever ass they can get, and then forget about it. I think it is way beyond tacky to be proud to be a groupie and to feed off these nasty ass stories. They laugh at all the groupies, everyone does. None of these chics will ever be anything other them a hooker. To sit and judge what their wives and girlfriends look like is so low budget, the wives may be stupid and clueless, but they’re married to the men you are all worshiping and sucking off. DIRTY! Go blow some dick!

  850. Lapdancegirl___its CLEAR we ALL want to hear your story about DEW! We already heard about his privates, med size/fat. Is he a selfish lover, quick to finish, just plain boring or what? It must be hard to compare DEW experience to the ass spankin’ school-girl fetish of one very sexy DWood. Sounds like REAL fun to me!!

    Now I only WONDER what fetishes Jordan has..besides UPORN! If you know of anything…PLEASE elaborate, Miss Mole!

    There it IS…my mind is in the gutter AGAIN! Off to work on MY FITNESS! Sz 0 isnt easy!

  851. OH!! And back to the recent 08 pic of Danny & his latest flame.. YES that looks like Evelyn! Wow! Dont know what to say-except that you have Jordan & I don’t….For now!! haha!

  852. OH! And that pics w/Danny & the latest flame..YES the girl behind him looks like Evelyn! OMG! What to say….Perhaps you have Jordan & I don’t…..FOR NOW!!! hahaha!

  853. Has anyone seen the guys party like they used to on this tour? And you know what I mean by party. Some of them could handle it and some couldn’t. I have a feeling Joe is going to end up back in rehab.

  854. MISS DEBBIE DOWNER THING… FIRST OF ALL DON’T BE INSULTING THE OLDEST PROFESSION, JUST BECAUSE YOU GIVE IT AWAY FOR FREE. Secondly ask musicians why they got in the business, 99% will say partly for the music, the other part for the chics (groupies). There have been movies, books and mini series written about groupies, so for you to come here and be all jealous, is normal and pathetic. You’re saying it’s nasty, grow up. You have sex, I assume. There is nothing wrong with 1,2 or 3 participating adults in single or group sex. (this reminds me of a Donnie memory) And beleive me the guys are not making fun of the groupies they are bowing down and kissing their feet,since they are not kissing their lips.

    And what do you think blogging is all about? sharing recipes?? Its about sharing stories and ideas. Go watch barney and get off this site.

    My Donnie memory. Lets get this straight I met the guys at my work, they came to me. Of course I knew who they were, I liked them when I was a kid. Anywho, Donnie has a girl with him, she paid for his lap dance. So he’s whispering to me how big he is and how hard he was gonna give it to me and did I like it in the ass?blah, blah, blah. When guys ask me this questions I always ask to see how big they are. Small penises are good for 1 thing ladies, anal. He was an anal canidate. But we never got that far. When guys brag about their package, they are usually small. When a chic brags about a guys package ,you know its huge. So his turn was over and he paid for a lap dance for the chic, dark haired cute girl. I always give chics the best lap dance, it turns the guy on, you know the stereo typically 2 girls and a guy thing. So I start asking her how good he is and how big he was?, she just started laughing she was drunk. I gave Danny a private dance (nothing fancy just in a lap dance in a private area) He was really quiet, this was our 1st meeting. I gave him my number, that was it for that night. I’ll finish later. I have to go to work.

  855. BREAKING NEWS!!!!!! all the blockheads on the official website are all going to develope a drinking problem because….all the guys are now taken…..

  856. No shit!!! I have a page on the website, but I don’t ever bother posting stuff. Someone of these women need to stop putting them in freaking peddlestool. Yes, they are hot, but they are human just like us. The blockheads need a reality check that they will be never be with one of them. I am glad the guys are taken now.

  857. Hey Nonya (is that 4 nonya bizness?)
    Someone should tell the guys they are all taken! They will never act like they are, plez read touring 101.

  858. Taken? How do you know?

    The blockheads at the official website wouldn’t care if the all the guys are in relationships, because the blockheads realize the guys are human, and wow, just might find someone to get into a real relationship with. They are there to support them b/c they like their music and such. Of course, there is the exception of the few delusional fans, stuck in fantasy land. *oh damn, there i go speculating again, gotta stop that*

  859. on another topic, was Joe in rehab – when? for what? i thought it would’ve been jordan.

    nonya – they’re all taken? who is donnie with and danny seems to still be playing the field. do you have more current info? details please 🙂

  860. Hello all, I have been up till damn near 3 am the past 2 nights reading this shit! I just want to say, I adore Jordan. I think he is the most talented, sexy, beautiful man I have ever seen. I don’t know if any of these stories are true or not, but I will say one thing about Evelyn, she is one lucky woman. JK is so amazing. I dont think he is perfect, he is human after all. He may or may not have cheated on his wife. Who are we to say? He may or may not be happy in his marriage, nobody knows that except J and Eve. I do know that when I see him on stage, and in interviews, he seems to be a real down to earth, sweet guy. I am so proud of the guys for making a comeback, and rocking it! I saw them about a month ago here in St. Louis, and they blew me away, they were better than ever. I hope the summer tour thing is true, and if it is, I hope to get some good seats this time, and if anyone has any info on how to score some backstage passes, I would LOVE to hear it! If J does love the ladies like this site has implied, I would surely not be opposed to being “loved” by him!! Thanks for entertaining me with these stories, true or fiction, they have been fun, but lets all remember why we began loving him so long ago, and try to show him and his family a bit of respect! Long live the BLOCK!!!

  861. Miss lap Dancer and the Taylor girl, I could call you out on so many levels, it’s not even funny. You “ladies’ can sit here and get all the attention you want, from these women whom can only fantasize. But let’s be honest, you have to be real with yourself at the end of the day. You both have an enormous hole in your story, and you know I’m right. There are quite a few stories on here, that are false and made up. But that’s all good, everyone should dream. Like I said, these guys are laughing at all the shit some chics will do (and who’ll you do) to get at them. It’s gross! And you all wonder why Robo was “fired”,get a clue-a real one!Someone else is on the chopping block, just wait! Keep up the good work! It’s a great, entertaining fictional blog! 4*’s

  862. Okay, So I have enjoyed reading this site and must admit it is very addictive. . .However, I had to post a response to Miss Thing’s comment regarding “these dudes care nada about you.” Not sure if you are referring to girls who chase them for hook ups. . .assuming you are b/c most artists, whatever the profession, have to care somewhat for the fans that support them. Let’s face it, without the previous New Kid’s fans, what would have happened to the “reunion/comeback?”
    Also, could you really blame the guys for escapades due to them merely accepting all these girls/guys hitting on them? Yes, we all would like to hold them to a moral code, and have to admit I slightly do, but seriously, if you are willing to throw yourself to them for their pleasure (and yours), then you get what you asked for. . .maybe the ones they married aren’t stupid but instead kept them in check and demanded respect from them. Just some fuel for thought. . .

  863. OK, if you have the goods on why Robo was fired, share.

    You KNOW it’s not for pimping chicks, Robo has been doing that for three of the New Kids for close to 20 years now and I highly doubt anyone is voicing any moral objections all of a sudden!

    Do you guys really not know about Joe’s coke problem? Even those of you who have supposedly hooked up with the guys? I find that amazing……

  864. PS re laughing at what chicks will do to get with them……you do know that the guys will sleep with girls who have blown Robo right? They don’t really have an issue with that so I don’t know what that comment was all about.

  865. I get respect from my man & get it from people I meet.
    I have a VERY respectful job & do the right thing 99% of the time…HOWEVER, the DEVIL in me comes out sometimes…
    And ‘perhaps’ I would do EVIL things to JK if I was EVER alone
    with him —-it doesn’t make me ANY less RESPECTFUL of a
    person. It shows passion & spontaneity. I wouldnt disrespect
    myself with him though. I wouldn’t allow him the chance to
    say ‘no kissing’…and wouldn’t do anything I wasnt comfortable
    with…on that note…Go Evelyn…you’ve got our man!

    And STRANGER…could you be any ‘stranger’…talk about a
    tough read!!

  866. What?? Do you keep changing your user name? Call me out biatch. Speaking of levels, Dannys level is 3. Now if that doesn’t mean anything, you’re a poser.

  867. (previously known as Oowee, it was too close to WOWWEE)

    You official board chicks are really effin’ up the mood over here. Seriously..

  868. I tried to post earlier, but it didn’t work. So if it pops up twice, sorry!!

    Thanks Lap Dance! I hope I’ll be able to go, but my friends have been lame lately, so we’ll see!

    Question for InTheKnow, Lap Dance, and Sasha and anyone else who knows the guys or anyone who wants to respond 🙂 I was just wondering… If one of the guys propositions you but you turn the advances down, what happens then? Are they just done with you or what since there is a line of girls waiting for them? Would they still pursue you? I know that InTheKnow said that if you have respect for yourself you might get some in return. However, it seems like if you turn it down, you’ll probably never have a chance at anything with them again, whether it be just a booty call, etc. But if you go for it, then you are just the booty call that they probably won’t respect…. Thoughts?

  869. soo… Joe was in rehab? When and what for? I haven’t heard or seen anything regarding that? ROBO was fired, why? I have been wondering if that were true?I have heard things, but no one had any confirmation. Apparently he didnt seem like he had just got canned when my friend talked to him before Thanksgiving. When I seen him last month, he told me that his time was coming and he was going to retire from this shit, and he also said that he really didn’t want to go overseas. Also he said he was getting married! LOL! I am aware that you can’t believe everything a man of his status says (or any man for that matter!) but now that he’s gone, who knows? Anyway, I am curious now!! I seriously cannot believe that no one is telling dirt now that the rumor about the guys lurking around here has come up!!(cept you, Miss lap dancer!;-0) LOL! It just proves that SOME of those girls were LYING!!! Ladies, I know you are out there! These guys have been with so many women in the past, I am dying to hear about Joe!! And want to know if anyone was lucky enough to do Jon! LOL! Come forth and spill it! Are there any other boards that has some good dirt about our guys?? I know of YUKU or what ever, but there is not much that I was able to find on there! Guide me in the right direction ladies!!

  870. Was Robo fired? Why?

    Is Joe expecting?

    Why are they all taken? (Joe and Jordan are married, but Danny, Donnie, and Jon aren’t.)

    Someone came on here and said Joe and Barrett were on the ‘outs’, is that true?

    What are the guys doing on their break?

  871. Wow… This sit is very addictive & funny! Keep up the good work and dirty lil news we like… But most of all keep the news up on the double DD’s those I like more then the Knight Brothers…lol Ok I looked again at the NYC pic of Danny and his new flame of the month is she the one from his myspace page number 1 spot??? or just the LAX chic?? they chic behind him does kinda look like Eve but who knows???? I wouldnt mind be spanked by Danny!

  872. Nurse4change…. I totally understand… and I would love to tour with yaaa… lol Its been a while since Ive been to Boston… and I love the celtics….

  873. Lap Dance Girl – lol…you caught that huh? yeah !!! that’s what it stands for.

    Nurse4change, Lap Dance Girl – I didn’t mean they were all taken as in “married”…I mean they are all in a “relationship” Now I know my touring 101..of course they’ll never act like it..especially Donnie..since he was the one so loudly proclaiming his single status…he can’t back out of it now…tour ain’t over yet. But since “their personal/public lives are not allowed to be discussed on the official site…how many of those die hard blockheads you think know that they have chicks in their lives?.A lot of them would be hartbroken…I mean you get a DW tat…I’m thinking you’d freak to know he was out of circulation.

    On a side note – I just thought of something (if you read the official board then you’ll know what I mean) . The Donnie girl…how many of you think he’s dating her to prove his point? 1) that he WOULD date a fan 2) He Would DATE a big girl?. For the record I’m not saying she’s unattractive..just thought it was convenient…that’ all

  874. Saw a youtube video from the guys last stop on this leg of the tour (Monterrey, MX). They had just arrived at the airport and Danny’s with a girl (looks like the same one from that NY picture). She’s tall and dark-haired. They were holding hands…looked like a real couple.

    If I can find it again I will post it here.

  875. Here’s the youtube video…it’s in spanish so sorry if you don’t know the language. You can definitely see the Danny and the girl. I think there might also be a quick glance of Jon’s boyfriend. 🙂

  876. Here’s the youtube video…it’s in spanish so sorry if you don’t know the language. You can definitely see Danny and the girl. I think there might also be a quick glance of Jon’s boyfriend. 🙂

  877. E: Throwing yourself at one of the guys and having one of them proposition YOU are two totally different monsters. Most men (including New Kids) always want what they can’t have so playing a little hard to get can work in your favor but just remember, there is a fine line between being bitchy and aloof.

    Point is, you don’t have to throw yourself at them to get noticed. Sometimes they look past the “obvious” girls and go straight for the ones who are more of a challenge. If you are hot enough and they are interested enough, they’ll get at you.

  878. This is the link of them arriving at airport…. and once more Danny is with that chic.. or girlfriend They are holding hands once more… here is the link to youtube!

  879. I never said I wasn’t the same person, did you not read, “Like I said, these guys are laughing at all the shit some chics will do (and who’ll you do) to get at them.”??

    So, I still that that the Taylor girl is a fraud!! As for Lap Dancer, wish we could chat somewhere else, I ain’t about putting my life on the internet!

  880. the girl with danny in the pic from NYC is the girl from LAX. the girl with danny in the video posted from the airport is the girl who is his number 1 friend on myspace. they are 2 different girls.

  881. INTHEKNOW: even tho it was E that asked thanks for the info. I may talk a big game but the only time I met the guys I was very very shy. Did catch Joe looking me up and down…but I don’t want him

    I don’t come here everyday like I used to..shit got boring.

  882. Nurse4change: You said it better than I did. . .I would assume that the ones they married did demand that respect. . .never judge the actions of another or deem the person less respectful for what they may do or may not do. . .just have realistic expectations when it is all said and done

    Sasha: You are right, the stories did stop when people thought there was a New Kid lurking about. . .I am not sure anyone knows what exactly is being discussed anymore. Anyone? Anyone?

  883. Ok, so Danny has a girl. Donnie didnt seem to be with anyone. I think Jordan was his date! LOL

    CONGRATS on NK winning the Best National Act at the Boston Music Awards last night. Jordan & Donnie were there to accept the award!! And it was cool, casual attire from them both..NO bling or Bedazzling!

    SO LAPDANCEGIRL…just HOW DO you know JORDAN has ‘interesting moles’…you NEVER answered THIS question**

    Cause NOONE has interesting stories of him during THIS tour.
    I know you’re convinced otherwise, but LACK OF PROOF has us wondering if he was a good boy. ????? Thats why STRANGER has challenged us…he knows about the Dark Knight….that he rides the bus alone..

    Sorry Im tired & WAY too silly. Night y’all!

  884. nonya, what big girl fan is donnie dating? can you link us a picture of her?

    jj, i didn’t know about joe’s coke problem – tell us more. did he do it back in nk days or only post. what happened? any stories?

  885. I think Jordan is being faithful this time around. From what I’ve heard, he didn’t go to many of those after hours things, which says a lot. Besides, doesn’t that scene get old after awhile?

  886. Yes Joe had a problem with cocaine. It started in the New Kids days and got really out of control after. I saw him high many many times and I am certainly not the only one. Everyone was relieved when he got it under control finally but that was not until years later. The last time I saw him in those days he was in really bad shape.

    He’s definitely not the only one of them who did it. However he’s the one whose problem got most out of control. Jordan, Donnie and Danny partied too and Danny did a lot of steroids and probably still does. Jon drank a hell of a lot.

    I am surprised that even on this site there are so many people who don’t know what went on with these guys way back when. I thought this was common knowledge for anyone who was around at the time. But I guess most of the other girls who partied with them have married and had kids and lost interest by now, lol! Lucky for them!

  887. I agree…what happened to all of the juicy stories we were enjoying…bullshit or not…this has gotten less interesting. Maybe since the guys are on hiatus we should consider doing the same…just a thought. 🙂

  888. Actually IN-THE-KNOW I thought you were a man also!!
    O dear
    (previously known as Oowee, it was too close to WOWWEE)

    You official board chicks are really effin’ up the mood over here. Seriously..

    Um…..yeah…I HATE that!

    Come on LAP DANCE GIRL, or ANYONE with a story new or old!

  889. Thanks InTheKnow! I appreciate it. It never hurts to be prepared! 🙂 lol

    There are lots of stories that need to continue!! Let’s hear more about the Robo situation and rehab! I want to see this Donnie girl. Anything new with the Joe/trouble in paradise story? Anyone got anything???

  890. InTheKnow – I’ve thought you were a New Kid since the first couple of post, one stuck out in particular. It’s not what you said, but how you said it.

  891. I think this site has gotten way out of hand. I am so disgusted at what I am reading. You all are acting and talking like a bunch of immature High Schoolers. Its sad, that Jordan’s personal business it all out there in the open. All these girls who have bragged about supposedly have slept with him. If so, keep that to yourself. As a fan, I sure don’t want to know all their personal crap! And how you all look at him as this high and mighty thing…He is only human like the rest of us, don’t need to put him up on a pedal stool. Just be a respectful fan. I LOVE the NKOTB. I don’t care what goes on behind closed doors. Or what goes on with them and their spouses. I use to come in here a lot and I was starting to even get into the gossiping, its not right. Even if there is some truth to it, why do we get so excited hearing all this negative talk, about cheating, adultery, and drugs? I would hate to be any of their wife’s and have to deal with this kind of crap and gossip, man, just leave them alone. All I can say is grow up and act like adults and stop with all the gossiping and just be a loyal, supportive fan. Its like some of you feed on this gossip, like you can’t get enough. Sad, very sad.

  892. I love reading this blog!

    In The Know – signal is up…..ikwjdwwaiwtbe1@yahoo.com
    KWIM??? Just give me a bit of your knowledge and I’ll give you some of mine…..

    Stranger – you’re not that strange to me honey 😉

    Keep it goin’ ladies…the guys are on a break and not out with you who have been with them so DISH!

  893. in the know – just they way you “think” as you say things.
    when you are talking about how kissing is intimate and how men don’t just do that with anyone. i don’t there are some men who may kiss, but not a man who’s in a relationship with someone else. i just found it interesting you had that insight.. almost as if you were in those shoes before , you seem to have a men’s perspective. If you are girl – sorry. lol 😉

  894. What?? we can meet in Church, I go to confession all the time… , That Mary she’s such a saint.

    As for Jordans moles, Jon was telling me all about them when we were getting busy!! LOL, I’m joking! A distant aquaintance told me. She’s fooled aroung but won’t give juicy details. I guess she has Class!! But what fun is it to keep things to yourself. Life experinces should be shared with 2 or 2,000 people. The more the merrier.
    I’ve never been with J’s only the D’s.
    But I’m liking Joe when he’s drunk, he’s hilarious, but I doubt he has a drug problem. HIS wife has him on lock down. But you never know after that Mexico performance.
    Lets get this!!!!!
    Harley was in the video @ the Mexico airport, he’s the little guy who steps to the right as soon as you see Jon. He knows to stay out of sight.
    As for Donnie in the back of my Honda showing me his anaconda wanted some, cause I got buns huns. He pulled up quick to retreive it. I don’t remember anymore lines from that song.

    Seriously, Donnie called me wanting to go party, it was my night off, we went dancing at some clubs in South Beach. He’s a great dancer that’s where he’s got skills. He’s very sensual when dancing. It was just the two of us. We went back to Danny’s place. He was drunk so maybe that’s why it sucked. I don’t remember the details I had a few cocktails myself. But it didn’t wow me. We did anal, he wore a condom. We kissed on the mouth of course. He’s good at the hype but not at the follow thru. He talks a good game, just no big bang at the end! That was it.

    What?? or In the Know…who I think is a personal assistant who gets paid to monitor the web for the guys. That is usually an assitants job. He has to give a daily google count. You can tell us stories about what girls do to you to get to the guys?

    GV …are you serious about touring 101? Are you blonde? If you are I’ll tell you what it means. I have to translate for my sister all the time, she’s a blonde.

    Good night Ladies and Gentlemen. Until the next interaction…
    Ciao Baby

  895. jj, yeah i would’ve loved to party with the guys back in the day, but unfortunately i was like eight – so i gotta live vicariously through you lucky b#tches that did (just kidding – i think you’re awesome). this is really interesting to me. joe got really out of control with his coke problem. jon drank way too much? did jon hook up with any groupies at all back then, or with any boys that you know of? also what did jordan, donnie, and danny do when they partied – was it mainly coke and alcohol that was going around? anything else – give us a list of the central pharmaceuticals used on an average night with the guys. danny on steroids makes total sense – that guy is unreal. tell us some stories from the old days – your personal experiences with the guys. what were they like?

  896. Wow, it took me a few days to go through 1100+ posts and believe me, I read them all. This blog is addicting! I bumped into this because I was hunting down this article I read about 6 mos ago from an Evelyn Melendez. I thought it was interesting that this Evelyn has 2 children but didn’t mention where she is located. Does anyone know if she or members of her family are in the healthcare field?

    I, personally, don’t think any less of Jordan nor the rest of the guys after reading the stories. They’ve just become more real to me. A lot of the stuff that’s happened happened a while back and things do change. I do pray that Jordan finds the happiness he longs for if he hasn’t already found it.

    I, for one, really want to believe Maria’s story. It was sweet.

    LAP DANCE GIRL – LOVE reading your posts! You’re so witty and so candid! Looking forward to reading more!

    InTheKnow – Thank you for your insight. :o)

  897. Alo_ So I get you’re defending the NK & their privacy. If they didn’t want their privacy invaded…do you think they would have toured again? It comes along w/the territory..so again..if you DONT want to read this..GET OFF THIS SITE! Thanks!
    Moving on…

    JJ_I heard about Joes partying & witnessed one night of it in Summer 95. I used to work at a lg outdoor club in Boston -& saw how BAD he looked- thin, blank & ‘pale’ -it was mid-SUMMER, too! Looking back I feel bad, but I was anti-NKs for a brief period. I was sick of them & they were EVERYWHERE in Boston partying so hard- the whole city knew about it…so because he looked so AWFUL & partied out, I charged him like all regular patrons – when we normally let ALL local celebrities for free (there was a steep entry fee at the time). Sorry Joe 😦

    He had an hr long interview with local tv a few yrs ago after he met Barrett & he talked about his partying & how the NK had an “intervention” with him after he was found passed out on his lawn by the gardener the next morning.

    ALL the NK had problems after they fell off the high horse. Locally, they were like EVERYONE else!!! No perks, no real attention, except the money -so they partied to feel better. It was the age & who can blame them! Id honestly be doing the same thing if I was them.

    I remember when Mark Wahlberg was trying to climb to fame…EVERYONE was ridiculing him -for riding his brothers coattails & laughing at his skills. Turns out he’s LAUGHING now!! Good for him. But he gets SOO defensive & wont talk about that time in his life -if he gets interviewed about it. Ive seen it on tv, myself! Boston is a fickle place!

    Intheknow…I agree that you’re a personal assistant of the NK. You have too much insight & candidity. IF you ever want to rant freely-by ALL means…we’re listening. I know they lead a BUSY, crazy life at times…even though THIS tour was TAME compared to their hayday.

    Stranger…you’re also a MYSTERIOUS poster. I KNOW you’ve got inside connections…Come clean!

  898. In the know: you’re ver clever… a Donnie clever… the gift of gab…and there is nothing wrong with that…LOL.. i must say.. your very well informed and detailed. ..as the name states…luv ya!

  899. In the know: you’re very clever… a Donnie clever… the gift of gab… quick comebacks…and there is nothing wrong with that…LOL.. i must say.. your very well informed and detailed. ..as the name states…luv ya!

  900. Reality check. First off, In The Know is not a New Kid. No way. She never even said she was. I doubt she works with them either. Some of you need to get over your fantasy that you are going to run into the NKOTB or their associates on the internet. Come on, That’s as bad as some of the girls on the regular NKOTB board, KWIM?

    Nope for all the partying and ruckus that went on in their hotels and backstage I never ever ever saw Jon with a single female and no one else I know did either which I think is how everyone figured out he was gay before he told anyone. He had some guys around who were probably boyfriends but I never saw anything.

    Pretty much every drug you could imagine around back then except the ones that hadn’t been invented yet LOL but the favorites were cocaine, cheeba and alcohol and steroids for Danny, he was the definition of roid rage.

    I love this site, it’s fun to read but just from being around back then I can easily tell what’s legit and what’s fan fiction. Im sure the guys can too if they even care enough to read this site which they probably don’t. I don’t think they have too much to worry about here.

  901. PS. GG if you were eight back then you have more of a chance of hooking up with them now than us old ladies who were there before, so go out and do it and post the dish. LOL Also I love LapDanceGirl’s idea of posting about Jon’s Harley. I dare someone to do it!

  902. Okay fist things first I’m a reader never posted haha sounds like an AA meeting or something but I guess thats what we say when we’ve never posted…
    Anywho I thought I might put in that even though I love reading all the stuff of the guys personal lives and the many amazing fan encounters that we all wish were us, we’re all adults now right? And I mean even if things happened with certain married men we would know when to keep our mouths closed and not brag on the net about those things because we don’t want to hurt them or something like that… You know what I mean. I know I definately would love to keep those moments all to myself.
    But don’t stop on my behalf keep goin’ hey who cannot wait til 2009 when they come back? I know I am trying a little harder this time to get a kiss from Donnie even if I have to wait outside the baby daddy bus or maybe even Jordan… ^_^

  903. Yeah, this board is getting boring. Do we have to start posting stories that we WISH would happen? I know i could start a few of those!

    Itd only take 3 things..ME, JK & some chocolate syrup. Mmmm!

  904. Lap Dance Girl – so disappointed to hear that Donny didn’t knock your stilletos off…damn I hoped he was good. He just seems like sex on a stick but I guess the guys that talk a big game are average.

    I’m guessing that Jon is a GREAT lover…lucky for his Harley! My mom always said the memorable ones are usually gay or married (I think they’re all gay). He seems so sweet and caring.

    Maybe in my next life…

  905. Im so glad I found this site! Almost every other site i have seen out there is full of clueless little girls who are obviously making stuff up, like nkotbgossip and nkotb.com. This is the first one I could find with others who have really spent time with the guys who have stories to share. Glad to be here!

  906. I was thinking IN-THE-KNOW was a Donnie, then later I thought it was Zach. Either way she turns her phrases as a man would…..also the way she mentioned Donnie as if she were Donnie speaking about himself…..I guess that was the whole point…to fuck with everyone here.

    NURSES4CHANGE—-I had a feeling you were sitting on some info.! Have any more memories you care to share since you’re there in “Bean-town” (is that the way to say it?)

    LAP DANCE GIRL—-You’ve told us about your first meeting with Donnie, what else happened?

  907. Nurse4Change- I don’t know if you’ve already said this or not but are you on another “gutter board” under a different name?? You sound familiar…

  908. I am not a New Kid. I do not work for the New Kids. I’m just someone who knows people and things. 😉

    Thankyougoodnight! 🙂

  909. Lap Dance: What Mexico performance are you talking about with Joe?

    JJ: How do you know the guys? Sorry, I think I missed that part and this has become a lot to scroll back thru! lol And feel free to keep the stories coming, I love them! 🙂

  910. Why is it so impossible for one of the guys to get on the internet and hop on a site?? I agree infuckingpossible!! Their too cool right?? Whatever. I’m glad you know everything there is to know and other people can’t have thoughts or opinions.
    InTheKnow, it’s just something you wrote, I’m waiting to see if I see any other ‘clues’, if I do then I’ll share them with you, until then…
    The One (and only lol): I don’t think stranger is all that strange either!!

  911. One of my friends forwarded this page to me. I am here to clear a few things up on behalf of “certain” people.
    1# Their “assistant” is NOT on here. None of their paid workers would be on here.
    #2 Joe does not and has never had a drug problem unless pot and drinking counts.
    #3 Donnie is serious with NO ONE and dates several women when he has the time
    #4 yes, Danny does have a girlfriend and if anyone was backstage and their “assitant” they would know that.
    #5 Jonathan is NOT gay and has no plans to “come out”
    #6 Jordan’s past is in the past..let’s leave it there.
    #7 While these sites are fun..
    please remember that they have sisters who still protect them like hawks ok? Just because they are on a comeback it doesn’t give anyone the right to “speculate” on the NOW it’s free game to speak of past encounters but come on now they have all grown up.
    Thank you god bless.

  912. oh and Jon’s not gay here he is at the end of the vid arm around a girl and she holds when she walked behind him…

    Who ever he ends up with is going to be one lucky lucky lady!!!

    and me and my girls know some things that why i ranted earlier and then felt i had to put this up for Jon…

  913. I just read this whole thing, and I wanted to say thanks for the entertainment. I’m a fan and it was fun reading all of this. I love the detective work and speculations! I’m hoping for that Summer tour…keep it going 😉

  914. Jon is definitely gay. Sorry to all of you in denial.
    I think no heteresexual man would ever be seen sucking face with another guy in public, and Jon has done that a lot.

    Iris you are full of sh*t.

  915. Colby, you’re cute. You know that gay guys don’t actually think women have cooties, right? They are very affectionate with their female friends. I hold hands with my gay BFF. We’ve been known to snuggle too. That girl is part of their touring staff, and they’re good friends.

  916. Trailhopper – we are on the same page ;O)

    In the Know – I wanna know…go back…find my email addy…tell me!

    Ok no more stories? I know someone has to have inside info on Jordan this tour…..come out come out wherever you are……

  917. Ok eventhough I am a huge fan of the new kids I came across this site and I am addicted! I love love love jordan so really I just wanna hear anything and everything about jordan . It gives a little insight into maybe what he could be like in reality.The sex stories are all great so keep them coming and I love that some of you ladies are like spies,
    jordan actually said that once about the fans in an interview.
    But the only thing I think we should lay off is jon because us
    talking about his sexual preference is alittle wrong . Maybe he is gay and wants to come out but people keep ruining it for him , I dont know and really I dont care if he is but let him
    do the coming out if and when he wants to.On another topic ,
    do you ladies think its terrible that I actually kinda hope the stories of jordan are true? I feel bad thinking it but I have only heard negative stories of his wife and Im a little intuitive
    and he just seems so sad sometimes and I wonder if its because he wants to be free…

  918. LOL Iris, girl, please! Jon is not gay? Joe never had a drug problem? Go back to nkotb.com because that’s the place for fiction!

    This just makes me want to post more stuff. So here it goes! They were all into partying and sometimes their family members were even involved. You know that Jordan and Donnie used to have threesomes with girls right? And also that Donnie passed off his sloppy seconds on Jimbo? And that sometimes Robo got some too? There is so much more that people have not even mentioned here yet. I am not afraid to bring it if people want to talk about it!

    You don’t have to take my word for it, there is photo proof out there. Old skool folks will remember one of the girls sold her story to the Enquirer with naked pictures of Jimbo, it was nasty!

    The more that the fans come on here and pretend to be relatives or cousins with only good things to say, the more we should post the truth!

  919. I’m not naive, I’m just saying it because it’s true he’s not and I have proof from my friends and facetime and I mean facetime if you know what I mean with not only him but a couple other members of a certain band…
    But like I said earlier I’m a grown ass woman and don’t need to be spreading things on the net; I just like reading them! haha

  920. Joe goes Jordan she`s single..Please tell me if u know what he`s says and then Joe say something else at the end that I can`t make out??HELP

  921. MK – I totally back you up! Iris you are FULL of SHIT! Colby you’re just naive! There are too many eyes out there that have seen Jon kissing his boyfriend. He’s gay, just admit it to yourself now and get OVER it. I don’t believe Jon would be hurt by us talking about his sexual preferance. In fact, I think he would be proud to know that we support him. No one here has been critical of his Harley…and if someone did say something rude we’d be pissed!

  922. Right I always liked you Nurse4Change!!!

    I thought InTheKnow was a guy also and I think I posted that above.

    And for those of you who thinks that InTheKnow is one of the guy or works for the guys god, they’ve got a lot of time on thier hands…..or else they’re glued to thier blackberries.

    How about this if you don’t like the board and don’t like what people are saying then don’t post and don’t read it. It’s really that simple.

    Iris, why should we believe you?

  923. JJ—Girl……SPILL IT!!!!!!!
    You made my day!!!

    I’m going to guess Donnie hit the back while Jordan got the blow job! 😉

    Is Jimbo a bodyguard?

  924. I also read about Jon being gay on Perezhilton.com. It’s not that far fetched, especially since no one can link him to a girl since Tiffany. And Perez has a knack for outing people…remember when he said the same about Lance Bass? To be honest, I could care less if Jon was gay. As long as he’s happy and in love what does it matter? Maybe I think that way because I was always a Jordan fan? 🙂

  925. OOOOhhhh, nice JJ!!! Keep it up! Oh, and your comment to GG made me smile, as I was around that same age (I’m almost 27 now), so you kept my hope alive! lol

  926. Yes, Jon is gay, it’s common knowledge. Joe was big into cocaine from 95 till at least 2000, and he did have an intervention by his loved ones. Anyone who believes Jordan is faithful to his wife is in denial. Joe might be faithful now that his wife has her eye on him 24/7. Smart girl. Donnie and Danny are manwhores. But needless to say, they are good guys who love their fans and are appreciative. I love them for the men they are and their talent and how they have made my life better. That’s the main thing to remember here. I love knowing the juicy gossip too, but insulting the guys is just ridiculous.

  927. Does anyone know who that song “I Wish” is about? (other than me. haha). I was thinking he ought to do it Carly Simon style and auction off the answer to charity lol. Maybe he can find that chick that he saw on the subway to be a part of it. (Come on now Jordan, that was a good answer but, really? Did you ever actually ride the subway? lol).

  928. Dewy – you tought who was who’s wife? the pic at the top of the page IS Jordan’s wife (as far as anyone knows…I mean seriously it’s like trying to get a pic of a damn UFO…lol) but I was probably referring to Donnie’s girl at the Laker game.

    And for who ever says none of them have drug or alcohol problems…are you shitting me? Donnie is glazed at most of the M&G’s….I doubt he does it cause it’s funny….give me an effin break…Love these guys but wtf?

  929. jordan is my night – I’ve said it before but I think thats why so many people talk about his cheating, they want to believe that hes only acting that way until someone better for him comes along. They’re hoping they’ll be the ones that make him want to be good, devoted, etc. and it will all be because of some random meeting, like they’re soulmates or something. But come now, is he really going to do a 180 over someone that screws him at a hotel in the middle of nowhere? Leave his comfort zone for a one night stand? Its a hell of a good fantasy though. Believe me, I totally know where you’re coming from. lol.
    Also, a lot of people have said that he seems sad and depressed or whatever lately (you’re not the only one to comment on that), but maybe thats just how he is. Donnie used to say that he was the thinker of the group, always in his own world (or something like that, I don’t remember). So maybe he’s just lost in thought a lot of the time. When I’m thinking about something, I tend to look pissed off too, even if I’m not lol Its just an expression I get on my face. Maybe he’s the same way, who knows.

  930. Hey I was just wondering did anyone notice that the picture of jordan and E right after she had the baby is gone!! i went to look for it and I couldn’t find it!! Maybe it is just my computer but if not WHAT IS GOING ON! I was just looking at the picture of Donnie and that girl at the game and WOW!! She looks twice his size!! I know he said that he likes all sizes but come on!! I saw that someone said he is dating many people, I hope they look better than that!! I was also wondering if the people who live in Boston have seen any of them out and about now that they are on a break!!

  931. I hate to dissappoint you girls but if I’m a guy, then I’m an effeminate Gay man who loves makeup, clothes, and peen. 🙂

    I’m a chick. And a pretty one at that! 😉 I’m both amused and slightly offended that some of you thought I was a guy. 🙂

    I keep telling you that I’m not a New Kid nor do I work for the New Kids. I just know things. 😉

    Oh and Colby: Was your friend who had “facetime” with Jon a dude??

  932. CG- What is that video supposed to represent? I am assume those times you posted are pointing out the girl in bright pink at the front of the stage. Who is she?

  933. hbelle2995- I have seen the video you are referring to before. It is the one where they are rehearsing before the Today show performance. Joe says, “Jordan, she’s not married…” And Jordan says, “Yeah, but you know I am.” And he kind of sounds annoyed, probably because he didn’t want Joe putting him out on front street like that. Probably would rather keep his escapades on “The Sly.” I have never been able to figure out what Joe says in response.

    Has anyone ever noticed how many songs on The Block and also on Jordan’s solo albums have to do with hooking up with someone in a club, even though you have a girlfriend/wife at home? There are quite a few of them if you count them up.

  934. Oops, you’re right, Joe says, “Jordan, she’s single…” And Jordan says, “Yeah, but you know I ain’t, Joe” I had it switched around, sorry. I think Joe might say, “I think so” after Jordan says that, but I don’t know.

  935. Normally I keep my mouth shut when it comes to the more personal attacks about the NKOTB girlfriend’s and/or wives (their looks, size, etc.) because that goes way too far for me (and whats the point? I know I’m not all that anyway lol), but this time, I had to comment because of the post someone made about the weight of Donnie’s girlfriend in that photo (which I’ve seen). Has the thought occured to you that maybe that is a bad angle? A bad photo? Have you seen this girl in person? How do you know she’s not of a NORMAL weight? Is every picture of you perfect? Besides, she’s sitting down for christsake lol how can you tell that she’s bigger than him? Maybe he’s manorexic? (sorry, Donnie lol, I’m just saying). People are so used to seeing anorexic models and celebrities nowadays, that anyone that looks like they weigh more than a dryer sheet is a fatass. Its ridiculous!! I am happy for Donnie and his girl. I happen to like the fact that he isn’t wasting his time dating some spoiled wannabe actress b*tch or Paris Hilton or something. He’s always been a down-to-earth guy and he’s gotten himself someone who appears to be a down-to-earth girl. Whats wrong with that? When girls don’t eat enough, they’re bitchy as hell (why do you think the skinnier girls are always so pissed off? Its because they’re hungry!!!!!!!!!). Maybe you need to eat something?? Ok, end rant. lol

  936. Dirty Dawg-It sounds like Joe says “She`s single“ and Jordan says“Im not Joe“..Joe sounds like he says “you think so“.Listen again tell me what u think?
    He sure does sing alot about cheating..Like he has experience.LOL

  937. No she’s not a guy and doesnt look like one either far from it, But whatever you can all believe what you want free web haha He’s Gay He’s Not Gay whatever…
    I want to start reading more of those stories from back in the day and maybe some from now cause I know there are lots…

  938. Nurse4Change-Ohhhh, that’s what I thought! 🙂 And I see there are some other familiar faces…JK4ever, Isabel, Bree…
    Hey guys!:)

  939. I agree with Jaymme. I too looked at that pic of Donnie and his gf, WTF…She isn’t fat! I don’t know why someone would say she is half the size of Donnie. OMG to me, she looks great! NOT FAT…NOT SKINNY, Just right to me. I have a friend who is skinny, borderline anorexia and she is always bitchy and in a bad mood, so I totally agree with Jaymme on that one!

  940. in the know – i always wondered if you were a man. many have previouslt stated that they thought so, and i must agree. sorry, but you are definitely a guy. i wasnt sure until your last post. this statement said it all “i’m a chick!” no girl or woman would ever refer to herself as a “chick”.

    nurse4change and sandra_uk : you ladies are spot on! anyone else agree?

    i havent been on for awhile and it deosnt look like i missed much. can we get back to the real juice? call me dirty, but i want to hear more about JK (sexual) encounters, especially the ones from this tour (if any). c’mon ladies, spill the beans!!!

  941. ***Is anyone going to the NYE party in Vegas???

    And for the peeps who are going back to the Kendra/Today show girl, please go back & read the details & view her pix. Just a boyband groupie -who was obsessed w/jk for awhile.

    Im interested in hearing more about the “sex-capades” of Jordan & Donnie….Interesting. I can see where they’d be sex buddies, but now that the daddys were on the bus together, were they F***-buddies too? Hmmm… Im not surprised about JK & DW.

    And the lyrics to JKs songs & the sexual tones CLEARLY demonstrate where the GROWN MENs 2nd head is…LOL

    Now can I get me some GROWN MAN!! Or at least a PIC of EVE!!!!

  942. Joe saying that “She’s Single” was in reference to a sign that a girl was holding that said “I am Single” or something to that effect. It wasn’t directed to any certain guy.

  943. I have a question,in this video of Jordan performing “The Fix” does he slap her ass.I know this is kind of off “topic”,but….
    it’s around 00:29……

  944. Does anyone know at which M&G Donnie met the Lakers girl? I’m surprised that so far there have been no juicy stories of Donnie this tour.

  945. jaymee – i was just talking about this on another forum.
    I believe it’s about that M girl. because of certain things that pertain to that story. i think the last time he wrote a song was in 1999. and thats the only song he wrote for that album.
    i find it interesting also that he choose to sing that song on QVC, when his single was say goodbye. also its pretty much the only song from his solo album on his myspace..
    M has the clip of him singing the song on her myspace.
    you know he was b’sing that answer// and you KNOW that song is not about his wife or about some girl he saw on a subway 20 years ago lol.
    the song is deep.. “i wish i had the strength, then i wouldn’t feel like this, to have you here next to me i wish.. its getting hard to sleep at night…am i crazy cause we never met before..but it feels like we have..
    is his wife that naive.. or has she not heard his album yet? lol

  946. DirtyDawg- that’s one of the girls some people were talking about earlier if you scroll up a bit. Some people were saying she has been hooking up with Jordan.

  947. jaymee,
    I actually was just expressing my feelings and being
    brutally honest . I never said I would be one of the countless
    hoochies that blow him , I really am just curious and I think that if hes not truly happy with his wife then he should end it,
    not for me or some other chic just for himself.I also know once a cheater always a cheater so I would never get my hopes up with him , hes the type that you have to take them
    for them period! It actually says in his astrological forecast that he has troubles with being faithful!

  948. Hi there. I must say I highly enjoyed all the posts on here. I just finished reading (I started on Wednesday) I heard that rumor has it that Jordan has had sth with one of the back-up dancers since the Mexico shows. Anyone can confirm that? What about this latina named Andrea that he supposedly saw in July? Any info is appreciated!

  949. Jon Alert…my favorite blogger PH SAW Jon and Harley at Kathy Griffin’s show in LA (as PH says Kathy LOVES the gays and they LOVE her). I don’t know how much more proof ya’ll need to admit he’s happy in love with a man. Let’s leave it at that and get back to JK!

  950. That’s true! I can’t find that picture of E when she just gave birth to Dante!! it’s not on the internet anymore???!!!!

  951. I knew them and partied with them in the 1990s like 1,000 other girls. Anyone else who was there saw what I did. They didn’t try to hide it then and they’re not trying to hide it now, if they were they would not be wearing potleaf tshirts and sniffing stripper poles on their official website. They have never been afraid to be who they are. Fangurls please open your eyes.

    Stillaboybandlover is 100 percent correct.

    Jimbo is not a bodyguard, he is Donnie’s brother!

    Jon is gayer than a treefull of parrots! He is also a total doll and I wish his fans would chill so he could come out publicly. His fans seem to be even crazier this time around now that he is more obviously gay. Makes no sense!

  952. DirtyDawg
    Has anyone ever noticed how many songs on The Block and also on Jordan’s solo albums have to do with hooking up with someone in a club, even though you have a girlfriend/wife at home? There are quite a few of them if you count them up.

    I looked up some of the lyrics last night.
    You have a point, most of his songs seem to be about “missed opportunities”…..hmmm.

  953. I’m not trying to start anything, but after reading all these posts-I’ve come to realize you girls are good snoopers [if nothing else]. I was watching JKs page the past few days, because he’s been changing it around. You know new top friends and so on, [note the chunky girl, ROTFLMAO]!Are they random pics or what, because it seems one day, one specific girl wasn’t there and then the next she was. Things that make you go Hhhmmmmm!

  954. Private Eye: Why would I lie about whether I’m a guy or a girl? I’m a woman and I say “chick” all the time…..

    Whateva….you girls can believe what you want. 😉

  955. JJ ~ your comment about Jon cracked me up! Just the way you said it was funny! If he is or isn’t, that’s up to him and doesn’t bother me, it just made me laugh! 🙂

    JK’s guilty pleasure~ what does sth mean?

    Nurse4Change~ I’d love to go to Vegas, but my friends aren’t able to go. However, I’m expecting to hear stories from anyone who makes it! Any sightings so far??

    InTheKnow~ you have great comments whether you are a girl or guy, so keep the info coming!

    Ladies, back to the stories!!

  956. Ye back to the stories maybe I’ll get my friends on here to tell theirs just to get the ball rolling again…
    I would but I’d rather not 🙂

  957. Yea back to the stories maybe I’ll get my friends on here to tell theirs just to get the ball rolling again…
    I would but I’d rather not 🙂

  958. InTheKnow…you’re busted out…just admit it. You are a guy. Private eye is right. Girls don’t refer to themselves as chicks, and if you were one, you would know that. Actually, some girls hate to be referred to as chicks. =)

  959. InTheKnow…you’re busted out…just admit it. You are a guy. Private eye is right. Girls don’t refer to themselves as chicks, and if you were one, you would know that. Actually, some girls hate to be referred to as chicks. =)

  960. Oh and the picture is still out there, I came across it yesterday. If anyone wants it?? I can give the link to the website.

  961. Did you chicks, and yes I am a chick too who uses that word ever think that Marisol herself and the girl in the pink shirt are the ones posting here starting the rumors. Hell half the girls on NKOTB.com also think Jordan loves them because he pointed at them once in a concert. I can’t think who else would be so obsessed with this and whether or not Jordan sang to some girl in the crowd. Even if it’s true that something happened, guys like Jordan fuck around. They don’t fall in love or have relationships on the side. Sorry Marisol.

    Yes there was talk in the 90s that both Jordan and Donnie were bi. Myself aside from rumors like Jordan and Tommy Page ect. I never saw much evidence of that on Jordan’s part other than the fact of them participating in threesomes together with only one girl. I did find this a little bit suspect! But straight guys do this too I guess.

  962. Glad to see you guys agreed with me 🙂
    Anyway, sorry Jordan Is My Night, sometimes I’ll read something and will want to comment on it but by the time I’m ready to, it might be too late (old news) so I’ll bring it up when I get the chance again. lol So I didn’t mean to go off on you. It was just stuff I had been thinking about. Btw, I have a book on Lovers Astrology (heh) and his says he tends to choose the wrong first love. That used to make me laugh cuz I was like, damn, thats ironic lol but he’s still with his first love so its useless info. lol
    Anyway, Miss Knight, interesting theory. Could be. Did they know each other then? I don’t know when they met. Maybe thats just it, he used to see her at his shows and wrote about her before they started talking or something? I don’t know. I just find that song intriguing for some reason. Yeah, he writes about being a manwhore, lol, but(and maybe I’m reading way too much into it) the lyrics weren’t just about sex, they were about giving a damn about someone, ya know what I mean? God I love intrigue. lol
    People keep asking for more stories. Maybe he needs Viagra. LOL

  963. I live across the street from Jordan and Evelyn and that first pic does look like her but i can’t tell for sure. She is a sweet heart no matter what anyone says, she is one of the nicest ladies I’ve ever met, and is always busy and stays in a great mood whenever you talk to her. She also hooked my 2 sisters and my girlfriend up with sick seats to the Sept. 28th Boston concert. They are both great and normal people when they’re at home and living out of the spotlight. I’ve known them for years since they moved in several years ago. No one here knows Evelyn and Jordan personally, so if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.


  964. Dante is a great kid too.. I was a counselor at a basketball camp that he attended, the whole family are great people

  965. Sassy- Not only missed opportunities, but seized opportunities as well. Think about it: 1) Keep it on the Sly – all about cheating, 2) Dirty Dancing- hooking up with someone in a club while your girl is at home

    I am too tired, but those are two I can think of right now, I know there are more!

  966. Any Jordan sightings lately? We all have seen Donnie at the Set of Bunker Hill. I hope Jordan is resting and enjoying some time off. He was kinda skinny lately and fatigued

  967. jaymee ,
    Its cool girl im not trippen I pretty much agree with everything your sayen…But seriously ….If anyone has more stories please spill them….Just harmless fun right?

  968. Just wanted to let you know… Jordan sang the exact same part to me at a concert recently… “hey girl don’t you know I miss it, and i wonder if you miss it too” he smiled and even blew kisses. That doesn’t mean anything, at all!!!! He was performing and having fun, he was doing his job!!

    Just because he sang to me doesn’t mean that we hooked up!!! It was adorable, innocent and soo sweet. Once the concert was over, he was off to the next city and I was on my way home to my hubby and kiddos.

    but I have great pictures of it 🙂

  969. Has this board really just turned into every other post being NKOTB fans trying desparately to believe that a New Kid is posting here?

    his neighbor across the street? LOL!

  970. Um……….”BILL”……..your brownies are burning in your Easy Bake Oven.
    When you’re done with that why don’t you hop on your magic unicorn and trot across the yellow brick road to Evelyn’s house and tell her about this site?
    Tell her SASSY said “hi”. 😉

    on December 15, 2008 at 10:21 pm JKs guilty pleasure
    E, I heard he was going out with one of the dancers. That’s what the Mexican fans said.

    I was thinking that one day when I was watching some YouTube clips.

    DIRTYDAWG– The lyrics that jumped out at me seemed to be about wishing he could’ve made different choices.

  971. Private Eye: thank you.

    Also In the Know stop responding the drama and get back to giving us more inside info…if you have it…;)

    Oh my god Bill, If you are everything you said you were than YOU should be the one to lay off. We wouldn’t be talking about him being unfaithful if we didn’t have first hand encounters to talk about. And if girls didn’t want to fuck him there wouldn’t be a concert for half your family to get free tickets to.

    Groupies like us arn’t the problem. We’re completely honest in our intentions. People like you are. You know them, you know their kid. Why would you even post here? Shady

  972. Why can’t Bill post here, He knows them.. right??? so he says,,,,
    well some women here are stating they fucked them right????
    So what’s the difference???

    It’s all hear say anyway… bring the truth in it all why don’t you!

    This is just mostly wishful thinking !!!!!!!!!!!

    As Always,


  973. i am NOT Marisol. People need to stop saying that.
    Nobody started any rumor. If you scroll up several girls on here knew about her and the same thing, seeing her at shows. That’s how the talk started.
    Now that that “pink” girl came on here. yea i’m believe that.

    I’m just about done with this whole marisol thing. I have my formed opinion and thats that. I respect other’s opinions whether they agree or not.
    Personally, I think it’s very screwed up how J’s cheating on her so MANY times all these years. And if a woman stays in a disrespectful relationship like that., it’s obvious she must love him more than he does.

  974. Bill lets hope that when I’m more well known in the television industry that I dont have you as a neighbour or even have you living on my block for my saftey and the saftey of my future children…
    and I also think Jordan should move… now…

  975. Question: Why is it when anyone posts anything good about the guys some of you are quick to jump on them to go play with easy bake ovens or go back to the nkotb website? No one is perfect and stories are A LOT of fun to read about (fantasy or not) but the good is also nice to hear about, especially in today’s world. . .Just a thought. . . now I will go play with my daughter’s Tinkerbell Cafe 🙂

  976. Thanks for clarifying JK’s guilty pleasure! You’ve seen Donnie, then? So what’s up with him? Have you seen the girl from the Laker’s game around? Do tell!

    Colby~ come on now, you know you are dying to tell us!!! And we are dying to hear whatever you know!! Come on, give us an early Christmas present! lol

    Also, any word on Danny and the dark haired girl? Lap Dancer, have you spotted him/them since the tour stopped? Any news on Joe and that whole ordeal?

  977. hey chicks! let me revise what i previously stated about women not using the word “chick.” yes, i have used the word chick at times, much like the way JJ did… but, i have never and would never refer to myself in first person as a “chick”. I would never say to anyone, “i am a chick.” so i use the word, just never in that context. it just wouldnt ever occur to me.

    in the know: i really dont care if you are a man or woman, i just like to snoop as the name suggests, lol. i was just making a casual ovbservation.

    any more JORDAN gossip? i feel like we are steering off course 😦

  978. DirtyDawg and JK’s Guilty Pleasure, which dancer – what does she look like the one the Mexican fans said was hooking up with Jordan.

    JJ – come on, tell us more stories! Jordan and Donnie threesomes? – sign me up! I always thought there was something ‘special’ between those two….

  979. “Bill”—Looks like we know where you live now, too!!

    We’ll be on the lookout for you when we’re ‘lost’ finding our way on your street!

    Take a pic of EVE then & post it for us -or we’ll get one of you!

    Be careful…how will you feel if your ‘friends’ find out you’re on here posting about them–even if you’re defending them.. looks shady…Kiss your free tix GOODBYE!
    SASSY-you are one funny mother…loved the magic unicorn!!!
    Stranger…Whats summon the Big dawg mean??

  980. Ok Girls! So should we ask how “Bill’ knows Eve is doing well does he make visits to the Knight house…lol Come on No more dirt! I want to hear about this chick and Danny is she still around since they are home with the familys???? Come on Stripper girl we want some stories……

  981. Honestly do you girls/guys really think there is anything ‘juicy’ to hear about Jordan? I don’t know if there is really. Maybe, but it just seems like he’s a married man with kids who once was very very famous and has had a second shot to do it his/thier way. I think he loves the attention from the fans but i also think that thats all. He really does seem like he LOVES performing for his fans and being with the guys and i’m sure the money is nothing to complain about but I really don’t think he’s out to pick up chicks. (Oh there’s that word again). There’s no doubt that he and all of them had their fun in their hay day but now as far as Jordan is concerned, I don’t think he’s out there getting bj’s from fans. I could be wrong, and you know to be honest as I sit here all cozy in my house with my husband and kids I can’t honestly say I wouldn’t do whatever the fuck Jordan Knight wanted me to do or not do to him but it’s a pipe dream and as pissed off as it makes me to think “Fuck if only i wasn’t 13 in thier hay day!” I was.

  982. This site is too addictive. Colby, I agree with you. My SO is in TV and we are always aware of creepy people on the look out to publish some such nonsense on the net. What do you want to do? Report, anchor, entertainment? Sorry, off topic.

    PS. On myspace, Jordan seems to be quite active lately.

  983. >>JJ – come on, tell us more stories! Jordan and Donnie threesomes? – sign me up! I always thought there was something ’special’ between those two….<<

    OMG. I hope Joe doesn’t know about this. LOL

  984. I’m a writer, I’m currently working on a television series for abc and I hope to direct and everything some day…
    As for my gossip my story involves my facetime with donnie and jordan and my a few of my friends stayed behind longer with donnie and had facetime with the other guys as well… Joe said hi and then I saw him leave with Barrett so we didnt get much face time and the good little perks that come along with it with him…

  985. Of course Joe knew about it, why wouldn’t he? They were all doing this out in the open and sometimes they passed girls around. Joe never had any threesomes with the other guys that I know about though.

    Jordan, Donnie and Danny have all brought girls backstage this tour so something was def going on and somebody knows about it. I don’t think Jordan was bringing girls backstage to have tea parties. Unfortunately my backstage knowledge is limited to the previous tours but I am going to try to be more on top of things in March!

  986. OK……..Miss COLBY and Miss JJ….y’all are going to have to spill some shit!
    Seriously…why must I beg and plead????

    I got y’alls back if the “watch dogs” start barking. 🙂


    SASSY-you are one funny mother…loved the magic unicorn!!
    Thanks NURSES4CHANGE. 😉


  987. I’ve been reading your posts and I gotta say..keep them coming! One thing is for sure..how does NOBODY have a more recent pic of Eve? I’m curious as to what she looks like now after having 2 kids.

    I mean Barrett looks like she never gave birth! Her arms and legs are muscular and all. lol

    Jordan is fine as hell so I just wonder what his wife looks like and how come he never wears a wedding ring? I mean, does he ever?

    He also seems very mysterious the times I’ve met him. Never much to say..like he wants it that way. He wants to keep the women guessing. So how on earth does one get close to him? I don’t get it…

  988. Stranger! Good job Summoning Mr. Bill!

    Someone on here is SURELY jerking our chain b/t Stranger, Inthe know & ‘Bill’…its cool though. We’ll eventually figure it out. Dissection is a slow, tedious process..

    Colby–please elaborate! Tell what ‘PERKS’ you guys had.. its okay..we don’t bite! although we might nibble a bit..

    And I recently found out I know of someone who went to J’s wedding! I’ll be talking w/them at Christmas & see what I can uncover. I know it was awhile ago, but look at the talk going on about that 1 pic of him!

    And yes, the MYspace has alot of activity lately..rumor about him having a fling w/one of his TopFriends. Theres a link on another board.

    Anyone get posts from him on MySpace of Facebook??

  989. I believe it was in Braintree, South of Boston, not South Boston. HUGE difference! 🙂 thats his local bookstore..he was there before he went on tour, too!

    And he was referring to a Jordan Action figure he was looking for on ebay. Guess the ‘figuring it out’ thing was ebay.

    Lastly, I got an email from him minutes before he cancelled his Facebook account! Damn. I wiseassed him into a reply from NOV 13! He emailed another girl that he had 200something posts, was overwhelmed & must have deleted them all-this was 10minutes after my response….

    There is still 1 private FB account for JK-Im waiting on a response.

    So stick to the Myspace & see what happens..

    AND WHERE R ALL THE STORIES!! Backstage or whatever!!

  990. Ah…how do you know THAT JKs guilty pleasure…if you were there how did they look.

    Stragely enough I was searching youtube and I found an old video where the boys are asked if they will get married and Jordan says that he “doesn’t think that he will ever get married” very adamantly. I don’t have the link, but if I find it I will post it…

  991. beth- that is intersting/ i always had the feeling he didn’t think much of marriage, look at how his parents ended up. Jon also, never married. and didn’t their sister recently get divorced?
    i don’t think he “wanted” to get married. But after having a child, and being with someone in some sort of relationship, for a while, the ultimate goal is marriage. Do you wonder how E felt, from a girls’ point of view., being with someone for years, even having a kid and ..him not trying to marry you after all this time? That should have made her wonder, and she probably gave him an ultimatium. didn’t they break up in 02 and marry in 04. see what i’m saying. i’m sure she was aware of his lack of “love” or whatever you call it, a woman knows.,
    and that’s probably why he had a drinking problem right after. i must agree, it could most likely be , he married her to make her happy.

  992. Oooo, this is getting better!! We’ve got some sightings, some old stories are popping up. Now we just need the new ones!

    Thanks JJ for letting us know that they all have been bringing girls backstage, well minus Joe. Keep the stories coming!! You said that you will be on top of things in March. What’s going on in March that I missed??

    Nurse4Change, I am very interested in hearing about the wedding! Keep your eyes out for the guys! 🙂

    JK’s guilty pleasure, were you at the store, too???

  993. We had our face time and this guy came up to me and my friend and asked us if we were there with anyone else and if we would like to stay back a little bit longer. we said definately and told him we were with a few other girls but our friend and her husband were leaving and so he ended up asking us for our names and said something along the lines of us two making a good impression which made us laugh cause we were acting like total dorks the whole time we were there and we thought Donnie and Jordan were a little shocked at our age when we first listened to them (because during face time we said we were 3 when we knew about them running around saying when I grow up I’m going to marry Jordan and things like that which would make us about 7 when they split)
    still before the guy came and talked to us and before we finished our face time Donnie seemed curious about us and Jordan kept glancing over we talked about a few things and were leaving on this NKOTB high when the guy approached us.
    So anyways we waited a little with our friends and watched as girls cleared out of face time and thought maybe that guy wasnt with them and this was a joke so we started to leave again and the same guy came up behind us and told us to wait just a few more minutes and my friends started interogating him basically to see if he was for real and as he was doing that Donnie walks over and he says hi and we start off basically like our facetime started and Jordan walks over and talks for a few minutes and leaves so I’m basically thinking he thought we were cool then he talked to us and we’re not cool anymore
    Donnie invites us all backstage and thats where we met the other guys and Joe was with his wife and she is soo pretty in person. Basically all that happened with Joe was quick hellos and introductions and he left with Barrett. During this time Jon was nowhere to be seen and Jordan was glancing over at us again in between looking at his cell. After a little while Jordan asked if we wanted to meet Jon (me and one of my friends) because she kept asking about him. So my friend says yes and he looks over at me waiting for a response so I obviously said yes cause I mean hello Jordan wanted me to come. My friends said Donnie and Danny offered them some drinks about five minutes after we left and they went to their tour bus which I’m a little jealous about because I didnt get to see the baby daddy bus..lol..
    But I guess it was ok cause I hung out with Jordan for a bit. I will get some more details and everything from what happened from that point with them. With us Jordan introduced my friend to Jon and kind of kept me out of the loop a bit and Jon had to introduce himself. Jordan was staying pretty close to me and kept looking at me which made me a little more than nervous. So I said I needed some air and he walked me out we walked around the buses a few seconds and he smiled at me and told me I had really nice eyes and I blushed and he said that was cute which made me scrunch my nose and he laughed and said I was really beautiful and cute. Basically it all ended with a kiss and I apologized which made him confused cause he was the one who went for the kiss. I had to say I’m not that kind of girl and I had to look for my friends.

  994. OMG! Details on the Barnes and Nobles sighting required LOL

    Once again, he’s spotted with Eve and NOBODY got a pic?? Strange indeed……….

  995. Basically because I walked away (cause I don’t mess around with other girls guys) thats the reason I didnt want to say my story but who knows maybe I’ll feel differently in ’09 cause I kind of regret not taken advantage I mean Jordan Knight.. OMG… also Jon and my friend were flirting a bit and when I left there was more flirting and they kissed… But I can’t say I honestly know that they did because I wasnt there but that kind of proves he’s not gay maybe we can all agree to disagree or atleast compromise; maybe he’s bi…

  996. jaymee – i’m glad someone else is as intrigued as I am with that song. i’ve just followed j’s songs, writing since his solo days in 1999. all his songs have always been about being in a relationship, etc. and we all know what the fix was about. lol “cheating” but when this love song album came out it totally was TOTAL opposite of the fix. and it just so happens that the one song he Wrote is about “wanting to be with someone”, in fact almost suffering from not having that someone. That what i get from the song. and it’s deep, then he just had to go on QVC and sing it. ;-/ umm

  997. No I wasn’t. Too bad the dependant that helped Evy did not take a picture. Now c’mon girls, fess up. Who of you is the peeping toms looking thru’ his windows that Jordan referred to in his myspace mood?

  998. In “March” The Tour starts back up again girls….I heard from March – July 2009!!!! Tis the season of Holidays the guys are out shopping!! Is it only Jordan out shopping and Joe buying trees where are the double D’s lol!!!!

  999. alright … how the heck do we get a recent pic of the wife? geeeeez! can someone please apply for a job at Barnes & Noble? at the damn airport, at target or at the restaurant where she apparently takes the kids or even at his travel agents’ place of business (see the liner notes in the block CD or in his first CD to get the lady/business’s name)?? LMAO!!! The wife is so damn elusive that i can’t handle it. haha! Can someone go knock on Bill’s door and sleep with HIM?? (kidding)

    anyways, does anyone know if they still live in that grey house in Milton? back in 99-00ish, i went to visit a friend in boston and took my happy ass to find jordan’s house and even though there was a clearly legible “no trespassing, private property” sign, I was freezing my ass off and still scrounged up enough courage to take my happy-new-kids- lovin-ass to the front door to knock … i was scared shitless, had no idea what i was going to say … but told myself that i wouldve been an idiot NOT to knock on the door much less not go new kids house hunting after all these years of loving them forever … what kind of fan would i be if I didn’t? Instead of booking a nice whale watching day trip with my buddy, I decided to take a self-guided new kids tour on my own. I LOVE MYSELF HAHAAH!! really, i just wanted to take pics of their houses and put them in my scrapbook that i had kept since i was a kid .. but it was Jordan’s fault for leaving his gate wide open for this nosy ass fan that wanted to see more. haha! OOPSIES for me stumbling into his driveway/backyard. lol!! so much fun.

    anyways, no one answered the door even though im sure someone knew i was there … but their dog DID scare the shit out of me.. i nonchalantly tried peeking into the windows, but could only see wood floors in the foyer … i guess that was the backdoor… took pics of his backyard .. his black tahoe .. what i thought were his bedroom windows .. there was a small balcony above the garage .. and i took a pic of his basketball goal. oh boy do i sound stocker-ish… fuck it, i love new kids! hahahah!

    oh yea, I was trying to find out why donnie and kim fey divorced and stumbled upon his divorce papers on a website .. with his CURRENT address. you LA bitches should go get some facetime there. LOL!

    also, back in the day on the jordan chats .. people used to say that he had herpes.. i know this is horrible to say/ask, but is it true? I met him at one of the meet and greets and he had the nastiest cold sore on his top lip.. kinda freaked me out. also, he looked high as hell .. i really wanted to ask what he and Danny had been smoking on ..they all looked pretty spacey.

    welp, i hope I didn’t piss anyone off with my post. this place had gotten really lame when all the parade-rainers came on-board, but it looks like we’re getting back on track.

    nurse — please do tell all once you hear about the wedding details!

    also, what kind of car does he drive now? none of them seem to be very extravagant …

    you know, i bet jordan doesn’t do anything on the road anymore. i see his bro-in-law?? miguel in some of the videos on nktv. … im sure he’s a major cockblock. LOL

    and to all the lovely ladies that have came forward with the juicy stories, thank you for keeping me entertained!!!! this place puts tmz to shame.


  1000. You realize Colby, that a kiss and a flirt doesn’t prove anything about Jon. Come back with a nice story about Jon screwing your friend, and you’ve got proof. In the meantime, get to know an actual gay man and spend time with them. You’ll see how they act around women — just like Jon acts with the fans. Nice try, though. Jon’s fan girls try way too hard and I’ll never understand why.

  1001. Yay, the stories are back!! Thanks so much for sharing Colby! You got to kiss him, lucky!! So the guy just approached you then and asked you to stick around?? Hopefully I get my chance!! If you don’t mind me asking, what do you look like? Just curious since it has been reported that Jordan typically goes for the dark hair/latina look. Thanks!

    Thanks for clearing up the March thing Devious. Where did you see that the tour is starting up then? Do you know when dates will be released?

    Nosy Rosie you crack me up! I’m going to visit family in Boston in the spring, so I might have to take my own tour as well! lol Maybe when it gets closer you could hook me up with the places to go!

  1002. Oh one more thing Colby~ was this from this tour, I’m assuming since you were talking about the baby daddy bus?? And at a meet and greet or a random face time??

  1003. I’m curious to know if anyone has message J on his myspace. I wonder what he would do or say if we asked him directly about certain speculations. lol I don’t have a myspace account but if anyone has the gut, do share what happens.
    i can see he’s been very active on his myspace lately and now i’m 100% sure it’s him running it.

  1004. does anyone know about may 15th-18th dates. I was on the magic summer cruise and it was a lot of fun, i was only 14 years old but was able to spend alot of time with them and they all had there whole family with them. does anyone know when they are going to make the summer tour announcement of the new tour.

  1005. If we have heard that J is not much of a kisser why is he all of the sudden kissing now. I mean it has been mentioned that they are very careful with the internet and constant picture taking. Walking around outside near the buses and kissing do not sound like being careful to me.

    The story sounds great, almost too great. Colby, did you say you were a writer?

  1006. I received an email from NKOTB.com today with mention of March or May 2009 .. are they releasing another album? I hope so, because i am SO NOT DONE hangin’ tough. haah!

    Will they be posing for playgirl in synchronized swimming poses? LOL.

    E – I love this place … it keeps me gigglin’! Definitely .. email me at sakpasse2007@gmail.com … i’ll see if I can dig up some old addresses of some of their hangouts, old homes, etc. Boston’s a pretty old town, erected from bricks and mold (joking!), so be careful driving around.

    Alright ladies, where are the mexico debauchery stories? is there a gutterboard en espanol somewhere?

    Ohhhh yeaaa!! I watched the DVD from the deluxe edition cd … when Jordan is holding the baby .. i tried slow-mo’ing and there is a brunette in the background … ladies, could this be THE evelyn knight?

    I wonder if she’s home-y looking …

  1007. who is a stalker?

    anyone can be a stalker! yes, even you with your gimpy leg, snaggle tooth and smells-like-a-skunk-died-and-shat-in-your-armpit BO! Worried about meeting a New Kid face-to-face? it’s time to turn off the computer, grab some night vision goggles, put on a mask to hide all that hideousness, and START STALKING! all it takes is a little confidence! you can be a stalker – and a great one at that! if you work hard enough, focus, and train every day, you could even become a stalker superstar.

  1008. Ok I know I am not the only one who has posted in the past 6 days! Please approve other peoples comments! Don’t censor the Blockheads!

  1009. Houston Social Butterfly ROCKS!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

    So Colby, as you were saying… what city was it?

    Nuse4change are you there?

  1010. I thought this has been taken down….YAY….it’s back! Thanks! So, does anyone know Evelyn’s ethnicity? Just curious!!!!

  1011. I am a writer but I didnt make it up, the place where tour buses sit by the arena is a closed in area. And maybe he’s changed I mean its been how many years since most of the stories I’ve read on here people change I really dont know why he chose to kiss me…
    Oh and Angel Eyes Edmonton is the city I met them in.

  1012. Hey All.

    Just found this place yesterday… LMBAO! Any other Boston area people?

    Can i feel special backstage? lol..that sounds like fun. Can’t wait for 2009. But if Robos lookin for LA body and not ‘Round the way/Atlanta’ booty I think I may be out of luck’ 🙂

    Why all this surprise about the escapades, folks?

    Donnie and Danny- Manwhores..LOLOL! So? Wouldn’t you? They’re rich, fine and single (sometimes)..I would too..I know men that are poor, fugly and married with back child support that are Manwhores. It’s not uncommon.

    JK – That’s a pretty man!..not sexy really (to me anyway) ::cough cough Donnie:: But flat out BEAUTIFUL tho’ and he partied his ass off at LAX – Throw ’em up J!!:-)

    Jon- I Was in Vegas- Jon is GAY AS A $3 bill and was really comfortable with it.. You get yours, Jon!

    I have one request as a newbie tho’… Can we get a Donnie story list going? I mean really back in the day, all his boys had to do was slap on a NSB hat or jacket and fanbooty just came out of the woodwork.. all thinkin it would get them to Donnie, like he was the mf’n Wizard of Oz or the Great Pumpkin. ::Sigh:: I miss those days….:-)

  1013. Wichlite~ since you are from Boston, do you have any stories? Whether it is an encounter with one of the guys or a sighting?? Whatever it is, we would love to hear it!

    Colby~ How did you meet him? Was it at a meet and greet? Or just random? Also, if you don’t mind answering, do you have dark hair and features? A lot of the girls he had encounters with were Latina/dark hair, so I was just curious if that was still the case.

    NosyRosie~ thanks so much, I’ll be writing you soon!

    HSB~ THANK YOU!!! 🙂

  1014. I had an encounter and I am tall, blonde, and blue-eyed! My encounter was a while back, but JNMK does dig the tall, Nordic type! 😉

  1015. at a meet and greet face time whatever you want to call it haha I’m actually native background but have been told i look spanish and my hair wasnt really dark when I met him it was a light brown…

  1016. Colby- didn’t mean to attack you. In my “Jordan world” He is an angel, I really don’t want to think of him in that light. Would you mind sharing everything that happened. What was said, how the kiss began, ended etc?
    Just curious. Thanks!

  1017. Yea! Thank you for coming back HSB!!! I’ve been a lurker for awhile, but I wanted to show my support so you wouldn’t remove the forum again!!

    Love Jordan, but I don’t think that is Evelyn, k. Could be wrong though

    Let’s get back to the juice! Does anyone know where Jordan spent New Years?

  1018. Koukla~ you must share!!! And don’t leave anything out!! We love all the details! 🙂

    Thanks for clarifying Colby and Witchlite!

    I don’t think that Evelyn is that girl either. Did anyone go to Vegas and spend new year’s with Donnie and Danny? Any sightings? Nurse4Change are you here??? Did you talk to your friend over the holiday??

  1019. Jaymee – i’ve been meaning to post this for you..since you kinda wondered about “i wish”.

    I found this out recently. i found a music page on myspace for M. And i clicked on one her top friends which had left her a commment before and i found this in a blog; this guy on her top friends apparently co-wrote the song and on the blog you see a comment from M..

    Jordan Knight “Love Songs Album”
    Category: Music

    Jordan knight’s latest CD entiltled “Love Songs” release date Sept 12, 2006

    Gerry co-wrote “I Wish” track #4 on the album.

    Check out Jordan’s website and myspace for more

    and this is her blog comment:

    I heard “I Wish”……. 🙂 It’s absolutely beautiful….congrats Gerry for co-writing it.

    God Bless you guys always…


    Posted by Marisol on Sep 12, 2006 12:50 AM

    —thought you’d find that interesting. 🙂

  1020. I dont like thinking of him that way either but I did get a kiss from it.. I ended up pulling away and saying sorry, he looked at me confused and I just stated that I’m not that kind of girl (I dont like flirting with guys who are married)

  1021. Thank you HSB–its SOO good to be back!

    For you all Evie is Brazilian.

    Witchlite-Im from Boston & havent been in the Milton area in a wk or 2.

    Stranger-Were u a SUPER STALKER once? Sounds like you’ve got experience! Lets see if you earn your cape!

    Glad to hear stories & that JK likes Blondes…Whew!

    Im still awaiting tour dates & whatever the boyz are doing for Jordans Bday. Hope its daily booze cruises out of Boston.
    Thatd be SO fun! And itd help boost the local economy!
    Talk about a win-win!

    Colby-more DETAILS if you want us to beleive u!!! Still smells fishy!!

  1022. I stubbled on this site when I got curious to see Jordan’s wife. I have been a New Kid fan since I was little. I never got a chance to see them in concert and now being 30, I still have not had a chance to see them yet. Both Jordan and Joe are my favorite. Does anyone know if they will tour again in the states next year? I would love to see them in concert and meet them. I hear about everyone’s experience on here with their meet and greets. You do not know how blessed you are to meet your favorite musician. 🙂 I found what I think is Jordan’s youtube account ( since I do not have a myspace account) and sent an message to him on there. If anyone has any information on future concerts or ways to get a meet and greet. Please let me know. Thank you

  1023. heyyy, about the Marisol situation, any of you all considering going to the D.C concerts in the summer???

  1024. more gossip on Marisol: my friend was sitting behind marisol and her sisters, and she told her that after step by step, Zach went over to them and gave them 3 backstage passes……….appparently jordan sent them over..

  1025. I have been a long time luker on this site. I was sad to see when it was gone. It really bummed me out. Then today when I decided to look it up again here it was. I was so happy, so I decided to post something to let all you know how much I love this site. Some stories maybe true and some may not, but either way I love reading the stuff on here. Keep it coming girls. Does anyone know of any of the dates and towns for the 09 tour? Keep me posted.

  1026. Nurse4change – what do you mean more details like what was I wearing what was he wearing the time of night what kind of gum i was chewing before it happened i mean i was pretty explainitory when i told you all what happened my post is up around december 18th…

  1027. I don’t think Eve is Brazilian. Melendez is a Spanish-decending name, not Portuguese. I’m gonna guess that she is Puerto Rican…

  1028. ParaEv1994 –

    wow. who told her that? M? that is soo interesting. what else did your friend say? i myself have not closed the book on that situation. there is too much surrounding it.

  1029. well if it has to go i liked chating with you all i think we should chat in my blog on myspace so if you have one add me ~SilenceAfterThisDisaster~ search for that screen name on myspace and i will add you.. so long beautiful bloggy page…

  1030. HoustonSocialbutterfly,

    I know my particular post was a question I had in regards to the NKOTB 09 tour and getting meet/greet passes. If you happen to have any information, please let me know.


  1031. Okay girls!! Since this page is history tomorrow, where are we all going???? Are we going to move it to Colby’s page or does anyone else have another page set up? We have to figure this out fast!

  1032. Oh, and feel free to add me to your myspace or facebook if you have it. I’m keekah35 on both. It has been great talking with all of you and hopefully we can continue this!

  1033. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! HSB!!!!! NOOOOOOOO. I don’t have a myspace this is the best website ever. Can’t you please leave it up? Boo Hoo PLLLEEEEEEASE. You are making soo many women or girls or whatever, happy. There is no where else to go from here. I’m telling you, the world is a better place with this site up. I’m serious.

  1034. Just a thought….I highly doubt that people will be sooo open with their stories on a myspace page since we can “see” them! haha. I agree, go to Colby’s page and maybe we can set up a blog somewhere.

  1035. I agree with others that it would be more difficult to post on a myspace page for privacy issues. Not to mention the challenge of checking it during the day. My work blocks access!! But not to blog sites! 🙂 It’s just my preference but will OBVIOUSLY defer final decision to whomever will be taking on the task of housing this super fun chat house!

    HSB, thanks so much for keeping the forum open for as long as you have. I know it’s not easy to moderate.

    If you all would not mind posting the new site/blog addy with HSB (if OK with you), that would be great! Have really enjoyed the stories/comments! Happy New Year!

  1036. HSB I’m sure that wasn’t him… just a crazy fan that feels sorry for him. Why, I don’t know cuz its really not a bad site at all. We are just talking about Jordan experiences and the other new kids. Its the internet and a new age, this is what happens.

    Also, its a place where I, as well as others, go to catch up on news and other things we don’t hear about on a regular basis. Listen to soo many people who say they love it here. It’s harmless fun. The new kids are coming back this year and I thought it was going to be so interesting to hear all the concert experiences again. Also I felt like I wasn’t the only crazy girl in this world who gets a kick about hearing about a man that makes me feel like a kid again. The’re going to go away again, and this blog will only be a great memory of this time, so I say just leave it up and let us have our dumb, retarded discussions. I’m sure others probably think we’re all dorks, but really its harmless. So HSB what-do-ya say?Pretty please.

  1037. hey colby I couldnt find you on myspace for some reason
    anyone want to talk jk find me jennifer edwards

  1038. Ohhh, I’m sad to see it go again. Please add me to your myspace pages. My URL is myspace.com/michellevara. Thank you HSB for this website and I completely understand why you feel you have to remove this. Hopefully we will find somewhere else to gossip.

  1039. HSB,

    So sorry to see this site go…I have been posting for a while now and these ladies crack me up! I MISSED YOU GUYS!!!!!

    Anyway, do you think Jordan is really the one who sent you that message? It just doesn’t seem like he would even reach out to talk about a gossip site but you never know 😦 I understand you feel bad and have to make a decision—so be it. I do enjoy your blog though and will continue to visit. God bless you!


  1040. If that message really was from JK we can only respect his wishes. It has gotten pretty viscous around here. It’s really none of our business…

  1041. Before this page is history does anyone know how JK met EM. I saw above that they had known each other for a long time. Were they childhood friends? Or is/was she a celebrity? I love this page! It is addicting!

  1042. Anastasia…It’s all gossip. They get it EVERY day. We aren’t hurting him or nk’s. That’s what comes with being celebrities. It’s harmless fun.

    HSB…I love this site, and I hope you reconsider. The main reason I read is because people can be themselves. The other boards you always have to watch what you say….heaven forbid it’s anything negative!!! It either gets deleted or you get bombarded by haters.

    PLEASE keep it up!!!

  1043. Hey, Colby I can’t find your myspace either. And to Jordan is my Knight, there are like 10 pages of Jennifer Edwards. Which one are you?

  1044. please dont’t take it down i love reading all the great stories. and i agree all this gossip and stories comes with being in the spotlight. but jordan and his wife do stay out of it, i mean come on we can only find three pictures of her in 15 years. I think by us seeing what she looks like just makes him more normal more real. cause when we see them it on stage or on tv or in a interview( being a star). Seeing them with there families or wives just makes them just like us.

  1045. Hey, IHEARTJK,

    JK and EM knows each other from childhood. Listen to Big girl know, and you know, how they became lovers !

  1046. Thanks for keeping the board open so far..we’re watching & waiting to see what happens…

    YES all, I live in the Boston area. I think Ive established that many times. Its great, snowy & UBER cool to be in/from the land of the NK.

  1047. Hey guys…I am going through and trying to add you all on myspace. It’ll be nice to keep in touch with everyone after the blog goes down!!

  1048. Oh…and I have to add…I’ve been more of a reader/lurker than an active participant, but I have to tell you guys that I enjoy this blog a lot more than the other NKOTB forums. God forbid you say anything negative or REAL…like someone previously posted…it gets deleted.

    I don’t agree with knocking any of the NKOTB wives/girlfriends, etc., but it is nice to be able to speak freely here. I hope you reconsider HSB!

  1049. I am also a long time lurker, first time poster. It took me forever (all weekend) to read through the posts. I was a bit sad to hear the board may get closed, but it seems a few new posts have made their way up, so I thought I would give it a try.

    So here are my thoughts….

    I think that it is natural to have curiosity about who the person is behind the talent. Especially musicians, because you want to know what inspires their songs. I do think there is a line that can be crossed and the paparazzi often do. No one needs to see telephoto lense shots of a celebrity in their bathroom!

    However, I think that on a red carpet, at a show, etc a celebrity should expect the photos and the attention from media and fans. Also, in interviews, I don’t think it is wrong to ask personal questions within reason. I think most celebrities understand this curiosity and will indulge fans in some details of their personal life (even if they don’t tell the whole truth..hehe.) I mean no one is going to publicly admit cheating on their wife or that their marriage is bad…that would be just stupid. It would only invite rumors, so of course they lie.

    In regards to the whole Jordan and Evelyn controversy (the whole reason I found the site was like many – I was curious to find a pic so I could see what she looks like) I find strange. It does seem a bit odd there are no photos of her. You can find lots of pictures of celebrities with their non-famous wives that do not become fodder for the tabloids. Ie. Matt Damon and his wife. Most celebrity wives will also go to awards shows, etc to show support. It suprizes me Evelyn seems to go to very few. Also, even if pics are taken most fans would not recognize a celebrity wife unless the celebrity was with them. Could any of you spot Matt Damon’s or Denzel’s wife. I couldn’t.

    I would say that on the outside it does appear they do not have a very happy marriage. In interviews he will talk about his kids (general things, yes, but he does seem excited and proud) He never mentions his wife. Not even a generic “She’s wonderful and we love each other very much”. Most celebs aren’t that tight lipped. It has to make you wonder.

  1050. In regards to the infidelity stories, fact or fiction, it’s hard not to be curious. For me it is almost a double edged sword. I like the idea that Jordan married his childhood sweetheart and a non-famous girl. It makes it seem as though he has some substance to him, and sees more in women than just looks (not to say Evelyn isn’t pretty, i think she is) It is hard not to keep in the back of your mind that if he married a “normal girl” that if he is having marriage trouble your fantasy to be his can still stay alive..haha. Thinking a celebrity is single/cheating is part of keeping the fantasy alive. So many people want to believe the stories are true. They are at the very least entertaining.

    In all truthfullness I do not think that I could have a one night stand with any celebrity, especially married. Not that I think it is “dirty” but I could never separate emotions from it. We all know they wouldn’t call the next day and that would just be a big let down and ruin the fantasy.

    I work in PR, so personally my dream would be more to work as a publicist for a celeb and get to know them as person and friend. Get the respect and be part of furthering their career.

    Not to say I haven’t enjoyed a few of these steamy romance stories. They have at the very least kept me entertained. Hope the board keeps going!

  1051. One last note…In regards to the double edged sword about Jordan chaeting. I think on one hand it is exciting because it makes them still seem available. On the other hand I would hate to think that JK, who seems down to earth, honest and sweet, would cheat on his wife. In a way that ruins the fantasy at the same time. Just my thoughts 🙂

  1052. Hello, ladies, it’s been TOO long and now HSB might shut this down! Please don’t – at least wait until this Spring/Summer tour ends!

    This blog has provided an escape from the daily grind and the ever changing world. Yeah the comments vary from tacky to outrageous but are we really truly hurting anyone? We’re in a recession, gas prices are on the rise, and within two weeks we’re about to have a new President take office – I would hate to see this go – we’ve built a community here – please reconsider!

  1053. I read this post everyday altough I don’t post a lot since my english is not so fluent… so I’d love it keeps open, for mos of us it is a funny addiction by now!!
    I think some comments were really private and out of place, but please keep the gossip going!!!!

  1054. so evelyn will be going on the cruise…..or so joe alludes to in the online video….unfortunately i won’t be going but i am sure someone is bound to get a current photo….any volunteers?

  1055. Hi girls, I’m sure I posted something yesterday. I believe that HisGirl is looking for me.
    HisGirl ….coco here let me know whats up??

  1056. I’m going on the cruise! I’m super excited, too! Evelyn is going to be on the cruise? That should be interesting.

  1057. I have a q for all those going on the cruise…how sis you get tickets, it looked from the site like you needed to send in a form and then they contact you back. Have you already heard, or am I crazy?

  1058. I just thought of something…
    Maybe he makes the girls sign a waver. Like, they have to promise not to post about it on the internet and he’ll go down on them. LOL

  1059. Is she going to be on the cruise or was Joe referring to that he would need a ball and chain to keep him on the boat??? IDK.. I will definitely try to get a pic of that!

  1060. I think Joe’s reference to the ball and chain was to keep Jordan on the boat. Not sure if it means Evelyn will be there or not, it could mean both who knows.

  1061. >>Is she going to be on the cruise or was Joe referring to that he would need a ball and chain to keep him on the boat???<<

    Yeah, what the hell did that mean?? I didn’t get it.

  1062. The Europe tour has started! there are no wives and they really naughty with girls…. let’s see what happens…

  1063. Im going on the cruise! I’m super excited, too! Evelyn is going to be on the cruise? That should be interesting.´Because she isnt exist….

  1064. Im going on the cruise! I’m super excited, too! Evelyn is going to be on the cruise? That should be interesting because she isnt exist Evelyn and Andrea is the same person. I think so . I live near from Jordan Knight . I am from Boston Area.

  1065. Oh girls stop to bother Jordan and his wifessssssssssssss LOL…as I see Evelyn ( whatever) still creating troubles LOL so Evelyn is going on the cruise.. hahahahahahahaha Is it serious ? God has the finally says… I know alot about her , some stories about her being aggressive with fans, I can tell more details though. Maybe that is why he keeps her out of the limelight maybe she cant handle the attention. LOL bad so bad
    Loves you

  1066. Danny’s girlfriend is with him on the tour as I saw him with her at the airport in Glasgow, think that was the only other half that was there.

  1067. Sorry, I’m BORED and scrolled up and wanted to respond to an old comment.

    Astrogirl – “One last note…In regards to the double edged sword about Jordan chaeting. I think on one hand it is exciting because it makes them still seem available. On the other hand I would hate to think that JK, who seems down to earth, honest and sweet, would cheat on his wife. In a way that ruins the fantasy at the same time. Just my thoughts.”

    I’ve always thought that if he found the right woman, he wouldn’t be such a cheater (but thats my fantasy for him I guess lol). Anyway, I’m sure he has a good side to him or he’d never get any a$$!!!

  1068. You guys know I’m joking right? I know I come across as a geek sometimes (it comes out worse online lol). Anyway, well seems as though I’m right, no new stories these days because he’s not doing anything, just workin. I’m sure he’s flirting and whatnot (but I’m sure its harmless).

  1069. Ok longtime reader, firts time poster here. Pfew, took me days to finish it all LOL

    You know what i don’t get? Colby mentioned JK kissed her. But from previous posts I understood he doesn’t like to kiss, or at least doesn’t kiss a strange girl (for what reason he has..)

    And about all those songs from both JK’s solo album as The Block. That’s EXACTLY what I ‘ve been thinking for a long time. Most songs really are about hooking up with a girl while having a girl/wife at home! count them up: we have the song “the fix”, keep it on the sly, dirty dancing, looking like danger. Wonder what their wives think of these lyrics LOL!

  1070. I agree, princess. I really love him, but I think he’s not the way he pretends to be when it comes to him being a shy, respectful and nice guy. I’m sorry I have to say that, but by now I have another impression of him. Sad…but who knows, maybe all just speculation…? I would really like to know what he’s really like. By the way, I’ve been reading this for weeks and now I pushed myself to post, it was so quiet here… :o)
    Hi to evereybody!

  1071. Hi!
    I’ve been reading this site from October, I love it,its so much better than other NKOTB forums where I get bored.I know somes stories about the guys(all of you know). I do not know if Jon is gay or not, I don’t care. I have not seen any new pic of Evelyn,she was maybe with them in UK tour, I’m not sure.

  1072. Wow. I love this board. I’m hoping it stays up. I just got my tickets for April’s LA show and I am so excited!

  1073. im not ass wot she looks like coz when he leaves her for me then ill be a lot happy loli wudnt want to b in the spot light either

  1074. By the way,DANA: I read that andrea was the name of a latin american girl jordan dated when he and evelyn were separated. they split some time after dante was born, I don’t know exactly when. I also read that some think evelyn and andrea were the same person…but that sounds strange to me.

    So, #1 fan of joey, give us more information!!

  1075. I want to comment on Princess’s comments about the Block song lyrics. I am starting to wonder too but it could be just the fantasy aspect. All these women wooing over them, I am sure they find alot of them attractive and wonder what it would be like to “hook up” with some of them. It only becomes a problem when that fantasy becomes reality.

    I am a Jordan and Joey fan. I am sure they have good aspects about them but I know it must be hard for all of them as they probably get tempted by us women ( especially when some of us are showing off their breasts, etc – not me of course). I am still wanting to see them in concert as I have never been to one of their concerts.

  1076. I’ve met the men too and I thought Donnie is so nice but he is just a slut.He looked at me and other girls like he was in a candyshop.I like Danny,Jon,Joe and Jordan.Yesterday the men came back from their Europe-tour.Jordan is now at home with his family.

  1077. I feel bad for Jordan sometimes….people always in his business. I’m not gonna lie, I do enjoy reading the drama, but at times, I feel bad for him and his family. I don’t blame Evelyn for wanting to be outta the spotlight!

  1078. You’re probably right Summer (about the lyrics). That made a lot of sense.

    I don’t think I want to know who inspired his songs though, because if I find out they’re about some random skank(s), I will be devistated LOL.

    Who knows, maybe some of you girls (the ones he’s met on the road) will inspire his next record.

  1079. I’m starting to believe my own thoughts (about the lyrics inspi and stuff) more and more. I’ve met the guys more than once the last couple of weeks (in Europe) and let me just say: they’re really really flirty. Donnie grabbed me wanted to kiss me immediately. And Jordan is a damn big flirt too…at least that was MY experience. I could see the freakyness in his eyes from up close. nuff said. 🙂

  1080. Does anybody know anything about a Dandy from Brazil? I read a post in which it mentioned Jordan once dated a lady name Dandy who is Brazilian . . . not sure how much truth there is to that post . . .

  1081. Long time lurker, first time poster. I must admit I love reading the stories, eventhough a tad of them are a little too much but quite interesting nonethess!! The love I have for Jordan is unreal, and the man is defnintely a “ladies man” I’ve met him twice, and both times he was “very friendly” 🙂 he is a big flirt, and I seriously have NO PROBLEM with that!! LOL he gives the best hugs, and even escorted me (hand in hand) out of the room for a private convo at a M&G last year. Totally taken off guard, especially when he grabbed my hand, and said “I need you to come over here with me” NOTHING happened (I know what you guys are thinking) but he was very sweet and looked right into my eyes while we chatted. If you think he looks hot from the pics you’ve seen online, he is even HOTTER in person…damn..I can’t wait to see him again in March. Have you guys checked out his latest vlog from Europe? Pretty entertaining, and I’m super jealous of “Homegirl’ cuz Apparently J thinks she’s HOT:

  1082. Hey Girls… I see the boards have been very blah… Does anyone know “who” Dannys new chic is I know she was on his myspace at the VMA’s But who is she??? The guys are def home with family chilling…lol where is nurseforcange????

  1083. Princess, that is crazy what happened to you!:-) There is nothing wrong with healthly flirting but there is a line that should not cross, especially if you are a married man ( in my opinion). Donnie, Danny I expect them kissing girls, etc because they are not attached to anyone. They are having fun with all the attention they are getting from us girls. 🙂 Now the married men on tour, I would think they would respect their wifes but you know things happen. They are human too and I am sure they get tempted everyday to cross that line.

    Jaymee, in regards to the inspiring another song, you never know. They could be working on a song for their next album based on experiences of this past tour.:-) Most music that is written is based on experiences, thoughts, feelings, desires, etc. At least we know that the “Click Click Click” song was not written by them ( Nasri all the way!!!).

  1084. there were no wifes of girlfriends in the european tour. I ‘ve been to a quite a few concerts and met them out of concerts too and the guys were on their own – no spouces…

    Joey was definately NOT flirting in Europe. He actually seems a little cold as a person – he was not at all as I thought he would be… well maybe that’s because barrett was not with him and he was worrying about any upcoming rumors…

    Danny and Donnie were flirting but they are free and have the right to…
    And Danny is gorgeous when he’s flirting!!

    As for Jordan, he appears to be shy BUT he doesn’t hug like a shy person… there is something very sweet about him. He flirts too but I didn’t get the impression he cheats (at least not this time anyway).
    I did got attention from him (I’m a brunnette LOL) but I always figured it was in an innocent way… flirting and cheating are two different things…

  1085. I kinda got the same impression as Ikeptmypromise had.
    Joey is not really flirty, except maybe when you’re a blonde LOL! We was nice though and really sweet.
    And there def is nothing wrong with some harmless flriting when you’re married.

    BTW i’ve been re-reading some earlier posts about this Marisol girl..? Anymore inside scoop on that? Her Myspace page is set on private, so I can’t see her pictures.
    My sixth sense says we are thinking way too much of it and she’s just a fan like us 🙂

    Since I met Jordan a few times, I’ve seen he can be really flirty when he’s in a good mood. Whe you are his type, he totally looks you up and down with these devilish eyes. Nothing harmless, but when he asked me to come to the hotel I was like..ok?! (BTW I’m a brunette, with 1/4 Chilean blood) totally not expected to hear him say that after hearing stories about him being so shy and all. So he is a bit shy, but when he looks you in the eye something deeper lays beneath….and it’s not the fantasy aspect here. What I’m also trying to say is, if Jordan is still so flirty with other cute chicks, Marisol isn’t such a threat LOL. And look at his new V-log, with the Homegirl chick and what he says about her on his Myspace! My thoughts: He’s just being a man and he really likes women, and loves looking at them, period. But he’s also weak and ,if you’re his type, an easy target.

    Did I go to the hotel? Yes. But at the time I finally got here they were already surrounded by at least 150 girls in the lobby. I think Jordan couldn’t take the crazyness anymore, I saw him get up to the lifts like 5 minutes after I arrived…

  1086. Danny had his gf with him on the european tour and Barrett came over just for the London shows

    I did 3 dates in the UK including hotels and i didn’t see or hear of any actual hook ups but that’s not say there weren’t any.

    Jordan had his brother in law with him so i’m pretty sure he was a good boy, he was quite flirty and was checking me out but there’s no harm in that really

    I’ve had the most attention from Donnie, i won’t go into detail but that man knows how to make you feel special.

    Oh and there’s always talk of them only being into brunettes, well i’m as blonde as they come and trust me it doesn’t matter!

  1087. Wow, I read his vlog on myspace. Why would he say that? Thats embarrassing to his wife. Maybe she completely avoids the internet. If i read that and I was his wife I’d be pissed…Weird

  1088. AngelEyes-

    Is his myspace /jordan_knight? It doesn’t seem like he has a blog…? Can you tell me what is his correct myspace page?

  1089. well thats interesting. now he has removed that blog on “like whoa”.
    its almost like he leads two lives. first off if it is him on myspace and wants to be as active as he is, i see him trying to open up a little a least in some way. but then there’s the other side that just seems to want to hide. it is odd he would even set himself up by bringing attention to that vlog even more by posting a blog explaining how he meant she was hot. lol

  1090. Pricilla-

    What are you talking about “like whoa” “explainig how he meant she was hot” ? Where are you seeing this? Do you have to be his myspace friend to see his blog??

  1091. Now that’s freaky! makes me wonder if he’s seen the posts here? haha, or maybe he got some bad comments from people..ya never know.

    BTW he sure was in a good mood and really opened up at the airport in Düsseldorf (i wasn’t there too crowded MAD HOUSE!) not shy at all. See this youtube vid:

    And yeah I’ve also seen him open up more these last weeks.

  1092. Oh yeah that video is gone. Hey where is everybody? Is anybody going on that cruise. I’m not. Anybody going to any spring shows?

  1093. Pricilla, I noticed the blogs were gone too. It is strange. I never got the chance to read them. Maybe he changed his mind and did not want it out there anymore? Princess, I am sure he finds alot of women attractive. “He is not dead”, a line that men like to say. 😉 Myself as a married woman thinks he is very attractive but that is where it stays at. I think you are right Pricilla that he is trying to open up but then changes his mind. Behind the music and fame, I would really like to know what type of a person Jordan and the rest of the group really are. I know people on this post get a taste of their personality behind closed doors. I know some people have said he is shy ( which I can sense when he was on Surreal Life) To me, it would be interesting….

  1094. Hello. I heard from another site that people were looking for me, so here I am! I’m ‘not dead’ either! lol
    The board has been dead for so long that i found another one! nkotbgossip. After reading the recent posts, that board is like having the NKOTBCIA working for you. They know everything & usually in advance.

    Don’t know where I left off here, but my latest concert (Providence) I had front row & Danny took my camcorder on stage. Im going to the Manchester concert & actually have a spare set of tickets if anyone’s interested. They are
    VERY good seats for face value!

    **ROBERTA – are you going to NH? any interesting drivebys or stories?

    Oh & for your FYI – MISS KNIGHT is Marisol’s sister, she is a virgin & nothing happened with them. He has since moved on…believe me!

  1095. I still don’t buy that any of them like blondes lol (except for Joe) but who knows.

    I love that he updates his moods and posts blogs, etc.. but everyone knows he is married so I think he looked like an a$$hole for posting that. I’m glad he took it down. Obviously he checks out other women and that’s fine but dude needs to keep some stuff to himself lol. I didn’t think we needed the explanation (I thought that’s what the “like whoa” meant anyway, I didn’t think it had anything to do with him).

    I’m going to spring shows, that is if I’m not having NKOTB burn out by then lol. (Its my own fault for reading this sh*t on a daily basis, I can’t help it though, for some reason I find it all fascinating).

    Yeah, the Marisol thing is over. He’s still with the wife. ‘Nuf said.

    I’m sure there will be more dirt (& stalking) once the tour starts up again, so stay tuned…

  1096. nurse4change: welcome back! what’s the name of the new board… this one is getting rather dry.

    and i will be going to see them in concert next month, the baltimore show. i am exicted!!!

  1097. Nurse4change: What website is that? Can you post or email me the link? Miss Knight is Marisol’s sister and Marisol is still a virgin? . . . wow! Isn’t she like almost 30? Not that it matters, but all I can say is wow! That’s one long keeping of virginity . . . congrats to her!

    Angel Eyes: I’m going on the cruise and one concert before it. I’m really excited about the cruise! I wonder how the guys will be.

  1098. ok first off just want to say cause people have been asking where everyone went some retreated to my myspace blog and then moved to the nkotbgossip thing and we still chat on my blog sometimes ..lol..

    princess… about the Jordan kiss I was wondering the same thing after it happened and why he would have picked me out of all the girls that were there, but then again most of the other storys are from the encounters in the 90s or jordans solo tours.

    also his myspace he updated the songs awhile back and he kept my fave songs and a few days before he did that i messaged him about my favourite one tender love. he kept it up 🙂 I listen to that alot cause it kind of sounds like he says my last name in it ha anyways I almost had tickets for the cruise but sadley did not get a credit card in time but I did happen to get tickets to all the canadian shows just dont know what seats cause my friends wont give them to me until my birthday ..lol.. but im excited none-the-less.. whose going 5* and 4* on the canadian dates?

  1099. maybe hes changed through the years… also i swear there had to be alot going on on the uk tour so girls confess tell your stories..lol..

  1100. I think it’s no wonder really that Evelyn has been quiet nor that Jordan has been quiet about their relationship considering how nasty fans were to her when they first got together.. Evelyn received death threats from fans and had people stalking her I really feel sorry for them I think she’s a really pretty girl and no one knows how things are for them between closed doors I wish them all the best and think fans should just leave them alone

  1101. I just wanted to put in that I’m not in the know and I don’t know the guys but I read that in a mag years ago when the kids we’re first in the spot light… I have read not even half this page and it sounds to me like there are a lot of people pretty messed up out there… you call yourself fans but your slinging the guys wife… you say you would support him forever but you can’t respect his choice of a wife… none of this is any of your bees wax… who died you all GOD?
    When did it become ok for a fan to be like this?

  1102. who dies and made you all GOD? only God can judge….. so you all don’t think she’s attractive… maybe JK does…. maybe he sees more in her then any of you will ever see!!!Keep it real people get ya heads right

  1103. hi everybody!!!new kid on the block in here!!!hey nurse4achange which site are you referring to that has many juicy details on our guys?i enjoy reading stories like that…the truth is that this blog used to be more active as i can see…

  1104. well when me and my friend went to a concert we were surprised how everything went at the end of the concert we wanted to leave but then a security guy came up to me and said with how many are you ?i said 2 ,than he said joe wants to see you!we were so shocked cause in our minds he was faithfull !we went backstage and met him and he said to come to the hotel and check in at the lobby and leave your name !we were kinda doubting to go but we did !what happened you won t believe !we got in the hotelroom and there he was so hot (donnie was there too and had instand attraction to my friend !he started flirting with her and she right back at him ,he asked her if she wanted to get a drink she said yes and as they went out and said bye to donnie i was there alone with joe couldn t believe it my friend kept on saying he s married don t do it but d*mn he s hot so we started to talk about random stuff and he came closer is still couldn t believe this was happening !it s like i had the angel of my friend on my shoulder saying he s married but it wasn t working!he aske me to ly down as he started to rub my shoulders i got so turned on !i turned to him as we started to kiss i was thinking damn he s so sexy so hot i couldn t resist !we had a great time to make a long story short was one of the greates nights of my life!
    as for my friend well hmmmmm she can post that later !!

  1105. Hey nurse4change! I looked for the new site you mentioned “nkotbgossip” I couldnt find the site what is the link???

  1106. Wow. you guys are brutal on here.
    I can’t believe this blog is still up. I honestly think if Jordan would be more open with talking about his relationship, people wouldn’t have room to speculate and gossip. I do find it odd to not see many if any pictures of them together.
    Also, i don’t know if what nurse4change is true, but however you found out that this girl M is a virgin. wow
    all i can say is that its actually very admirable and i guess now we know she’s not a whore or a groupie. ;-/

  1107. well my posts arent being posted for some reason if this one somehow gets through add me on myspace reeven post up the link on here…

  1108. Well those stories about security guys giving out backstage passes and picking out girls for them during concerts is total BS. I went to several concerts, stood front row, seen many good looking girls (including myself LOL) but I NEVER saw anyone handing over backstage passes or security talking to ANY girl.
    Besides, the guys usually leave pretty quickly after the show and go to the hotel. So why get a backstage pass. Hotel invitations however are a complete different story. But still, think about it: how in the hell does a security guy know which girl one of the guys meant with so many women around? I suppose he has to give him a full description of her and hire a sketch artist?! Cuz I’ve never seen the boys talking to their security or poiniting out a girl to him. When are they supposed to do that? Not when they’re on stage. When the show is over? Too hectic when everyone is leaving. And I find it hard to believe that Robo or Tiny is gonna run after you in the crowd just because Joe or Donnie or whoever wanted you! yeah right..
    At meet and greets and at hotels however, ‘invites’ do happen.

  1109. ok first off just want to say cause people have been asking where everyone went some retreated to my myspace blog and then moved to the nkotbgossip thing and we still chat on my blog sometimes ..lol..

    princess… about the Jordan kiss I was wondering the same thing after it happened and why he would have picked me out of all the girls that were there, but then again most of the other storys are from the encounters in the 90s or jordans solo tours.

    also his myspace he updated the songs awhile back and he kept my fave songs and a few days before he did that i messaged him about my favourite one tender love. he kept it up I listen to that alot cause it kind of sounds like he says my last name in it ha anyways I almost had tickets for the cruise but sadley did not get a credit card in time but I did happen to get tickets to all the canadian shows just dont know what seats cause my friends wont give them to me until my birthday ..lol.. but im excited none-the-less.. whose going 5* and 4* on the canadian dates?

    maybe hes changed through the years… also i swear there had to be alot that went on during the uk tour so girls confess tell your stories..lol..

  1110. Girls, lets all face it, their whoring days are over. They’re all Born-Again Virgins and the lack of new (non-fiction) stories proves it!!!

  1111. Well, I have seen someone get “invited” backstage before from the audience. A girl flashed the guys on stage and Jordan had security grab her up before she left. Also, there were girls front row with us that stayed after to go backstage, but I don’t know if they were “chosen” before…IDK. It didn’t seem like it though. I just know she was one plastered girl as well. This was all at the same concert. It really made me think less of the guys that they would invite flashing girls and drunken girls backstage.

  1112. Coco, what’s your take on Somegirl’s story?

    Somegirl, was this in Europe? Were you in the meet and greet prior where Joe would have fallen for you? Were you the cute blonde resembling Barrett that all the cupcakes thought was Barrett when she was shown on the screen during Joe’s medley at the Manchester show? I think it was Manchester.

    We’ve waited 20 years for this story…the can is open so dish it! We want more details.

  1113. I call Bullshit on Somegirl’s story too. Any moment now she will come back and write as her “friend” who supposedly left with Donnie. This fan fiction is getting really old.

  1114. well obviously it does ! the security guy was standing in front of me when he gave the pass and said that joe wanted to see me and my friend got 1 for donnie JUST GIVE ME SOMETHING OF URS WHERE I CAN SEND A PIC OF THE AFTERPARTY PASS OK MAYBE THEN YOU UNDERSTAND


  1115. Girls…Girls…Girls…I’m not sure why I wasted my time reading this blog but I must say that most if not all of these “stories” are just that…fictional stories!!! Jordan and his family deserve to be left alone and are entitled to some sort of privacy. Why some people have so much time to make up such stories is beyond me. He is faithful to his family and his wife…he is a loving and devoted father to his children…and his passion is music. Just because he is in the public eye doesn’t give everyone the right to gossip about his personal life. Let him do his thing and entertain us all through his beautiful voice and leave all the made up gossip to the Enquirer. I Love you Jordan and I DO know that these people really don’t know the real you!

  1116. why are my posts still waiting moderation?

    I’ll try again….

    Well, I have seen someone get “invited” backstage before from the audience. A girl flashed the guys on stage and Jordan had security grab her up before she left. Also, there were girls front row with us that stayed after to go backstage, but I don’t know if they were “chosen” before…IDK. It didn’t seem like it though. I just know she was one plastered girl as well. This was all at the same concert. It really made me think less of the guys that they would invite flashing girls and drunken girls backstage.

    but somegirl….the afterpass really doesn’t prove anything. They gave a ton of those out.

  1117. oh and concerned friend…you have NO clue….
    go back to the boards…this is exactly why I came here to get away from “fans” who believe they can do no wrong…they are human like the rest of us.

  1118. Concerned Friend, I know I have been reading these posts and posted about the music and lyrics behind the music. I myself have no stories as I have not been to NKOTB concert at all. It seems like you possibly know Jordan personally which is great. I can definitely tell his passion is music and I honor that being a musician myself. Do you know if he reads these posts?

  1119. (thought I’d post this again, since my last comment was posted but not this one…)

    Long time lurker, first time poster. I must admit I love reading the stories, eventhough a tad of them are a little too much but quite interesting nonethess!! The love I have for Jordan is unreal, and the man is defnintely a “ladies man” I’ve met him twice, and both times he was “very friendly” he is a big flirt, and I seriously have NO PROBLEM with that!! LOL he gives the best hugs, and even escorted me (hand in hand) out of the room for a private convo at a M&G last year. Totally taken off guard, especially when he grabbed my hand, and said “I need you to come over here with me” NOTHING happened (I know what you guys are thinking) but he was very sweet and looked right into my eyes while we chatted. If you think he looks hot from the pics you’ve seen online, he is even HOTTER in person…damn..I can’t wait to see him again in March. Have you guys checked out his latest vlog from Europe? Pretty entertaining, and I’m super jealous of “Homegirl’ cuz Apparently J thinks she’s HOT:

  1120. yes that i understand !but what can i do take a picture of me and joey doing whatever ?hahahha
    the other f*ckingirl said she didn t believe me bout getting picked from the audience so so sorry but they do !and DIDN T HAVE TO FLASH EAND DEFINITLY NOT PLASTIC!

    AFTER THE BACKSTAGE PASS like i said he asked me to come to the hotel and i did and that yeah like the rest of these sotories i can t proof the only thing i can say is it was an amazing night damn!

  1121. sorry for the mistakes and cursing but man seriously !thought this was a place to post experiences not being bitchy and saying stupid stuff like you don t believe that you can t get chosen from the audience oh please how ignorant can you be !and i know it happens all the tiem don t feel special was shocked cause i thought seriously joey didn t do anything like this ever !

  1122. hopefully this one makes it through… I dont know why half of our stuff is waiting moderations so maybe just add me to myspace… http://www.myspace.com/browneyedwriter

    ok first off just want to say cause people have been asking where everyone went some retreated to my myspace blog and then moved to the nkotbgossip thing and we still chat on my blog sometimes ..lol..

    princess… about the Jordan kiss I was wondering the same thing after it happened and why he would have picked me out of all the girls that were there, but then again most of the other storys are from the encounters in the 90s or jordans solo tours.

    also his myspace he updated the songs awhile back and he kept my fave songs and a few days before he did that i messaged him about my favourite one tender love. he kept it up I listen to that alot cause it kind of sounds like he says my last name in it ha anyways I almost had tickets for the cruise but sadley did not get a credit card in time but I did happen to get tickets to all the canadian shows just dont know what seats cause my friends wont give them to me until my birthday ..lol.. but im excited none-the-less.. whose going 5* and 4* on the canadian dates?

    maybe hes changed through the years… also i swear there had to be alot that went on during the uk tour so girls confess tell your stories..lol..

  1123. Colby please tell us the other site where the gossip continues!!! I can tell you Jordan cheated during the europen Tour, unfortunately not with me, but it was a friend of mine and I know it…

  1124. I enjoy reading all theses stories for a while.
    I met Jordan a few weeks ago during a meet and greet and i guess he s not a “Saint” but a nice person.
    When he gave me a huge he lookes right into my eyes and asked for my name. He told me i m beautiful an for the photoshoot he was standing beside me (he caresses my back all the time what made me really nervous….)
    After the photo was taken, all the girls had to leave. I noticed that he followd me with his eyes when i was leaving.
    He didn`t invite me to the hotel or something like that.
    By the way, I`m blonde with brown eyes.

  1125. Hey Rania, post your frinds story, we would love to hear it. This is what we all have been wondering. So please post….

  1126. @ Somegirl
    I did not mean to offend you or anything. Please don’t take this all to personal. I was just speculating on how these things could happen and I just gave my opinion….Like I said i’ve been to more than one concert and I did not see anything happen. And I don’t mean myself, but not to other pretty girls standing front row either. Anyway, we’re all here just to share stories, to believe or not to believe, but we’re also here to give our honest opinions. If stories are true however, i’d always like to hear more ;-).
    I got a hotel invitation too, but not by being “picked out” from the audience. BTW I was also at the Amsterdam concert. (if you could name the hotel they were staying, I might believe you! maybe I even saw you there;-P)

  1127. Hey girls!! My friend’s story happened in London and continued in Paris. JK met her in the Meet and Greet and he flirted.. at the end of the concert we went to the hotel and when we were outside he sent a bodyguard and told her to come in. Nothing happened then because she was so shocked!! they met again in Paris and this time she got her personal Meet and greet…

  1128. hey princess it was the marriott ,believe me it happens alot ,that girls get picked from the audience he allready saw me at the meet and greet!
    but i was to busy with JK at that moment!
    seriously i understand that you have to check cause i heard alot of BS as well!

  1129. Rania – what does your friend look like? How old?
    So far, this would be the first story of JK cheating..
    The more details the better…she should post..
    encourage her to tell details. its the only way to

  1130. So apparently do ‘pick’ girls out for the guys….I saw this on the forums….
    Reply by Lisa 42 minutes ago
    Well this is how I got a backstage pass, some guy came up to me during cover girl and said “hey here you go, from D. WOOD”. I was sitting in the third row and he was walking up and down the row.
    ► Reply to This

  1131. This is what I seen on the forums…This is not my story at all!! My name is sherri…I lurk on here, I’ve left a few comments here and there. I have no stories. yet…kidding!

  1132. Well, I would not be surprised if the guys do have affairs on their wives. What celebrity hasn’t? (I am sure there are some good ones) One of my good friends from childhood slept around with Kenny Chesney while he was married to Renee Zelwegger (spelling?). I did not agree with what she did. I myself would never mess around with a married man celebrity or not. Or even if he had a girlfriend. Not only that but I have enough respect for myself not to sleep with someone who has probably slept with 1,000’s of girls and risk getting an STD, protection used or not. I do not have any respect for women who sleep with a Man who she knows is Married. One day you will have to answer to it. Also, the Story about Joey if it is true and if he is the devoted Christian he claims he is, he knows what the 10 Commandments are, and he knows he will be judged one day. But I am not going to get into the whole religious speech on this Board. Just my two-cents on women messing’ around with men. It’s wrong and you know it is wrong. If anyone tried to mess around with my husband I would be p*ssed. And if he went through with it, his sh*t would be on the front lawn in a bon fire, with the police serving him the divorce papers. My husband is a physician and is around women all the time. But I happen to be best friends with a lady that works in the same dept, so I would know. But I trust my husband and I know he would not do anything. If he felt like he needed to cheat I asked him to divorce me first. …. ok I am done ranting and raving. I just spent a significant amount of time reading this board, and I felt like I needed to say something.

  1133. Hey wats happening? to this site
    why is no one talking.
    i want some more juicy stories !!!!!!!!!! to do with JK

  1134. Ladies……………You all are cracking me up totally! Okay, I happen to yes, know one of Jon’s old girlfriends. Her name is Lisa. They dated from 1990-1993. I have seen the pictures with my own eyes. He loved her and she loved him. Jonathan is bisexual. He has a preference for guys. But that does not mean he doesn’t like some coochie on the side. Lisa is now happily married and has a family. She and Jon are still friends. He has been engaged before, but called it off because he was confused about the man/woman thing. As for Jordan….yes, he has cheated on his wife more times than you can count. He is not happy. IN 2004 he as give an ultimatum..either we get married or else. He is used to seeing his son, Dante everyday. He does love Evelyn, but he is not in love with her. This is why he drank etc etc. He has it under control. He has changed since his son Eric was born. He even said he had grown up.
    He is holding it together for his sons. He loves his kids very much and is an excellent father. Jordan loves his wife, but he is not in love with her. By the way Jon is a good lover and got the job done right! I don’t know personally, she told me. They still talk all the time and many of you might think I am crazy i don’t care…but I think if she gave him the word….he would snatch Lisa up in a heartbeat. There is still something there. Tear me apart, but I have read his emails to her and no Harley doesn’t know they talk!

  1135. JenJen,

    I am total agreement with you on the cheating aspect. It amazes me that people do not respect marriage anymore.. the whole meaning of it. That is my opinion.


    Thanks for posting the story on Jon and Jordan. If Jordan is cheating, then that shows he is not happy. If that is really the case, sometimes staying with the person for the sake of the kids does not help the kids in the long run. Trust me, as a kid I knew my parents were not happy and when they divorced, they became better parents and to this day they are happier people. Sometimes having two people stay in marriage for the sake of the kids is not the best thing to do.

  1136. Cassie — Lisa must be one tolerant girl to share Jon. He dated Tiffany until 1991. He had a girlfriend named Molly from 1992-1994. There’s photographic proof and interviews about both, so…. He may be bisexual, but this Lisa nonsense is a flat out lie. I don’t know why you’re so intent on spreading it. He’s with Harley now, living with him in Los Angeles, and quite happy.

  1137. so, raina. i know who you are talking about and she is my friend as well…just curious why you would put her business on a website. and not the FULL story either. You’re hinting something happened and it didnt….

  1138. I think I know the story Rania is talking about. I was outside the hotel in London, and there was a darkhaired girl (Spanish I think) that talked to Jordan when their bus came. After a while the bodyguard came and told her to come in the hotel. That same girl went backstage in Paris, that’s all I know!

  1139. You are welcome. I just don’t like putting personal info out there, but since there was so much going back and forth, I thought I might clarify. They are both amazing guys. They each have their own set of troubles, but then again, don’t we all?? Like Jon said before, they are not gods. They are only human. I understand what you mean about having two parents is not always the best policy. My parents should have divorced. I think in many ways, I am only speaking from my own observation and purely my own….but maybe Jordan is comfortable. At least with Evelyn he knows what he has. THey have know one another since they were kids. She liked him before he become famous, so he knows she sees him for just being Jordan Knight the everday guy. If he tried to meet someone new, he will always wonder does this person like me for me or because he is famous and what he could possibly do for her?? It is an unfortunate price for fame. But in the end he has to do what is best for his family and himself and many times people sacrifice their own personal happiness for that of their children. By the way, I like this website. You all aren’t up tight like many of the others….good Lord.

    • very well said. But I do believe everything on here is speculation and false hope for some of these ladies. He is married get over it and it is none of our business whether it is a good marriage or a bad marriage

  1140. so, raina. i know who you are talking about and she is my friend as well…just curious why you would put her business on a website. and not the FULL story either. You’re hinting something happened and it didnt….

  1141. hey Somegirl, to answer your question: I was somewhere left of the middle and had some people in front of me. You mentioned you had a M&G also?
    I was also at the Hotel you mentioned btw 😉

    And who is this friend of rania y’all talkin’bout?

  1142. Finally some truth!!! Thanks Cassie! Yes, Jon is bi and Jordan isn’t happy in his marriage (not sure about the cheating though)

  1143. Cassie,

    thanks for the update. I was wondering the same thing about Jordan and Jon. Jordan flirted alot with my friend at the concert and I was telling her that he is married. She kept saying “well apparently not tonight” He made fun of her name at the meet and greet ( her name is evelyn) he kept saying “hey guys I am taking a picture ith EVELYN “”

    I explained to her later why!

    For Jon, thanks for the clarification also. I thought he was BI as well. I usually have agood Gay Radar. and there were some things that made say “well maybe” others were like “no way he just checked out that girl”

    I thought maybe he is gay and I wasin denial.. (he is my favorite one). But this cleared it up..

    Thanks again for the clarification!

  1144. I totally understand Cassie. They are not gods at all. They have problems too. I know I would not want to be famous at all. You never know who your real friends are or if you are really liked for who you are. If Jordan plans to stay in his marriage for the sake of his kids, that is all in good but the rumored “cheating” that he supposedly does, does not seem fair to his wife. Of course I know people in political office that are married but have an arrangement and both husband and wife sleep around. I am just not sure how anyone could live like that. I know I couldn’t but I am different.
    It would be interesting to meet Jordan and Jon without all the glamour and fame and see who they really are behind all that.

  1145. Ok, so Jordan is on the prowl again. Figures. Jordan is a good man. He has a good heart, but he can not control his urges. A word of advise for the girl Raina is talking about…
    it is easy to be lured in by all the trappings around him. It is incredible that a famous person would be intersted in you and it is so easy to get caught up in that world, but that world does not really exist. Don’t get involved with him. In the long run all that is going to happen is that you will be hurt. I know from personal experience. Been there and done that. He will tell you how unhappy he is and for a few short moments you will make him happy. But it is not for the woman to make Jordan happy. He has to look inside himself and make himself happy. I am sure that he does feel something for the ladies he gets involved with but here is a lesson I learned the hard way…..1. He will NEVER leave Evelyn. It will take a hell of a woman to get him away from her. They are like an addiction to one another. 2. There is someone else in his life other than you. He has “friends” stashed all over the place, so don’t make the mistake of thinking you are the one and only. The best advise to give this girl is to keep her dignity and self respect in check and walk in the other direction. It is not worth it. I have been there. I know and I can tell you honestly…Evelyn never goes away….don’t get your heart broken over him. Find you a nice guy who is available and who will treat you like the special person that you are.

  1146. Can someone please actually post that pic from jordan’s wedding? When i clicked on the clink it says I have to get approved. I have been waiting to get approved for a while now. I am dying to see it!

  1147. As this gossip I know is hard to resist, especially when someone is secretive with family/relationship talk but,
    Please do NOT bring certain people’s family members into this gossip mess, Someone is definetly trying to make this person and her family look bad, and they’ve taken it too far. (Nurse I’m not saying it’s you, but where you brought that info from) A few people have done this in the past and it seems it is only to make her appear as someone she is not. Also, there are quite of few people on here who claim to know/email J and have given him misled info taken from here in hopes to ruin his respect for her. Those involved, know better than to believe what comes from a gossip site, and know their “friends” won’t actually BE on a gossip site, to begin with.
    It doesn’t matter what you heard or who you heard it from, it is uncalled for, to bring it on to a public forum. Some of the things that are being discussed on here are inconsiderate and disrespectful to Jordan, his family and friends. Just remember, anyone can talk whatever they want, but reality is that is all it is. just TALK. I’m not talking about everyone here, I know some are just trying to gossip for the sake of “gossip”. But to try to make someone look bad and then involve family members is not right. This blog needs to be made private or taken down, I don’t understand how anything that may hurt others emotionally, can be moderated and then posted. and i’m sure the blog owner didn’t realize it was going to get nasty on here, but why keep it up still? kinda sad. there is really no reason to allow others an oportunity to be disrespectful.

  1148. Scarlett, it seems that you have been with him more than a one night stand… please tell us more details!!

  1149. I went to the concert on March 24 did the 5* thing and all the guys were nice…..Of course JK being my fav forever I was only focused on him. I walk up to Danny and he said your looking good tonight baby, donnie did the same with a extremely long hug, I just kind of tapped Joe and moved on to Jordan. He was very flirty and and asked how I was and what my name was. I then took a second to get a hug from Jon. Then it was picture time. I was standing between the Knight brothers and Jordan kept making flirty comments the whole time. When I went to leave is grabbed me up by my waist and told ILAA wait I want one more…and gave me another really long hug. It was great….I sooo didn’t mind….. He kept point to me, winking and even when I bolted to the B stage… when the smoke cleared and he seen me standing on the chair he said something and puckered up. He even made eye contact and gestures during the second part of 2 in the morning….. it made my night, but I took it as simple flirty on stage…that is his job………..but the point of my posting was there was a group that was before us that had some..not so tastful girls in it. When we went to our seats the same girls were right in front of us. We over heard on of the girls on their cell phones. She was telling someone that she had asked Donnie how to get back stage passes. He told her that she needed to find one of their stage hands…can’t remember his name it started with an S and was a latino name…sorry. Well then she proceeded to tell her friend that they got their back stage passes but they both had to give him “oral” favors to get them… I would love the chance to get backstage passes but would NEVER go to that extreme.

  1150. I knew Jordan back in the day…..when I was in college my major was public relations. I was able to get a summer internship with Dick Scott Entertainment. My college advisor knew one of Dick Scott’s people. It was during the Magic Summer Tour. Jordan and Evelyn were not dating as of yet. There was a girl I think her name was Gina or Jenna he knew back in Boston he was dating, when he was at home. He prowled on the road. The only one who didn’t was Jon. Jon had his girlfriend, Lisa with him. I have to tell you I was quite surprised when I found out he switched hit. He was totally crazy in love with Lisa and she with him. He was totally devoted to her. I probably should not tell this, but who cares??
    Remember the break down he had and wouldn’t get out of bed for three years 1994-1997. Well, it wasn’t because the band broke up, it was because Lisa left him. She was being blamed because Jon wanted to leave the the group and they wanted to have a life together. Jordan was so sweet and told her she would never be accepted into the Knight family. He got everyone to turn on her. It was very very sad. She left Jon so she wouldn’t drive a wedge between two brothers. And I happen to know to this day, he still loves her. So go figure…
    Any way back to Mr. Personality. I got to know the guys a bit while on tour. I wasn’t really with them. I helped with the media and backstage passes, press interviews etc. We normally traveled a head of them and had everything set up for their arrival and made sure things ran smoothly. The guys were all great, but I got to know the Knight brothers the best.
    Like I said Jordan had a girl in Boston. It did not keep him from hitting on other women and me! I was like 23 and he was like 21. To me he was a baby. I really liked him. But talk about being full of himself. This is what always killed me……he did not want his girlfriend to cheat on him, but it was ok for him.
    As long as it was a bj and not intercourse, than to him it was not cheating…..how some men rationalize things…….
    Anyway….I know he had girls all over the place, they all did except for Jon, who had Lisa with him. They would get into contact with these girls before they came into a city and it would be arranged through the bodyguards. I will leave it at that. All I can say is in the three and a half months I traveled in their entourage, did I get a reality check. I don’t know if any of you saw the interview the guys did on Good Morning America when their single “Dirty Dawg” was released. The interviewer asked the guys had they been cheated on and Jordan said yes! GIna or Jenna had cheated on him with a friend of his. She got tired of waiting on him. He was gone all the time. It was after their break up around 1992-1993 he started dating Evie, because she was “safe.” He knew she had been crazy about him for years, even before New Kids happened. It grew from there. Don’t get me wrong. Jordan has a heart of gold and he is funny as hell. I really enjoyed talking to him and getting to know him, but he would not be long term relationship material. I saw him a few times while he was on his solo tour and got to see him and Jon. They both remembered me. This was in 2001 and in 2006. He was on the prowl both times. Jon went along with him in 2006-2007 to help out as his manager and to keep him on the straight and narrow. Jon is such a great guy. I do know he loves Evie, but is not in love he told me. He was intoxicated when he told me. You have heard the old saying about drunks tell no lies, he sure did not that night. They had separated for a while and he was seeing a lady he really liked, but went back due to Dante. He loves his son. He loves Eric very much and I think Eric was the slamming of the door on Jordan’s freedom. He knew he would never be able to leave because he loved his kids. I am not saying he doesn’t love Evie. He just isn’t in love with her. So, any of you who are thinking about getting involved with Jordan…..don’t. It is a ride which will take you no where quick.Enough people have been hurt by his behavior including him. Just my own little comment….there is nothing wrong with being gay…..but I sure hope Jon comes back to our side. There are way far too few good men and he is one of them. I know some ladies would have a problem with his past, but some would not. He is a great man. He would make a wonderful husband and father to a woman.

  1151. I would like to add a quick little note. To the person who attacked Cassie for telling the truth about Jon and Lisa dating. I think you need a reality check. I was there on tour with them and saw her everyday. She was a very sweet girl and was a model, so I think you need to get your stuff straight okay??
    He dated TIffany from 1988-1990. He dated Lisa from late 1990-1993. He dated Molly 1993 on. Molly is a blonde he dated for a while and yes, I have seen the pictures. If you would like to go onto the very nice web site a girl named Asta made for Jonathan and look at all the pictures….you will find one, if its still there of him and Lisa together. He is carrying Nikko and looks ticked off. There is a tall dark haired girl walking behind him trying to place his coat on his shoulders and looks like she is crying. That my friend is Lisa. I guess she does exit after all. I am sorry If I sound hateful, I don’t mean too. I just get pissed off when people try to tell people like me who actually do know them, we are wrong, when we are right, but you know what who cares??? I know the truth and so does Jon! And so does Lisa!!!!

  1152. Guess who I found a picture of??? The non-existing Lisa!!
    Go on the website dedicated to Jonathan. Go under the picture galleries you want the mutiple picture gallery. It has like 1027 pictures. Go to the 18th gallery. Once on the gallery click at the bottom to the fourth page. Look very closely at the first picture on the second row and OMIGOD!!! who would happen to appear Lisa and Jonathan????!!!!! Yes, that is here, so much for her not being real! I guess you better get your facts straight next time.

  1153. Piping in.

    Are you sure that Jon and this chick were dating? Maybe they were really good friends?

    I do believe you about Evelyn. He might be doable but at the end of the day he is untouchable. LOL

  1154. @scarlett; That picture is from the games video shoot. She looks to be apart of the crew. Not sure if I believe you now, you almost had me. Sorry!

  1155. How sad that, if this Lisa story is true (which I doubt), her so-called friends are here putting her on blast. First, you’re painting her as a pathetic person who would abandon her husband & kids for an ex and a person who is essentially mentally/emotionally cheating on her family. Then, you’re making Jonathan look like a loser who wants to break up a family. Like father, like son and all, but that doesn’t seem right. And you can get defensive all you want (Scarlett, Cassie, Lisa, whoever you are), but that’s the picture you’re painting. Not to mention, the time you have him with Lisa is also the time he called Tiffany and begged her not to get married (something that Tiffany has confirmed). Yeah, the dots just aren’t connecting. But, if it’s true, I guess it’s good that those two might end up together. Let’s keep the losers who like to cheat together and away from the rest of the population.

  1156. Scarlett tell us more about your fling with Jordan, and his “friends” everywhere. Did u ever meet his wife. How does he talk about her?

  1157. Who gives a flip about who Jon dated in the past????
    I am sure he dated plenty of women no one knows about.
    Maybe he dated a Lisa and maybe he didn’t . WHy fight about it and get hostile. The world is hostile enough. People need to get along, besides……isn’t this about
    JORDAN……..let’s get back to him. I want to hear more dirt on him!!!!! Anyone else want to?????

  1158. backporchpoet: why are you so hell bent on defending jon’s story? are you in the know? what more do you know?

    question to all. what would be one’s first thoughts to seeing a screen name that has back porch in it?

  1159. Ceciley, you’re cracking me up LOL! me too could care less about who Jon dated…I wanna hear the dirt on Jordan here. And I wanna hear som REAL stories, not the fan fic BS. It’s getting far too quiet in here the past days..I’m seriously having doubts if he’s still cheating…I’m starting to believe he’s keeping it on the right track. I usually have a good sense of people.

  1160. security really does give out passes, i saw it in Champaign. Donnie was flirting with this chic and security came out, whispered in her ear and gave her something. if you look on youtube during cover girl, donnie grabs her hand then says something like i’ll see you on the cruise. i would love to read this nkotb gossip board. here’s my email if someone doesn’t mind sending the link doyathnkimsexy4@aol.com

  1161. Check out this vid:

    About the sexual connection with fans “..Do you ever take advantage of it…..So you’re a good guy then?” – Jordan: “Absolutely!” LOL

  1162. I am not trying to get any baloney going, but I do remember seeing about a year ago on You Tube some chick by the name of Nikki55 trying to get info about Jonathan. It was posted in the comments below a video. A friend of my sister’s saw Jordan in Forest Park in St. Louis. She posted it on You Tube. I watched it because I knew her. I read the comments and this chick was wanting to know about about a girl named Lisa, Jon had dated and she married someone else in 1994. Jon never got over her and that is why he wasn’t married. The only reason I remember this is because I remember thinking, if this guy is not over a girl in this amount of time and not married, brother has some serious issues. So, there was comments about it. Also did any of you go on the original New Kids board this time last year when the original one was operating? I do remember there were post about Jon and Lisa and about him going to North Carolina “supposedly”
    to see her and none of the guys were happy about it. Like I said, I don’t know if its true or not…I am not trying to get in the middle of something, so don’t write me any mean messages. I am just recalling what I saw. By the way….a friend of mine met Evelyn about two years ago when in Boston. She was with the kids at Downtown Crossing. Emily said she was very nice and the kids were beautiful. They looked more like Jordan.

  1163. I am not trying to get any baloney going, but I do remember seeing about a year ago on You Tube some chick by the name of Nikki55 trying to get info about Jonathan. It was posted in the comments below a video. A friend of my sister’s saw Jordan in Forest Park in St. Louis. She posted it on You Tube. I watched it because I knew her. I read the comments and this chick was wanting to know about about a girl named Lisa, Jon had dated and she married someone else in 1994. Jon never got over her and that is why he wasn’t married. The only reason I remember this is because I remember thinking, if this guy is not over a girl in this amount of time and not married, brother has some serious issues. So, there was comments about it. Also did any of you go on the original New Kids board this time last year when the original one was operating? I do remember there were post about Jon and Lisa and about him going to North Carolina “supposedly”
    to see her and none of the guys were happy about it. Like I said, I don’t know if its true or not…I am not trying to get in the middle of something, so don’t write me any mean messages. I am just recalling what I saw. By the way….a friend of mine met Evelyn about two years ago when in Boston. She was with the kids at Downtown Crossing. Emily said she was very nice and the kids were beautiful. They looked more like Jordan.

  1164. Hey Princess,
    Thanks for the shout out! I am with you, I think Mr. Knight is behaving himself! SHOOT!! I remember him saying in an article after his last son was born, I think his name is Eric, Jordan said he grew up. I didn’t think he meant he became boring as well. LOL! Our, Jordan would never be boring.

    Hey Dreamer…..
    If you get a chance will you email me. I have something you may be interested in. cecileyphillips@yahoo.com
    I don’t want to discuss it on here, until I talk to one of you first.


  1165. Hey I am 30 Years old and have never been to an nkotb concert. I have always been a fan ,but could never afford to go when I was little. I am going to the concert in Memphis, Tn and it says they don’t allow cameras in the venue and I would like some tips on how to sneak one in. Thanks

  1166. Princess thanks for the video post. He’s a flirt but I really think he doesn’t cheat anymore.

    Ceciley, what did his wife look like? anymore details?

  1167. @joe’s girl. hmmm, good question. i wonder how thousands of people get cameras in…lets think about this for a minute……

  1168. ceciley: haven’t emailed you yet…but, how did your friend know that she was seeing Evelyn with her two kids downtown in boston? has she or you seen them before?

  1169. This is pretty sad, how everyone is being so negative towards his wife (who I feel is very pretty). If Jordan is happy, that’s great! They are very private people from what I’ve seen/not seen and read, and good for them.

    I’ve been a fan since the 80’s, and always will be.

  1170. Use a camera phone. they can’t refuse that & also, they welcome cameras, its just the VIDEOS the security frowns upon.

  1171. the champaign show, donnies gf was at so there were no backstage passes given out on his behalf. the girl hung around hoping. flirting is part of his job. He does it with all of us because it makes us keep coming back.

  1172. Loving this board, Folks!!

    Just wanna throw something out there…

    For those on the official NKOTB website, there is a girl named Jill from somewhere in NY that has done 2 M&G’s, and JK seems to be very into her….She’s done AC and Hershey, and she is an absolute blonde goddess…

    Anything floating around about her?? She got passes in Ac but didn’t use them… Seems since she got back from Hershey, she has friended Jared, their mgr. on the site (lots of people do), and will be doing the Today Show, not to mention 2 other M&G in the summer… She didn’t say much about Hershey other than her M&G, but I am wondering if anything else went down…

    From her stories, JK seemed to be really into her….wonder if anything will happen??

    And is she the blonde KP and others are referring to?? Wonder if she’ll become one of JK’s “friends”???

  1173. About the pic with the supposed Lisa and I can’t even believe I looked this shit up. So your friend Lisa has got a split personallity right? An alter-ego called Lynn maybe? Cos that is Lynn Goldsmith in this picture!

    No wonder Jon is heartbroken if he “dated” Lisa/Lynn at that time…cos she also dated Donnie and Jordan at the same time 🙂

  1174. Oh give it up already. LOL He is not f*cking around. I’ve had moments of delusion myself so I understand where it comes from, but come on now…
    Unless he’s trying to get caught or he really doesn’t give a sh*t about his family anymore (in which case I would wonder what you see in this guy anyway lol…would you really want a one-nighter with someone who doesn’t give a sh*t about anyone but himself? That doesn’t sound like a good time to me), then I just can’t see him doing it.
    So leave Jordan alone lol (that is until TMZ announces his seperation or pending divorce…I hope you don’t forget your coat that day cuz hell will have frozen over. lol

  1175. @Electra, one thing: HOW do you know JK is “into” her? because she’s saying so?
    So this could be “the blonde chick” mentioned in earlier posts… but lately I’ve looked through some older posts again…and I need to get something of my chest, so here’s what i think. So JK “supposedly” is very into 1. this Marisol girl, 2. Some other dark haired latina, 3. some other dark haired girl, 4. another dark haired girl, 5. a very pretty blonde and who else more….
    Oh yes, he really is “into” them alright…yeah right! come on people. All these stories that go around that he supposedly has very strong feelings for one special woman other than his wife and writing songs about her is BS. Being “INTO” her has gotten a real romantic meaning here. People are making it sound more romantic/dramatic than it really is..probably due to romantic fantasies of girls that might have been with him, or never got that far… I don’t say he’s faithfull, I believe he cheated before and he might be on the right path today, but he’s a man that really likes women and I know when he sees a girl he likes, he sure wishes he was free to hook up with her…I can (could!) just see it in his eyes.
    But to believe he’s “very into” one certain girl..ehmm NO. there are too many girls to choose from LOL. Cuz if he supposedly was so into Marisol, than that blonde girl doesn’t mean anything to him. Or if that pretty blonde girl really “caught his heart” (ehum)..than who is Marisol to him?? He’s not in love with these girls, or well, maybe is/was, but then he easily falls in and out of love and goes to the next. He’s a man away from his wife all the time (that he doesn’t feel the passion with anyway), surrounded by many women, single male friends (!) and not only needs sex, but also needs to feel loved by a woman once in a while….And if you happen to be in his surroundings at the right time, you could be “lucky enough” to be that woman for a few hours or days. You know the expression: “A man that cannot be with the woman he loves, loves the woman he’s with”? Nuf said.

  1176. That is the best way to put it Princess! I agree with everything you said! Anyone that is a fan of Jordan that doesn’t hope something more than just an introduction will come out of meeting him is LYING.
    BUT…its ok to fantasize…we all do it. Thats what makes it fun. 😛 But, I suggest after these girls get a few moments of his time, they should think about what REALLY happened and ask themselves how exactly is he putting in the effort to this so-called thing you think you have…my guess is the dude is doing nada…then take long, cold shower. lol

  1177. Wow. I’m sorry, but I can’t believe you guys are still speculating about this. Don’t any of you have husbands and children to be focusing on?

  1178. Ok this is concerning Jordan’s treatment of his wife. If someone has already pointed this out then i apologize for repeating it. Maybe Jordan’s wife doesn’t care what he does outside of their marriage. Maybe she does her own thing on the side too. Some woman are quite content with a marriage of convenience rather than one that is based on love and mutual respect. She could be just in this thing for the money and convenience of it all you never know. Maybe it started out as love or something they thought was love. They have been together for a long time. People grow up and change. Their needs and wants change. Love sometimes fades over time. I’m living proof of that. My husband and I have been together for 11 years and we have 2 kids together and we have decided to call it quits. We got married too young and for the wrong reasons. We grew up and grew apart and we realized that we were not what each other wanted anymore. We didn’t take the time to grow up together and ensure that we knew what the other was growing into and becoming. When you don’t take time to grow with each other it’s a recipe for disaster and marriage of routine and convenience. Like it has been said in many previous posts “you don’t know what goes on behind closed doors”.

  1179. Me- I’d have to agree with Miss M here…My focus is my children and my husband, this right here is fun to ‘speculate’ on. Jordan the man of mystery hmmm….*Tink*

  1180. Ok just spend all day reading this blog I did glances through a lot of the replies. Actually its now 7:09am on Sunday I have been up since 8:30am sat. This blog is fascinating.

    I learned so much. I thought out guys were not angels but still… you know never ever thoght they would cheat. Yes I know the DD’s are flirts & single but never thought the J’s would cheat on their wifes.

    Really everything I am reading is new to me, the no kissing only bj’s, to I never knew JK married yrs after Dante was born, that they had gf in every city.

    They are sounding like your average rock and roll stars. Oh and the drugs. I knew they drank and wonder if they smoke weed but not only did they but even more.

    So yes this blog is definitely an eye opener and the reality. Unlike the official blog where you can’t even mention the name of their wifes.

    Hope to continue more juicy detail about sexual encounters. Maria you didnt give all the details. Like did he licked your breast, how you guys ended up in 69. oh yeah I loved the encounters part of this blog

  1181. OMG. I spend all day yesterday reading this block. So addictive, so guilty pleasure.

    I learned a lot. I knew they were no angels buts I didn’t think they behaved like your typical rock star (groupies, gf’s all over, drugs, baby mama drama) Wow.

    I love it. LOl Well I love that you girls are not sugar coating stuff and telling it like it is. B4 I would say oh how slutty of you to give them bj’s but after reading I longer longer consider the girls who want to be intimate w/ them slutty. And hey like somone said its 2009 not 1929 and why can’t women too have sexual sex or get her groove going. So more power to you ladies, and more power to you for telling us like it is.

    I have so many questions though. But I really must get back to my reality. Sor real I did laundry yesterday in the morning and that’s it didnt’ even put the clotes away till this morning. Oh by the way I went to bed at 7am. And I diddn’t read all the post glance at them and just read all the JUICY ones. LOL.

    But I hope peeps come back here I read this blog was closing and people were leaving elsewhere where exactly too.

  1182. Uhmm..Isn’t this why we are on this board? “Wow, I’m sorry, but I can’t believe you’re even here..Don’t YOU have a husband and children to focus on?”

    In the mean time..let us speculate ladies

  1183. Princess, I couldn’t agree with you more. This is not the moral majority here. We are all here hopefully to have some fun. We can not help what the facts are.
    1. Jordan has cheated on his wife numerous times. He cheated on her before and after Dante was born. If he cheated before they married, what would keep him from doing so, after they were married?
    2. Jordan and Evelyn do not have a marriage made in heaven. They have had a patchy turbulant relationship.

    It seems to me Jordan is looking for something, but doesn’t know what he wants. I personally think there is something inside himself he is missing and possibly feels alone. The only person who can answer what is missing is him. I think he tries to fill the void with alcohol in the past and with women. I have never met the guy, but from what I have been reading it seems like Jordan has not been able to distinguish himself from his work. What I mean is he is Jordan Knight and being a singer is what he does for a living. He has an existence away from the limelight, but some performers can not remove themselves from their job.
    Instead his self worth and self value is tied up in being an entertainer. Instead of it being what he does for a living, it is who he is. They get caught up in the hype and let’s say a record flops, instead of saying oh, that one failed and seeing it as a hit and miss, he could see it as a personal failure of himself. Sorry, I am a therapist. This is just what I see.

  1184. How ironic would that be Lulu? And sad? He falls in love with someone he thinks can be trusted because of how they met and she ends up a gold digger anyway. Hope thats not the case!

  1185. I have no doubt that the girls saying they were “WITH” Jordan are telling the truth.

    He’s into blow jobs for sure,and if you do get alittle sex from him its short lived. He won’t let it be finished. He really is all about himself, kinda like he is doing you a favor by allowing it to happen. I also think it’s his way of not feeling guilty about anything he does.

    He’s a good guy,thrown into a lifestyle where women throw themselves at him and he is “A GUY” they act on instinct much like animals do lol.

    So with that said Girls,if you get the chance really think it through long and hard. Sometimes emotions get in the way of one night stands,and it really isnt worth all the bad that comes along with the good. Just some advice!

  1186. still luvin this board ;-P

    @Britney, you say Jk cheats FOR A FACT…any proof af that? We’d love to hear more about that.

  1187. Ceciley, you are good. I’ve come to those conclusions myself but you expressed it better than I ever could.

    Britney, “He really is all about himself, kinda like he is doing you a favor by allowing it to happen.” LOL LOL I can totally see him having that attitude, especially toward groupies. I don’t think he’d act that way toward anyone he really cared about though. A gut feeling…

    I also think he is basically a good guy (although not always, sometimes I hear things about his attitude with fans and I’ll think to myself, what a d*uche!!! but it is all hearsay really, so I try to give him the benefit of the doubt, and besides, some people just are f*cking moody lol ,you deal and wait for it to pass).

  1188. I know that he has cheated in the last year,since then I don’t know. I would almost certainly say he has if he was doing it in october what would stop him now.

    You can see from my post above I know,proof I don’t have,only my experience.

  1189. I just realized how stupid it looks to say someone is a “good guy” and a cheater. Therefore, I am retracting my statement. lol A good person doesn’t cheat. Can anyone really argue that without coming up with a lot of excuses?
    Sure, we all make mistakes. I consider someone “good” if they learn from them and try not repeat the same ones.

    Jordan does what he does because he’s chosen to. We can feel bad for him for being thrown into a world full of temptation and whatnot, but at the end of the day, really the only people that should give a d*mn are the people he is actually involved with.

    Please carry on…I love trying to figure people out.

  1190. ok I’ll retract my statement too lol. He’s a good guy “without” his sex escapades.

    Here is my take on Jordan. I think he married to feel stable. NKOTB were broken up,his solo career wasn’t the best,and he probly didn’t have tail being thrown at him every second like he does now,so now he takes advantage of the situation married or not. I truly think he wishes he wasn’t married,but of course is way to far in to get out.

    Just my thoughts. I do know each of the guys get girls picked out of the audience to bring backstage. If you see anyone (mostly security)with or without a camera walking around looking out of place you can almost bet they are scanning the crowd for the girls to take back to the guys.

  1191. Hmm, juicy… The only way I truly can believe all the stories is when I catch him in the act one day myself LOL. Only THEN I’ll know for sure. Although I usually have a good knowledge of people. therefore I can really relate to Ceciley, Britney and Miss M’s stories. Jordan is constantly looking for someting he’s missing, whether it’s feeling loved one moment, the next it’s just good sex to “get off” or just making up for personal faillures/confirmation he’s still “has it” or whatever men need to feel when they have sex. He basically grew up with it. In stead of going to school like a normal kid, he had girls/women throwing themselves at him all his live. Maybe he got tired of that for a while, decided it was time to grow up and settle down, but now he took a step into that life filled with temptation again. And I can see from his eyes, he’s having a hard time to resist ;). *sigh* I wish I could come up with hard evidence myself LOL, but I kinda missed my opportunity to find out if he’s as cheatfull as we all think…

    And about security/camera guys scanning front row girls, been there. Did not see anyone “picked out” for backstage, but before the show there was this guy walking up and down filming some of of us front row. I didn’t notice it before, cuz I was busy chatting with some girls next to me, untill my friend told me I was being “put on tape”. The camara guy came my way when I noticed him and came back to me lots of times, even during the show. So I was like “why are you putting that cam right in my face all the time?” (not saying it but thinkin it) I hate that cuz I’m kinda camera shy 🙂 I didn’t understand at first, cuz why was he filming? Til some girl said that probably this way the guys were “checking out” the crowd from backstage.

  1192. I had a guy at the cleveland concert video me n my girl,and 20 minutes later we were slung backstage passes for after the show. So they really do that at the concerts.

  1193. Britney – He hooked up with a blonde! I never thought that day would come lol. You guys would be cute together.

  1194. Anyone know where I can find the other girls with encounters at? I’m up to something!

  1195. they all cheat actually joe and JK are getting more REALL action than donnie ,donnie is a tease!

  1196. Hey! This is a good blog but getting slow! Is there anywhere to go to chat about the NK’s lives without getting deleted!? Need some good gossip!

  1197. Okaaaayy, Princess, I think you need to get a grip here….

    I came to this board to give you girls some info.- and possibly get some- about one of the girls on the NKOTB boards who merely might have caught his eye, and wanted to know if anyone here knew anything about her or saw anything…I’m CURIOUS….SUE ME!! Isn’t that why we’re all here?? to find out all the juicy info.?? If you saw this girl’s pic and read what she said, you might be inclined to think , “Hmmmm, is there something here??”

    As far as I am concerned, all of the chicks mentioned here that have supposedly been with JK -AND NO ONE SAID HE WAS IN A BIG ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP WITH ANY OF THEM- are figments of everyone’s imaginations until I see proof. Give me a break!! It’s all hearsay until people start naming names and showing photos…

    Not trying to cause a ruckus, just asking questions….still loving this board, tough 🙂

  1198. Crazy about the vids. I didn’t think they’d still be doing sh*t like that. Yeah, they are definately in their own universe. LOL The more stuff I hear, the less regrets I have, thats for shhhuuuahh!!!!! LOL

  1199. I mean regrets as in my teenage fantasies coming true…which, duh…you knew, just felt I needed to clarify for some reason.
    Anyway, they sure put the “eezy” in the “sleezy.” For some reason I find the idea of them secretly video-taping girls to hit and run seems disgusting.

  1200. somegirl, that is pretty ballsy of Joey to cheat. Hasn’t his wife and new baby been on the road with them this whole time? And I thought Donnie had a girlfriend.
    Jordan is reading this stuff? Interesting…wonder what he thinks of our speculation.
    Thanks for the link to the other board. Anything good over there? I haven’t been approved.

  1201. Hello, everyone! Just a newcomer that came across this blog by accident. It’s been very entertaining reading all the insightful info! I never knew they could be such dogs. I always REALLY thought I wanted Jordan, but after reading all of this, I appreciate my husband so much there is NO WAY I would throw that away on that asshole!

    I believe most of what I read here, because, well, I have no reason to doubt anyone. I figure some people just talk shit because they wish it were true, but I think a lot of it is true because I just don’t think most people would waste their time telling lies.

    Anyway, just wanted to tell you guys that I appreciate the honesty. I’m not much of a gossiper and I have nothing to contribute because the closest I’ve been to any of them is M&G and it was just a fan-star encounter. Nothing more. I was a little bummed by that at first, but now after reading I just know I would regret the wham-bam- thank-you-ma’am guys they seem to be. I always kind of imagined Joe would be the best. I don’t know why, haha.

    Thank you guys again for all the info. I’m glad this place isn’t moderated. I’ll be sure to stay on guard if I’m ever given an offer. I wouldn’t waste my body on any of them. The fantasy is always better.

  1202. Just a thought ladies but did you ever wonder if ‘the video’s’ they are taping ‘might’ be for a possible Dvd for the reuion tour. Not doubting that they are ‘checking out’ the ladies on the video’s but i do wonder if it’s not as ‘shady’ as we may be thinking…

  1203. yes donnie had a girlfriend but that’s it i mean ,not as much fucking around as i expected 2 be honest lol!
    but the board i posted is great ,you have to post though ALOT and than you get in2 the private section!i love it!anyway joe’s wife didn’t travel everywhere sweetie ;)there are a few places in europe where she wasnt there!

    • Hey “somegirl”

      Does Donnie have a girlfriend or had a girlfriend? Didn’t know if he is maybe no longer with the girl from the basketball games or that was just a typo 🙂

  1204. Sherri, could be. Maybe I am jumping to conclusions. I guess we’ll see. Natasha, I hear you girl. I appreciate the honesty as well. I’ve always wanted to know what he is really like, but maybe it wasn’t worth it. After reading Britney’s story, I really can’t stand the guy. lol

  1205. Maybe you are right Sherri. I could have jumped to conclusions.
    Natasha, I hear you girl! I also appreciate hearing the truth (but is it? We’ll never know I suppose). I read Britney’s story and now I really can’t stand the guy. Wasn’t his last big gig (before the reunion) a performance on QVC? Maybe he’s the one that should be appreciative!
    I imagine I would be so much better off not knowing anything. lol

  1206. Sorry for the duplicate comments (if they both show up). I didn’t realize the first one went through…

  1207. Electra, You say you have info for us! What’s keeping you from telling us. Let’s hear the story, and let’s see the girl!

    Why wouldn’t she just come and look for herself? We wouldn’t even know she was here, unless she posted her details.

  1208. I have decided to forgive Jordan lol. I was mean in my other comments. Sorry! I hope that if I ever do meet him, it won’t be so dysfuctional. lol

  1209. I’m blonde and hooked up with JK in 1994(before he was married) not sex but a deep kissing in the hotel stuff. He does like blondes too!

  1210. I post over on britneys myspace…I really dont think she meant to turn you all off to Jordan…I think she just wanted to give a heads up as to how he is and now that the new tour is starting it could be stuff to look out for or to take advantage of…Ive talked to her alot through emails and she doesnt think it was a bad thing that happend…She was used and it dawned on her alittle to late..we all make mistakes but like I said I dont think she meant for you girls to all hate him and look at him diffrent…I know thats hard to do because Im a huge Jordan fan and I dont know weather to think its hot or to be turned off by how immature and unclever he is…The guy sings about being so freaky and romantic and he cant come up with better lines than hes throwing at women now..come on!!!He just doesnt care because he will get whatever he wants so why try hard???Very selfish on his part..and yet somewhat foolish for the girls to fall for…no offense to anyone that has fallen for it just sayin!

  1211. offcourse he likes blondes as well so does donnie they call them rainbowfuckers!they don’t discriminate lmao sorry lol but they do! anyway heard JK reads these mails from a board that he’s on as well lol
    a girl gave him this link and so he checked it out!

  1212. wonder how many girls are getting it or should i say WONDER wich nk is getting it .
    cause they’re not givers at all!lol

  1213. Does anyone know what happenned to NKOTBGOSSIP board on Yuku? I was away for the weekend and when i got back it was gone. Was wanting to see what kinda of fun the GGs had.

  1214. I am not trying to get off the subject, but I was wondering something……..you have to over look me I am a therapist and I would like your comments, especially you ladies who have been to the shows and met the guys back stage. I am not trying to change the subject, but keep it in the family……
    Do you all think Jon is really gay or possibly bisexual?? I am not trying to beat a dead moose here, but this is why I ask?
    I have read in several places about him “checking out” the different women they meet and he looks a boobs and flirts etc.
    I have totally gay guy friends and they will not look at a woman’s boobs. If they do it is normally a snotty remark. I know Jon is dating Harley and they are a couple. I was just wondering if maybe guys are his preference and he might still be attracted to some women? Guys can flirt too, but when I say this I am not trying to be offensive, I am just making a point….I am hetero and I could not flirt with a woman. I just would not be “into it.” From what I have read…Jon is into flirting with the ladies…. I was just wondering what you all thought. I really don’t care one way or another. He should be happy. I was just curious because it seems he has conflicting behavior. Has he checked any of you out?? A know a bi man would. This is more of a behavioral observation.

  1215. On the second night of the cruise my roomate and I busted Danny doing the deed. The same night, Donnie took 3 girls down to his room.

  1216. I thought that he would have been a little friendlier or more flirtatious. He was obviously on a mission and as soon as he found someone willing, cut to the chase because he knew he could get away with it. I didn’t expect it to be romantic or anything lol, just different I guess.
    Anyhow, its ok Angie, I’m not bothered by it now. I’m opinionated but not judgmental. lol

  1217. Somegirl, I don’t know how he could stomach reading this stuff (although its not all bad). Psychologists say that men are good at compartmentalizing so maybe that’s how.

  1218. overhrd gossip brd closed dwn basically because everyone thought they were high sh*t then realized they werent

  1219. The gossip board is gone??? I had no idea, hadn’t read it in awhile. I got BANNED from it. LMFAO. Anyway, did Jordan read that board too? Thats crazy! I’d hate to think he read some of my comments. LOL

  1220. Hi everyone.. i’m new here.. i was just wondering what’s the status of Jordan and his wife? Are they still in love? leaving together? Jordan never say anything about his wife..:)

  1221. lol…danny’s daughter was on the cruise with him and she had 2 rules 1) no girls back to the cabin and 2) she could have all the ice cream she wanted….I KNEW he had a second cabin…..

    During QandA session on the cruise someone asked if they were dating and Donnie said “Does last night count?” I’m sure that girl felt like a total whore. Most think he was kidding, but there was so much tail going around that weekend….I think security actually got more than the NK’s though.

    Joe seemed pretty low key but flirty. Don’t think much happened with him. He was asked a question about is wifey and teared up missing her…it was cute 🙂

    As for Jordan, he ducked out early from a lot of events but at least made appearances. I did hear that he is in the process of filing for divorce….maybe that’s why he was on good behavior during the cruise. Does anyone know if this is true? Also heard they are no longer living together!!

  1222. Saw his wife on the cruise, she is funky. I can confirm that its the big chested girl in the pic above, all I can say is she has not gotten any better.

  1223. A divorce? Really? I wonder why they would do that now? Has she had it with him being gone so much? It doesn’t look like he’s going to be around much anytime soon. Or is he over trying to make it work? Sure Jordan is private (I can respect that) but it would be nice if just once he said something sweet about the wife in an interview. He’s always been weird about their situation though, so maybe thats how its always going to be.
    Thanks girls for sharing stuff about the cruise. Joe is so sweet. Wasn’t she there? Donnie was just being a smartass. lol I love Danny’s daughter! Good for her!

  1224. Whhhhhhaaaaaat???Has she really been there??? That’s the first time I hear about that!Tell us more please! Where did u see her, was she with him? I know the divorce-rumour…in a few months we will know more I guess!

  1225. My Myspace page, I shut it down. I had so many replies. I had to move it to a forum set-up.

    I’m still here, nothing for any of you to wonder about!

  1226. watz with the 4 day posting rules on these gossip sites and if you dont u r banned???? seriously totally annoyed, like I have nothin else to do but post a comment ev gd 4 days.

  1227. @Enav, You SAW his wife in the cruise..she was actually there?! Never expected that. If he is gonna file for divirce or even if they are separated somehow, why would she be on the cruise..there’s no need to check up on him anymore then LOL. Damn woman, let the man do his thang!! LMAO

  1228. His wife was not on the cruise. And I wouldn’t believe the rumours about any divorce either.

  1229. I must have missed the wife on the cruise. I didn’t see her @ all. Guess I wasn’t paying as close of attention as I thought I was. lol.

  1230. Jordan HAS to be getting divorced. He is way too happy these days. LOL (kidding) hes really into talking to fans and whatnot (Twitter, etc..). Has he always been that way? He doesn’t seem as distant lately (a good thing).

  1231. Jordan HAS to be getting divorced. He is way too happy these days. LOL (kidding) hes really into talking to fans and whatnot (Twitter, etc..). Has he always been that way? He doesn’t seem as distant lately (a good thing).

  1232. Yes Danny did have his daughter and his father with him. I don’t know if he had a second room but, he definately made cabin calls. Quick version…. My roomate and I were going to our room at about 4:30 in the morning. The guys were staying on the floor above ours so as soon as we saw 2 body guards posted outside one of the rooms a couple doors away from ours, we knew something was up. The guards said there is no one in there (yeah right) and tried to convince us to go to our room. We were being loud and silly and they were also shhhhhing us. Suddenly the door cracked open and Danny’s head popped out to find out what was going on then he quickly shut the door. At that point we couldn’t contain our laughter. We were practically rolling on the floor. Even the guards were laughing and saying how they hated being posted outside the room. A couple minutes later Danny came out to head up to his room. He was looking pretty sheepish but agreed to take a couple pics with us. I was surprised because we clearly put a crinkle in his rendezvous. lol At the next day’s event we had front row. As soon as Danny made eye contact with us he turned away so fast I thought his head was going to spin. He was sporting the day after shame face.

  1233. I’ve been rereading my comments. I sound like such a weirdo. lol I go back and forth on everything, depending on what I’ve heard that day lol. How these guys manage to make us care about their sh*t, I will never know. LOL Girls, is there some other board where I can discuss Jordan’s personal life more private? LOL I don’t want to post on here anymore (esp if he’s reading it and I wouldn’t doubt he is lol).

  1234. I don’t think Evelyn was on the cruise. But, I would love to hear more from the person that said she “overheard” they were having another baby. Overheard from who?

  1235. princess some crazy girl gave him this site !!
    and also there’s a girl that gave another board (there was another one)and gave her username and code he even posted there LOL under her name to see what people are writing about him!!!
    britney what’s this new board?i know about this nkotb groupies site ??i heard you were on there as well …

  1236. princess some crazy girl gave him this site !!
    and also there’s a girl that gave another board (there was another one)and gave her username and code he even posted there LOL under her name to see what people are writing about him!!!
    britney what’s this new board?i know about this nkotb groupies site ??i heard you were on there as well …!got an error gonna send it again ;(!

  1237. somegirl…care to give us a hint on as to who it was? 😛 Do you know for sure? How do you know someone wasn’t f*cking with when they provided that info? (Although something like coming out might explain why people started freaking out and banning people, deleting boards, etc. Am I right? Btw, did you post as somegirl over there? Things are foggy, I can’t rem the gg names.)
    Too bad theres no way to put him to the test to see if hes been here (or on the other boards). Haha
    Anyway, pregnant? Really? Yikes! The dude is trying to revive his career for chr*stsake, why would they allow that to happen??

  1238. P.S. Would this new board allow HeyFriday? lol (Coming Clean III LOL)
    PSS What did he post? Forgot to ask earlier.

  1239. Hi all,
    I am not a huge New Kids fan or anything, But Jordan was my first true love, and until this day I still feel a connection with him. As crazy as that may sound. I don’t have any feelings for him as I once did, But would still enjoy meeting him if I ever got the chance. He will, I guess, Always have a special place in my heart. It would make me feel complete, In knowing that my dream had come true from my childhood.

    My insight on Evelyn is one that I get strong vibes from. I think she married him because he is “Jordan Knight”. I believe them to have been married for the sake of those two kids. Jordan could have wanted to do it the right way and get married instead of just living together. I find it strange as well that he is quiet about her and that he never wears his wedding ring. Sure, Some guys don’t wear one because they are afraid it will be damaged, But most of the time they will. A ring symbolizes marriage and marriage symbolizes love, and devotion to that love and your wife or husband. Many people marry for sometimes all the wrong reasons. It could be guilt, it could be to cure loneliness, self-esteem issues, Etc… Jordan may have some sort of spark there for her, But he is not in love or truly happy with her. I possibly think that one day, If at all, He will find that “certain” someone and he will automatically know that he has found her. He will be beaming about his life in a sense that will be truly fulfilled.

    • Do you know how to get accepted onto this board?? I requested membership 2 weeks ago and haven’t heard anything back. Thanks!

  1240. Maybe I should start a board called the “Lets Get This Sh*t With Jordan and Evelyn Figured Out Before We Die” (well thats probably too long. Any other suggestions?)

  1241. There’s a new board (there can never be too many right? lol). Message HeyFriday on yuku.com for the link. Yes, you do have to apply but approval time should be pretty quick.

  1242. I normally just stop by here to read about the gossip. This has been the best gossip I’ve heard!! I have been dying to hear if anything juicy happened on the cruise! How are their shows different on the Full Service tour? they cancelled all the NC shows so I’ll never experience a FS show 😦

  1243. LMAO Miss M you crack me up!

    And yes I do think that Jordan has become less distant lately! Actually I would say A LOT. He’s definately opened up more the last few months.

  1244. and btw a few people knew JK was on that board and on this one don’t mind him posting as well;)

  1245. Hmmm..I just returned from a whirlwind tour of the NKs. 6 shows & facetime. J was reclusive & very reserved during one. his son was with him another time. The next time he was cool, but half asleep-met him at the mall believe it or not! He joked with me & my friends and seemed ok. Just very tired (like I was!). Curiosity is getting the best of me. Wonder what is really going on. If he leaves his wife, it will take an act of God. I know he was home the wkend of Memorial Day hosting a family party-although he twittered the whole time!! Good luck with your investigation – may the force be with you!

  1246. I had an interesting encounter with Jordan a few months ago.
    Was one of the most exhilarating things I had ever experienced.

    Say what you want, but that man seriously knows how to work it.

  1247. its been 7 days & this site hasn’t been updated. NO WONDER people go other places for info. Sorry Mod, this is ridiculous!

  1248. Hey, can somebody tell me how come Jon isn’t singing his “step 5”??? I know I am changing the subject of this blog, but curiosity is really killing me, specially because I wasn’t able to find out an explanation on Internet.


  1249. Justagirl, why not tell us some more about your interesting encounter… isn’t that what this board if for? Tell us the whole story or tell us nothing at all 😉 All on a friendly note, don’t get me wrong.
    But don’t go “katewhinesalot” on us, telling something and then don’t tell it all because “it’s private”

  1250. Kendra is one of the skanks Jordan is f*cking around with. Have the pics of them and she’s def. a groupie…folllows him everywhere. Her friend is f*cking Donnie, were both blondes now they’re brunettes both from Dallas.

  1251. affa-
    sadly there are no new pictures of Evelyn….that is one weird marriage..i mean 5 years being MARRIED and NOT ONE loving picture of the two..

  1252. heya ya’ll. i hear this is where gurls are sherin’ their sexy time stories of jordan. i hav one but i’m afraid he reads this. anyone know?

  1253. honestly, just thinkin of all the girls a guy in limelight could have possibly slept with, messed with, while being in a relationship with the mother of kid(s), is sickening. A girl in her right mind, knows not to fall for a guy like that. THen again, some girls want that. It’s still all gross, and we know if anything happens, it’s all momentary meaningless physical pleasure. – like someone else said, when a man finds the one and vice versa, things should change in ways hard to explain. All those women mean nothing to you physically anymore, cause there is that one who has fullfilled your life like no other, in everyway possible. hopefully thats his case and he has found that in her.. if he’s still cheating, somethings wrong. i would hope not.

  1254. I have been a lurker on this site for a few days, and it’s taken me a full day of sitting to read through all of the posts. I think Jordan is a very unique, soulful man, and if any of you have had an experience with him, lucky you, that’s the stuff dreams are made of!! I think I recognize the empty, sad look in his eyes. I have the same look. I think it’s the look of true love lost, and the look of being stuck in a loveless marriage for the sake of the kids. I believe that at some time in his life, Jordan has found true love with a woman, I don’t know who or when. Once you find your soulmate, and you’ve experienced that kind of love, anything else afterward pales in comparison. I think he found his soulmate when he was younger, then thought he might stumble upon something better, so he let it go, then realized later on down the road what he’d lost. Plus he’s married to someone I don’t think he’s is “in love” with, but for the kids’ sake, he tolerates it, and just lives vicariously through his concerts and the New Kids. If he is unfaithful to his wife, I honestly don’t blame him, because after you lose true love, nothing else really matters. He is probably trying to find true love again through all these women he is supposedly “with”, and I honestly hope he finds it, so that he will again flash us those lovely smiles he flashed in the “80’s and 90’s, when he looked truly happy.

  1255. I think people should stop hinting at saying they have been with Jordan and start spilling the details! 🙂 Come on girls’. Why bring it up if you don’t want to share?

  1256. my experience goes like this….the first time we met we did it once. The second time we met we did it five times. Suck on that. We hugged stupids, what else? I think you all are full of it. Leave the poor guy alone and get a life. Let him and his wife be. She’s the one F’ng him every night, not you. Sssorry! Grow up.

  1257. A friend told me to check this website for pics of Evelyn. Not many pics but lots of gossip. I got partway through the comments and I’m bored…
    My only comment is this – maybe Eve and J have an ‘agreement’ – an open marriage. Some guys always need female attention, and if he’s truly hooking up with women everywhere, I’m sure she knows about it. It’s like he has a harem and she’s his primary wife – he’ll not divorce her, she’s someone he can always trust that he can come home to, she’s the mother of his children, and she was there and knew him before all the fame he’s had. [And any woman who gets involved with him should know that. If that girl M is heartbroken, it’s her own fault. Get over it.] Who cares that Evey doesn’t want to be in the limelight. He’s complicated in that he craves the fame, and yet is shy & wants to be private. I don’t really care about any of it as long as he still sings beautifully – and he does. By doing that, he entertains me, which is all I really need to know.

  1258. Where did every1 from the Universe site go? Sad that it closed down. Now I’m LOST without any gossip. Is there a new board?


    OMG-ladies get this OUT of your heads! She is a HUGE groupie of other boy bands too-ck her myspace pg! She puppydogs Jordan & is now fixated on Danny & does whatever she can & spends ALL of her families money on following the NKS. Her family works for the airlines & she gets FREE AIR WHEREVER! I was at ALOT of shows, VIP & 5*s and did NOT see her! I know ALL the fans in the front rows & her face NEVER surfaced in my tours. And for the record, LOOK at the cruise Family Feud videos…the guys make FUN OF HER & basically call her & her friends STUPID! Would a guy sleeping with you do THAT in public? —-> Enough said!

    **YES the guys read this sometimes…any public board thats interesting if they have time. Now with twitter..not so much, but people read them for the guys & report back to them. SO…write at your own risk.

    **justagirl…post the story if you want. if NOT we smell bullsh**. Spill or not, but insiders know whats really going on.

    I had a moment of two alone with 2NKS this summer-in the right place/right time scenario. They were gentlemen & I then decided that I’d rather be friends. I had to think HARD about that the past few months, but Im glad I did. The cruise & tour is surfacing for next yr & I’d rather have more good times & memories – than a one night romp. The guys know MY face, MY name & are HAPPY to see me. Nothing is more priceless than that.

  1260. Sneakery, sounds as if you are one of the few out here who realize it’s better to build friendship with the guys and have them be glad to see you than them feel like “oh damn, here she comes–again!” Good for you! Girls who keep it real and not whore themselves out always end up in first place, no matter what the groupies think because the guys begin to trust them and enjoy them being around. You can never trust a girl who is only good for laying on her back!
    Respect yourselves ladies. Please! And enjoy the cruise! it’s gonig to be AMAZING!!

    Peace xoxo

  1261. Long time lurker, first time poster. I have agonised for a while if I should share my story or not.

    First off anyone posting in this thread saying that Jordan DOESN’T cheat is deluded. He does…fact. Before his marriage, during and recently.

    For those asking if there is any proof that Jordan has cheated on this summer tour then yes. I met him less than 3 months ago at a concert. I was lucky enough to get backstage passes and so hung out with him a bit. Just want to point out straight away that we did not have sex but what happened for me was better than that. I say “better” it doesn’t feel like it at the moment.

    This thread makes him sound like a horrible cheating skeeze ball. He really isn’t. He is a lovely, kind, generous guy with a good heart but he does cheat.

    As I said we did not have sex or even kiss but it was the looks, the constant touching of my body, holding my hand, staring and saying flirtacious things in my ear, the eye contact during the concert, the winking. All of course done descreetly. There were other things that went on, nothing major….no BJ’s or anything like that but it almost felt like he was trying to romance me instead of get me into bed if that makes sense.

    Anyway we swapped numbers and I didn’t think I would ever hear from him again but I did. Many many times. All through the end of this tour, constantly. Very very flirtacious and dirty texts – the man has a depraved mind however I loved it! We shared quite a lot and I felt myself becoming close to him. I’m a smart woman and not naive in the slightest but I totally understand these girls that get sucked into his world. You can’t help it – its Jordan Knight. I’ve fantasised about this man since I was a kid and here he is showing me all this attention. He makes you feel like he is sharing things with you that he shares with no one else and he makes you feel special. For a few months my life was so exciting and I constantly had a smile on my face. All very surreal of course always with the dangling carrot that he is gonna meet up with you and seal the deal.

    Scarlets post is damn accurate. Totally agree with everything you said girl. Its a dangerous game getting head fucked by him. It goes no-where. I am the first to admit that I was totally sucked in by him even though I had read this blog before ever meeting him and had read the stories. Its so funny re-reading it and seeing the similarities in some of the stories. I can defo tell the BS from the real shit. I was invited to be one of his “friends”. He is absolutely all about the ass, big time into anal and BJ’s. Never once mentioned actually fucking or kissing it was always about the back door.

    Anyway I kind of got used to hearing from him alot, almost like a little weird routine. I had concerns about what would happen when tour was over. I tried to kid myself that it would carry on and there was no way he could just stop sending messages after everything that had been said……idiot! lol. Of course he can, he’s done it numerous times I am sure to many girls. I have heard from him a little bit but as soon as he got home the tone completely changed. Very cold and it started to feel like I was hassling him. I have found that tough to deal with. Some nights I want to text him so bad it hurts and I have to put my phone in the other room. Pretty sad actually.

    If this Marisol girl is heartbroken then I don’tblame her. Sure, call her a stupid little girl that fell in love with JK and got her heart stomped on but I am not stupid, young or little and I let the same thing happen to me. You can’t help it. I’ll get over it for sure but will always hold that time close to my heart. He’s a heartbreaker. He doesn’t do it intentionally. I don’t think he realises sometimes that these girls he fucks around with have basically been in love with him for 20 something years and a little bit of attention causes major carnage in their lives.

    I saw that brunette chick, Ann96 or whatever her name is now…Rep I think on .com. The one who supposedly had a thing with JK. She has one little blog on there. Something along the lines of loving her life and not being afraid to love no matter how much it hurts. I think she is another one in the same boat.

    I still keeping hoping that if I leave him be for a while he will text again one day but as the days pass I start to doubt it. sigh. I think that was my moment! Saying that, I wouldn’t change any of it and it doesn’t change my opinion of him. Still love him to bits and always will.

    As for him and Evy. My take on this….he loves her but is not in love with her. He stays for the kids and out of loyalty to her. I don’t think he has the first clue how to live without her and he does not want to be seperateed from his kids. I feel bad for him, you can see he is not as happy as he deserves to be and is somewhat conflicted. I kind of admire him for sticking out in a strange way. I don’t think there will ever be a woman that will get him away from her. If there is, it will be when the kids are grown.

    He has really enjoyed this tour. It makes me happy when he looks happy and you see that when he is on stage. I hope he finds what he is looking for eventually and wish him nothing but happiness.

    Sorry for the war and peace post. That’s been pent up for a while and I am still going through JK detox. Good to get it out. I dont like reading people calling him a dawg and things like that. Technically yes but not in that sense. He just loves women, craves the attention etc. He is always very respectful when he is with you and just a lovely guy. I guess it would be easier if he was a total dickwad x

  1262. Also, just some other stuff that has been bugging me.

    Anyone know what the deal was with that TMZ thing that he got so pissed about on Twitter? I kind of figured TMZ called his house or something, not sure what about.

    Whatever it was didn’t you think his reaction was a bit over the top? I mean, if I was married and had been with my partner for as long as those two have been together I would have just rolled my eyes and laughed over whatever gossip it was. He just seemed to get overly pissed, ranting on Twitter about “someone had to go there”. To me that just sounded like him shitting his pants that he had been found out. Worried that some scorned chick was about to expose him. Anyone else get that feeling?

    Plus, if I had been away on tour for an entire year I would be spending my first few nights back fucking my husband from here to eternity, not playing games on Twitter with my fans. I just wanna shake him sometimes and say “JK!!! Go and fuck your wife! God knows she’s probably gagging for it by now!!”. Just an observation.

  1263. So is it true that JK was actually on it and had it closed down. New kids universe was closed down too.

  1264. @GottheGoods why were the gossip boards closed? I heard from someone that it was JK who shut it down..is that true?

  1265. Miss D….

    Kendra went to Memphis and Saratoga 5* ……you can’t miss her….she is is 10th row…2nd and 3rd pic between Jordan and Jon…

  1266. Where did you hear that Jordan shut down that board? If its all gossip, what is he so worried about? 🙂

  1267. I understand that no one likes to be gossiped about and that at some point when you’re talking about people, you have to draw the line with what you share…but…
    There’s a quote in the Bible about gossiping that says, “The difference is in motive and accuracy.” (Ephesians 4:15). We’re fans of the guys…why would we intentionally try to hurt them?
    I’m not trying to condone all gossip or say that Jordan is wrong for being bothered by people discussing his private life, but I am a fan so obviously I’m going to see things differently than he is. We all are…
    What I don’t understand though, is why someone who has been famous for the last 14-15 years of his life worries about cr*p like gossip boards and doesn’t just ignore them.
    If Jordan really is going around the internet closing them down, I think he needs to be clued in that it just makes him look guilty of what people are saying. He would look a lot better if he just sat back and kept quiet. He should find comfort in knowing that no one really knows the truth.

  1268. I have way too many frickin ids! Its gotten to the point where I can’t remember which ones I’ve used. lol
    Anyway, should my others comments ever get posted, I would like a retraction!
    I’ve learned a lot lately about myself and the crazy world of the nkotb. Don’t feel like elaborating (not like y’all care…this blog isn’t about me lol)…but I just want to say…
    Ladies…be careful out there…You never know what looney tunes are lurking! Be careful what you post cuz sh*t could end up goin through the wrong ears.
    Those dudes still have to deal with some wackjobs every now and then. Lets not let them ruin the fun for everyone else. (Ok, off my soapbox, I feel cleansed! Karma is a-ok now, I hope lmao)


  1269. Someone please start a new board. Gossip & Universe were shut down and Almost Famous is full of shady people. Please someone create another one.

  1270. You known you guys are all ridiculous and not only that, a bunch of groupie SLUTS!!! Why is it your business anyhow? Why even care? What Jordan does is his business and none of ours…WE DONT EVEN KNOW THE GUY!!! Do you guys have lives? I mean seriously. the sad thing is most of you probably are married and have kids and you focus on this shit. gimme a break. Do yourself a favor and get this shit out of your head and focus on what really matters your kids or whatever is going on in your lives. Because Jordans life DOES NOT include you.

  1271. wow,, i can’t belive he’s really married,, i still luv him but know i kinda wish i never did, but it’s not like i was ever gonna marry him i just sort of wish i never knew him,, but at least i have 2 kids to luv,, it’s nice to always have something to fall back on :-),,,

    p.s follow me on twitter username- JKsMyCheryPoper

  1272. Wow. Maria you must have super amazing memory skills to remember all those tiny details from 4-5 years ago…
    Not for anything but I have a hard time telling a story that happened a week ago with that amount and that kind of detail…
    No offense but it feels like I’m reading one of those books that’s got Fabio with his bare chest and long hair blowing in the wind on the cover…

  1273. why did it become so gawd d*mn quiet here? where is everybody? News flash: there are some new recent pix of E on the web! check the Ultimate reunion website

  1274. Well, lookie what we have here, folks!!

    THE EVELYN KNIGHT!! Fresh from the event she and Jordan co-chaired this past weekend in Boston….

    http://site.ultimatereunion.info !!!!

    Look at the bottom of the page for the pics. There is also one of her in the photos section.

  1275. Could someone post the picture from that ultimate reuinion? They took down that site and I never got to see it! Thanks!

  1276. Hello, I found your site by these days and I’m loving the stories, a pity that there is so refreshed.

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